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My husband is a Scot and from a very longstanding Clan. He’s just told me Dum means fort in Gaelic so Dumbarton is Fort of the Britons.

Quite obvious the pompous ,ignorant Montecito duo have no desire to understand culture or heritage …and husband is now shouting the clan war cry around the house

Sons of Hounds, come hither and get flesh”

I wonder if I should take him to the statue unveiling ???? 🤔🤔🤔
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My Cousin was in the Forward party for hazzs first tour out there when he was still in The Blues & Royals & He did not think much of him tbh he was a distraction, My cousin took his role seriously as he is a high ranking Officer ( He was mentioned in Despatches ) & having to keep an eye on him was irritating yeah he mucked in etc but the general feeling was ' why were we lumbered with him '
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Seriously this is bloody ridiculous & utterly disgusting .
I hope the police are acting on this.
I actually cannot believe that the Harkles aren't doing anything. After all, isn't she totally enraged that the BRF didn't help her against the dreadful press (who were 'alledgly' reporting true stories?)
Funny how the two complain constantly about this kind of thing, but won’t speak up when it’s happening in their name.
To be fair though, why would they care about Camila Tomineys three kids when they don’t even care about their three nieces and nephews. I recall the sugars feeling happy about the Cambridge’s all travelling together and the chance the kids might die, leaving Hazno to be king. They didn’t speak up about those vile comments, did they? Disgusting pair, picking and choosing when they use their wokeness.
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OK maybe I shouldn't have said 'stupid statue', but Princess Diana has been dead for 20 years, she wouldn't care about a statue, She would care abut the dismal family dynamics that are happening. In the 80's she brought compassion and awareness to the suffering of aids patients. Know if you weren't around then, the transition of the virus was not understood, people were terrified of aids patients. I lost many friends to aids, the Early Music niche of classical music was decimated. Aids patients were treated like giant, infectious cooties, not just because it was a 'homosexual' disease, but because the transmission was not understood and it terrified people. Seeing Diana touch and show compassion to aids patients helped the world to understand, I will always revere her for that risk (and I am sure she thought it was a risk). I remember going to an aids hospice with a friend to perform some music, and I had to stomp on my fear and experience the patients as the wonderful, amazing beings who needed to be touched and cared for. It was a terrible time. It was a big deal for Princess Diana to champion aids patients. It's still an extraneous statue.
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Pom Bear

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On the subject of names.. Harry has a street named after him 😄
His very happy with his new street sign 😄😄😄 x
( I've actually been down this road in real life lol back in 96 on the way to work..I remember as like yesterday 😀 x)
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Sussex Squad desperately back-pedalling on Twitter now two negative pieces have come out this morning. I don’t dare go into the pit that is the ‘Meghan’ trending page. Someone posted that Charles has published fake accounts. Do they not see how illegal that would be?! :unsure:

(no offence to the Americans on here) but the majority of the vitriol still appears to be coming from American POC, who clearly have no understanding of how the RF works.
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Hahahaha so now the claim of him being cut off financially is being ripped apart on GMB, household accounts have been published showing Charles helped them with a substantial sum of money when they buggered off to America. Oh dear Harry, will the lies ever stop?
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I always had a feeling they didn't opt to use the Dumbarton title for Archie because it didn't sound fancy enough. She didn't want him to be a Lord she wanted him to be a Prince although if there had been a chance to use Lord of Sussex I bet she would have taken it. Dumbarton wasn't glamorous enough for her. Also I will never understand how the woke brigade can be so outraged that Charles 'cut Harry off' when Harry was no longer a working royal. Considering these people all hate people in power/people of privilege who have money without having to put the work in (not how I view the royals FYI) I can't see how they don't support the fact that Harry should receive no money. When it comes to Harry and Meghan the whole world seems to forget that they are just as privileged as the royals and have wealth that us mere mortals could only dream of!
I felt the same about "Frogmore". I always got the impression it didn't sound regal enough for her. It sounds more like the residence of a Disney villain. Oh wait...🤪
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View attachment 630056
She is cute!
It is her soul that is ugly.
Agreed. Not gorgeous, but cute in her pre-Botox/contouring/injection/plastic surgery days. While he definitely enabled her, that picture makes me sad for Thomas. Cutting a toxic parent out of your life is understandable, but by all accounts, including her own, he didn't do anything to deserve all this.

