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Chatty Member
Thankyou for a new Fred...I'm getting fed up now with h and m's getting ridiculous... everybody is writing a piggin book and we all know it's only for money..cashing in on the bank wagon of ex royalty...
Went for a test for Rona yesterday with hubs,he's negative ....and I'm
Inconclusive 🙈story of my life🤣🤣🤣
They can stick their test up their bottom cos I know they are as full of 💩as h and m.
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I see from the Royal Family thread that we have a bit fo a rep for being difficult RF fangirls motivated by hate for Meghan. Hmmmm The Windsors are fascinating but they are just flesh and blood. The important point is that those in the bloodline didnt chose to be born into the privileged but very dangerous public circus. Those marrying into it, or working for it are volunteers.

The Monarchy is a key constitutional phenomenom and an ancient one. Most sensible people can see that if you are going to have a ceremonial and symbolic head of state you could do a lot worse. As the American writer P J O'Rourke said when asked if he thought America could do with the House of Windsor "If we wanted a lower middle class German family as Head of State we could buy one of our own".

So yes, they are spoiled; they are rarely intrinsically interesting of themselves, and some of them are just plain nasty - but essentially they have no choice. You can opt for a blameless somewhat impoverished aristocratic life of obscurity but especially when you're young you've got all of us trying to catch a glimpse of your private parts, and you really cant trust anyone. I wouldnt want it. She clearly did, or at least a fantasy version of it; and he has never been able to reconcile his character with the demands of his role which his brother demonstrates can be carried out with the kind of stoic dignity (or icey calculation) that used to be a defining national charcteristic. Sermon over.
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Hah, I just skimmed over the last page in the royals thread. :m
Let's just say I'm not in the least surprised by some contributions.

I wonder how smeggy is feeling today. Her big mouth and obsession with being a victim has tanked what little credibility they had left.
Haz will be scrolling furiously through the DM comments while mopping his tears. What an unholy mess he's made of his life, and for a yacht girl of all things. Stupid man child and tedious tramp, well matched.
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Pom Bear

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Last pic for tonight...any other ideas will be done tomorrow 💕 x

Hope this is ok lol 😄 x


Damn i should have blended the neck in more ...eyes are tired x
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The monarchy has survived bigger scandals and more turbulent times than this. Neither Andrew nor the Harkles will bring an end to the institution and I say this as a republican. Much of the media attention surrounding the Sussexes is created by the things that they do and the things that they say. No magician required, they are more than capable of whipping up their own shit show. Their story might be entirely different to the Andrew/Epstein scandal but it‘s certainly not a non story. The dad, sister, court cases, People article, Meghan’s incessant lying and odd behaviour, Harry’s rampant hypocrisy, their overinflated sense of importance and now the Omid Wank Kenobie book are all on them, not the palace.

It stands to reason that palace insiders would be less comfortable spilling the beans to the press on matters concerning the criminal case that surrounds Andrew versus the tales of the gruesome twosome, the two situations whilst newsworthy are not equal. It also stands to reason that palace insiders would attempt in some way to kick back at the multitude of stories being fed to the press through sources described as friends of Meghan, blaming the palace for all of their ills.
Omid Wank Kenobie 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
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Shes alleged to have looked into the psychology of it, he wouldn't have 'known' it was the smell but he would have felt like Meghan was familiar to him. She would have long conversations about what a sad brave boy he was and comfort him which led to him thinking he was opening up to her. He wasn't, she was leading the heart to hearts. Sources claim staff even made Charles aware of what she was doing because they were so uncomfortable with it but he stayed out of it. It's really cold and so calculated
But..but but..she didnt even know who he was........
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Do you know what pleases me greatly?
That so many posters on this(and preceding threads) stuck to our guns from the get go, despite being sneered at and called all sorts of names on other threads and by intruding sugar nuts. No, it wasn't jealousy and it wasn't racism, it was basic good intuition and recognising a wrong un and a charlatan when we saw one.
And here we are being proven pretty much spot on by the idiots themselves. Love it. :m

My B.S. detector went off when the banana messaging began on instagram and the signals started to get really loud by the time of the Vanity Fair article. The smarmy engagement interview and finally the perfume add photos in a massively overpriced dress pretty much caused the detector to overheat.
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PS Not that I have any sympathy, but you can see just why people operating at David Sherbournes level earn their money and often burn out in the process. He has been fighting for Johnny Depp all week, preparing the next days cross examination and submissions overnight; and tomorrow with less than 24 hours notice he has to take instructions from Meghan, prepare and then spend yet another very difficult day in court arguing with another Oxford Double-First who put simply wants to humiliate and kill him....
My first real job many years ago was at a big attorney's office and many of my colleagues from that period are still some of my closest friends. The reason why we are close are those long hours that we worked together, often late into the evenings or through the night prepping for a trial. And yes, all kinds of personal issues are pretty normal in those circumstances, burnout being just one of them. It would be interesting to see how big an invoice Meghan and Harry have racked up so far.
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3 months is a very fast pace for us peasants and would certainly have caring friends and family questioning and advising let alone for a Royal Prince!

