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New title by @Rayne with 77 likes!

Carrying on from here:

Don't forget the WIKI! Pink button at the top of every page of the thread.

In recent developments:
* The Times has been serialising a new book, which contains various incendiary claims ... archive links are in the wiki courtesy of @JAR21.
* Smeghan's book has all but disappeared from the press, and will no doubt shortly disappear from the shelves too, as sales are dismal (when they're not being artificially propped up by herself and given away).
* The furore about domain names continues as there's been some sort of admittance that they did buy them up before checking the name with the Queen.
* Ginge and Cringe are supposedly on pat/mat leave. Regardless, rumours have it that Ginge might be doing another interview soon.
* Still no sign of Little Lilibet. Does she exist? Has the surrogate kept her? Does anybody care?
* Will Ginge show up in the UK for the statue unveiling? If he's going to quarantine then he ought to be here by now.
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It kind of makes sense.
Do the Lillibet name, get the blowback.
Then on the day of the statue unveiling,
announce the Diana name.
Pretty Machiavellian!

Except it leaked early.

I just can’t with these two…. So much deception. Nothing is clear.
Thank you for the title @Rayne and @kev1974 for the great summary.

I think it's cretinous to play games with your newborn daughter's name, registering domains with a name stolen from HMTQ just to cause controversy, when the child was actually born somewhere else with a different name. If they think they'll win kudos with an announcement that the name was Diana all along, they're mistaken and will make themselves look even more unhinged than before. The damage was done when they announced her name as Lilibet. Diana's name is getting more tainted by the day thanks to her venal and treacherous son.

These two are supposedly new parents after a geriatric pregnancy. Instead of being filled with love and gratitude they're ducking and diving, merching and setting up websites to flog overpriced stuff on the coattails of their "new daughter" and commoditise her. Deceiving the public as they did with Farch, lie after lie.

Farch seems to have faded away and his only recent cameo was to promote his parasitic mother's laughable venture into childrens' literature. Farch is the only one to voice critical acclaim of this garbage, and he is allegedly two years old.

There's no pride ever shown in their son ... Here he is, Our Lovely Archie with us as a Family! "Farch" has been exploited and abused, as everything they say or show about him gives rise to derision. The weird initial photos, the deliberate parading of him totally immobile in the sun at the polo match, the taunting lopsided doll in the sling in Canada with Smeg smirking, the clumsy pap shot photoshopped in L.A. dropping him at school miles away, again with Smeg smirking behind her mask, the brazen Gavin and Brynn impersonations never denied, and the huge child on the swing. Crouching with chickens and risking infection. If I was someone famous and questions were being asked about my child, I would set the record straight as with the moonbump. But they don't, and instead continue to stir the pot. The RF certainly didn't know what they were taking on board when they let this monster join their family.

There's no attempt to make it real, it's like a Big FU to us all. Above all the porno words they say are part of his vocabulary which they post to the media. Everything is designed to raise a laugh at his expense, from his huge team of therapists to the huge pile of toys in his room.

I'm not explaining this very well but I've always felt that there is something dark and unnatural going on here, and now it's starting with his "sister". I go on about these children not being real because I've always been very bothered about what's been going on in case they are real. If I'm right and they don't exist I will be very happy as No.6 and Smeg are not fit to take care of any living thing.
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Scotch Mist

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I’ve been a lurker for 3 threads. Discovered you all through Reddit. Yay! But lately I’m noticing that the sugars are harrasing/omitting/reporting for removal any pages/communities/people that oppose their views. Yet they are allowed to continue with their 💩 behavior! What is tattle policies. I hate for that to happen to these threads.
Hopefully they won't succeed here. Tattle has a rave thread for brain dead cult fans supporters and this (far more popular thread) for those who can't stand them.

I used to be a member of another forum where criticism wasn't allowed. Tattle is very refreshing, thank goodness we are free to post here.
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Scotch Mist

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Hmm. I just clicked on something in Quora that had a picture of a smiling mm at 16; her hair was in natural, shiny waves(although even then she had the little tendrils on her cheeks) and it was before her veneers- she was very pretty before all that cosmetic surgery. Who knew?
Sorry noooooooo.........You need a trip to specsavers my dear... she always was a fugly bint IMO..... plain at best!
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Another corker of a DM comment would make a fabulous next thread title
Harry literally doesn't know what literally means, literally.
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Can someone confirm if my memory is serving me correctly? When they announced they were stepping back, didn't they say in their statement that they wanted to be financially independent? If so, how stupid do they look for throwing their toys out of the pram when PC made them be financially independent!
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Scotch Mist

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Re pretty/not pretty: once you know what someone is like THAT is when you know when they are pretty or not. And once you've discovered the bad stuff, no matter how pretty they might seem, you just know that they're not all that.
Roald Dahl put it well
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Poor Kayla Adams, she is a WOC and the abuse she has suffered from Sussex stans is abhorrent. Other POC calling her the N word and the C word, it makes me feel sick.

