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Wasn’t Prince Philip of Greece in the navy before renouncing his title and getting British citizenship? And the British royal family had German titles until 1917 when they renounced them due to anti German sympathy in WW1. Hence Princess Victoria of Battenberg becoming Marchioness of Milford Haven.

A big question is what is the purpose of the monarchy? Is it merely symbolic? Does it operate under the foreign service? I think the degree of transparency ought to reflect its function. At the end of the day, they are public employees who work for the people of the UK (of which I am not included). As an outsider, I would think that the British people would want full transparency and the ability to strip royal members of titles when they are no longer found to be appropriate representatives of the nation. In other words, the people should be able to force Charles to strip Harry of any royal title and let him live a je ne sais quois life as his son, Mr. Harry Mountbatten Windsor.
Philip of Greece was not actually Greek by birth.
The Greeks wanted a royal family and invited a son of Christian of Denmark to be their king.
Technically, Philip had no Greek blood. He was born in Greece, on the kitchen table, and slept in drawer.
I think you need to read up on the history of the British Royal family
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They've been sitting on this apology reaction since Xmas. Only releasing it now to dampen the news about Doria's past and that whole cat Bower let out of the bag!
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I'm possibly in the minority here, but I think reconciliation is the way forward. As things stand, the CaliCunts are loose canons and are causing havoc for all sorts of people and institutions (not least the RF and the Army), but if there is a reconciliation it will be as a result of negotiation and compromise. While the idea of that leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, the old adage of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" comes to mind. Reconciliation means they would be back under some sort of control and gagged to a certain extent. They would have to toe the line because if they don't, they're out for good.
I don't think there will be any sort of reconciliation as we know reconciliation.
Why would they reconcile NOW after the book and the Netflix?? This media surely pushes them further apart. If there had been chance of reconciliation surely it would have been after Oprah.
I think the only way (at the moment) forward is if they separate or the pair of them come back fully apologetic.

Did anyone actually say there would be reconciliation?? or was the story just that there would be talks, possibly to explain to the Harkles why Harold has no role now at the coronation or even why the invitation has been rescinded.

Personally I don't want a reconciliation. I love watching this shit show and at this stage the RF are looking like they can weather the storm. If anything Harolds actions have probably made the rest of them more popular in the publics eye.

The only thing that really concerned me was the UKs reputation in the US but I think Harolds denying the racist comments will have turned a lot of Americans against them. The pair of them sat back and watched everyone get their knickers in a twist over claims the royal family was racist and they said nothing. To me that's unforgivable.
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Regarding the Diana/Oedipal thing. I think he's turned his mother in to this magical almost mythical creature . The perfect mother, perfect humanitarian, perfect angel despite her absence and often capricious nature. She's the perfect victim because she's perfect. He's had to suspend reality , turning his brother and father and everyone else in to a villain because the actual truth is too horrific to bear, that Diana would rather galivant and flirt than spend time with him, that she'd use blackmail and court the press, that she broke up families and that she could have prevented her death. He's pushing so hard against the truth he's evented a whole new reality. Meghan has encouraged this and turned herself in to his vison of his mother and he's aided that deception.
It's all too weird .
Yep. It’s easily to mythologise someone who is dead, has been dead for years, and who you never really knew. He doesn’t seem to love her as a mother - rather, deifies her as a god. Diana, goddess of the hunt… hunted.

Really weird, as you say.
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I watched a short segment of the Stephen Colbert interview in which Harry made a derogatory remark about how the interview was going and Stephen Colbert put him firmly in his place by asking how his penis was. You could tell Harry didn't like it at all and he was acting as though Stephen were an impertinent footman, or something.

This is someone who has spent his entire life having people kowtow to him. If he thinks the British press are bad, wait until he finds out that the Americans don't give a tiny fuck about where he sits in the line of succession. His ego will implode completely.

Meh. TB is piggybacking off this as a press tour for his own book. He'll shut up soon enough. I wish one of Harry's own staff would write a memoir revealing the layout of Harry's house, he'd need so much therapy we might never clap eyes on his shifty rodent face again.

His todger was part of Chelsea Handler's monologue. He and his dick are fast becoming a Hollywood joke and he doesn't realise people are starting to laugh at him, not with him.

. Dahmer became the third highest viewed show on Netflix with a combined watch time of 1 billion hours, which apparently is the same amount of time we're going to have to listen to prince Harry talk about his frostbitten penis. It's enough, already.'

If KC3 gives way and makes concessions for Haz, the entire RF will get more of the same treatment in the US media. The butt of endless cheap jokes. And so will the UK.

