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OT. Today hubby and I are celebrating our Golden Wedding Anniversary.
50 years of me talking and him pretending to listen!

Below is a blurry black and white photo taken in a garden near a big tree. It shows only one hand, half a foot and a left ear, so Smegs you do nothing original we beat you by 50 years.

I've not forgotten my tattling friends ..... there's cake for everyone ......


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There is much jubilation in my house. We DON'T have Covid!!!!! Hurrah, hurrah, we're just ill. Husband has cellulitis and I think I have an ear infection since my ear is killing me. But NO COVID!! We rejoice. Thanks for all the kind wishes etc. I'm going back to bed now xxx
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Wu Tien

Well-known member
The Montecito Songbook Collective have reacted to Porca's interview nomination with a ballad. You might want to sing it to Carly Simon's You're so vain

You walked into the palace like you were walking onto a yacht
Your fedora strategically dipped below one eye
Your scarf it was marched online

You had one eye in the mirror as you took photos without permission
And all the seamen dreamed that they'd be the next one
They'd try your goods, and...

You're so vain, you probably think this Emmy is about you
You're so vain, I'll bet you think this Emmy is about you
Don't you? Don't you?

You fooled the Brits several years ago when they were still quite naive
Then you said that they were all hostile racists
And that you couldn’t wait to leave

But you gave away the dogs you loved and one of them was young
You had some dreams, there were rungs in your ladder
Rungs in your ladder, and...

You're so vain, you probably think this Emmy is about you
You're so vain, I'll bet you think this Emmy is about you
Don't you? Don't you? Don't you?

You had some contacts when you were a yachtie
Contacts when you were a yachtie, and...

You're so vain, you probably think this Emmy is about you
You're so vain, I'll bet you think this Emmy is about you
Don't you? Don't you?

Well I hear you flew out to New York to get your bump to your baby shower
Then you flew your Lear jet down to Montecito
To cause the total eclipse of the son

Well you're where you should be all the time
And when you're not you're with some underhanded pap
Or the spouse of a close friend, spouse of a close friend, and...

You're so vain, you probably think this Emmy is about you
You're so vain, I'll bet you think this Emmy is about you
Don't you? Don't you? Don't you?
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Churchill's Ghost

VIP Member
Emmy viewing was 6.1 m (a steady downward trend and 1/3 of the viewers in 2014); Oscars 9.23 m (a 51% drop in one year!); Grammys 8.8 m (down 10m in 1 year)

Us plebs are sick to death of being lectured and hectored by the most privileged people on the planet. We are tired of unworthy "art" being rewarded for having the "right" message or the "right" cast (how insulting as an artist to be basically told that your nomination was just to check the diversity box, not for merit)

They lecture us about intolerance and diversity...yet THEY are the one making the movies/TV shows/music/art and making the nominations and voting for the winners. WE don't don't get a vote in the matter. Hey Hollywood - the racism and sexism is coming from the house! Get off your freaking high horses and clean your own house. They rest of us are getting along just fine.

They always congratulate themselves for being so brave. Yeah, really brave to make "art" in a country with free speech or to play a pretend character. It's not jumping on a live grenade FFS. OOOH, it takes so much courage to insult Christianity. You can make "Piss Christ" or "Book of Mormon" or elephant dung Virgin Mary in full knowledge that there is no physical do "Piss Mohammed" or "Book of Islam" or camel dung Mohammed and see how brave you are.

I will forever love Ricky Gervais for his savagery!
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George is not normally out and about in public, I wouldn't expect him to be out again so I think this story about him being kept out of the limelight is not a real story just something to highlight the dreadful trolling of a 7 year old by idiots.

He's going to keep going to school and make the odd appearance as he's done the last few years.

I think the football outings were a treat for a footie mad little boy.
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A link direct to the Emmys to complain about the nomination for a show that has been proven to be full of unchallenged lies and doctored headlines -

Get busy Tattlers.
Done. This is what I said:

It is outrageous that this programme has been nominated in the non fiction category.

To call it an interview would be a joke, as she didn’t actually challenge anything the ‘interviewees’ said and just let it all be presented as ‘fact’.

It has already been proven that most of the allegations were actually lies and that the ‘headlines’ were, in fact, doctored to make them seem racist.

The whole performance smacks of greed and self promotion. To conduct and air such a programme whilst the grandfather (and husband of The Queen) of one of the participants was on his deathbed shows how callous all those involved in the production were. The whole of the world was aware of how seriously ill the Duke was from the press briefings and any statements to the contrary are yet more lies.

