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Does anyone think Harry made a mistake saying the 1st Amendment was 'bonkers'? I think he meant the 2nd amendment- the right to bear arms- thus relating to guns etc. I'm certainly no expert on the US constitution- and am happy to be corrected.
No because what seems to becoming clearer by the day is that Harry thinks freedom of speech should only apply to what he and his wife say, the rest of us should presumably 'know our place, keep our mouths shut and worship them'
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Chilli pepper 19

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God I fucking love him

Im loving how despite the obvious hurt, none of the family are letting it show and are living their best lives at the moment
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I don’t understand the therapy thing.

He was having therapy during Meghan’s “suicidal” period. Why didn’t he just ask his therapist for a referral for Meghan? Why on earth did the family or the Human Resources department have to get involved?

Did she or is she having therapy? What with being “suicidal” and crying into the pillow at night and all. Doesn’t she want to “heal”?

Why didn’t Oprah ask her this? Why is Harry the only one having therapy? If she isn’t having therapy, why not?

It’s all fucking bollocks and I don’t believe any of it, by which I mean anything that comes out of either of their mouths.
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Does anyone think Harry made a mistake saying the 1st Amendment was 'bonkers'? I think he meant the 2nd amendment- the right to bear arms- thus relating to guns etc. I'm certainly no expert on the US constitution- and am happy to be corrected.
No I think he meant freedom of speech. He hates freedom of speech because it means we all get to call him a dick.

ETA And there's nothing 'bonkers' about that :p
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Harry's new narrative of not being able to grieve as a child of a celebrity, and somehow blaming the public for it as of they prevented him from grieving “properly” or at the right time, is not quite right to me. I’m sure the celebrity factor is an additional burden in some ways, but I think these celebrities are describing a universal human experience of loss. In other words they are not that special. My experience of grief is that it is a very odd thing and a real emotional roller coaster full of moments you don’t expect. I remember feeling very connected, calm and peaceful during my dad’s funeral and a bit confused as to why my cousin, who hadn’t seen him for years, seemed so upset. In fact it was several months before I found myself crying quite unexpectedly while out shopping one day. Sometimes you actually need other people to do the grieving for you when and if you can’t feel anything yourself, and you come to your own grief in your own way in your own time. And it can be unbelievably helpful and cathartic to see how loved your loved one was. I think this is true even if those other people didn't know the person you are grieving for because someone like Diana can have a hugely positive impact on the lives of thousands of people who would never have met her.

Those boys were very protected from the public after the funeral and there would have been plenty of time and space for private grieving. And I don’t believe that nobody allowed discussion of Diana, although I do think the RF would have had the attitude that distraction, activity and "doing", rather than focusing on grief and sadness, was the right way forward. Which is actually a perfectly valid way of handling the situation and rightly or wrongly the way people have got through difficult times for generations. It's actually only quite recently that this emphasis on letting everything out, yammering on about your hardships and "not bottling" your emotions, has come to be seen as the healthy way forward - but actually with the stats on mental health apparently declining it doesn't seem to be having the desired effect. Which is not to say that a problem shared isn't a problem halved, but the endless examination of one's psyche and trying to trace the roots of emotional problems by months and years of talking about them possibly doesn't always work in the way it's supposed to.
This is the origin of the "stiff upper lip" and the reason its lasted for as long as it has is because IT ACTUALLY WORKS (for most people in most circumstances - yes there are occasionally exceptions)

I've had a number of bad things happen in my life, but by 'just getting on with it' I've eventually overcome most of them. Not saying that to be superior or anything. I could have given in and whinged and moaned and given up, but what doesn't break you makes you stronger yadda yadda and now a lot of people tell me they wish they had my resilience. Well I've worked damned hard at earning my resilience, and I resent whinging moaners like Harry.

Yes his mother died when he was young, but he's not unique in that. He's not even unusual in that.

He still has his health & the use of all his limbs. He's not blind and he doesn't have to worry where his next meal is coming from. He already has one healthy child and another on the way. He doesn't have cancer or any other deadly health issue and neither does any of his loved ones. And if he or his wife & children did have a major health issue, he has the funds to get the best possible medical attention.