Haz made his bed in Hollywood so let him lie in it.
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Pondering mummy issues...

I was having some thoughts as to whether Diana was actually a bad mother? What makes a bad mother? Is love enough? We know she wasn't that intelligent herself, wasn't very strict with boundaries, used a young William as a confidante and, towards the end, introduced the boys to a number of "uncles". I'm not suggesting her mental health had anything to do with it. The question that occured to me was, whilst she may have thought she was doing her best, were her mothering skills low? I do realise Charles had a part to play, but I guess I'm wondering if your views on Diana's competence as a mother have changed in light of the way Harry has gone off the rails in the very public way he has done.

And IF you think Diana was not a good mother role model for her children, is she to blame for that (i.e. could she have improved her skills to become a better mother if she wanted to) or do you think that was beyond her conscious control?

*Edited to add: I'm not sure where I sit on these questions, so I'm keen to know what others think. It's where my morning brain took me and I don't mean to cause any offence.
Yes, she was a bad mother for a wide variety of reasons, some of them:
Her belief that she is a superior because ''kindergarten '' work, and the complete lack of understanding that a regular aristocratic child and a Royal child which will end in the public eye for life are not the same.
The smugness of her being ''warm'' while others are cold.

She didn't understand the ''creation process '' of Royal children,-there must be a public persona and a private child, she mocked those that lived it before (other Royal women) which gave the world headlines ''William the Tantruming'' and ''William the Basher.''
As we see now, these get used against him, and would be even if he was the most zen person on the planet ,(media)

The ''uncles''
Affairs are one thing, usage of children as ''front'' for affairs are another.
See Spare and kids watching ''courtship '' of another uncle. (St. Tropez)
Carling ''teaching rugby'' and Hewitt , well riding , mostly Diana in hay of Baracks.

Even without the above, the way to early indroductions to ''uncles'', the witnessing of ''break ups'' and the general lack of stability would under normal circumstances give the other parent lots of leverage during custody establishment .

She was a egomaniac , she wouldn't ''improve'' her skills, because she did it ''right.''
She did things intentionally to create problems for the Monarchy it didn't matter if mocking protocol with mismatching gloves , or parenting the children as a form of one upmanship against the RF.
Of course the ''narratives'' her ''sainthood '' are something else.
The luurve, warmth, hugging , the kissing , the jumping on beds are clearly a successful ''polish'' and universally appealing to the emotivist mainstream but the reality is that Charles did similar things, with a difference :
-He didn't reach sainthood
-He maintained the public persona (mostly) towards his children when in public.

The childrens manipulation , the negativity and the (by today's standards ) parental alienation elements are clearly visible .
William succeeded at a certain point in seeing the ''intent'' behind her ''love'' love which would absolutely escalate when it was Charles turn to (have the kids) or do even basic parenting (see history 101, of ''superior '' vacations , ''superior'' outings as documented, always conveniently leaked, to outdo the other parent, leaked by her side)
Harry is now using these things against the RF. Contrary to popular belief he is aware of Diana's games (it was clear in school for him) but ...there is a Monarchy to attack , so it's useful .
Just like mummy.
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The fly in the ointment is that it would never be reconciliation that Harry and TW would want, it would be having their demands met. In their eyes, there is nothing to thrash out then reconcile over. They have done nothing wrong, the RF have done nothing right. In their eyes. Even if common ground was found, the truce wouldn’t last, because there will always be a hint of blackmail in the air. Trust has gone, what is left that is worth anything ?
they should stay away from the Coronation because they have insulted the British public, who have paid for them, they should be ashamed to show their faces. To be fair, they have insulted most countries. Where can they go and not be met with derision ?
You can't reason with unreasonable people 🙄
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It makes sense that there was no audience.
Apparently Harry is famously tight-fisted, and in the show he offers to buy everyone a drink.
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So we'd had a day without any mention of them and then along comes Jez 😡

Yeh but he apoligised PRIVATELY on 25th December.
It's in the Daily Mirror today.

Jeremy's column is in The Sun isn't it?
So who leaked it to the Mirror?????

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What's really annoying me is that he complains the RF never refuted 'lies' about him and Smegs that the media printed while they were living over here. Yet he has done exactly this when he says it was the press who said the RF were racist not Smegs. Why did they not deny it right away instead of letting both PP and TQ die thinking they had been called racists?

