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BRILLIANT NEWS - Orca didn't win the Emmy.

Stanley Tucci won the category.

Piers is going to be thrilled!

(The main PrimeTime Emmys award ceremony is next weekend, but there are so many awards, a lot of the more creative/technical ones are announced this weekend).

I can't see it on Scuntie's timeline? How odd 😂
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liar liar

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Sending love to all our American Tattlers and others affected by 9/11 be they family, friends, co-workers, whatever. Twas a dreadful day. ❤
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In regards to PH attaching himself to American veterans....I don't think he will be successful at all because deep down inside of all of us offence intended...we really don't believe in the idea/concept/belief of "royal blood". We truly do not believe this, deep down. PH will be seen as an entitled pipsqueak who saw no real action and made no sacrifices at all. He may be seen as a celebrity, but no more than that and much resentment will likely ensue.

I myself really enjoy the spectacle of the RH and all the drama surrounding it....much like a soap opera or TV drama. Great fun ! Deep inside I believe they are no different
than you or I. I am amazed, as I suspect many are, at the amount of luxury and treasure lavished upon them. Do they really deserve it far beyond their worth? Not for any American to say.

I, personally, feel much more affection for the people of opposed to Royalty, but I would give it due respect BECAUSE of affection for the people. This includes of course all the fine Brits and Commonwealth members on this forum. Hugs to all....
I don’t think many us Brits actually think they are fundamentally better than the rest of us. It’s complicated and runs deeper than the idea of ‘royal blood’…that’s an outdated concept everywhere. But we’ve always been a monarchy (except for that unfortunate incident in 1649, but let’s not talk about that), and it’s part of our identity. It’s our history and our heritage. They represent us to the world. That’s why we get so incandescent when they behave badly, and why we are so pissed off when outsiders attack them. They are us, and they are ours.
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My apologies. I have just been through the transcript of the original interview again and found this ........

Meghan: And I grieve a lot. I mean, I’ve lost my father. I lost a baby. I nearly lost my name. I mean, there’s the loss of identity. But I’m still standing, and my hope for people in the takeaway from this is to know that there’s another side.

Oprah: Mm-hmm.

Meghan: To know that life is worth living.

So that is where that tweeter has got it from. Sorry again.

Wonder if life is worth living now with all that's gone wrong since the interview? Bet she wishes she could turn back time and not do the interview.
I remember reading that although I never saw the clip. Slightly off current topic but it drives me absolutely crazy. She wasn't a 16 year old sold off to a prince she had never met or a modern girl tricked into going to Pakistan to marry her uncle's 80 year old brother. She was a 36 year old woman who had been married before, who *made the choice* to marry a guy after less than two years of long distance dating. She had options and she could have said no. She could have done more research or talked to people about what it would actually be like as apparently opposed to just taking Harry's word for it.

Harry even got angry in his part of the interview when family and aides questioned whether Megs would like this life or if she should be encouraged to keep working. That was an insult! No, they both wanted her to be a working royal and that comes with lots of perks but also lots of restrictions.

They both said she was going to be the best thing to ever happen to the family and bought into the hype. Then can't take even the slightest bit of responsibility for their own choices.

And she never lost her name. She got married and her husband accepted a title. One that they are both still using at every chance they get. If she had gone back to Meghan Markle professionally I could understand that but she has her "friends" call her Meghan, Duchess of Sussex when they're "celebrating" her birthday! She never lets anyone forget she's a DUCHESS.

This demonstrates why I think the BRF couldn't actually win with them, apart from their current strategy of mostly ignoring them. Nothing was ever their fault and neither have any self awareness what so ever.
It's idiotic
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Do they not realise how insulting this is? Prince Harry. Using his title so might be considered to represent his country. He couldn't support his own regiment, walking out on one of their evenings to ho his wife out, but he will go along and support the services of a country that isn't his?

And doesn't Jill biden realise that she's also sticking two fingers up at the queen by allowing him to use his title for publicity?
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Don't know if already mentioned but I just saw on Twitter that James Middleton and his fiancee Alizee have got married in France. 🥰

William and Kate have now got a lovely new sister-in-law. Smeggy who? :devilish:

ETA: From James' instagram.

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Hark the Herald Angels sing
Six will never be a King
I posted mine before Christmas last year, but what the heck ... slightly adjusted ...

When hazza got stuck up meg's foofoo he began to shout,
"you white racist Brits, you SAS shits, come here and pull me out!
I'm stuck in this snatch and Scoobs wants to watch and Pombear has stolen my balls!"