There are literally billions of people on this planet that would love to swap their problems for his, and the ungrateful brat can't (or won't) acknowledge that.

/end rant :ROFLMAO:
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Chatty Member
Catherine is a wonderful artist 😍 she sketched this in 2002 and it's been used on a postcard to thank Scotland for their hospitality during the tour

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me from mid-America

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I think it may be dawning on Markle that they’ve made a few big mistakes. Harry seems to have gone rogue, outside of the PR experts control...mistake no.1. He’s killing the brand.

Second mistake is thinking they can bring down the Monarchy from Hollywood. From what I can see, everything is moving along quite serenely in the UK despite his ‘bombshells’ and its the Cambridge’s that are ‘thriving.’.

Third, Harry is no stellar advertisement for the wonders of therapy. If he represents...what years of the best therapy money can buy produces...why bother. He is still grieving, fuming, fearful, self-pitying, etc. He ought to be suing his therapists, not journalists.

Fourth, most Americans get healthcare through their employer or the government...Medicare, Medicaid. Very few plans would allow for the the kinds of therapy he’s pushing. And if they did, there would be a limit and rest out of pocket. So all his patting of worthless to a family that is just getting by and can’t afford to alleviate their misery like multi-millionaires do.

Fifth, big mistake to go so ‘woke’ ‘political.’ Politics Is so toxic now, that friendships are maintained by just avoiding all political topics unless in a group where everyone agrees. The RF had the right idea all these years. Markle was trying so hard to get in with the “Woke In-crowd’ that she never checked out a voting map of the US. Lots of red outside if the blue city hellholes, Rachel...and you are no Kween to us. And my feeling is that sincere Lefties don’t see you as the kind of figurehead they desire either.
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Exactly so. I fear genuine sufferers will now be lost in a tsunami of young smeggy fans who assume being sad at a broken romance or your iphone being robbed is an indication you need to go seek help from a doctor and wibble endlessly about it, cos hazza said that's how you get better. Hazza is trivialising the situation and reducing it to "Yah, talk about a lot and do the hand flapping pittypatty thing like I did and you'll get better." Sure Jan, if you haven't become suicidal waiting for three months for a referral.
As for "You are not alone". Frankly that was not something that helped me or even sank in for me until I was on the road to recovery, because back then I was totally alone in my head. There is no one in there to help you, you feel like nobody in the world has been where you are. It's all encompassing and scary and very very lonely, no matter how often you are told you're not alone. It means diddly squat.
I swear to God, I didn't think I could dislike him more, but watching him slither into Big Name friendships using the mental health card makes me so angry I could cry.:mad:
Its his sheer belief that he had suffered that gets me, flapping his gums about poor mummy and unsupportive daddy that passed on the generations of pain.... Oh mate you are clueless.... Millions of people struggle to get out of bed every day because of crippling debt, shitty underpaid jobs, empty fridges and cupboards , terminally sick themselves or have very unwell loved ones , some have children with special needs, some people have no frigging bed to even get out of but they get up, get dressed , face the day and pray to whoever in the sky that things will be ok on that particular day, nothing further will go wrong.... They can't run to their multi millionaire friends and weep about the injustice of it all.... Play pat a cake and make it all disappear.... Shut up you c*nt ( as freda would say)
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me from mid-America

Active member
I don’t understand the therapy thing.

He was having therapy during Meghan’s “suicidal” period. Why didn’t he just ask his therapist for a referral for Meghan? Why on earth did the family or the Human Resources department have to get involved?

Did she or is she having therapy? What with being “suicidal” and crying into the pillow at night and all. Doesn’t she want to “heal”?

Why didn’t Oprah ask her this? Why is Harry the only one having therapy? If she isn’t having therapy, why not?

