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That looks so heartfelt, that hug.
Unlike anything that H&M do, or are involved in. Must be exhausting being so damn fake and seeking publicity constantly.
I don't believe the queen will attend anything set up by that pair. Why should she anyway!
And Meghan said there was no hugging in the family didn't she? Wrong again 😂
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Garbage had a hit with a song about Markle, it's called 'Stupid Girl'.
The lyrics include the lines - 'Stupid Girl, All you had you wasted' and 'Stupid Girl, I can't believe you fake it'.
Quite prophetic really.
I was a jr (sad sleepless single female) associate in investment banking (m&a so serious hours... my 1st yr i averaged 120 per week) when this song came out .. and i had it on repeat... for hours. Rainman-esque.... while clickity clicking away until 4.30am.... every fucking day and night
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Chatty Member
Ok deep breaths everyone, don't believe ANY of the shite in the press. Put up your bunting and enjoy being part of this historical time and ignore all the ridiculous stories, they're printed to get everyone in a tizzy and talking so just ignore all the games and enjoy the events :giggle: 👑
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Thanks for new thread and title guys!

Wonder what other little "delights/desperate PR" that Harkles have planned. Its been non stop so far. Which is odd as they left UK for privacy
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Read 2nd tweet!

I posted this at the very end of the last thread so it may have got a bit lost.
Here it is again. This was posted on Quora yesterday.

They are due to be at St Paul’s Cathedral at 11am on Friday 3rd June - but, as of now the Sussexes names are not on the list of Royal guests! Following this thanksgiving ceremony, the Lord Mayor will host a reception for the Royal family at Guildhall, but yet again the Sussexes names are not on the Guildhall list.

Like I said before, I don’t know if it’s of any significance and their names might be added yet.
But strange that their names are not on the list so far…
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DM have picked up the Hazza/Will "buddies" story from the Mirror, which makes it look more like it's got "legs" to the average reader, even if it's complete fiction. Which it undoubtedly is, as PW is hardly likely to give Hazza the opportunity to secretly record him for NF or his memoir.
And it is, of course, a new variant of last summer's stories about Kate supposedly having Zoom calls with Smeg.

However, and this is JMO, the standout three sentences from the article are these.

This is quite clearly the narrative the media are going to push, or have been asked/told to push.

1. William really likes Smeg.

2. Any problems were/are all Kate's fault.

Smeg was clearly very very rattled by that Top Gun premiere, and Cruise's very obvious admiration and respect for Kate. Especially his helping her up the steps on the red carpet.

While for her "big moment", she gets a tractor-trailer-cum-podium, Rebel Wilson and someone from Suits. None of the Montecito A-listers turned up.

This is the clapback, and she's determined to drag William into it. So, it's a bit of a rehash of some of the very early PR again, about how Smeg was going to be a much better Royal than jealous Kate, William wished Kate was more like Smeg, etc etc.

And the media will relish running with it, just like they did before.......

Can anyone explain to me why our media are doing this it is fuckiing ridiculous and an insult to the Cambridge's!!
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I am looking forward to the informal pix of the Cambridges & Sussexes playing on the lawns at BP.
Charlotte grappling Aldi to the ground & restraining him with Half Nelson grip.
Everyday cousin fun.

Now if Catherine could take the formal ‘informal’ shot of the Cambridge & Sussex cousins, claim her copyright so that only she determines where & when the picture is published & where the ££ goes.

A complete & gentle subversion of Smeg’s PR MO, then I could live with that.
Someone somewhere will always bootleg the image, buuut the Markles cannot ever use it.
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Well that’s gonna go down well. Not a credible source btw. 😂 it’s a *menopausal market* magazine.

They need to skip Charles all together to be honest and let him play with his pot plant.

View attachment 1307329
Tina off on one again.

Haz may have been considered a "huge asset" once upon a time, before he showed us what he's really like when the RF aren't there to cover for him. I don't think she was ever considered an "asset". People were just happy for Hazza, they were curious about having a....ahem..." celebrity" marrying-in, and there was a pre and post-wedding "bounce". She never stuck around to do anything asset-worthy. In fact, she was always far more of a liability, given what we now know.

