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Flashback - Rachel Johnson wrote early on that HFEW was being called a 'Fake Bake on the make' in certain circles. Apologies, if already posted but I catch up by reading backwards. :)
She is a fake bake though. You only need to look at her trip to Morocco where she was offered a henna flower tattoo. When the lady used the obligatory antibac wipe on her arm the wipe removed half her heritage. :rolleyes:You could plainly see the tide mark where her fake tan was wiped away. It was quite bizarre. Why would a person who was mixed race opt to use fake tan in a very very hot country? She's fucking weird and her agenda was showing right there. Hang on, I have the image ... brb ...

Here it is.

And I hate the thumb rings she constantly wears. Sorry to fans of them but I find them chavvy, like ankle bracelets.
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Ironically, a typically male stance

ETA Them, not you, @JAR21
I read that around 0.3% of people are trans (USA study I believe so may just be USA) But even so the whole world changes for a tiny percentage of the population.

on topic as I just read a tweet by a trans woman who still believes in biology (shock horror) she’s called Blair White and she said : ‘ I think a lot of folks assume they are hated for their sexuality/race/gender when in reality they are just unlikeable cunts’

made me think of M
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I think that’s rubbish. Edward is already taking over the DofE award - him and Sophie have proved a safe pair of hands and it was his fathers wish. I don’t think Charles would overrule all those things - I don’t think he’s that spiteful towards Edward. Andrew on the other hand… I think Charles would kick him out if he could get away with it.
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Congratulations to your daughter in making DI @Nuttynana. Not only is she now a ma'am ... junior officers should now all stand when she enters the room. Well they had to in the good old days when there was respect for rank and before the forces became impregnated with milenials and woke snowflakes. Best job in the world, a family like no other .... Big hugs for the proud mamma and high 5 for number 1 daughter. Xxx

I would love nothing more than the RF to out the hideous montishito mud slingers, but to be honest they are doing a great job of hanging themselves and need no assistance from the RF. Re the kids, it will all come out, shite like that always does. It may just take a while. Its their mess and they can try to wriggle out of it, however I think its going to be a tough one to get out of. Too many lies have been told and no-one believes a thing they say anymore. I frankly could not give a single flying fuck about them, I just want them out of the line of succession and all links with our beloved Queen Elizabeth severed and them cut loose. The evil pair of cunts deserve each other and it actually gives me joy that they are stuck with each other, entitled, miserable, needy, and pathetic. I feel desperately sorry for the poor kids, if indeed they exist. If they can prove they have WB DNA then them being removed from the pair of hideous cretins would be the best thing that could happen to them. They are headed for a lifetime of misery and don't deserve it as innocents. Had they remained here at least they would have had loving family support around them who understand what it is to be born into the proverbial gilded cage, and they wouldn't be trapped with that pair of psychos.

The 'parents' are a pair of despicable cunts and had they been 'normal ' people social services would have been all over them like a bad rash. Rashes, being something that WB old slut of a wife probably knows something about... surrogacy has its place and I applaud the women doing it, however I believe the prospective parents should be vetted as thoroughly as couples wishing to adopt in the UK are. The kids have no rights and it's appalling that they are just handed over. Makes me sick.

Lovely pic of handsome Wills for a Saturday morning!

"Laure 👑🇧🇪 on Twitter: "Finally polo again 🥰" / Twitter"
Hmmmm the things I could do to that man....