It’s all fucking bollocks and I don’t believe any of it, by which I mean anything that comes out of either of their mouths.
This is such a crock. Markle is supposedly the embodiment of a late-thirties forceful Woke woman...not a 19 yr old teenager married to the heir to the throne. She threw a fit over a tiara, but meekly let them keep her from therapy when she was suicidal?
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If I were concerned about the global allure of the monarchy, I would also be contacting my politicians!!! The thing is while America is intrigued by the British monarchy, they also despise the idea of a monarchy, and don’t get why Royals are better than anyone else. Harry is only preaching what most Americans think and want to hear. As long as Harry stays out of the 2nd amendment and abortion politics, Americans are pleased to harbor him. He’s not gone out of bounds on the first amendment. And Megan is American whose dad is just another a-hole garbage father.

Does anyone know who styles or dresses Meg (and Harry)? Meg has horrid fashion sense. I don’t get why she always dresses in ill fitting or unflattering and unsuitable clothing. She’s got all the resources to dress well. Harry dresses like he can’t decide who he is. Pick a style Harry!
Where do I start with this...

Most Americans don't think the way he's talking. At least half of us are sick to death of this woke crap and the only reason you think we love it is the media is infested with the people who follow it-- and Oprah is one of their high priestesses. We don't want to hear his whining. We want him to SHUT UP because believe it or not we have had a very bad 18 months and the next 18 are not looking like the fun is going to stop. Most Americans are MADE ILL by what he has done to his family. We are NOT PLEASED that he is here whining one second and telling us how to live the next.

I don't think the royals are better than anyone else and I don't think anyone in Britain thinks that either. We have a bunch of one-thought wonders over here who bring up the Revolutionary War every time the royals are mentioned because their room temperature IQs don't permit them to talk about anything else. "Uh, queen? Dur hur, fought a war! No queen here, dur hur!" Information leaks, "Fought a war, dur hur!," and taxes, three signs I know everything is normal in the USA! The ones who can get past the "We fought a war!" understand you have your own government, and wouldn't try to change it. As for whether we would find a monarchy repulsive here, after the last two elections I'm not so sure, and I'm one of those from a family that's been here for 500 years, with relatives who actually fought in that war (dur hur).

Haz went out of bounds on the first amendment the second he opened up his mouth and started yammering about it. He's living here as a guest, not as a citizen, he doesn't vote and I doubt if he could pass a civics test, let alone spell civics. If this marriage and these two continue on with the Democratic party, they will not stay out of guns, abortion or anything else, and he's just going to get torn to bits every time, mostly because he does not do the homework.

