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What really pisses me off about this whole farrago is that 6 knew exactly who she was. He knew how unsuitable, how vindictive, how low rent she was. But he was minge-struck, willingly blinded by the ‘best sex he’d ever had’. FFS, you don’t marry someone just because they’re a good shag, especially not when you’re a member of the RF! But then again, he’s a spiteful little cunt and probably thought it was funny to marry in a skanky ho. He probably enjoyed his family’s dilemma and discomfort.
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Mmmm strange how Narcle wants to meet the Queen despite the RF driving her suicidal, keeping her hostage and making racial digs at her baby but she won't meet her father. How can one pap stroll (something she is a pro at herself) be worse than all the things she has accused the royals of?

Unless we are dealing with a ruthless people user here... who only wants to ascend the social ladder and make more money with her money bringing baby
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Well he was reported by Republic. They are trying to get rid of the monarchy altogether and they're not succeeding.

Clarence House released a statement earlier this evening too. Recollections may vary after all.
Didn't Republic report something about William's finances some time back, and had to apologise publicly as the allegation had no basis? Republic are a shit-stirring bunch of Kim Jong Un supporters and should shut up. They all have Approved Haircuts.
Graham Smith has never explained who would replace our Monarchy. Lord Adonis the insane EU supporter? Surgeon the small but bitter wee harridan? Poll after poll proves Smith wrong but he persists in his vain efforts to turn the public against the Monarchy year after year. You'd think the penny would have dropped by now, but no.

Daily Star reports a veteran Hollywood producer saying that Noballs and Minge are "dangerously close to becoming yesterday's news in Hollywood".
Their columnist discusses the "new Hypocrisy Variant" and says that "the Ginger Whinger" is the latest patient to come down with the Hypocrisy Variant. This must be from the GQ Awards when the master of misinformation Noballs was lecturing the great unwashed on ....the dangers of misinformation.
Also reported that the Palace has not responded to the tout for the christening. I bet H&M are keeping their fingers crossed that the Palace doesn't respond. If they do, they'll be in a fix because they've got nothing to christen. Plus they are a pair of Heathens without a christian bone in either of their depraved bodies.
Apologies if these nips have been posted further on.
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I tuned in early for the movie because I'm watching on my PC in my back room and they've got these really obnoxious, hyperventilating no-name twits hosting the movies. They say the host a podcast too... I'm glad I've never heard of them. They open with the accident; it's very short. I hope they don't keep showing it. Harry loses it over an internet meme, get pissed at his family for no apparent reason... so far pretty familiar. British accents all terrible, dialogue worse.

Will and Kate are lying liars. We MUST address the racism!! Let me pull the talking points from the Woke Bible! Let's have dramatic personal fighting without addressing the complex political implications. Give my children the titles or they won't get protection! I'm not a prince and I hate my life but my children must be prince and princess! It's all your fault, William!

Trooping the Colour: OH NOES THE WOMAN WHO WORE THE RACIST BROOCH TO CHRISTMAS BRUNCH! Princess Michael is TEH EVULZ. Now to the balcony to wave but it's too hard! Aristocrats are bullying her! LOL Haz's uniform looks like they hot-glued it together. Protocol is stifling poor Megz and she is so sweet and innocent! They recreated the moment when she looked behind her on the balcony and it was kind of hilarious. What kind of idiot jerks around in public like that during the national anthem??

Commercial break for wine aunt merch; we'll be right back.
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This is why some of us are growing fed up with the RF. While Harry has every right to remember his grandfather, giving him the curtesy of inclusion and a platform along loyal and senior royals does not serve nor benefit the RF. He has been invited back twice since the soap Oprah but that hasn't humbled him in anyway, in fact, they've become worse in their attacks on the RF. The harkle truth bombs will continue to drop and this will be yet another a nice pr moment for Markle to flaunt to US even if she doesn't feature
BIB I'm one of the Fed Up ones tbh as I can't see what the end game is.
Of course the RF will include him, as it's the right thing to do though he doesn't deserve it as you say. The elephant in the room though is why we are at a stage of being outraged by the liberties these two vile people continue to take. Nobody calls H&M out, and they never pay the price for their vile deeds.