He looks so majestic there,and dare I say it...kingly !
Adds fuel to the fire of the murmurs in UK papers that he and his family may move into Buck House.
The montishito cunt will be absolutely SAVAGE should that happen. Booted out of the RF, and then her arch enemies get to move into Buck House. Oh you couldn't make it up could you?! Expect a shit loaf of vitriol, fury and lies from across the pond. Can't see Wills letting her ugly bunions feet anywhere near his home, his wife or his kids. His house, his rules...." just fuck off my balcony you skanky old hag ... here let me assist you, I do believe the gentleman you laughed at when he fell of his horse has left you a speshul gift ... a big pile of horse shit .... it may or may not break your fall. I could not give a flying fuck either way" and he lobs her off assisted by Catherine, Sophie, Camilla, Anne, Zara and Mike.
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Well Diana and Sarah were both British and came from upper echelon families. No doubt about it that Diana was loved/worshipped and not a lot of point in pretending that what she said about Charles and his mistress was untrue. She still respected the monarchy. She also knew that all her personal business would be put on show. Sarah survived many problems but obviously had rather a lot of traction as regards Andrew's secrets to the point where he or Bank of the Royal Family were paying off her horrendous overdrafts - don't forget her name and various contact numbers were found on Epstein's 'call back' pad. Smegma has nothing, had no idea how things worked and made a complete joke of everything. She can't survive in the UK in any way. So Hazno slings his hook or he stays where he is.
You’ve made valid points but the difference is that those two were in-laws .

Harry was born into this and has taken delight in doing his best to paint his family in as bad a light as he can, all through jealousy, a lack of intellect and an attention seeking need to try to one up his far superior big brother.

A massive cock like him shouldn’t be allowed within spitting distance of resuming his former life as a working royal, not that he has any intention of doing so I’m sure.
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Hello Everyone. Thank you so much for the good wishes. We're both still feeling crap and I've sent for the home tests for Covid. Should be here tomorrow.
I want to say something about needing proof of identity before going on social media. My comments are about the UK. At the moment we're heading towards a fascist state and I don't say that lightly. We're being told how to think, what we can say, what our opinions should be. If we don't fall in line, we risk losing our jobs and livelihoods. In fact, we're already seeing that happen.
As I've said before, I fought in the Twitter trenches in the early days of the Terf Wars. I was banned from Twitter as a result. Other women did lose their jobs and the majority of people had to hide behind a pseudonym because of the risk to their job and the danger to their families. One woman had photo's of her children's schools published on line with threats to herself and her kids. Others were arrested and held at police stations. One man was contacted by the police who said that they wanted to check his 'thinking'. The police officer threatened to report him to the HR at his place of work. He owned his own business so this wasn't much of a threat but what if he had been employed by someone else? All of this happened because women stood up for their SEX based rights.
This is serious. If we cannot have anonymity online, we lose all chance of being able to express our views and opinions in areas that matter. Serious areas.
If the price we pay for that is having to see horrendous racist/sexist/homophobic etc views, then so be it. Let them say it. If we see it, we can argue it, we can prove them wrong. We can show that the majority of people don't think like that. If we don't allow it, then those people go underground. We can't see it, we can't argue it and we can't prove that the majority of people don't think like that. Freedom of Speech is one of the most valuable rights we have and we cannot afford to lose it.
Okay, I'll step down from my soap box now. The lecture is over and I'm going back to bed. Hope I haven't offended anyone but if I have, tough.
Thanks again to everyone who sent well wishes.
I have no problem with anyone having a sex change if that's what they need to do to be happy. But it shouldn't have a negative impact on biological women. They need to accept they're trans and get on with it, instead of labelling us as CIS and expecting the world to revolve around their wants and needs.

I'm hoping the New Zealand shot putter wins at the Olympics, to throw light on what a ridiculous situation the world has now been backed into.

It wouldn't be happening if the negative impact was on men.

Where are the great pearls of feminist wisdom from No6's wife on this issue?

I wonder where the pair of them stand on trans competitors in the Invictus Games?
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This is very interesting Inskip wedding

View attachment 657234
For some reason I totally spaced it that he brought Sarah tot he Inskip wedding. Probably because I was distracted by the Megz pix. Interesting photoshopped pic further down in the twitter thread. If you can't see where it's been spliced together, check out the second image where I've circled where the seams show. It's especially bad on the table. Some people shouldn't do this at home. Megz is one of them.



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So it was late. Most kids in the UK stayed up to watch our National team play. Schools had a late start today. George has finished for summer.
I loved to see the family showing support and emotion. William explaining the penalty shot out rule to George, Kate hugging him when we scored. And when we lost.
Kate spent the day at Wimbledon with HER dad, but made it home in time to be with her family at Wembley.
I doubt we would ever have seen the likes of this family solidarity from the other two.
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I think everyone eventually meets their match.
From what I have been reading on a news feed today, William is s going to be her Nemesis and will no longer tolerate their lies.

