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Thank you Cass Bear again, and Hula Flight for the great title.
I loved your Hindi song about money, @ChaoticArtist .!

The Stoat is like a mean schoolgirl telling tales. He's very feminine and maybe he's being given hormones. Snitching about William smelling of rum on the morning of his wedding, whining that he wasn't really the best man but William's two best friends were and they gave the speech not him. Not surprised as the Stoat couldn't be trusted not to say something really crass like "Kate Lets You Do Anything!! Lucky Willy!!" Nudge nudge....exactly as he boasted about his Ho to his mates.

I had to laugh that cadet Stoat was whisked away from barracks when an unannounced drug-testing team arrived and sealed off the barracks..... Stoat suddenly had "urgent business" in London before he could wee in a bottle and tested positive for cocaine.

Conflicting reports that KC offering olive branches / considering nuclear option.
Apols if posted, am catching up.

I think this drivel by the Stoat has been written by the Ho to make him look unhinged and unbalanced. Not for the divorce, as she will want to remain the DIL of the King, but to show the RF that nothing is off-limits even personal details. An unbalanced Stoat means the RF is on edge wondering what's coming next. In the meantime she embarrasses the RF by invading their privacy with smears and lies, details of their willies, and has heightened the security risk. All deliberate, nothing accidental, and these lurid details about our RF are all over the world like Royal Kardashians. The Stoats are shaming themselves, but ofc it's rubbing off on the RF with more to come.

I read that Tom Bower is the only one saying KC has poor advisers, and I've always thought this though most don't agree. That William should do an interview - not sure about this, but something needs to be done.
There comes a point when there's nothing left to blab though.

Maybe the RF could get Charles Spencer to say something? He's not short of an opinion or two!
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She might hope she can get a deal like Diana where she keeps being referred to as a Princess and gets all the media attention, without having to be tied down. Of course she'll get royal money for the kids as well. Narcissists are just poison, she likely enjoys that she's setting him up for his own downfall.
She will never be anything but Smeg to me and Meghan Markle to the outside, non sugared, world. She’s never ever going to get the adulation she wants. Ever.
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He is absolutely bananas!!! He's now at the stage were he's denying his entire life in the Royal Family, like he was being held captive until he was rescued by megz!!!

And so now we've had a wedding that took place 3 days before and a best man who wasn't a best man!!!

It's the fact he's got to dimish every single thing he's ever participated in that looks so petty and immature.

I mean why tell such blatant lies which are easily checked.

Under normal circumstances, the RF should be staging some sort of intervention but really all they can do is wait for this fire ti burn our.
You are so tight that he is now denying most things about his past - next up he was held hostage and under mind control. Numbnuts.

He also now has more excuses to fly in a private plane - the risk on a commercial flight will be too dangerous now he is a target of the Taliban. #callGretaThunderbird
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This is clearly a lie. We all know Harold can’t read.
Maybe she wrote it in simplified hieroglyphs her calligraphy. Match made in hell he can definitely read that. What he understands is another thing altogether.

" Harry's penchant for older woman is well known, with the young prince previously being linked to a string of women who were several years his senior. "


" Harry's penchant for older woman is well known, with the young prince previously being linked to a string of women who were several years his senior. And currently married to a shrew woman several decades years his senior."

There. Fixed it.

If she sues me, she'll have to bring her real birth certificate in court. Sparry's balls are is in her court now 😂
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Miss Havisham

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i realised later I had only added 7 years onto his 1984 to make 1991 instead of 2001, you’ve probably seen that comment by now. It does certainly look like it was her.
If it happened - there will be endless older socialites who like horses. I don’t see how it can be narrowed down to her?
Highly unlikely as Prince Charles is her God Father and she was close to the family, I have seen photos of her as an adult, hugging Harry (who was then a child).
Tara Palma Tompkinson is one of those rare people in the public eye, that nobody has a bad word to say about. I do believe that this would have been totally off limits for her.
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Chatty Member
There is definitely something wrong with him!

To have so little self awareness! And quite so much arrogance and resentment, all tied up together.

He has also literally just put a massive target on his back, similar to another book author, Salman Rushdie, So I think he genuinely will need to go into hiding asap.

The security issues he has raised are appalling. Especially as others have mentioned in a coronation year!
I agree he is not well mentally, or possibly has some kind of personality disorder, but I don't believe it would be enough for someone (meghan or his family) to have him involuntarily sectioned. He may choose to go to some kind of 'rehab' but I don't think anything will be done against his will.

I think he should! But I just don't see it happening
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A party girl in her mid 20’s

'I won't name her but she was from their world socially, so she wasn't intimidated by Harry or his status.

So with the sounds of it she’s a socialite. First person who popped into my head would be the late Tara Palmer Tomkinson? She had horses

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I don’t think it’s trivial at all. My reckoning today has been how these ‘leaks’ are relevant and the timeline of the last few days (I can’t believe it’s still only January 😵)

the Guardian leaked one story re PW ‘physically attacking’ H and the press was in uproar.. this was definitely a Markle leak to gain momentum with a week of bad press re W leading up to the book launch. yes we were all laughing at H anyway with this story but a week gave time for it to be pulled apart, evidence of W having a temper being pulled out from elsewhere by the press and generally the positive spin in markle favour.
Totally unrelated to the leak was Spain ‘accidentally‘ selling copies of the book where - because we were still laughing at the ginger one - it has compiled a pile of released articles that are more incredulous with every one. The question is, how innocent was the Spain release. Don’t underestimate the RF and those around them.
If they did leak to the Guardian, I think this one too was a massive own goal though. The original Guardian report, includes direct quotes from the book, about how the two brothers had a row, got angry with each other, then William shoved him, grabbed his collar, broke his necklace and how he fell on the floor and broke the dog bowl, and how William came back and apologised.
The level of detail included is ridiculous......
Even the Guardian report, when it was published, downplayed it as a spat between siblings....

And the Guardian then have gone through the rest of the book and reported other snippets. which have just been overtaken by other tabloids!

It is interesting going into the Royal thread as well, as they have comments about some of the other extracts released. things like Prince William deliberately didnt name his 2 best men, as he wanted to keep their names private! Hazno has no such discretion!!
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Had a pre-shower thought today (I was finally warm during so no thoughts then).

I know what's up.

It's a scam.

First Sparry releases this shite.

Then we go crazy, laugh, cry, get depressed at the ridiculousness of this world that includes Sparry+Ho.

Then Sparry offers BetterUp subscriptions on discount. To us. Sugars rejoice. We go bankrupt. The chimpo gets a bonus, borrows yet another private jet to go polo-ing because Smegsy's crockery bills till date just came in.

Oh it's very clear now.

Ere' I'm ancient and still got the slightly turned up nose!
That is very reassuring! ♥
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