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Meghan's followers may gloat about who won, but the world saw what wonderful parents William and Kate are. They laughed and hugged George when winning and comforted him in defeat. Those are emotions Meghan is incapable of. Those will become iconic images of the relationship between father and son and two future Kings. Meghan and her minions can go suck it.
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There were a few more than just that. And that's the point, doesn't matter as a compliment or not its referencing her race.

There a many reasons to criticise Meghan, but its wrong to deny she never got unfair publicity referencing her race, especially in the early days
She most certainly did not get abuse. In the early days nobody even suspected she was part black FFS. She looked latino, or yes, slightly exotic if one closed ones eyes slightly and the lighting was dim.
By the time she was realised to be somewhat of black ancestry everyone was just excited at twat face bagging a wifey.
So a compliment on one's appearance is deemed racist? OK, you need to get out and socialise more.
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I was just thinking, how spectucarly Meghan's entire game backfired and fell apart. I remember how sad we all were with the initial reactions to the OW interview. Oh she thought she won. You could feel it all the way from Monteshito. Like Regina George standing amidst the chaos she created. The only benefactor amongst it all.

And just a few months later, you have the Cambridges ruling the newspapers with Meghan being a mere footnote. If the dumbass had a bone of genuine kindness in her and more than two brain cells to rub together, it would have been her front row at Wembley and Wimbledon rubbing shoulder with the best. Or rather, they would have been rubbing shoulders with HER. She had had enough clout initially to even overshadow Kate in a way. She could have had EVRYTHING. All she had to do was pay her dues the fist few years. Honestly, she the biggest idiot I have ever seen.
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Scotch Mist

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Is anyone else thinking of writing to the TV company to complain about Wendy Williams comments on the Queen and Dumbarton? I don't usually complain to TV companies to be honest. In fact I think I've only done it once and that was to the BBC.
But WW comments were so offensive that I think I'm going to complain. By criticising the Queen in such a horrible way, she's actually offended the whole of the UK. And the comments about Dumbarton were equally offensive.
If I had a magic wand, I'd refuse to let her enter the UK ever again. Along with Orca and Windy King.
And the whole 'he'll get bullied' argument is rubbish. The poor kid is going to get bullied anyway, everyone gets bullied at some point in their life and it will carry on until you stand up to it. Take away one reason to be bullied and kids will find another. School is the best place to learn how to stand up to bullies because it's far harder to learn that lesson in adult hood.
So I'm thinking of putting in a complaint but then I think isn't that what WW wants? To cause a reaction? Perhaps better to totally ignore it? After all, she's not a person of any significance in the UK.
What does everyone think?
Good points and I agree with you about bullying.

My daughter was bullied at school (something I never allowed to happen to me). I said to her if someone is mean and bitchy and calls you names give it back to them. Anyone who's ever insulted me has been repaid with many choice insults. Anyone who hit me at school got it back too. I beat a boy in a fight at junior school.

My daughter said that if you fight back now you can be excluded and are deemed just as bad as the bully. This policy means that kids literally can't fight back against bullies now. This lack of resilience building is the crux of the problem and that's why bad kids get away with bad behaviour and take it into adulthood.

I bet hardly anyone has ever stood up against Meghan in her life which is why she continues with her horrible bullying behaviour. She has got away with it so far and thinks that nobody will ever win against her.
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Don’t know if this has already been posted.

They’re being given £500 to donate to a charity of their choice for deciding to limit themselves to two kids. I’ve heard it all.
Well if the charity is doing that well it can afford to give £500 prizes out to 10 recipients then it obviously doesn't need my donations.
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liar liar

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I have no problem with anyone having a sex change if that's what they need to do to be happy. But it shouldn't have a negative impact on biological women. They need to accept they're trans and get on with it, instead of labelling us as CIS and expecting the world to revolve around their wants and needs.

I'm hoping the New Zealand shot putter wins at the Olympics, to throw light on what a ridiculous situation the world has now been backed into.

It wouldn't be happening if the negative impact was on men.

Where are the great pearls of feminist wisdom from No6's wife on this issue?