If all William said was something along the lines of “take as much time as you need to get to know this girl” then i think he was being very tame with his words and supportive.

It goes to show how much of a spoilt brat H really is if that angered and offended him so much.
Bet William wishes he'd said "beware the gold digger cunt" now!
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Times Article - Book Extract about Thomas Markle

As Harry and Meghan were revelling in their engagement in November 2017, a newspaper published an article about her father, Thomas Markle, that it had been piecing together for months. The story showed pictures of his home atop a 120ft bluff in Rosarito Beach, a quiet Mexican resort town that overlooked the Pacific Ocean, and had details of his life, such as the red Ford Escape or silver Volvo he drove to his local Walmart to stock up on groceries or to the storage unit where he had bragged to the owner about his daughter who was on television. But there were no quotes, as any time a reporter approached him, he responded with the line prepared for him by palace officials: “I can’t speak out of respect for my family.”

Once the article came out with his home’s location, Thomas Markle had to deal with constant intrusions from reporters and photographers. Over the course of several phone calls, Harry and Meghan told him he should do his best to ignore all press. But, ultimately, he didn’t listen. With some encouragement from his other daughter, Samantha — Meghan’s half-sister, 17 years older than her, who managed to get a cut of the deal in the process — Thomas took up an idea from a photographer, Jeff Rayner. Rayner’s idea was for Thomas to pose for some pictures: reading a book about British history at a coffee shop, visiting an internet café to read the latest news stories about his daughter and future son-in-law and other setups.
The photos ran in outlets around the world but did little to help his public image. In fact, the person they seemed to help was Rayner, who banked at least $130,000 for his photo agency from their sales. Thomas took 30%.
It was photographer Jeff Rayner’s idea for Thomas to pose for some pictures

It was photographer Jeff Rayner’s idea for Thomas to pose for some pictures
Just one week before Thomas was due to attend Harry and Meghan’s wedding at Windsor Castle in May 2018, the palace got word that a Sunday tabloid intended to run information that would expose the “candid” frames as fakes. At Harry’s instruction, the palace communications team, in consultation with the legal team, began working on a strategy to stop the publication of the embarrassing story.
First, though, Meghan needed to hear straight from her dad what had happened. According to a trusted confidant who was with Meghan as events unfolded, she told her father, “Dad, we need to know if this is true or not, because my team is going to try to stop this story running — if you are telling me it’s fake.

“If they do that, they’re going out of their way to protect you, Dad,” Meghan said over the phone. “You’re telling me you’re being victimised, right?”
He lied to Meghan. “Of course,” he promised, failing to admit he had participated in the staging of the photos.
“Every single time she was calling him, she was like, ‘Dad, I love you. I just want you to know I love you. Everything is fine. Just get here. We’ll have the wedding. We’ll celebrate. Don’t worry about any of this stuff. Let’s just put it behind us,’” the source said. “You want to believe the best, right?”
The source continued: “I’ve heard her say, ‘My dad never sought this out. I really believe that he’s the victim, and now I feel sad because I believe he’s been fully corrupted.’”
Before Meghan got off the phone to her father, she reminded him that a car would be arriving outside his door the next day to drive him to Los Angeles. From there, he was to make the transatlantic trip to London, where all the arrangements had been handled. He would be accompanied door to door, with chauffeured cars, personal security and a guide to answer any question. He wouldn’t have to worry about a thing.
Meanwhile, the communications staff at Kensington Palace did all they could to keep Thomas’s ill-conceived plan from exploding, collaborating with him to issue a report with the Independent Press Standards Organisation and a notice to UK newspaper editors about the situation. But to no avail: the morning after Meghan phoned her father, the headlines read: “Meghan’s dad staged photos with the paparazzi”. Screenshots from closed-circuit cameras made it clear he had staged each and every one.