They might be "wanted" by PC, but if he tries any funny stuff like that he may well find out that not only are they not "wanted" by the public-at-large, but neither is he.
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The film crew is Arseywell Productions. They have employed a load of people to film them doing good works 😁
Imagine going to bed at night in the knowledge that you make your money by filming (and helping to provide publicity for) someone trying to cash in on tragedy.
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So Eug and what’s his name have been told to move out apparently…. Instead of Harkles staying elsewhere for the jubbly old snitch Eug has been given the elbow 😂The article suggests the Markle fools intended to spend much more time in Windsor….

Harry and Meghan renew their lease of Frogmore Cottage

Well, if the papers have nothing new to write about the Gruesomes they dig out old news ...... the lease was renewed in MARCH.
I thought they were sub-letting Frogmore to Eug but have also read reports that it has appeared empty for some time now.

IF they do come and are staying there this is how they will get the high protection they so 'need' as it is already in place for TQ, so it makes sense really.

And William and Haz 'friends again' ........... bull 💩
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TM Jr on GB news now

TM Jr said prior to wedding, smeg told TM snr to disown TM Jr and Sam or he wouldn't be invited to wedding

Story about her reaching out to TM is completely fabricated he says
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Tbh I'm starting to feel so disillusioned by the RF, the more they appear to condone their behaviour the more it appears as though the Harkles were right in all they have said about the Monarchy.
If the Queen or other members are naive enough to put themselves in a situation where Netflix can film them then imo they only have themselves to blame. As the saying goes "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"
I’ve been quite understanding so far, that the Queen would accommodate Harry, but today I feel that diminishing. Reporting of Meg’s actions recently must have reached her, she must realise how much Meg is despised, so she really should be very very careful about showing any public acceptance of the couple. By all means, she should do what she wants behind the scenes, but resist the temptation to give them even a minor place in public. I will be very angry if there is a christening here. At the moment , the fun that I usually get from reading about them has turned sour. 😡
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Oh look a green dress that doesn't look horrid and a brown hat that doesn't look like poop.....

View attachment 1304648

I'm reading stuff that the Cambridges are seen as bland and boring but Harkles are not.

Why do people think Cath and Will are boring and the other two not?

I don't get it.
They're "boring" to the media because they aren't drama queens.

They aren't controversial in themselves and they behave. Their day-to-day activities are probably far closer to us mundane, ordinary folks than most of the other senior Royals - school run, Kate spotted with the kids in Sainsburys, etc. There's no money in that, and the media clearly resent them for it.

Therefore, the media have to manufacture stuff about them, in the vain hope that one day they can provoke a Cambridge reponse, and get a bit of "tit-for-tat" going for kicks and clicks.

The Harkles, on the other hand, give the media exactly what they want. Controversy, outrage, legal action, threats, demands, clapping-back, etc etc.

You could never describe their antics as "boring" from a media perspective. They're a journalistic wet dream. The gift that keeps on giving. The golden goose.

So the media will always prefer them to the Cambridges.
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Churchill's Ghost

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I totally know why I feel the H&M crap so personally. They remind me of dealing with my narc, criminal, arsewipe family member. I have a huge, wonderful family...and this person. Every family holiday or event is preceded by the anxiety of "will they or won't they show up" (we can't completely uninvite them because of an elderly family member) It destroys any happy anticipation of being together (outside of this person, we all look forward to our time together) and we spend time trying to arrange how to deal with different situations. Everyone else is a jangle of nerves and anxiety leading up to any family event and "that person" rolls in like they are owed the world and we should all be grateful that they decided to grace us with their presence. They love making everyone uncomfortable and putting themselves where others can't avoid them. They are never anxious or uncomfortable, of course. When they don't show up, we can all relax and have a great time. It's got to be the same for the RF
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I would assume that if Netflix had nowt to do with the whole despicable debacle, that they would have issued a statement to say so? By not doing so, it implies they were complicit in the whole thing. This will badly hurt their brand.
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