To allow this nomination is to cheapen and devalue the Emmy’s.
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Thank you Cass for your wonderful new thread title . Hope no one minds me doing this 👍😊
Well done. We just need a recap now.
Wills took George to the football and he stole the show.
Kate had to self isolate but was free in time for the wimbleton finals.
The gruesome twosome have gone quiet, which means trouble is brewing in montyshithole.
The balloon faced 'reporter' who celebrated the 7th anniversary of his 33rd birthday is in hiding on twitter and we hope he's had his arse slapped legally for trying to spread more gossip on Wills.
Yankee Wally is waiting for the legal bods to check her article prior to publication.
lil Lil is officially even more invisible than farchiedoll.
Fat Porka has nommed herself for an emmy.
Miss piggy wendy williams dissed our Brenda.
Rumours still abound that doris has fallen out of favour with Porka and Mrs Bum-puss.
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The snub is real.

By not clapping the woman has shown herself up and the fact that it's been picked up by the press I think is amusing. I doubt very much if William and Catherine are remotely bothered. They appear to be sat at the front of the box, I'm guessing had complimentary tickets and not a single fuck given about who claps and who doesn't. Just makes chopra look pathetic petty and small minded. A bit like her so called friend.
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Trixie Lou

There was something about Freda’s recap that convinced me to finally register an account so I could upvote it. :LOL: Have been following since the beginning of covid (think was h&m thread. #11). I would say I’m most drawn to the conversation surrounding Meghan because she reminds me of a colleague I worked with for about ten years who also displayed NPD (narcissistic personality disorder] and I guess I can’t pull myself away from the drama and absolute chaos they create around them, all while acting innocent. Both infuriating and fascinating at the same time. Anyway, hoping to contribute a bit more toward the psychological dissection of H&M, as well as offer a perspective from across the pond (we absolutely get a twisted view from the us media over here, have to search articles from UK, Australia and NZ to get the more truthful stories).
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Not got far in the thread yet, just popping in to show my fellow Tattlers the message I just sent to the International Emmy Awards people. Doubt that it will be read, but anyway, this is my suave and sophisticated complaint. Thank you @Chita for the contact details!

'I am contacting you to object to the entry of Ms Winfrey's interview with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry in the 'Outstanding Hosted Non-Fiction Series or Special' for an Emmy award. My grounds for complaint are simply that the interview or conversation was ill-researched and inaccurate (with at least 18 provable falsehoods). Deviating from normal standards of 'non-fictional' journalism, the interviewer failed completely to hold her subjects to account, to challenge their false narrative or to contextualise their lies. Needless to say, this shoddiness offended the entirety of the UK and the Commonwealth. Ms Winfrey's reputation is at an all-time low and her best approach would be to revisit the subject in order to expose the lies so glibly told by Ms Markle. Even the faked headlines which purported to show the 'racism' in the British media were allowed to stand unchallenged. What kind of an interviewer does that? If the nomination has been bought and paid for, at least let it run in the Fiction category.
Thank you for your kind attention.'
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Just seen this on Insta. Obviously can’t verify if it’s genuine. Thought you might interested to see it. It’s worded very strangely, isn’t it?
The christening will take place, in private, in the garden at Montecito. Lili will be christened by the Archbishop of Canterbury who will attend, while simultaneously being elsewhere, and it will be carried out three days before it actually happens.
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VIP Member
Wow, that's my first title! Lovely surprise and thanks for a new thread and recap.
I'm still feeling crap but I'm not feeling worse so that's a good thing. Hubby looks like he might be feeling better which is even more of a good thing. Covid tests are coming today so hopefully get the results soon.

A link direct to the Emmys to complain about the nomination for a show that has been proven to be full of unchallenged lies and doctored headlines -
Get busy Tattlers.
I find I can do one thing and then have to rest for hours. This is the 'thing' I did today.
"I wish to register my complete disbelief that Oprah Winfrey has been nominated for the ridiculous 'interview' she conducted with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
Any decent interviewer would have questioned the information that the Duke and Duchess provided. Any decent interviewer would have researched the subject matter thoroughly before conducting the interview. Had this happened the various lies told to OW would have been obvious and could have been challenged. Added to which, the sources said to show the British Press racism didn't occur in the British Press but came from European Press with the exception of one piece. This piece was taken entirely out of context and was actually calling out racism.
The damage that will be done to the Emmy's as a result of this nomination will be huge. People will know for sure that Emmy's can be bought. That there is no need for any nominee to show any kind of craft or skill, let alone art. And in the non fiction category, there is no need for truth.
To allow a nomination for this 'interview' is unacceptable. Unless you put it in the fiction category of course."
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Remember this? .....


Further comments ....




Do they have neighbours close enough to overhear?
I doubt it.

Wow, that's my first title! Lovely surprise and thanks for a new thread and recap.
I'm still feeling crap but I'm not feeling worse so that's a good thing. Hubby looks like he might be feeling better which is even more of a good thing. Covid tests are coming today so hopefully get the results soon.