When hazza got stuck up meg's foofoo Prince William ignored his calls.

When hazza got stuck up meg's foofoo he began to moan
"There's something quite fishy, my peepee is itchy.I wish I was back home.
Phil's always been blunt and he's called me a cunt and pappa is grinding my gears!"

When hazza got stuck up meg's foofoo we laughed at all his tears.

When hazza got stuck up meg's foofoo he began to roar
"This foofoo is crusty, quite icky and musty, and cats have just pissed up my door!
That Freda's a cunt, she calls me the runt and I wish I could chop off her head!"

When hazza got stuck up meg's foofoo he wished he hadn't got wed.
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Happy Lady

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🎶 Happy anniversary to me
I've been as busy as a bee 🐝
Spent a year posting on Tattle
Having fun, and it's all free 🎶

Thank you all for keeping me sane over the last twelve months. Love you all ❣😗
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When she got the elephant gig we all said the elephant charity would never see a penny, and how right we were.
Found this elsewhere.

IF this is true it's another example of H&M getting away with everything and no comebacks. As Minge was a working royal mattress, did the RF follow it up, contacted Elephants Without Borders for verification? Is nobody prepared to call to account or criticise these mendacious bloodsuckers? Even investigate them? Apart from the lone voice of Piers, who lost his job for calling a spade a spade and had the nerve to challenge their blatant lies?

Disney should have ensured that the money went directly to the elephants especially as they were aware that Minge was dirty. But they were cowardly, PC, schmoozing and kept their heads below the parapet. Bob Iger looked like a rabbit facing a ginger stoat when the stoat was pimping out his Ho for a voiceover.

It is the elephants who have paid the price for the Harkles's greed and treachery, paid with some of their tusks. I love elephants as I grew up in Africa and this makes me really sad. How revolting that NoBalls the fraud wildlife lover and eco warrior should steal the money donated for the protection of these priceless endangered wonderful animals. Did anybody bother to check if the rumours they stole the money are true? Is anybody out there???? This isn't the first time we've seen this rumour. If true, it's a massive scandal and should be front page news instead of trivia like Shola gaslighting a fellow yapping POC turd.

The collective inertia in the face of this cynical evil pair never fails to astound me. I believe that the RF will protect their own at all costs. It's probably in their DNA. I can't see any other explanation now. Although far away and "cut off" from the RF, the RF haven't disowned them and have done nothing to stealthily expose and destroy them as they should have done long ago. They've kept on board and in semi-limbo the ginger viper and his Ho, suffering nobly and in silence while the viper sinks his poisonous ratty yellow teeth into them again and again.