Harry and Meghan had told her father he should do his best to ignore all press
Meghan was devastated by her father’s deception, but she was also concerned for his welfare. Thomas hadn’t demonstrated the best judgment, to be sure. But the wedding was only a week away. She was desperate to get him to London, where he would be protected from the press by palace escorts and protection officers.
She called her father right away, but he didn’t answer. She called again. And again, and again. She left some version of the same message each time: “Dad, I still love you. Nothing has changed. We’re going to get you safely to London. I’m sending a car to come and get you.”
Despite Meghan’s barrage of voicemails and texts, her father not only refused to get in the waiting car to the airport; he didn’t respond to a single message from his daughter.
“My God, my phone,” Meghan told a friend, explaining that she’d called her father at least 20 times.
“I’m assuming he’s getting my messages,” she added, worried.
Rather than knowing anything for certain, she and Harry were updated on her father’s plans (whether or not he was going to attend her wedding) through the tabloids and gossip websites. He contacted the American entertainment website TMZ to plead his case, explaining he was trying to “recast” his image after being “ambushed” by photographers. But to spare his daughter and the royal family any further embarrassment, he would no longer attend the wedding.
While in public the palace maintained a stoic silent facade, behind closed doors there were recriminations and anger. Having cut himself off from aides and his daughter, Thomas was feeding the press a seemingly never-ending stream of nonsensical statements. Palace courtiers were waiting minute by minute for the next bombshell to drop.

“It was very, very tough,” an aide said about the palace’s response to the Thomas Markle situation. “It’s very easy to blame the palace, but, my God, I’ve not seen any situation quite like it — where you’ve got a woman marrying a prince, and the father of the beautiful young woman is 5,000 miles away and just not playing ball, and not only not playing ball, but he’s up to silly games.”

Thomas claimed a furious Harry called him and hissed, “If you had listened to me, this would never have happened.” But no such conversation occurred. In another dramatic turn of events, just the day after saying he was not attending the wedding, Thomas told reporters that he couldn’t imagine missing such a historic event.

A wounded Meghan directed Kensington Palace officials to release a statement she wrote herself about the incident, calling it “a deeply personal matter” and requesting her privacy as they sorted it out. While she in no way wanted her family drama to play out so publicly, she felt forced to take some sort of action.

Thomas Markle’s absence meant that Prince Charles escorted Meghan down the aisle at her wedding
Thomas Markle’s absence meant that Prince Charles escorted Meghan down the aisle at her wedding
Despite her father’s behaviour, she was nonetheless crushed by the thought of him not being there for the wedding. “As much as she was hurt and humiliated, she wanted him to be there and was willing to move on,” a close friend said. “Plus, she was worried about him: she honestly wasn’t sure if he was actually OK. His behaviour was bizarre.”

His bespoke suit and custom shoes were waiting at the Oliver Brown tailor in Chelsea, southwest London, and Harry had asked a military veteran to accompany Meghan’s father. “The treatment that Meghan’s mother, Doria, received when she arrived here is exactly what was planned for Thomas,” a senior aide added, noting that he would have been put up in a hotel and given a protection officer and assistant during his stay.

With only four days left before her wedding, though, Meghan received more devastating news from her father — again through a celebrity gossip website. Laying the blame firmly at the feet of the prying press, Thomas claimed the stress had caused him to have a heart attack. His doctors advised him that he needed surgery just two days before his daughter took her vows, to clear a blockage, repair damage and implant several stents. Short of some sort of miraculous recovery, he said, he would be in no shape to fly across the Atlantic and thus would not be attending the royal wedding.

Troubled, Meghan tried to text Thomas: “I’ve been reaching out to you all weekend but you’re not taking any of our calls or replying to any texts . . . Very concerned about your health and safety and have taken every measure to protect you but not sure what more we can do if you don’t respond . . . Do you need help? Can we send the security team down again? I’m very sorry to hear you’re in the hospital but need you to please get in touch . . . What hospital are you at?”

Ten minutes later she followed up with another. “Harry and I made a decision earlier today and are dispatching the same security guys you turned away this weekend to be a presence on the ground to make sure you’re safe . . . they will be there at your disposal as soon as you need them. Please call as soon as you can . . . all of this is incredibly concerning but your health is most important,” she wrote.

That evening Thomas sent a short response to say that he appreciated the offer of security but didn’t feel in any danger. Instead, he wrote, he would recover at a motel. Meghan asked for details but he didn’t reply.

Not a word about the subject had been spoken when Meghan brought Doria to meet the Queen and Prince Philip earlier in the day, but the situation still caused her to feel embarrassed about the public drama during their afternoon tea at Windsor Castle.

Royal breakdown: the mistrust behind Harry and Meghan’s departure
The first of three days of exclusive extracts from Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of a Modern Royal Family
Read more
Meghan placed some of the blame on herself. Having spent the past year and a half in the glaring spotlight, she understood what the pressure from the media was like. “He’s vulnerable,” she told a friend. “He’s been baited. A lot of the tabloid journalists have been coaxing him and paying him. I don’t know if he really even had a chance.”

Harry also blamed the media for the whole situation. “The pressure he was put under for six months before he finally cracked and started to participate,” a senior courtier said of Meghan’s father, “that’s what Harry’s angry about.”