I find I can do one thing and then have to rest for hours. This is the 'thing' I did today.
"I wish to register my complete disbelief that Oprah Winfrey has been nominated for the ridiculous 'interview' she conducted with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
Any decent interviewer would have questioned the information that the Duke and Duchess provided. Any decent interviewer would have researched the subject matter thoroughly before conducting the interview. Had this happened the various lies told to OW would have been obvious and could have been challenged. Added to which, the sources said to show the British Press racism didn't occur in the British Press but came from European Press with the exception of one piece. This piece was taken entirely out of context and was actually calling out racism.
The damage that will be done to the Emmy's as a result of this nomination will be huge. People will know for sure that Emmy's can be bought. That there is no need for any nominee to show any kind of craft or skill, let alone art. And in the non fiction category, there is no need for truth.
To allow a nomination for this 'interview' is unacceptable. Unless you put it in the fiction category of course."

My little missive -

"I am disgusted that this show has been nominated and ask you to disqualify it or move it to the Fiction category.

Oprah and her team did not present any balance, they allowed accusations and insinuations to be aired without challenge.
They also knowingly misrepresented newspaper headlines to make it look like the British press were racist in coverage. The headlines shown were not even from British publications.
The show did not even feature a statement to say the British Royal family have been approached but have declined to comment - and why? Because they were not given a chance to air their side of the story. There was no balance in the reporting.
So by nominating this show, the Emmys become a joke and make a mockery of other worthy nominees..
An Emmy should go to something prestigious not something that wasnt even journalism.
It was a tacky tabloid article filmed for ratings grabbing and shown without even attempting to challenge all the lies told by the subjects of the interview. Proven lies.
Bad journalism on screen should not be rwarded. It should be exposed for perpetuating lies which have led to race baiting.
Also the timing of its airing was in very poor taste because this attack on the British Royal family was aired when the whole world knew its Patriarch lay dying in hospital.
The show was nothing but unfounded accusations and was tantamount to kicking something when its down.

Shame on you.

Disqualify this show of lies or switch it to the fiction category."
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VIP Member
This is Pearl The Mean Girl......

She attends Frostyface Middle School and excels at bullying. All the kids scatter when she comes along. She pinches them with her bony little fingers and her ugly handbag is stuffed with other kids property. Her time is spent sneering at teachers, spreading tales, extortion, destruction of property and stamping on kids feet. Any boy who doesn't want to buy her her lunch is kneed in the groin.

Her dad is an alcoholic gardener who ran himself over with the lawnmower and no longer has any legs. Her mom bakes........

........meth on the kitchen countertops which she sells around the back of the building site.

It is suspected that Pearl was responsible for the kidnap of her social worker who was found tied up and gagged in a ditch next to the canal.

Don't mess with Pearl.
Carry a taser at all times.
Don't make eye contact.
Be prepared to hand over your possessions.
Pearl the Mean Girl _210715_153823.jpg

Right, I'm off to the bookies to place a bet on that being the next dolly's name!
It better not be bloody Hannah 😠
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Chatty Member
I’m so behind (again!) but an EMMY???? For a trashy tv interview??? That has been proven to be a pack of lies???? Just when you think you’ve heard it all 🙄😠🤬

Who has Megain had to whore herself out to for this nomination? ✊💦 or has this been arranged by Porka the Hollywood heavyweight? To try and give the pathetic interview some credibility? You’d think they’d want that disaster to go away, not bring more attention to it. Are they really that delusional?

I’m disgusted, honestly, I was avoiding H&M news for a while as I was getting so annoyed by them, but this is just so infuriating 😠😠
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This got lost when I posted about Prince George. (If you create several posts in quick succession, tattle lump them together as one long post,

so here it is again -

A link direct to the Emmys to complain about the nomination for a show that has been proven to be full of unchallenged lies and doctored headlines -

Get busy Tattlers.
Here you go!

Is this a joke? Harry and Meghan Mountbatten-Windsor told lie after lie in the Oprah Winfrey special, yet you have still allowed it to be nominated to an Emmy awards program that fewer and fewer people watch or care about every year. This is part of the “fake news” everyone was complaining about so loudly when Trump was running for re-election, yet the minute he’s gone, everyone is happy to be airing complete fiction again. There’s a reason Oprah Winfrey doesn’t have a daily show any more and her network is a sluggish failure. It’s the same reason nobody cares about your stupid awards—the American public is DONE with you and your reckless decadence. Have fun talking to yourselves during the show.
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This is all feeling a bit personal now and that The Universe is taking the piss out of me.

Guess what two of my three cats are called?

Pearl and Lily 🙄

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