This might be a dreadful thing to say but I'd not be surprised if part of Noballs isn't glad that PP is no longer here. He was a force to be reckoned with and was a good judge of character. I believe if he was still alive and even had a bit of strength, the RF wouldn't have allowed their family and children to be trashed and trolled, and H&M would have been neutralized long ago, quietly.

Many posters here believe that the grey-rock approach is killing off the Snarkles but I don't see this. The Snarkles are killing themselves off with their psychotic idiocy anyway, and I think the Grey Rocking is really the lack of a firm leader like PP. Charles is riddled with guilt and is being skewered by his treasonous son because the treasonous son has been allowed a platform to attack him and the rest of the family, with vile books and films to come.

It can't be disputed that all this has destabilised the Monarchy, and that they have allowed it to happen. I can't see the grey rock approach as successful because the results have not been good. Yes the Monarchy is even more popular and loved but the cost has been high. Also, Harry has been given free rein to totally destroy himself, thereby damaging his family further. I can see no merit at all in any of this and don't think it's remotely clever.

Noballs's shallow and juvenile brain has no concept of the man Prince Philip was, and he seems to remember him as a burger-flipping old coot who was good for a laugh. Like he remembers Afghanistan through the screen of his XBox.

He hid while PP was dying, causing him grief from afar, pretending to be poised to visit and was pictured looking anxious by a plane. It was enough to turn your stomach. In reality he was waiting until it was too late and it was safe for him to go to England, as even non his deathbed PP would have put the fear of God into him.

He'll appear at PP's tribute and mouth words scripted by his Ho. It will be interesting to see if the RF vet his speech as it will be full of lies as usual. The show will go on, but out of this dire drama has emerged Tattle which I love and is full of lovely people, it's turning into a real menagerie too. I bet no other site is full of little animals like ours. 🥰
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This is interesting.
Sorry if this has already been mentioned but wasn't it rumoured that she wanted to go to a friends retreat when she complained of mental health problems while living at KP? It was said they offered her conventional help, which she refused.

This was probably the retreat and because they wouldn't pay for her to go on a 'jolly' she threw a hissy fit and said in Orca's interview that she was refused treatment.
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Harry has taken inspiration from Mick Hucknall. [Pic stolen from an old post by Pom Bear I think????]

harry curly hair Capture.JPG
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I know many of us can't stand him, but anything to prompt more crockery breakages in Montishithole can't be a bad thing

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He will sit behind Meghan's desk wearing a white vest with a sweater tied loosely around his shoulders and he will wear the cabbage hat worn by Mellissa mcNotfunny and we will catch a glimpse of Meghan juggling his balls outside the window.
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the musician

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I'm guessing it's all made up bullshit. The usual narrative being pushed that Diana was used and abused by the nasty royals who were all horrible to her.

I'm sick to death of this one sided shite.
Diana was a saint and they are all terrible people 🙄 Personally I believe that there was fault on both sides, but nobody is perfect. Jeez I just wish people would stop trying to make diana into a saint and eternal victim like Smeg.
If the institution is a “sinister body corporate, ready to inflict wounds and ice out any interloper”, then why have Catherine, Camilla and Sophie settled in so well? Why is the focus only on Diana and now HW?!
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Scotch Mist

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No idea how accurate or reliable this poster maybe but it's interesting none the less.

I've been surmising for ages that they are heading for bankruptcy. They are paying for a huge mansion (possibly) and have employed loads of top staff for Archewell that won't come cheap

Most of their money has been spend on ridiculous amounts of PR. Sunshine Sucks costs a fortune and they have 12 people employed to do PR for them. Obviously none of it works, they keep flinging shit and puff pieces but nobody likes them any better.