They both knew what they were doing didn't they? The words they spoke to Orca were carefully planned to imply racism without actually using the word. They knew the press would pick up on it and it would spread like wildfire while they just sat back and let it happen ..... for 2 years!! They are so vindictive and nasty it beggars belief. 🤬
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Wasn’t Prince Philip of Greece in the navy before renouncing his title and getting British citizenship? And the British royal family had German titles until 1917 when they renounced them due to anti German sympathy in WW1. Hence Princess Victoria of Battenberg becoming Marchioness of Milford Haven.

A big question is what is the purpose of the monarchy? Is it merely symbolic? Does it operate under the foreign service? I think the degree of transparency ought to reflect its function. At the end of the day, they are public employees who work for the people of the UK (of which I am not included). As an outsider, I would think that the British people would want full transparency and the ability to strip royal members of titles when they are no longer found to be appropriate representatives of the nation. In other words, the people should be able to force Charles to strip Harry of any royal title and let him live a je ne sais quois life as his son, Mr. Harry Mountbatten Windsor.
Philip wasn’t exactly an outsider, though - he had direct descent from Queen Victoria through the maternal line. Queen Victoria >Princess Alice>Princess Victoria >Princess Alice >Philip. All the repetitions in names makes it quite confusing !

I’m not sure what you mean about the monarch operating under the foreign service ? The reverse would be true - the Foreign Office is part of the Government which is actually officially His Majesty’s Government. ( Still seems weird to say His rather than Her Majesty 😔) Our tax collection system is HMRC ( His Majesty’s Revenue Collector ) Our coinage and notes ( the Royal Mint ) and our stamps ( the Royal Mail ) have the Monarch’s image on. It’s the Royal Navy, and the Royal Airforce - the Monarch is head of all the military. They are the head of the Church of England, which, though we are by and large an irreligious country now, still has an official role - the bishops sit in the House of Lords. Even a prison sentence is ‘being detained at His/Her Majesty’s Pleasure ‘ in a prison eg in HMP ( His Majesty’s Prison) Wormwood Scrubs. There’s many more examples.

They aren’t ‘public employees who work for the people of the UK’ in that sense - a British citizen is a subject of the Monarch, and those who gain citizenship other than by birth, have to swear an oath of allegiance to the monarch as part of the process. A British passport is issued in the name of the King or Queen.

It’s deeply woven into into our public life - the concept of the monarchy needs to be separated out from the members of family in place at any one time, though this twerp is doing his very best to bring both down.
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Talking about Pat. Shows lack of compassion. Yet on Archewell site there's a large piece in compassion which is laughable
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I agree it’s a difficult 1- RE the coronation. If old Charlie boy doesn’t invite them, then the ginger whinger and TW will go on every American tv programme known to man and moan about racism and unconscious bias and being excommunicated blah blah. If they are invited and go, all media spotlight will be on them, poor KC3 won’t get the attention his coronation deserves. Plus they’ll record every conversation, every interaction, every look will be noted as some slight on princess perfect and her lapdog. So in a way Charles is between a rock and a hard place. Personally I don’t think he should invite them, the damage has been done and now he’s attacked Charlotte & Louis that’s it. Game over
I cannot fathom why , in the event of them not being invited, the royals would get grief.

Accusations of racism, being petty , them being cut off , etc would be laughable , ridiculous and easily shrugged off in light of the shite that’s been flung at them by those two.
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Jennie Bond said on Lorraine that the bullying report should be released so if she didn't do it she will be vindicated but if she did, at least it's out in the open.
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I agree with her.
This bit
"So why invite him? Is it for appearances sake so the family can look like it’s not being petty or spiteful? Because I’m sorry, but inviting Harry doesn’t make them look dignified, it makes them look weak and stupid. It’s like they’re saying, 'Go on Harry – humiliate us some more.'”

Not inviting the Harkles isn't petty or spiteful in my opinion but, I'd rather they look petty and spiteful to those who think that than them look weak and stupid.

Feck 'em. They quit and since they quit, all theyve done is fling shit.

After this book and the netflux shows, the RF have to cut them adrift if they want to save the monarchy.

Trust is broken. No coming back from that.
I completely agree. It makes the family look like there is some truth to what Harry is moaning about if they continue to invite them. Either go full grey rock or respond with a statement about how Haz remains a much loved member of the family but he has issues they can no longer help him with after many years of trying and they wish him the best of luck on his journey towards healing his perceived traumas and they will no longer publicly respond to his outbursts but they wish him well and then transition the narrative to highlight the toll it takes on families with a cluster B (or cluster A) personality disorder via a new patronage.
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