Even if this particular story isn't true there have been plenty of other examples of filching, financial irregularities and lying that could have been discreetly exposed by the men in grey suits while keeping their hands clean. The RF are responsible for allowing a huge amount of damage to be done while they stood by, and the elephants are just one casualty among many.
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I don't know about anyone else but I personally would love to know what idea's the gruesome twosome pitched to Netflix and Spotify. :LOL: I mean, they must have been seriously bad. Wonder if we'll ever find out?
Hmm, just remember bubba, when they were offered those deals from netflix and spotify I'd bet my last bar of Cadbury's banoffee chocolate (*drools*) that there was an assumption and indeed an expectation that the sussucksters would OF COURSE provide access to the real Royals. I bet they were hoping for "Cathherine chats about pregnancy and motherhood" and "Anne recalls the moment she was almost kidnapped on the Mall and talks of her love of horses" and the icing on the cake "Queen Elizabeth discusses the joys of grandchildrren and family gatherings at Balmoral".
They likely assumed that the departure from the UK was a mere blip in the family relationships and that normal family service would be resumed soon, leading to a veritable gold mine of insider Royal revelations and lots of working in tandem for exciting programs and podcasts involving the Real Royals.
Um, no. Sorry 'bout that guys.:ROFLMAO:
Really, what can they offer now? Pearl? been done before and is pretty much a vanity thing anyway, a way for smeggy to relive her fantasies of meeting BIG names.
The Invictus thing for No6? I kind of wonder if this (he and Biden)association with the original USA Warriors stuff will divide opinion in the Invictus communiity. There's a possibility he might be resented for potentially giving more publicity to the original USA games that he stole the Invictus idea from while neglecting the UK version. I know both events mirror each other and should be in harmony, but that's wishful thing and not how real life works. It could backfire.
So basically that's all they have to offer and it ain't much. Netflix and spotify are getting the shitty end of the stick. Hell slap it into them. :m
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I think I’ve been on this board too long now. I knew this was an @Nuttynana post before I even looked at the name just from the swear words style ;)
I know! She's awful isn't she? That potty mouth, honestly, it's just shocking. I keep reporting her but I think she has close friends in admin and never gets punished, while innocents like me get telt off.
I blame the cats she is surrounded by. Not sure why, but why not.
Yeah, she has 27 pussies at the last count. She's unhinged🤪. But don't tell her I said that.
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Regarding the TV tribute to Phil...
The RF are a strange bunch! why include Harry into this or indeed to any future family events? It can't be to protect the unity of the RF when Just today Scabies has leaked or shared court papers to prove that they were correctly served... thus further hurting Andy. We all know he and Meghan operate closely. The harkles can't understand the concept of diplomacy. Remember they were having meetings to secure lucrative deals while barely out of their honeymoon and still very much on the tax payer payroll. They had no plans to ever hit the ground running and serve. Their word cannot be taken for anything other than BS. Tough love is the only way to deal with H now and M should be dropped
Neither scoobie, nor ourselves (apart from @HadBax ) have legal experience and I doubt we could spot any flaws in the service.
Posting those images is no different to me posting my Tesco receipt. Means diddly squat to whether the serve was done in a correct legal manner. If the lawyers say it was a bad serve then no doubt they'll say why at some point.
That's not me defending Arrogant Andy, I personally think he should man up and say "See you in court Miss Guiffre" and let the dice fall, because I don't think she can prove her case. A photo of them together means piss all. I've had old images sent to me of my partying days and I couldn't name most of the blokes hugging or smarming at me. Aside from her "truth" (for a fee of course, please contact her agent/PR) it boils down to 'he said she said'.
Plus, not to be dismissive of genuine trafficking or owt, but she herself admits/claims she was a paid-for-pussy to hundreds of blokes over her time with Epstein, so unless Andy's penis is a lurid shade of green and has a distinctive crown logo tattooed on it then I doubt he stood out as different from all her other clients.
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This cannot be right she hasn't got the guts to come back here and, a small and, if this is allowed then what has been the point with the hurt, the insults, the lies and the mockery of HM.

It beggars belief that the Independent would print this, well if this is true then I am done with the lot of them, do they not listen to the will of the people and if this does happen then HM should be ashamed for letting us down!!!

Or is the Independent trying to gain some traction, it's a very strangely written piece!!
I don't believe that it's true. It's just more manifesting by smegs. In reality, she wouldn't have the nerve to step back into the UK. She must know that she isn't liked here. Harry should know that too but he's probably too thick to notice.
I think they're running scared. The money is gone and they aren't getting any decent work or notice. Too many people are noticing that they're just money grabbers. They have no talent, no insight, no qualification to talk on current world wide affairs. Anything they say is basically fridge magnet philosophy. Anything they touch, gets markled. The only connection they have is the RF. Otherwise they're just nobodies.
They want back in and the only way they can have that, is if Harry's family allow it. I can't see that happening. The RF know that they can't be trusted and that they will damage the monarchy if let back in.
They can fuck off the pair of them. Twats. :mad:
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Well, that’s just wrong. She has her PhD and therefore is a doctor. That’s a fact and there is no way around it. Or we are just like M who doesn’t care what the factual definition of wedding ceremony means. Biden is not a med, but has never claimed so. That people still don’t understand how academic titles work is kind of worrisome. A doctorate is an academic degree and meant license to teach originally (the very old days). It’s also a legit doctorate and not “just” an honorary one.
I'd rather you didn't compare any one of us to smeggy.In any way.
She's a cunt and we're just pointing it out as much as possible. Even on our worst days on here none of us could ever emulate Mrs Cuntchops.

Anyhoo, so Jilly's got a PHD in Education, lubbly jubbly. :m I'm sure she'll love the fruits of the Harris administration where kids at college games are now chanting "FUCK JOE BIDEN " and it's gaining traction. She'd be better occupied dealing with that rather than massaging the dick of a bloke who is so thick and illiterate he had to cheat to get to Sandhurst and be babysat from then till he "escaped the Palace".
Yeah Jilly, educate him. Good luck with that. If Eton couldn't turn him out any better than barely literate and needing to cheat then I don't fancy yer chances Jilly baby.

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Sending love to all our American Tattlers and others affected by 9/11 be they family, friends, co-workers, whatever. Twas a dreadful day. ❤
Absolutely. And there is very much a place for "appropriate people", such as US president and other government officials, and other heads of state such as HM Queen to publicly mark the occasion, and do all the big condolence things on behalf of the people they represent. Everyone else should STFU, maybe tweet or FB something, share a memory, but leave it at that. It's not for anybody else to change their whole fucking website. And I'd react the same if Marks and Spencers or Transport for London changed their whole website as well. They are a disgrace. No decorum. They don't represent anybody else and they need to stop trying or pretending that they do.

