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I still don't trust the silence from the sixes. I was thinking of the time they were escorted out of PC party, poor little dear was probably very confused. Just imagine, only days before, she walked down the aisle in a designer dress(made of concrete), wearing a tiara, her 2nd (or 3rd) wedding televised around the world. She rode in a carriage surrounded by thousands of cheering well wishers- it was probably the best day in her life, she was truly the kween of the world. And then, and then, she deigns to attend a stuffy party in honor of a starchy old guy wearing a great outfit (and in truth I liked that outfit); she preened and strutted and expected the same level of adoration as was her due, only to be shown the door- WTF? Of course the poor little princess pearl was upset., HOW DARE THEY???? Thus began the true enmity and quest for vengeance against the RF.
Bye bye, princess pearl. boo hoo
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Murphy Brown

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There was something about Freda’s recap that convinced me to finally register an account so I could upvote it. :LOL: Have been following since the beginning of covid (think was h&m thread. #11). I would say I’m most drawn to the conversation surrounding Meghan because she reminds me of a colleague I worked with for about ten years who also displayed NPD (narcissistic personality disorder] and I guess I can’t pull myself away from the drama and absolute chaos they create around them, all while acting innocent. Both infuriating and fascinating at the same time. Anyway, hoping to contribute a bit more toward the psychological dissection of H&M, as well as offer a perspective from across the pond (we absolutely get a twisted view from the us media over here, have to search articles from UK, Australia and NZ to get the more truthful stories).
I feel like it's people who have known someone with NPD who know exactly what they're seeing and exactly how it will play out. I worked with someone too and she was just the same - bullying and sacking people as soon as she arrived so that she could replace them with her own hires.
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By not clapping the woman has shown herself up and the fact that it's been picked up by the press I think is amusing. I doubt very much if William and Catherine are remotely bothered. They appear to be sat at the front of the box, I'm guessing had complimentary tickets and not a single fuck given about who claps and who doesn't. Just makes chopra look pathetic petty and small minded. A bit like her so called friend.

I don't even know who this Chopra woman is. I'm guessing an awful lot of other people don't know who she is either. William will be King one day, still rubbing shoulders with the cream of society, and Chopra will be long forgotten.
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Murphy Brown

VIP Member
I think it's hilarious that she's producing with David Furnish. She unequivocally will NOT be able to curb her bitchy, bossy, controlling impulses around him, despite having zero experience in production.
And that will be another A list alliance down the drain....
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I am so busy at the moment having a seriously hard time keeping up with the threads so I apologise to you all if this has been discussed recently, and also because I asked it about 20 threads ago too but its still doing my head in.

Why are there no photos at all of them?

They can't be in their house all day long. They must leave to do things. *If* they have children (and I know opinions vary on that one!) then they must take the children out to playgrounds, walks, doctors, hospital appointments. Most celebs seem to go out for coffee, dinner, etc. And if they leave their home then they could get photographed. By paps or by public. So why do no photos come out? (I'm assuming none have because the Tattle detectives would have found any that existed obviously!).

Is it because they have a massive injunction or something preventing it?
Do the press hate them so much they don't want to feed their need for attention? (my favoured approach).

Like many of you I'm finding the silence unnerving and it just keeps making me wonder, why no scoops, why no pap shots. How come they are managing to control the media so much that only their obvious self promotion gets out. Given the lack of photo (even an eyelash shot) of the new baby, why are the press not looking for a scoop and getting photos.
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He only goes to parties where he is the most famous person in the room, so people fawn to him. :sick::sick::sick::sick:

He has some serious inferiority issues, but then we knew that already.
It's a load of puff piece bollox. Cunt is never allowed off leash. If he mingles at all it is only as the oddball brit ex royal with the funny accent and controlling wife. He would be a figure of fun in those circles.100%.
This has been concocted because of the obvious lack of celebs flocking around them. Somebody has finally realised it looks really sad and so they've invented imaginary friends for him to play with. Of course they can't name them cos they're so private and don't like being photographed. Which is handy for Billy no-mates PR team.
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Loving this Emmy nomination. So beautifully corrupt and crazy. It’s yet another death knoll for the Hollywood elite and they have no idea how effectively they’re bringing about their own demise. These award ceremonies are pretty much irrelevant nowadays because ordinary people see right through the whole charade. Carry on, I say!
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If you're on twitter, the sugars are out looking for you. I've already had one legal threat this morning. "Saving this for the duchess's lawyers!" It's like trying to stomp cockroaches in there.
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Oh my, I've just read the christening article 🤮🤮🤮 Harry came home to demand a christening? I sincerely hope the entire royal family have prior commitments that day, they are very busy people. If they have to wait, invisililli won't fit into the beautiful christening gown. Maybe just tell them "the Chapel is available on..... Get on with it yourselves. They are private individuals now, so why should we pay for it?" I wonder if the family racist(s) will be invited 🤔?
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I cancelled my Elton concert tickets which have been postponed due to covid, no longer interested in propping up the old woke fart if he’s bankrolling their shart show.
You should Tweet him to tell him!
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VIP Member
Dear Emmys,

You have proven you are rubbish, except when you awarded Sunset Beach it's much deserved trophy. One enjoyed watching it whilst eating out of the Tupperware.

Yours Sincerely,
The Queen
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So let me guess, Pearl will complain about dish soap, write inspirational messages, name drop famous women, steal quotes from famous women, have a "career., " mostly on the backs of men.
Pearl... Pegs biography probably.
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VIP Member
There was something about Freda’s recap that convinced me to finally register an account so I could upvote it. :LOL: Have been following since the beginning of covid (think was h&m thread. #11). I would say I’m most drawn to the conversation surrounding Meghan because she reminds me of a colleague I worked with for about ten years who also displayed NPD (narcissistic personality disorder] and I guess I can’t pull myself away from the drama and absolute chaos they create around them, all while acting innocent. Both infuriating and fascinating at the same time. Anyway, hoping to contribute a bit more toward the psychological dissection of H&M, as well as offer a perspective from across the pond (we absolutely get a twisted view from the us media over here, have to search articles from UK, Australia and NZ to get the more truthful stories).
Good decision my murican mate. Pull up a chair, wade right in and have a welcome mushy.:m
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Thank you @Fisher Lassie for new thread, and thanks Cass for new title.

Diana's former shag using the "slimming down" game as predicted against RF:

I keep seeing people mentioning this and now it’s in the DM. I thought that it was just a matter of time as the title automatically went to Charles on the death of his father and there’s nothing to be done until he becomes King and all his titles revert to the crown. Then Prince Edward will become Duke of Edinburgh. He’s already succeeded his father in the award scheme. I just think this is mischief making and there is literally nothing to see here at this point.
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"Every time we opened the dressing room door, there she bloody was - under the table trying to get an autograph. It was like, 'Can't your husband keep you under control?'"

“One day I was on the running machine. I jumped off because one of my shoelaces had come undone, and she wolf-whistled at me across the room, and yelled, like a brickie, ‘Nice legs! I’d recognize that bum anywhere!’

Simon Le Bon about Diana.
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Chatty Member
Right. So because they're so special, if they have two kids, they get an award. If they bitch about in laws for a cheap tv score. Award.

Is this what society is wanting to reward? Now? In a viral pandemic? Where everyone lost jobs and a millionaire prince complained he had to get a job to afford his mansion.

every day I am re-disgusted by these two. How are they sustainable for one second when they give disposable nappies from their sponsor. Why are good acts just about PR? It's so cringe and so fake: everything is about her image, not the bleak midnight heart beneath. Imagine using poverty stricken babies to look good, and find your mansion.
What I don't get with all these Hollywood types, is they preach preach preach. But their lifestyle could fund entire school and government vaccination programmes. The clothes on their back and their hairdresser and stylist, could pay for nurses. Their mansions and retainers and staff, and damnit even newspaper and online print time, creates huge carbon footprints.

honestly! Sorry until they shave their heads and live like. Tibetan monk, I ain't believing any of this harmony and compassion business, it's a marketing trick, as old as time.
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The audacity of it!!! 😱

It's quite obvious they need photos of Lillibet with the Queen!!!

When Prince Phillip died, all those lovely photos of the him with the children.

And what do cringe and ginge have??? One photo!!! With one of the richest woman in the world!!! Idiots!!!
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