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I think she will drop the case, pleading unimaginable stress, the need to protect her friends etc, and there will be a looooonnnnnngggg word salad video release with much hand wringing and praying gestures via some bullying charity that claims a moral victory over it all .................... and Charlie will be left with the bill............
I'm sure this is what will happen. Expect an epic of young mother diaper waving and some new initiative against the lying press. Trouble is no-one in their right mind will ever trust her again. Even in a mad world where a bonkers media regularly lies to peoples faces no-one going to think this is a good outcome.

Thank you!

i really like the sound of:

file a "Notice of Dicontinuance" which entitles us automatically to all our costs (assessed) and is Unconditional Surrender and we will then publish all the shit we have been gathering on you and the Princeling and you can crawl back under a rock

ps, Aunty Legal; I am loving your abbreviated style; speshully for me! 🥰😘🤓
Its because you're "special" xx
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It's never a good sign when staff don't like you. I've been considering who I'd lie for in court, my husband, that's it. Meghans reputation as a ghoster and serial user is against her here, her friends will undoubtedly feel its just not worth lying in court for her.
I love your analysis of the shenanigans, aunty. 😘
I learnt very early on in my career that the very people to befriend were receptionists, house services, security....they smooth your path, get things done and have your back. Obviously didn't learn that on Suits!
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There’s something afoot. Buckingham Palace have just erased all the lies MM submitted in her bio. ...
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
Finally someone calling her out on not supporting her theatre patron.
Yes its disgusting.😡 The National Theatre should dump her and find another patron. I can't believe anyone would want the skanky bitch now. She has no interest in the plight of actors who are no longer working and it would be a great tragedy if the National Theatre had to close.
We have some of the best theatres in the world in London. It upsets me to think that so many may never have the funds to open again. 😢
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The « 5 witches » according to the Sun; although I can’t find it in there
heres a screen shot from the Harkles instagram.

View attachment 196821

I hope Jessica Mulroney squeaks first after being ghosted....

ain’t going so well; is it megz?

she claims everyone treats her bad bc she's black, yet she surrounds herself with white girls... :rolleyes:
oh wait, i can't say "girl" or Haz will get offended 😄
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VIP Member is lovely, but knowing it's been on that jumped up cunt's head........:sick::sick:
There was a lot of speculation after the Wedding about whether or not this was the original tiara or a fake because of the colours coming off it when the light hit it. Whenever I see it nowadays I have a little smile to myself thinking they got away with giving her a copy ... : - )
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"Dont give him your name Pike!"

The shitshow for the reputation of the glamour girls and boys of 5RB (sounds like an experimental back rub) continues apace.

Warby will rule sometime in August whether the Five Former Friends (FFF) have "a super-charged right of privacy" (what the fuck you might ask is that?) because they are (birdies tweet and butterflies fly) "young mothers" and "journalistic sources" doing the right thing by their much loved and widely admired friend who has been the victim of bullying by the baying racist mob that is the British public led by "Bloody Elizabeth" their hated monarch and her evil army of tabloid Orcs.

I could be wrong but - Good luck with that Justin.

We also now know a lot more about just how much money is being burnt in public here. She has agreed to pay nearly £70k of hard fought costs in respect of Mays disaster. Her own costs of that, a minute part of the overall picture, must be at least the same. Thats nearly £150k down the kazi. If as I suspect everyone expects, she looses in August thats at least another £150k. This is just on two small procedural Applications. The Claimant has also paid to write letters to the Mail; draft and issue a Claim; answer two sets of Further Particulars; consider a Defence and Reply and prepare for the next step which is a Directions Hearing. I would be amazed if shes spent less than £500k of someones money! The costs of the next stages and trial will take that into millions - and if she looses? Will it by 2% on Income Tax?

This is what happens when you give a showgirl your credit card and suggest they buy themselves something nice because theyve been crying. They come back with a Sikorski helicopter and a pilot who looks like Brad Pitt.

Just what is this litigation actually about? Its not protecting anything private. That bird has flown. Its not righting any kind of wrong and the Daily Mail (which is just loving this - the best PR campaign ever; its even managing to make the bastards look good) is unreformable. No this Claim was initially about money and vengeance and now its about protecting the identity of the FFF. I mean what the actual fuck?

As clever poppet 50'sGirl (I cant do that underlining thing sorry) commented perhaps shes looking for an excuse to bail out on the grounds she is protecting her friends. In which context the line in her Witness Statement "To disclose their identities at this stage in public is an unaceptable price to pay..." sounds very interesting.

People get involved in litigation for various reasons. For us lawyers its just an often interesting but also dangerous and demanding job for the "Clients" its often existential. The worst problem of their lives: involving life changing sums of money, reputation, sometimes even liberty itself and at huge unpredictable cost.

The best clients are poor people. Its rarely their fault that they have got involved whereas greed and lies often lie at the heart of litigation for people who can afford it; they are a joy to work with and they are the only ones who are ever grateful. Oh and murderers. They are often perfectly happy having done what we'd all secretly like to do to someone who has pissed us off, and resigned to their fate.

The worst are the liars, the crooks, the fraudsters the common enemies of mankind. They often dont want to win and are undertaking the litigation to punish someone or because they love the drama or because they are not paying and have no intention of paying and being shits is what they do.