One individual close to the couple summed it up this way: “There is a sort of aggressive intrusiveness and a reckless, irresponsible almost hostility to the media’s actions that’s deeply harmful. I don’t think the paparazzi are the same. I think that has changed. But the sort of ruthless malevolence of some sections of the media, and it is malevolent, is genuinely bad. What they’ve done to her father, drawn him out from his private life and forced him out into the open, and then waving cheques at him, it’s just absolutely terrible. He wanted to live privately. He would have continued to live privately. He would have been at the wedding if the media had left him alone as they were asked to. And there’s no public interest argument to excuse intruding into the private life of Thomas Markle.”

“If it wasn’t for Harry, Doria and her friends, Meghan herself says that she wouldn’t have mentally got through it,” a friend said. The night before the wedding, she sent her father one last text. He did not reply.

Sitting in a bath later that night, FaceTiming with a friend, the bride-to-be said she had left her dad a final message, adding: “I can’t sit up all night just pressing send.”
Thank you for post in that Bluebells. Interesting.

But here’s an idea, just get of your arses and go see how he is. If that’s all to much for you, send him some protection wether he wanted it or not (let’s face it British protection officers are very discreet and would hardly have made it obvious they were there). Thomas was like a rabbit in the headlights and left to stumble through. Maybe he made mistakes but there is no excuse for Harry not to have met him, the fact that he didn’t speaks volumes. Were they expecting Thomas to turn up for the wedding not knowing the protocol involved? The correct suit to wear? What was required in his speech? So, for all his mistakes I still feel he was thrown to the wolves.
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Hi very long time lurker here, love the thread..
Does anybody else think that Scobie doo could actually be Toronto Paper 😂😂
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So now it appears they were engaged 2 months before they officially became engaged. Is anything they say the truth? Like my husband says - I wouldn't believe their radio 😂
Well said!

I used to feel sorry for Harry, but the fact that he’s been in on the con from the beginning makes me ill. They’re both frauds in my book.

Also, I think it’s poor taste to have a traditional wedding with all the royal fanfare for a third marriage. I get that it’s only Prince Harry’s first, but I’d wager he’d have enjoyed something more subtle and intimate. It’s embarrassing to think about Meghan’s demands and guest list of all the people she’s never met, but wanted there, from the fabulosity crowd. Yet, didn’t want her own kin in attendance, save Doria. She’s trash. 🗑
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Anfield Annie

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This is why Wills is loved and Harry has made a twat of himself
it is crazy to think that both William & Harry pretty much lived the same life, experienced the same traumas could argue that William had to face more because he was older, understood and saw more things than Harry did back in the day...and on top of that has had to carry the “burden” as it could be seen, as being King one day...yet.....he comes across so so down to earth, so normal and grounded and has overcome whatever demons he may have had in the past

that is what the love of a good woman and being respectful to your family can do for you!..take note oh ginger one

I don’t have the skills to copy stuff over from other people’s Twitter but just saw a great image on Chris Jackson’s page of Camilla walking to “work” from Clarence House to the National Gallery., mask included 😷 ..yes there looked to be a 7 foot tall security bloke in a dark suit behind her so many people directly next to her.....another example that Needy & Greedy could follow ...but obviously won’t. If it was them there would be 5 range rovers ,2 helicopters and the rest of Joe Public would be pushed to one side to let them pass by!
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This is a really good point.
As if the Queen would want other actors swanning around her country estates. As for being former staff quarters, so what? Barn conversions make beautiful sought after properties and they used to house animals. It’s a building, and millions were spent making it how they wanted, and it still wasn’t good enough.
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What I honestly don‘t get- the book was advertised in a way that heavily implied that Harry and Meghan were actually a part of the writing. Scoobie writing down what they tell him. Sometimes it sounded as if it was actually their book. There hasn’t been any, whatever tiny remark from their PR Team, friends, lawyers that this was wrong. They had no problem with letting this implication stand. When it became clearer that the book was supposed to be a big pay back to the BRF, the public and the press- still no word that they haven’t contributed.
Now, that they see that the picture the book paints doesn’t look to good/isn’t received well they back out.
So either they played an active part (and some things read like only they could have given that information) and try to hide it now or they must have allowed everyone to tell the authors everything they know, plus given Scoobie a list who to call. It’s puzzling because you how will they reign those „informants“ in from here? It seems everyone they know and trust shared VERY private information.

I am absolutely surprised though, how bad the book makes then look. It’s shocking. It’s not even a put some tiny “bad” things in to look objective and there right about the big bad stuff. I will give the authors a pass- sometimes you are too close to your on work and caught up in your own message to see the problems. But I am pretty sure someone from the H&M PR/legal team must have had a copy, maybe even H&M themselves. Where they blind? Didn’t they care to actually read it because what could go wrong with Scoobie being a massive supporter. It’s mindboggeling.
I guess Scoobie will not have access to exclusive intel much longer.
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