I also saw some other comments about George and Charlotte, saying that George has ADHD because he’s uncomfortable being in public (I’m a 30-odd year old woman and I’d feel uncomfortable with that level of attention!) and that Charlotte has a flat nose and because she’s inbred PA should have free reign with her. Also saying they hope Kate and Will die of Covid so Harry can bring the kids to Monteshito.
I’m actually shocked, I have two kids myself and I cannot see how H&M are allowing this abuse from their fans against ANYONES children, never mind blood relations.
Seriously, I really REALLY do not like reading that shite on here. :cautious:
With all due respect to you and the few others who repeat that crap for our 'edification', it's fucking annoying having it infect the thread.
There is a reason not all of us read twitter crap from the vile sugars. They are insane and vicious bastards and personally speaking I'd rather it was left over there ... not on here.
I'm not policing the thread and have no power in the matter BUT I FUCKING HATE IT !:(
I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty teaspoon than read the opinions of a herd of brain dead illiterate cunts.

Please PLEASE put that crap in spoilers titled "sugar shite" so those wanting to avoid it can whiz on past it.
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I can understand now why the Royal Family never issue a rash response to criticism or accusations.
It gives them time to sit back and read/hear who is saying what about them.
They can gauge who is a true friend and who isn't.
For example, the guy who wrote "battle of the brothers" has just written some new content to "update" his original book.
I havent read it but apparently the original book was anti William but the new content sees him backpedaling and being pro William.
But his card has been marked. He showed his cards and the RF know he is not a supporter.

Same with all the outcry about Prince Charles being an ogre for cutting off his son financially because Harry twisted the facts to make it sound like he wasnt given any money at all.
All those people who criticised Charles for that can now see that he did not cut him off and the RF knew the truth all along but by not issuing a rebuttal statement immediately (like Charles wanted to do) has allowed them to witness exactly who is their supporter and who isn't.

They gave enough rope for their enemies to hang themselves.

They know what they are doing.
And a tit for tat game isn't one they are interested in playing because there are better ways to do it.
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I'm creative. I write, paint, sew and do lots of other creative things. And I'm ok at it. At least I'm a published writer. I consider my creativity to be a gift, a huge gift in fact and I am grateful for it everyday.
I've met loads of people like Minge. People who are desperate to be creative and to be seen as a creative person. They are happy to steal other peoples work and claim credit for it. They are happy to copy other peoples work. And they always, always think their own idea's are much better than they actually are. If you try to help them, they'll announce that you don't know what you're talking about or you're just jealous of their ability. They'll look for ways to criticise your work in order to make themselves feel better. They get eaten up with jealousy by any success you have.
There's nothing creative about Minge and there's nothing original about her either. You come across people like this all the time and the best thing to do, is walk in the opposite direction. No one needs a toxic person in their life.
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I hate to tell you this but I’m afraid that Hazno actually outranked your cousin. I know it’s an awful thought but it’s true. Sorry!
Didn't say he out ranked harry tho he was in charge of hazzas Forward party so had to work with him on daily basis ,My cousin worked damned hard for his rank unlike hazza who was practically gifted his Hazza played at being a solider whilst being protected while others around him were doing the job they were paid to do ,

I think i am going to step back from Tattle for a while ,
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Wonder how Orca is feeling with yet another lie from her spectacular interview exposed... They have made her a laughing stock.... The great Orca peddling lies .. Unchallenged, unchecked "facts" ..... I hope she is regretting the shitefest.... They made a bloody fool out of her
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i am a monarchist but if she got anywhere near that throne I would be first in line calling for a republic!!
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Diana was very troubled and I think most of it came from her upbringing. Most people seem to forget that she and Charles were on way better terms after the divorce and before she died. He even wrote her a lovely letter before she died which she unfortunately never got to read.

