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Meghan's issue with Kate is the same that Eugenie (and Beatrice at one point) has.

I remember all too well around the last jubilee when it was a constant comparison between Kate and the two princesses. The fact is Eugenie and Beatrice were laughing stocks back then. Who remembers the god awful outfits to Will and Kate's wedding and the comparison to the ugly step sisters? They never got it right style-wise, nobody was particularly interested in them and they had no role within the family. And yet here was a "commoner" who was more a Princess in every way than they were. They hated her, everybody knew it. There were constant stories at the time about how they were threatened by her etc.

Fast forward 10 years and lo and behold Meghan found herself falling short to Kate too. It's no real surprise therefore that Eugenie should place herself firmly in camp Meghan.

Beatrice on the other hand I think has matured way more in the past few years, probably because she became a step-mother and her husband operates in circles where tbh being a royal is no better status. For Edo and his pals, royalty is as much a part of everyday life as brushing your teeth. Compare that to Eugenie's husband who operates in the kind of circles where you constantly have to prove yourself and are always on the edge of being pushed out for not being relevant enough. I almost feel sorry for her.

I noticed at the carol concert at Christmas there was a video of Edo arriving, bowing to Wills and shaking his hand. Something about it just screamed respect. I was unsure on him until that point.

Compare as well the weddings of the two. Even pre-pandemic Beatrice was never planning the extravaganza Eugenie insisted upon. She seems hellbent on screaming about her PRINCESS status (like someone else we know) no wonder they get on so well.
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We’ll know if it’s not a set up because Harry will sue TMZ. And he may also sue himself for sitting by a window in range of a camera thus invading his own privacy. ,
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He isn’t going to win this.

The arrogance and sense of entitlement is astounding , he actually thinks he should be privy to information regarding committee members?

Just when one thinks you can’t despise an entitled , spoilt , posh twat any more they show you that you can .
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I’m of the opinion he won’t win against the Home Office , the outcry at the waste of public money will be tremendous and the Mail will be leading the charge .

She’s never coming back here and I don’t believe he is or with the children, it’s another way to wind up the family and Establishment all done at our expense.

He’s beyond vile.
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I hate to say it,but, if we liked her, we would likely think she looked lovely. And, although she talks nonsense, she has good delivery. I just hate to say anything positive about her. Or him. Time he volunteered to go to the Ukraine to fight, and she set up a kitchen. Secretly, with no announcement, security or pap photos. Perfect opportunity to show that you practice what you preach.
People used to like her. A few of us on here did, didn't we? And people wished her well and hoped she was a success. At one point she was probably more popular than Kate.

But that was more of the smoke and mirrors stuff that's always surrounded Hazza.

Now we know what kind of personality lurks beneath that pretty dress and an actress' ability to deliver a speech.

And it's not likeable. And neither is the whinging handbag on her arm.

And no award in the world can change that.
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They need to put their money where their mouth is and take a private plane over to Ukraine and stand in front of the tanks - they make my blood boil keep spouting off what everyone should do or in this case stating the bloody obvious - where’s the next bandwagon

as for the fake award

Prince. 🤣
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She does.

and I agree, @Lollydyerx

If Smeg had capitalised on all the initial goodwill, hadn't behaved like an entitled, disrespectful twat and had knuckled down and actually bothered to learn protocol and all the "boring" stuff, she might be doing similar stuff right now as well.

And would be admired and respected for it.

Instead, she's now reduced to sitting in a restaurant, calling the paps to take photos of her and Eugenie. And thinks that's successfully clapping back.

You mean this


pales in comparison with

I am shocked. Horrified.
An actual Queen and two future Queens are superior in every way to the mysteries of how a white jacket over the shoulders can stay on while eating? I never! Shocked, I say!
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I don't understand what information he needs.

Harry, you are no longer a working royal plus 6th in line (when Andrew's two lost their security) we will no longer give you 24/7 RPO protection. We will review each visit to the UK on it's merit and what it is for. If we deem there is a real and imminent threat you will be informed/protected.

How fucking hard is that to understand?
Always remember this thick twat thought he spoke to Greta Thunberg and believed in Chunga Changa.
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You're going to take pot shots at this wonderful woman and her good work in your memoir, Hawwy? What's Pinocchio whispering in your ear about her?
Bless Camilla.

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Does anyone know anything about the ‘bombshell’ that Trevor Coult promised to expose in his YouTube video yesterday? Something about info he received from the Met Poluce RPOs. I can’t find anything anywhere.
No, I can't find it either. Wonder if it got pulled
I've just been told that it's tonight at 7:30. It's on a channel called Tea and Therapy. I asked on YouTube and someone very kindly answered. So of course I rushed over here to tell the rest of you. See how I care? :LOL:
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If you're so scared of everything and need securidy why sit in clear view of a possible ne'r do well

So those papp photos of them sitting in the window, like jaded prostitutes in the red light district of Amsterdam, are so creepy!

Just look at the photos of the Twunts laughing ( I know, I know, it's traumatic, but just a quick look then a quick swig of something medicinal to take away the horror)!

It's so fake!

Their laughing looks so "put on".

I mean, I know for damn sure I wouldn't feel relaxed sitting there like one of Burton's finest and someone taking photos of me, but you can't tell me that they weren't putting on a show.

Her acting skills are abysmal if she can't even sit through a "family reunion dinner" without looking fake.

And he just looks like he's been at the Robitussin!

Well, it's a pity their super duper Sunshine Shitey Sucks PR company didn't think through the optics of sitting the couple known for "Roast Chicken" etc in a dimly lit window for public display & consumption, the comparison to the nightlife and "wares" of Amsterdam was just low hanging fruit!

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Can't believe the twunts have waded in on Ukraine now. Honestly who died and made them world police. Have either of them ever been there? Do they even know where it is? The Duchess of Bandwagons has jumped on another one, this time safely from the other side of the planet :rolleyes:

Vlad looks like he is shitting himself at the news :ROFLMAO:

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Scotch Mist

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The dress is lovely but agree with the posters who have said it’s quite dated. You would have seen it on the red carpet 10 years ago, it gives a bit of a noughties vibe to me I’m not sure why. On the whole though she looks better than she usually does, she has had some great looks and some shockers at least this was pretty middle ground.

I also was a fan at the start. Was always rooting for Harry to find someone as we all knew how much he wanted it etc and when I watched the engagement interview I was pleasantly surprised. Thanks I imagine to her acting experience she can deliver speeches very well and has excellent delivery. It was her actions and behaviour once she got the ring on her finger that made me dislike her.
I think most people were happy for them when they first got together and hoped that Meghan would be an asset to the royal family.

If she had played the game better she would probably be massively popular now, but she couldn't adhere to any of the rules and has always wanted her own way.

She should never have married him. I know the sugars think it's true love but I don't think she would've looked at him twice if he hadn't been a Prince. She married him for her own self advancement on the international stage.
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I've lost count of the number, but here's another thing Pinocchio will never do.
(and no, not referring to C's ability to wear a coat that is tailored to her shape)

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