Eh. He’s not saying anything worthy of the woke “defund the police” crowd. They are interested in communities self policing criminal situations. It’s not controversial to say families and caretakers should be able to call someone for help and guidance in regards to Non-Criminal situations especially involving schizophrenic and mentally ill people. And there have been a number of situations where caretakers and families of mentally ill people have called the cops for help and the police came snd shot the person for nothing criminal.
I'm one of the people who had to call the police on a mentally ill family member and as crappy as they were, I'm glad they were cops and not a couple of nimrods with a notepad and narcan. Even if a situation is non-criminal sometimes you still need the police. Not every mental health case is strung out on drugs and sitting on a street corner. Meanwhile we are probably going to have riots again soon and all sort of other stuff is happening. You don't get that because you don't live here, and neither did he until less than a year ago, I think... time flies when Prince Harry is trying to do me favors with his hand out for donations. The Prince of Imbeciles has neither the cranial capacity, nor the opposable digits to comprehend us, let alone solve our problems and I don't care if he makes a dollar a year or $100 million, it is above his fucking pay grade.
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It is official. Harpo and Hazno mental health schtick has turned a very serious and heart breaking issue into a shameless, money spinning circus. I literally don't want to hear or see one more needless celeb sharing about their trauma etc. It does absolutely nothing to help the cause and the latest discovery that Hazno's "project" offers zero support, qualified advice etc proves it. It is just blah blah to pollute the tv airtime. No progress and in fact I feel it has demeaned it into almost a joke (which it is not). I am furious. Really angry.
Exactly so. I fear genuine sufferers will now be lost in a tsunami of young smeggy fans who assume being sad at a broken romance or your iphone being robbed is an indication you need to go seek help from a doctor and wibble endlessly about it, cos hazza said that's how you get better. Hazza is trivialising the situation and reducing it to "Yah, talk about a lot and do the hand flapping pittypatty thing like I did and you'll get better." Sure Jan, if you haven't become suicidal waiting for three months for a referral.
As for "You are not alone". Frankly that was not something that helped me or even sank in for me until I was on the road to recovery, because back then I was totally alone in my head. There is no one in there to help you, you feel like nobody in the world has been where you are. It's all encompassing and scary and very very lonely, no matter how often you are told you're not alone. It means diddly squat.
I swear to God, I didn't think I could dislike him more, but watching him slither into Big Name friendships using the mental health card makes me so angry I could cry.:mad:
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VIP Member
Does anyone think Harry made a mistake saying the 1st Amendment was 'bonkers'? I think he meant the 2nd amendment- the right to bear arms- thus relating to guns etc. I'm certainly no expert on the US constitution- and am happy to be corrected.
No. The cunt knew what he was saying. Well, in as much as he ever knows what he's saying:rolleyes:.
He hates the peasants having the right to free speech. That's just for him and his wealthy mates.
He thinks himself more royal and entitled than even arrogant uncle Andrew.
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I'm not sure anyone genuinely cares enough
That's how I see it. I think he exists but there is a HUGE secret around his creation.
I know the moonbumps thing is nuts, crazy, whacky ... but all I can think is, this is a woman who would sell her own piss for wonga. She has literally advertised VIP poo smell eliminator, looking like she's sat on a toilet FFS!😂 And yet there is nothing re carrying a sprog in her belly. No tips, no complaints, no shared experiences of using a donut ring to ease piles, or coping with heartburn, or begging for a night's sleep because junior spent the entire night practising his Riverdance routine in your belly. Nothing. Crickets. She is too scared of outing herself to venture into that strange complicated land of growing a little human inside you. Why? Because she knows she'll be called out when she slips up. It just never made sense that she never tried to merch the experience to hell and back for dollaz, and less so when scooby-doo (AKA markle) said in finding freebies that she paid her own bills for "the pregnancy". No way in hell was there not a big hidden reason for that. Fuck sake she was returning clothes that Chas was being billed for and pocketing the refund as soon as that ring was on her finger. Everything is merchantable ... except her 'pregnancy' experiences.:unsure:
At some point the truth will out. We may have to wait years but secrets rarely stay secret for long.
The fact is(for me) there is a child and while he is of no interest to me I still say may God bless him because he will have a hard row to hoe growing up with a narc and a fruit loop in LalaLand.
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New member
To hear a grown man who has led a life of privilege whinge publicly about his upbringing to the very press that he claims to hate makes me sick.
Millions of children are suffering everyday, living with starvation, abuse, neglect, fear, lack of sanitation, lack of education, the list goes on.
In Kamloops, BC a mass grave of 215 children, some as young as 3 has been found this week. It is not known how they died or over what period of the operation of the residential school they were forced to live at but they surely suffered horrible experiences, as did their peers and families.
For a man (if I can call him that) such as JCMH to preach to the world of his “truth” is deplorable. He needs to shut up now and try to do some good in the World, quietly and with compassion.
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Always has been a troublesome stupid selfish git his teachers said he wasn’t to bright and he had cheated and got extra help for his exams. Family probably paid for his qualifications.
Off to the army age 21 family probably thought it would do him good and help him grow up and learn some discipline but he still used his privilege and his narcissistic traits always remained. He got his own way all the time. Even though his family didn’t want him going to Iraq fearing for his safety, he did not care about others worries he wanted to go so he went threatening to leave the army if he wasn’t allowed. He used his privileges to get up the ladder while still being a little spoit child comparing operating weapons like videos games. the only reason he ever achieved anything in life because of who he was.
During his time in army he travelled the world, partied hard, twice publicly identified as a racist, God knows how many incidents we don’t know of.
Then leaves the army a year later meets a like minded narcissist and together they form a plan to use his privilege like he’s done all his life for their own personal interests.
They want to destroy the dated monarchy and rise above it all as the future celebrity royal couple. Better than other celebrity. Creating their own narrative. Controlling the media and carving out there new life with own rules.
The RF was to limiting for these kind of people they have so much more to offer the world.
Aren’t we so blessed to have such enlightened beings in the world today
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