What do you think we are looking at here?
I was once taken to court by an unscrupulous person who was using a photograph of a certain Welsh poet as a honey trap in terms of copyright. He didn’t believe in fair use (there was no commercial use of the image, it was on a blog). He was extremely aggressive, threatening and actually subjected me to one of the worst years of my life. It caused me to lose sleep, be short with family members and actually went some way to changing my happy go lucky personality.

I’m sure the actress is lapping up the drama, after all it’s keeping her in the media spotlight. I cannot imagine what it’s doing to the FFFs though. If as is said they are not rich or famous. It’s the first thing on your mind in the morning and the last thing on your mind at night. My prediction is that their friendship will end with the court case. I settled out of court just to get on with my life. However others went to court and won, I just wanted the torment to end.

She has well and truly thrown 5 people (friends) under a bus!!

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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
Thing about this particular sugar, is I think she is quite reasonable in supporting a «black woman ». Eg, if it was Michelle Obama , who is actually inspiring.
i think the fund raising and the tree planting is great.

Meghan however; is totally abusing the »one drop rule » and flip flops on either side of the colour divide as it suits her. (In her early career; feet were firmly planted on the Caucasian side).
Apart from Serena Williams who sensibly appears to have dropped her; Meghan has no black friends.

i am BAME ( but not black, so don’t have that cultural nuance). I would be ashamed to have such a negative role model.
perhaps It’s because the British « duty » and protocol thing does not translate well into US culture, that the sugars do not understand how many gaffes she has made.
There has been a certain amount of racism against her; say 15% of sniffy press coverage right at the beginnin. But now there is none; it’s her own bad behaviour ( mainly greed and disrespect) which draws the Criticism.

However, now that the seed has been planted, Meghan will forever be protected by the race card and the sugars
I totally agree that there is nothing wrong with looking for a positive role model in the BAME community and I'm sure that there are plenty of worthy women who have achieved something that these stan girls could look up to.

Meghan really isn't the right choice. She has done next to nothing for people of colour and her main claim to fame is marrying a Prince and lying about virtually everything.

Her sugars can't accept that criticism of Meghan is about her hypocrisy and bad behaviour, nothing to do with her race.
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Told ya 😂😂😂
I found pictures from every angle, and there just isn't a corner that would match - you also have to flip Harry's screenshot to see the actual setup, because he was in selfie mode, so the image would have been mirrored.
They might have moved, travelled somewhere for her birthday as hinted before - or he is, indeed, somewhere else entirely. I guess it will come out eventually.
The worrying thing is that he looks increasingly unwell, whether his previous persona was a PR machine product or not, he seemed much more relaxed with people, and definitely when speaking in public. He doesn't look well now, very bizarre behaviour -well, the little we've seen of him, and the speeches, gestures and facial expressions are utterly puzzling (apart from the content being absolute load of Meghan tosh). Even if he was not quite happy before Meghan, now he seems a total wreck...drained, life sucked out of him. Maybe he's realising (slowly) that he's backed himself into an ugly corner...
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does anyone know what will happen if there is a divorce in terms of finances.. especially since he doesn't have a prenup....
Can't help feeling that as and when a divorce is announced that there will be national outpourings of joy and corks a-popping......
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VIP Member
It works like this:
MM I want to settle lets "drop hands" and put out a lovenkisses statement.
DM Fuck off
MM I will pay a contribution of a portion of your costs to charity
DM Fuck off
MM I will pay your costs
DM Either give us £1m and put out a Statement saying sorry or file a "Notice of Dicontinuance" which entitles us automatically to all our costs (assessed) and is Unconditional Surrender and we will then publish all the shit we have been gathering on you and the Princeling and you can crawl back under a rock
MM Harry!

ie because theres no counterclaim she can unilaterally drop the claim. the rarest outcome in litigation because its admitting your claim was worthless whatever you might say; and its murderously expensive.
Thank you!

i really like the sound of:

file a "Notice of Dicontinuance" which entitles us automatically to all our costs (assessed) and is Unconditional Surrender and we will then publish all the shit we have been gathering on you and the Princeling and you can crawl back under a rock

ps, Aunty Legal; I am loving your abbreviated style; speshully for me! 🥰😘🤓
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Miss Havisham

VIP Member
I am puzzled by the “young mothers” reference.
Is she suggesting that someone who is a mum, shouldn’t be expected to give evidence in court. If not, why?
What does she mean by young?
My idea of a young mum, would be someone in their late teens. Early twenties at a push..
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Thank you for that. Lots of mixed responses on there. But Harry isn’t that little boy anymore. Are people supposed to just feel sorry for him years after the event?
It really annoys me when people are like we should feel sorry for him because his mother died so publicly and tragically, pretty sure William lost his mother too. I felt for him at the time but now it's like 🤷‍♀️
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Well-known member
I bloody love Princess Anne! The woman loves driving tanks! Wish she'd have driven one over whimpering windsor and mithering markle!
and she looks fantastic in the uniform of an Admiral of the Fleet - actually she'd look great in tracky bottoms and velour jim jams. I'd better stop...
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Spent time at Sandringham, spent time at Anmer, and both before she was even married. And yet, according to the sugars, she was never made welcome. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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