It seems he has turned a corner and is pissed off and angry and it will be a sight to behold. I think he may now have taken the reins over his Father and is known to be really nasty when pushed and her comments re Kate will never be forgiven by him.

Just my thoughts probably not worth a pitcher of warm spit
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At least one son can show loving and tactile parenting without criticising his dad and grandparents

Remember the 5 friends of Peg in a article, claiming Royals are cold "they don't hug" and Pegsy is a warm, hugy person, so approachable and not stuffy.

Then after Oprah the bashing of Cambs kids, how Farchie will grow up happier etc.

Meanwhile Farchie and Lilibucks are being raised by two people without basic life competence.
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Sorry, but I totally disagree.
There is no way pedro that smeggy wouldn't have taken that gift and run with it endlessly.
"Racist Royals Told Us To Leave"...
"How we were discarded after becoming more popular than the other Royals" ...
"They was just well jell."

It would have been the ultimate gift and to the world it would legitimise her claims about the racist jealous stuffy royals.
Sorry bubba, definitely not buying that theory.
What if you are both right, and when did Minge ever tell the truth? It's possible they were told to leave as we discussed a few threads ago, something about money plus other reasons? It all happened very quickly and Minge scarpered on a budget flight, not planned.
Of course they'll put their own spin on it and say they decided to leave, but I think something went very wrong and they had to scramble.
Saying that the racist Royals kicked them out would have opened a can of worms as far as explaining goes and they'd have had to give a reason. Racism wouldn't wash. It didn't wash in Porker. If the RF had countered with the real reason the Snarkles would have been toast as the RF will have had proof.
I think that they had to leave possibly for lots of reasons, sneaky photos, jewellery, dodgy charity money dealings, take your pick, but they were allowed to save face by saying they left to gain freedom.
We all know they intended to leave from day one as they were setting up secret deals immediately. Not just yet though. When it suited them, maybe when Minge had grabbed enough jewellery? At a time of their choosing they would ambush the Royal Family and leave. But the Royal Family ambushed them instead. For me this accounts partly for the bitterness and hatred, and most of all the desire for revenge.
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I am loving every single shot of William, Katherine and George, the royal family moving on and growing.

Harry who???😊

Come on boys!
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Pom Bear

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@Scotch Mist
I've put you up in a room at my luxury royal kennel and gave you a crown🥰❤💖 xx.
I'm glad you seem happy with it 🥰


I had to kick the last guest out, he was so lazy he even put his settee in the bathroom and ate too much food..his gone to a hamster boot camp now as he was getting too fat 😄


I'm all caught up 🥰 Back later tonight 💕❤💖 x
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She was in it from the start as Rachel Zane the girl who wasnt a lawyer but assisted the ones who were.
Her character was the Patrick J Adams character's girlfriend.

I watched Suits and was thrilled to bits that Diana's cheeky son was marrying Rachel from Suits.
I saw lots of press articles that were Meghan versus Kate - I didnt see anything racist but I saw stuff like Kate wears an off the shoulder dress, isnt she amazing and then some Meghan wears an off the shoulder dress and is not amazing.
There was a lot like that and I felt for her.

The lecturing started about saving the planet when they were on private jets all over the place.

Thats when I defected.

And yes the post above saying the UK press was not racist but Classist is spot on.
The Off the Shoulder dress comparisons were because there is a protocol regarding wearing off the shoulder dresses at certain events, similar to the protocol for wearing hats if Brenda does and wearing tights/stockings.
Smeggy just shat on the rules because she's a shit stirring cunt. Her off the shoulder navy dress on the balcony at a very formal event(the one I posted upthread) was just wrong in every way and the cunt knew it. As was the one at the garden party they were thrown out of. It wasn't appropriate and her penchant for going very very obviously bra-less at important events was ridiculous. That was the difference.
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I thought the Royals hated Buckingham Palace. Haven't lots of them complained about the place? And why would W&K move there when their Kensington home has been perfectly good for them so far.
So they don't have to look out the window and see that statue 😂 (sorry I had too)
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