I wonder where the pair of them stand on trans competitors in the Invictus Games?
I've said it so many times. Women are being eroded bit by bit and it won't be until men are actually affected that something will be done. All that we had achieved is becoming hated and instead of great powerful role models we have a bunch of plasticised tarts on Love Island and the like being worshipped for having sex with any bloke out of desperation for an LV luggage set. The world has gone nuts for a very small minority.
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I've been fascinated this morning reading about Gareth Southgate and praise for his leadership. He has inspired his young team and their supporters to feel real pride in playing for England, pride in our history, our courage, our creativity and overall decency. At the same time, he has won their trust "walking the talk" on respectfulness and inclusivity, acknowledging the progress already made whilst speaking out against the divisions that persist. He recognises that over time he has developed into a force for achieving real change, a responsibility which he takes seriously.

And it struck me all over again - Harry and his wife between them simply have no leadership qualities whatsoever. They saw their number of instagram followers and somehow confused this with a talent for leadership. They spout about all their global amibitions and would have us believe she is presidential material blah blah blah, but neither of them has the first idea of what it means to lead people. Neither of them has ever led a team to achieve anything.
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Think i've found one of the Sussex Squad at work posting on social media.
So this is how its done...

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Chatty Member
They are receiving an award for having 2 kids . Words cant express how ridiculous this is . So what happens it she falls pregnant again? The award is retracted then ??! This woke nonsense is becoming next level . They have a bigger carbon footprint than the regular joe will have in a lifetime . Ugh
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That population matters twitter feed is being roasted! To the point that they’ve had to release an article justifying their decision 😂😂😂 Many comments are from ordinary people, not the usual megzit accounts. People saying they’re stopping their contributions. Hypocrisy being highlighted. And all because Harry mentioned only having two kids to their patron Jane Goodall, back in 2019. They really do markle everything they touch 😂😂
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Scotch Mist

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Michael Conner on Quora answering a question about the Harkles planning to become influencers:

"I'm afraid Prince William had better get used to the idea. But fortunately the royal family, especially William, now understand that Harry and Meghan are, for the want of a better word, the enemy. Because Meghan has undeniably declared war upon The Queen, The Palace and vicariously the British people. The learning point must be the need to avoid persons with NPD.

Project Meghan are adept at social media, a medium which lends itself to manipulation more than any other we have ever seen, so of course Harry and Meghan will become “influencers.” But it is a virtual world, unreal, as fake as St. Meghan herself. The influencer’s domain is an echo chamber, and doubles as the global playground for narcissistic bullies, so Meghan is as happy as a rat in a sewer. Queen Rat.

And hands up anyone who thinks Harry has the slightest input into any Project Meghan decisions. Remember that Princes are as appetising as plump millionaires to Meghan; his role is simply being lunch.

So the delicious irony is that Harry, the ever-angry Lilliputian, will inadvertently become the star in his own Truman Show; the very thing he accused the royal family of being. If only he had spent less time playing with his toy soldiers underneath the table, while Meghan was scheming her lucrative future with silver suited LA sharks, circling inches above Harry’s angry little head ……

Harry’s terrible fate as a Shakespearean tragic figure is now sealed. We are approaching Act V, where the bodies pile up, but few tears are shed over a traitor’s demise."
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Thank you to @JAR21 for the new thread title

We still do not like PWB and wifey - she is too quiet - what is she up to?
PWB may have used blocks to increase his height next to PW
Rumours of twins and the surrogate baby not being in the hands of the Harkles
SS have started another onslaught of fabricated media trash
HMTQ visited Coronation Street
Duchess of Cambridge has been been in isolation for 10 days
Scabies has gone to ground - we hope there may be news of a suing soon

England are in the final of Euro 2020/1
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So from Bookworm's latest ( a few pages back)
have I got this right -

Oprah is avoiding Meghan and Doria but is still happy to deal with Harry?
Doria has been kicked out of the Harkle house?
Harry would like to come back to England and an ex girlfriend has promised to support him if he does?
The royal family have hinted they will let him back as long as he doesn't have Meghan in tow?
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Chatty Member
This is what I can’t get my head around. Even the very mention of race makes you racist? It’s that awful, awkward thing where you need to describe someone without alluding to their very apparently ‘different to all others in the surrounding area‘ skin colour: “Her over there in the orange jumper. With the blue jeans. And the brown bag.” Where you both know had you just said “the black girl”, theyd have known immediately. Why is it wrong to state the fact that someone is black or asian or indeed white?! Which goes both ways!! Should I visit a mainly black country, I’d fully expect them to label me as white, to point me out, because that’s what I am!

No wanting to offend anyone (it seems this disclaimer is required at all times these days!), just trying to understand why calling a black person black is wrong.
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