Harry and his wife don't help this situation at all. Constantly acting as if his mother was so perfect. I wonder if William used to shield his brother from everything that was going on between their parents. I saw this video and it seems like he was always looking out for his brother. He also was upset about how Diana's "trust has been betrayed and even now she is still being exploited" when Paul Burrell's book came out. I wonder how he feels about Harry and the wife doing the exact same thing now, exploiting his late mother's memory for money.
Like many others on the thread I liked Diana. I didn't like the public mud slinging by either her or Charles particularly as the boys were of an age to be aware of it. However, given what's now come out about Bashir, he really has a lot to answer for. Feeding someone with the amount of paranoia Diana had was an incredibly cruel act and her mental health was already in a bad way. They both played the media and I honestly feel that Charles had the shitty end of the stick. Diana basically had a good heart as does Charles, they have both done exceptional good works over the years and I think her legacy to her boys until the Cali Cunt came along was in good hands. As we know she was far from perfect but she was a human being and its so unfair to William and for her sisters that The ginger wanker and his cunt are cashing in on her memory. I couldn't care less what her brother thinks he's a bellend who denied her shelter when she needed it most and is responsible for setting her up with Bashir. The number of people who have cashed in on her memory is astounding and disgraceful but The ginger reject and his cunt have blown my mind. I mean really blown it. They have soiled her, like everything else they touch in my opinion and the money they are trying to make off her is dirty. Its also really sick, the woman should be left in peace. For her many faults she never turned on the queen or the RF like that pair have because she had the respect for it and the boys future. They have nothing, no goodness, no respect, no compassion, no empathy, and no dignity. Oh no fukin Money I suspect, or is that hope? They are An absolute abomination and I feel very desperatley sorry for Charles, I'm so pleased he has Camilla because all this can't be easy for him. He's earned his right to be King and he will be excellent because like his father he is incredibly forward thinking.
The ginger wanker has always had issues and his cunt is feeding all of them with her particular brand of poison, not unlike what Bashir did to his mother. Diana's fight was with,Charles, the cunts fight is with the whole monarchy because they were told no. It was their choice I suspect more hers to leave the RF well, suck it up buttercup. Out is out. No matter how many lies are told, that fact never changes, they wanted out. Now they want back in because they can see things slipping away. Well they can just fuck off, and fuck off as far away as they like. Whatever blackmail she has over him, he should take it like a man and get the fuck away from her, and get the kids out too if they exist because she's not safe to be around them if the rumours are true. I believe there is something to it as there is no smoke without fire. I don't want that little treasonous obnoxious little bastard back in this country, the South Pole is an option, properly freeze him out. However he hasn't got the balls to walk away he's too weak. The best part of him came out with the afterbirth.
They make me sick, her even more than him because she planned it all down to the very last detail. Her arrogance didn't take into account the smartness of HMTQ, PC and William. I think she thought they were as stupid as the one she dragged down the aisle. However she underestimated the power the RF holds and I cannot wait for her downfall, even though it appears to be taking far too long in my opinion. Come on Liz, hurry the fuck up mun!
Finally, what kind of person sets up their own kids to make money off. The whole setup is sick, and gives me the creeps particularly if the surrogacy adoption rumours are true. The birth mother I would think would be distraught to think the only reason they wanted the child was to make money off it.
Sorry if.ive repeated myself and what others have already said back to the murder mystery. Uts giving me some superb ideas!
God save the Queen. #teamqueen #teamcharlesandcam #teamcambridge.
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liar liar

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I was reading through the DM article and came across another load of poetic nonsense...

In another illustration, a father and son duo each wear pink tutus while performing ballet poses. I didn't find that strange...

The accompanying words read: 'You'll love him. You'll listen. You'll be his supporter.' I thought it might be followed by 'And then you'll ignore him cos you've now got a daughter.'
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having the two of them up in Scotland, after the public snubbing of Dumbarton - also a nice touch.
MSP Jackie Baillie: ‘If rumours about Harry and Meghan are true, I’d encourage them to rethink their decision’ (

"MSP Jackie Baillie has responded to news that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle rejected the Earl of Dumbarton title for their 2-year-old son Archie, urging them to “rethink their decision” if the rumours are true.

It has been reported that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex refused the title, due to concerns that Archie would be mocked and bullied for a title that included the word “dumb”.

Responding to reports, Jackie Baillie, Labour MSP for Dumbarton told i: “If the rumours about Harry and Meghan are true, then I would encourage them to rethink their decision as I think there is no greater honour than being named after the town.

“I am very proud to be the MSP for Dumbarton – it is my home. Dumbarton is a wonderful place and the people of Dumbarton have always prided ourselves on being open and accepting.

“We welcome with open arms anyone who wishes to be associated with or call Dumbarton their home.”

The title of Scottish nobility was created in 1675 for Lord George Douglas to express his gratitude for his services fighting in the Franco-Dutch war.

However, after the death of Lord Douglas’s only son in 1749, the name died out and remained extinct for 260 years until the Queen sought to restore the title by offering it to the couple when they married in 2018.

A royal source told The Telegraph: “They didn’t like the idea of Archie being called the Earl of Dumbarton because it began with the word ‘dumb’ [and] they were worried about how that might look.”

Another insider added: “It wasn’t just Meghan who pointed out the potential pitfalls, it also bothered Harry.”

Many people have also taken to Twitter, expressing the offence the royal couple’s rejection of the title has caused for the people of Dumbarton, with many describing their actions as an “insult”."

Yep, seems to have gone down a treat in Scotland.

It really points to some serious level of insecurity to see 'Dumb' in Dumbarton to the point of rejecting the title. Maybe hits too close to the bone?
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Pom Bear

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I'm on page 51 of the last thread 🥰

One pic from me tonight, though I guess it could be two pics lol...I've found the perfect places for The Bench 😄 x.
They also make ideal targets for men to improve their aim at the urinals 😀


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