It's the same as the wreath/cemetery stunt on Remembrance Day, they are just trying to sieze headlines and newspaper inches from the proper and more deserving people, purely for their own ends and their own self promotion.
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I still disagree with you re the handling. Let's say Brenda ditched them last year, pre THAT interview. What would be the result?
I'll tell you, it would be an absolute tsunami of interviews and invites and red carpet invites and yadda yadda yadda, and tears, many tears, left eye, right eye, go "How the Queen cut us off, for no reason. We did nothing wrong. All we wanted was privacy and security for our children. They were horrible to us, so unkind, how could they do this? We are just Romeo and Juliette, young lovers fighting against the odds. It's cos I is black innit. Racism. They can't bear to look at my biracial face so they threw us out. We're so sad. Diana would love us."
They'd be dining out on the story from then until eternity. The Victims above all victims. The St Harkles of victims the world over.The poster couple for victimhood. The symbols of the tyranny of those hateful brits. Hidden under the avalanche would be the big wedding, the love bestowed on them, the money wasted by them and on them. The bullying they did. Anyone daring to speak out would be cancelled. Gone.

Instead we have them whining like babies for attention so much that the positive vibes toward them ran out months ago. With no big fanfare the Royals have taken it on the chin and simply referred to them as "much loved family members", letting them rant and rave and throw their teddies out of the pram . People are finally saying "Hang on, I thought the Family were cunts?:unsure: That's what Smeggy and Hal said, but they've invited hal to that funeral and the unveiling and were fine with him, and their wreath was visible at the funeral.And now they are tramping over our war graves and calling our 1st amendment bonkers. The 1st amendment that allowed them to piss on their family in public. That lets them make videos for the party they want in power. And why is hollyweird not embracing them.:unsure: Have the big names seen things we peasants have missed? and why is he lecturing me on my carbon footprint while taking private jets. Why did Doprah not challenge their statements like she does other interviewees? Is it cos she is black too? But on her acting profile she calls herself caucasian and all her squeezes have been rich white guys. WHY DON'T THEY SHUT UP!"
And still Brenda says nothing. Just pops Coronation Street on, grabs another slice of pizza and wonders what they'll do next for the attention she is refusing to give them.

Their name is mud. Hollyweird won't touch them. Money is running out. Hazza looks like a corpse. They are being ridiculed. Their titles mean diddly squat, trashed by their own hands and big mouths, so why bother risking bad optics by removing the titles ... yet.
What's not to like about the results of the Royal Grey Rocking campaign ?
I'm still fine with it.:m

I'm happy enough.
Me too. I also think doing anything pre interview would have been a huge mistake as the idiot duo would have milked it forever. For me, early on, they were blackmailing the RF. But they did not get what they wanted.

The RF deserve some credit that they removed military titles, money, security. It affected idiot duo so much, made them so angry, in retaliation without any real thought, they did the tv interview. Again as a means of blackmail.

I truly believe they wanted to put the RF into a position of giving in to their demands. But again, nothing. Not even a reaction. They were livid. Heck, they are still livid, you can tell when she sprouts crap, via Scooby doo, that she has no regrets and that she expects an apology. She is spitting chips. All because she didn’t get a reaction. Didn’t get a response. Didn’t get what they want. They still haven’t got what they want.

Until I see them in the UK with HM at Windsor having that christening, I will not give them the satisfaction of anger against the RF. That’s what idiot duo want. Not going to happen with me. I’m not listenINg to these puff pieces as I think it’s all bullshit from idiot duo and another from of blackmailng. They don’t have any power. They really don’t and the RF haven’t had to do a damn thing except deal with them in a dignified and controlled manner. No shouting, pointing fingers, yelling, making themselves look stupid, Leave that to idiot duo, they do it so well.

I do understand the frustration though.
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Scotch Mist

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How the hell did Ant & Dec win again?
20 bloody years! I don't dislike them as a lot of others on this site do, but they are past their best and I don't watch any of their shows anymore. IACGMOOH used to be good but the format is so tired now.

It's actually worrying that no new talent has come forward or been encouraged in the last 10 years. I'm not surprised that Piers didn't win as he's a divisive character but the TV awards is a load of rubbish. The industry is obviously in dire need of some new ideas and talent.
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