The sad thing to me is that she could've gotten a lot of positive press had she embraced her natural hair (the extensions she uses are so cheat and ugly), learned to love her freckles (as she claimed, rather than shovel on the foundation and bronzer), worn clothing that fit (the kind you take the tags off of because your father-in-law paid for it, have it tailored, and rewear it), and featured some British or Commonwealth Black/WOC designers. But no, she had to dress the body she wanted, not the one she has. Idiot. One thing I have to give her credit for, she managed to piss off a lot of people/industries (fashion, actors, unions, the RF, UK public, all of Australia, most of the Commonwealth, Canada, the UK press, everyone with a brain cell) in a relatively short amount of time, which is pretty impressive.

Final point, she's had the crazy narc eyes forever! :eek: An ugly soul indeed.
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Given the info about their bouquet came out DURING PP funeral, do we think that they'll release a pic of Lil DURING the statue unveiling? Or just some time through the day on Diana's birthday?
Yep totally this - the 1st is the day for a deluge of PR and sepia pics to be released - I also think in PWB speech he will say to honour ‘his’ mother the child formally known as Lilo Lil will be renamed Diana - just for added effect it will probably rhyme too as a nod to that book - he will have a merching stall next to the allowed press corp.

Dear Peasants I am here today - to remove a curtain that‘s in the way
And underneath for all to see is my mother looking just at me
For I am the only son she adored - even though I’m utterly flawed
She adores my wife she told me so - whilst in my garden in Montishito
So in her honour and so it is known - I do not need the Royal throne
For I am now a yankee royal and will continue to live on the Cali soil
I won’t be back so do not cry - I’ll live in lala til I die
So all you peasants who have come today - I don’t thank you - so go away
(To film crew “did I do that as wifey said?“)
(she will be so hap hap with me I may get some roast chicken - runs for the plane) 🤣
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To the people who hypothesize about mm and a some rich person perpetuating a devious plot , I say Nope. You are giving mm too much credit. Her lies and grifts are not that sophisticated, they are falling apart. Every attempt a plagiarizing something has failed; and her lies have become glaringly obvious to everyone but the sugars. To successfully achieve a secret plot, one must have the ability to keep a secret, mm cannot keep a secret. As for another man, sadly I think hairy is stuck with her. She is over the hill age wise, she is a crass blabber mouth who has proven to be untrustworthy time and again. She has left a long string of victims whom have been ghosted once their usefulness has dried up behind her. The ultra rich speculated about are extremely careful and private and would never involve themselves with such a risk factor; she has more personal baggage than an airport. Let's face it, if we did not live in a Woke Central time zone she would have been squashed like a bug long ago. Her ONLY unique asset is being t he duchess of sussex. Hairy has become a pathetic joke to sensible people, so I no longer consider him an asset (I'm guessing the little woman no longer sees him as an asset either, especially since the bank of poppa is now closed). They have failed at netflix and spotify, and everything is unraveling. And now (oh goodie, goodie!!) she is facing an appeal to the letter case which I think is devastating to the sussexi. So grab your popcorn and enjoy the ride.
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Do any of u do this? When you get back online and realise you are so many posts behind so you decide to go the last post and work backwards. Not a good idea as I have found myself in more of a kerfuddLe. Not very smart.
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OMG. just watched the latest Lady C vid up thread, she said 6's wife was heard to say that they were "only one plane crash from the throne"
I"m not sure if that's been shared on here before. I've seen tattlers worrying about the Cambridge"s all travelling as a family together, so maybe it has.
However, Lady C seems to think that there is or will be moves a foot to remove him from the line of succession anyway so he'd never get the chance to sit on the throne. Thank God . Bastards
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Fuck me but BP are playing a blinder. We’ve all moaned they’ve done nothing yet all this time they’ve been waiting for all these truths to come out naturally.

Is that every single thing the gruesome twosome have claimed been proved incorrect?

Total pair of twats.
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Shmirkle was supposed to write about her dogs. Presumably her writing style was found to be as hard, plank-like and wooden as her acting, and she ended up writing about a bench instead.

Maybe she realized a story about a duchess breaking a dog's legs wouldn't go over well with the general public.
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Thanks for the new thread!


What's that about??? 😲
some of the domain names make me queasy. Particularly the ones beginning with HRH, Lady, and Princess.

Please cut them off now Liz, before I spontaneously combust.
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