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Thread suggestion ..#we have no money, we have no shame, we've even stolen her majesty's name
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In case you don't subscribe to Camilla Tominey's newsletter "Your Royal Appointment" via the Telegraph, here it is- just arrived in my email box a few hours ago.

'Justice delayed is justice denied'
By Camilla Tominey,
The investigation into alleged bullying by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is ongoing, which is why nothing has been published in today’s sovereign grant report by Buckingham Palace.

While it is only right that enough time is taken to thoroughly investigate what are very serious claims concerning Harry and Meghan’s treatment of palace staff, it would be wrong to keep the findings secret.

At this stage we do not even know if the report will be made public – but in my opinion it should not only be published, but be published without delay once the probe has been concluded.

It does not do any of the parties involved any favours whatsoever to sit on the findings until next year’s sovereign grant report.

Justice delayed is justice denied, after all. Moreover, why should an independently funded investigation form any part of the annual review of royal finances that is released every summer?

If the probe also lifts the lid on general behaviour within the royal household then that would be no negative thing, either.

Harry and Meghan are not the only members of the Royal family to have ever been accused of bad behaviour.

Like all institutions with a hierarchical structure, there are politics and power games regularly at play – and it is usually the staff at the bottom of the pecking order who suffer the most.

It would also be good to draw a distinction between actual bullying and the sorts of accusations of bullying that are bandied around on Twitter.

I don’t know if you saw it but I was trending on the social media platform this morning because I had repeated a remark Meghan had made about Archie being a voracious reader.

As a result of this – and the Meghan-made-Kate-cry bridesmaid’s dress story (which I still stand by, 100 per cent) – I received death threats against me, my husband and my children.

Yet unlike these despicable trolls, I am not, and have never been, a bully.

This attempt to “cancel” journalists doing their jobs by falsely accusing them of racism is a very pernicious form of bullying that needs to be called out.

It is not bullying the Sussexes to express scepticism about their modus operandi on TV or write unfavourable coverage.

What bothers me most about the latest attack is this: if someone was issuing death threats in my name to the children of someone I know and have worked with for the past 15 years, I’d call it out.

Yet the silence from Prince Harry on the issue of online hate against journalists remains deafening. Indeed, on the contrary, the couple’s eagerness to send lawyers’ letters in response to stories only serves to make life even more difficult for the people trying to report without fear or favour.

It’s hugely disappointing and, frankly, demeans Harry’s quest to clean up the internet.

If the Sussexes want to stop the online hate, they should start by calling out their own rabid “squad”."
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Chatty Member
The fact they are moaning they were cut off financially in Summer last year during a pandemic when people were losing jobs, homes and loved ones shows the level their tiny tiny minds work at. They give exactly no shits about anyone but themselves.
They got at least 2 million pounds and lets face it Charles paid off what they owed for Frogmore.
They are moaning they only got 2 million. Only, thats what was bothering them. They expected to keep getting the pocket money from Charles, for him to pay all their bills, clothing allowance for her and a boatload of security. But apart from all that they were going to be independant, a couple in their late 30's making out that they were being really brave by not accepting the sovereign grant money. Yeah but they wanted everything else. They assumed Charles would fund the lavish lifestyle and then they could bank the millions they would rake in by just being the most famous couple in the world.
The fact covid hit put a damper in that plan.
But apart from that we have seen they have nothing to offer, they know nothing about anything, they spout buzzwords and catchphrases, but nothing of substance because they are both very stupid people.
They never really grew up properly either of them. Both were spoiled, literally, by family who never said no to them, so they are completely unable to deal with the real world where you have to work to pay bills and you dont get what you demand all the time.
He has admitted he threw a tantrum because he was told no more dress up so he went on tv and ripped his family apart. They sat there and told lie after lie after lie all because they didnt get what they wanted.
He has never gottenn past the fact that William is more important than him and always will be, and the fact he is lower down the scale than a 7 year old boy is making him boiling angry.
He showed his true colours at the funeral when he messed everyone about just because he could.
He will try to cause more mayhem at the unveiling, this time I suspect William will not be as polite and as soon as he is out of camera /public view he will blank him and just walk away in case he tells him what he really thinks.
This is why William will be King and ginge will be nothing, one knows how to behave and respects the crown and all it stands for, the other just wants what he wants and he wants it now.
If they werent such vile creatures I would almost feel sorry for them.
Those poor kids stuck in that house with both parents completely unhinged and prone to temper tantrums.
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I'm fed up of seeing the 'Harry lied/Harry didn't lie' crap about PC funding them. The main point isn't whether he lied or not. It's the fact that a 36 year old able bodied multi millionaire expected Daddy to pay for him and thought he deserved sympathy when Daddy said no. All at a time when people are losing their jobs and homes because of Covid. He's a disgusting excuse of a human being with no thought or consideration for what other people are going through.
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Reading the comments on the DM site and came across this gem.

"Didn't want Dumbarton as it contains the word "dumb" Good job they weren't offered Scunthorpe!!"
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the musician

Chatty Member
OMG! In Lady C's video today she mentioned that someone told her that HW told them "We're one plane crash away from the throne". WTF?! HW is fucking deranged! Apparently HW's aim is to create the situation where Charles and William will be forced to step aside and "dethroned" to be removed from the line of succession with her false accusations via Scobie so that Harry will become regent.

Btw, it was mentioned that if something does happen to Charles and William (God forbid), the plan would be for Princess Anne to become regent (and Edward would be on the regency council), certainly no chance for Haz. It was also mentioned that it's more likely for Harry and the kids to be removed from the line of succession first before the titles go.
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They’re all fleeing London while he’s here 🤣
#119 They all scatter cos Harry doesn't matter.