The fact that they keep repeating this behaviour and demonstrate no humility shows that the pair of them are mentally ill.🤪

Perhaps that's the reason Hazno wants to come back. Wifey has told him to get access to the rest of his fortune 🤔
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Scotch Mist

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I just found this post on Tumblr. It's about Scabies having multiple social media accounts:

'Omid is a 12 year old girl on s.m. That fake account Lilly is his. Lillyjackwrites. It was his fake acct on the .Sun until they stopped taking comments. Yedi he uses on the express. Yediyoda. He stopped using that name because I kept calling him out. Omid loves using woman's names liily...Sara ..Ann with # 's. P. 1'

'Okie would split his time on the express and twitter. Now he is 100 on Twitter that's why people are complaining more. He is scum. He spends 20 hours a day on s.m. by looking at the times he posts. 3 am u.k. he will post on the express. Just a couple of rude posts. He wrote the Cambridge kids were made in Petri dishes using DNA from Catherine's dad'
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Oh lordy, my Dad has had a positive covid home test, he's going to get the other one done tomorrow, thought we'd been far too lucky so far in the family, thankfully he feels ok, he just felt like he had a cold!!
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Oh my. I just can’t … this person is an author snd political analyst? I fear for the world…

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Express: Piers Morgan told US is now questioning Meghan claims to Oprah 'We consumed it as truth'.

"US royal journalist Kinsey Schofield appeared on GB News and told host Mark Dolan the Sussexes were seeing their popularity fall in the US as she said the public was getting fed up with their "complaining". But when asked if Piers Morgan and Meghan Markle were generally liked in the States amid the recent Ofcom ruling, Ms Schofield explained the two were divisive but offered advice to Mr Morgan on how to now move on from the ruling. The journalist advised the former GMB presenter to simply ignore the Duchess of Sussex as her "greatest fear" was being ignored and being forgotten about as she said people believed what Meghan said because Oprah Winfrey did not challenge her enough.

"But, I would tell you if I were Piers Morgan, I think that he's got something's cooking and he's about to announce something and he's going to have another platform.

"If I were in his position, I would not give a single second to Meghan Markle if you want to crush this woman.

"You don't talk about her because her greatest fear is to be irrelevant.

"And I know that it keeps him in the papers, but I almost think that it would hurt her more, if he would just pretend that she was non-existent."

How glorious 😍
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BIB - and this is sixwife’s biggest problem. Ever since she married 6 her arrogance has gone stratospheric and she has a vastly overinflated sense of how important and interesting she is. She seriously sees herself as being as important as the future queen, and as interesting as Diana was in her heyday. The only interest she ever had was as 6‘s wife and he was at the time very popular, but she came in expecting to be on the same level as Kate, and couldn’t accept what she saw as a humiliating lesser role. They could have had a very nice life with privilege and popularity but they pissed all over it. In her acting career she grifted for years but never got any higher than a small part in a little known cable tv show, and that’s because she has neither talent, personality, or exceptional looks - she’s very plain. If she holds her face ‘just so’ she’s passable, but then she looks fake and posed. Why does she think she’s so special? Don’t answer that, I know - it’s because she’s a narc. Far from being special she’s below average because she’s unpleasant, superficial and unlikeable.

Another thought - we know she resented getting NottCott and Frogmore Cottage, but I wonder if the Queen might have given them something nicer if she and her monkey had been less demanding and rude?
I think that quite a lot happened between Smegs and the Queen before the marriage that we have never heard about and some things that we have ........ Tiaragate for example and TQ telling her "We don't speak to our servants like that".

You would have thought she could have shown some respect to TQ and the family at that stage but it appears she didn't, she was full of her own importance even before she was married. This would have rubbed TQ up the wrong way and it is rumoured that PH told TQ he was marrying Smegs whether she liked it or not and she would have to 'Suck it up'!

Had that been my grandson and his future wife showing me so much disrespect I would have returned the 'favour' at the earliest opportunity, which she did and gave them his old bachelor pad to live in. Frogmore Cottage was also a 'revenge' gift as it had to have so much work done to it and it wasn't what P. Pinocchio wanted. No castle or palace for her, or even one of the larger properties belonging to TQ which were empty, just some accommodation which could be knocked together to form a decent sized home if you want it ......... "Suck it up you ungrateful pair of *****" (what Freda says)

Her maj. is nobody's fool and long may she reign.
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