They know that if they speak to him he will twist their words.
So if they don't talk to him it is much safer.
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me from mid-America

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Markle must be scrambling now. The Baby Lilibet moment has passed and became a controversy that made them look mean and petty. The Diana Unveiling is upon us…and she will find some way to milk that. But, that too…will pass.

But oh my! How to make herself relevant going forward? We Americans have a plethora of pontificating Woke celebrities to choose from, should we desire hectoring from the Hypocrite Class. Our cup runneth over. She’s not special. The only title that ever resonated with us for long…was.…Colonel Sanders…and the real one is dead now.

What would make the Markles stand out? A tarnished title? A toxic history…ghosted family, friends, and the unfortunates who tried to work for her?

More gossip about the RF? Yawn, her credibility is shot…and she’s slimed up dear old Oprah along with her. Pictures of the kids? Will they be cuter than the Karadashian kids, who seem to be born on a fairly regular basis.…and we Yanks haven’t long attention spans.

Thry have already turned themselves into a reality show. Feuding with everyone. Showing off the rescue chickens. Poems about the Bench.

Sort of a cross between your Keeping up Appearances and our Green Acres. Isn’t she Duchess ‘Bou-quet” with all her artifice and pretension…it has even affected her silly handwriting.

Tough times ahead. Remember…only as important as your last ‘movie.’
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What a load of crap

Sure. He adored his Grandfather so much that he gave a bombshell interview to Okra during PP’s last days on earth, didn’t make any effort to try and visit him when he knew for a fact that he was dying, then posted a “ Thank you for your service” message when he did die. Yeah, that’s real devotion right there.
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Mock Turtle

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I’ve not been properly keeping up with the threads so apologies if this has already been posted:

And look what someone’s posted in the comments:

She literally doesn’t have an original thought in her head!
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Looked on the Meghan and Harry trending on twitter, the SS are truly vile

1. Saying Camilla Towney is a RF propagandist, liar, made up the death threats (screen shotted that Yahoo said the account doesnt exist, however as noted it was sent from an e form on CT website where you can just type in a made up email)
2. That the accounts published are lies and actually show the RF lived off the profits that HFW and H gave back from Frogmore
3. Saying the Dumbarton story is to deflect from these made up account information
4. Sending death threats as well as comments condoning 'R**e' and abusive of the Cambridge children as well as using racial slurs ( Check an account called Kayla Adams, she is one of us and posted some of the abusive she has received)
Poor Kayla Adams, she is a WOC and the abuse she has suffered from Sussex stans is abhorrent. Other POC calling her the N word and the C word, it makes me feel sick.

I also saw some other comments about George and Charlotte, saying that George has ADHD because he’s uncomfortable being in public (I’m a 30-odd year old woman and I’d feel uncomfortable with that level of attention!) and that Charlotte has a flat nose and because she’s inbred PA should have free reign with her. Also saying they hope Kate and Will die of Covid so Harry can bring the kids to Monteshito.
I’m actually shocked, I have two kids myself and I cannot see how H&M are allowing this abuse from their fans against ANYONES children, never mind blood relations.
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🤣 Yup! This is what I don't understand, he was trying to go from 15 working royals who attended over 3,400 engagements in 2019, to 6. Moreover, two of them are in their 70's, two have little kids, and two are idiots... so great plan, that. I don't get it.

In '19 the Duke of Gloucester and the Duke of Kent both did more stuff than Kate, H, Camilla, Sophie, and Mrs 6; heck William only did a few more events than they did. It'll be interesting to see what gets cut because they'll have to keep a balance between the flashy stuff and the recycling center visits. I know downsizing is popular right now, but Norway and Denmark are less than 6 million people, Sweden a little over 10 million, Belgium 11.5 million, etc., so reducing the number of working members of the family makes sense. Charles is extremely lucky Edward and Sophie are so capable and that Anne is very dedicated. I'm not a huge fan of the York girls, but I think William would be smart to make sure they, and later Louise and James if they want, carry out a few duties (unpaid, as they do now a bit).

I'm still convinced a lot the drama was because they were expected to take on more duties and just didn't want to put in the work. They got the tour but I saw that as riding the high from the wedding. There were going to be a lot more care home visits in their future and we all saw how well that went over with her.

All this makes me wonder how much William in involved in shaping the family moving forward. Charles has been on his downsizing kick for a while, but to me it felt more like sibling rivalry issues disguised as cost savings. I don't think William wants all of his cousins involved but I wonder if he agrees with Charles or not.
I never saw it as sibling rivalry at all. He and we know Andrew is a lazy bastard so any 'work' he did was always limited anyway and based around where the nearest golf course was to the event. Anyway he's pretty much cancelled himself now and nobody wants to see him flouncing around being billy big bollix. I think chas was more concerned with cost cutting because of criticism of the Firm so he's been working on this for years. The problem is the changing circs. I mean he undoubtedly had hazza and fishy fanny down as big wheels in the refurbed Firm, expecting them to jump in and actually work. Nope. They bailed. So now he's had to rethink and also allow for Brenda's very advanced age and limited duties and Anne and himself heading that way too. The goal posts keep changing so no wonder he's struggling trying to get it right. But with Wills help he'll do it. Camilla is a wise head too, as is Anne, and will be a good sensible sounding board and they'll work it out once the Harkles get dealt with. That's the big obstacle at present. Unfortunately the Long Game the Firm are (of necessity) playing is stalling Chas's plans. He's wary of taking any big steps in dealing with them. Something has to be done, but that's his kid and chas is soft as shite where haz is concerned. Always has been and that's a huge stumbling block for everyone.
Chas has had a tough time recently, being battered in public by his child and then losinng his beloved father so he's sure to be discombobulated. Once he gets the statue crap out of the way he might be able to think clearer. I have faith in him.:m
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