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VIP Member
Thanks for the information.

There's obviously been leaks from the palace that have enabled the dastardly Harkles to upstage royal events during the last year. Do you happen to know if they have got to the bottom of that?

If they've still got a sussex spy and traitor working there then any plans could be foiled by the Harkles being ready to hit back.
It's a good point and it's occurred to me that maybe this could be a way of identifying the leaks? It would make sense for a story to be made up that was so obviously untrue and then if that's leaked, they know where the leak was from. The SS would believe H & M would be left to virtually last to be informed of his granny's death, but I really don't think most people would believe it. Charles and William are hurt and upset, but I don't think they'd hurt Harry in this way. I get telling him virtually at the same time as the media get the story, but the bit about telling 54 Commonwealth leaders before Harry is hard to believe. This would be the perfect story to use to track a leak. Having said that, I suspect Charles and William have enough to cope with without giving Harry any extra head space. I think they have to continue to have the moral high ground.
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Might & power

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And don't forget the Engagement interview when Meghan was asked about what she was doing when Harry proposed and she said, "roasting a chicken."
I had no idea what roast chicken was slang for until I started reading this thread.
I did wonder why a vegan was cooking chicken for her dinner.
Now I know it was code for a sexual practice and she was being crude and the pair of them thought they were being clever and funny.

WRONG, not clever, not funny.
It just shows they have no class.
What does roasting a chicken mean?
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the little butterfly

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But Royal security/drivers does what is best for the crown, not whatever they are told. They know they'll have to answer to the men in suits whereas security for the rich do as they're told by the rich. Royal security also knew how to deal with paps and wouldn't have allowed the fanciful jaunt to Dodis flat at such short notice
Yes but after her interview slandering Charles she wasn’t entitled to royal security same as Harry just need to pay for their own and use their own judgment, harsh but true
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But no concern about Haznat? Where was the concern over Fayed? even Tony Blair didn't dare say ote about religion race or creed. Fayed was a known coke head and it was known that Khan considered her beneath him.
Why would an uncles behaviour have been an issue? I don't even know what he did?
My point is that people's associations were as important as who they were. Even tbe Queen of Netherlands father could not attend her wedding. Look at how often Phillio's sisters' marriages were brought up. Kate's uncle Gary has a party place in Ibezia and cocaine hobby.
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A divorced King was a grey area at the time, It hadn't been done before (Except the murdering fucktard Henry 8th), the last divorcee near the crown caused an abdication so they were hoping the couple would quietly get on with their separate lives but still be married 'for the show' so to speak.
But how would that have worked if they had separated in 1992? I know a lot of earlier royal marriages were just for show but the public weren't officially aware of them leading separate lives
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Chatty Member
I was a long time 911 dispatcher in California; it's pretty easy for Law Enforcement to get someone placed on a 72 hour hold under H&S 5150.I never knew what happened after that.
Medics can emergency section for 72 hours, but realistically you call on call psych. For anything longer or to treat depression with medicines, needs two registered psychiatrists of appropriate rank. Realistically nearly all suicide attempts are risk stratified as low if safe environments can be found (ie lives with people). Also if they say they don't feel suicidal anymore you can't actually detain them. This happens all the time. Haven't seen many sections for suicide attempts I have to say.
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the musician

Chatty Member
The RF didn't respond exactly, HMQ did insist they get a divorce though. Which Di apparently thought was unfair because of her weird entitled belief that PC wasn't allowed to divorce her despite them being miserable and both of them shagging other people.

The Twatters treatment of William has wound me right up I've nearly broke my Caps lock key!!
I don't understand why they were separated for so long before divorcing. Was she still hoping that she would one day be Queen consort? Or was she that traumatised by her childhood when her parents divorced?
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Active member
It is sinister how well the handlers and backers have taught them.
There isn't a single element of social and media manipulation that is missing.
Harry playing Diana's game of revenge and winning.
Dumb only that the potential collapse of the monarchy will make them irrelevant in the eyes of their backers.

The therapy quackery he is doing in this video is EMDR, a for profit manipulated version of exposure therapy.
He is aware of consequences of his actions, and is absolutely enjoying them. This is not a MH problem.
How do you see him/them as "winning"?
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VIP Member
I don't think it is petty actually, the plan is still to inform Harry before the media, but only just before so Montecito can't leak that the Queen of England has passed away - they truly have leaked everything. I can easily see Prince Charles being bowled over - his father just passed away, they grew close in recent years, but yes complex childhood that Harry is taking all up again. Charles was really really hurt by the Diana/public vilification and is a sensitive guy, for his other faults, he cares deeply for those around him. Diana he didn't understand and didn't love - they were a personality clash with a generation age gap - marrying her was part of the job, but their marriage must have been very strained. Imagine trying to live with someone you aren't in love with, who is bulimic, suicidal, self harms etc, when you've not had any softness yourself. For Harry to continuously publically shame him and his parenting skills - when he's been there only parent now for twenty plus years...that's devastating. The Queen is 95, her husband has just died, and she doesn't read all the headlines. Charles and William run far more of the goings on now, and are unlikely to tell her what Harry does in detail, there's no need. They also don't have that kind of confiding relationship. Charles will confide in Camilla, Wills in Kate. All entitled to our own opinions. People do open up when frustrated and tipsy. As for the secrecy - unless Harry is telepathic and will magically know when the Queen passes away, it will still be unknown to him until informed anyway. He doesn't live with her!

protocols for the monarch passing are complex and written well in advance - there's whole MI5 operations about it! Notifying whom and when is really specifically part of it.

Just my thoughts :)
'However.....come the day HMTQ passes, a plan is afoot not to inform Harry until minutes before it is public, leaders of commonwealth countries will know before he does, because of fear of leaks.' From your OP.

Sorry, but you're suggesting leaders of Commonwealth countries would know before her own grandchild? There are 54 Commonwealth countries. You're suggesting that 54 Commonwealth countries would be told of the Queen's death before Harry? The thought behind this being that a minimum of 54 virtual strangers would keep confidences better than her own grandson?

To be honest if I don't want 1 close relative know something absolutely MASSIVE about me, my masterplan would not involve telling 54 other people from around the world, (some of whom I've probably never met). I don't know a soul who would think this was an amazing plan.

I don't believe for a moment that Charles and William would do this. It would be petty, cruel and unforgivable. This is about his granny dying. She adores Harry and I don't believe anyone would go so against her wishes to do this. The kickback from the public would be damaging beyond belief. The public would find out because one of the 54 Commonwealth leaders would doubtless say something. Their husbands/wives may let something slip, or their PAs. If a palace employee cannot be trusted with highly confidential information, why would you expect other people to keep their mouth's shut?

Having said that, even if it was true, it won't work now and a desperate hunt to track down the person who has shared this information will be underway. It would be easy to find them as so few people would know this. If Harry finds out about this and/or the media, the damage will be huge and long lasting. Imagine if the Sussex Squad discovered this was true? The monarchy is in a perilous position as it is. This could bring the Queen's reign to an end and even bring Charles and William down.

The irony of the moral high ground being asserted whilst doing exactly what the plan was allegedly created for, beggars belief. The plan to prevent the leaking of very personal information has been derailed by the leaking of very personal information. I'm shocked someone who works for the RF would say something like this, true or not. The last thing the RF and especially the Queen needs is a betrayal from her own staff. She's grieving for her husband and Harry and Archie who she may never see again. It's beyond cruel to do this to her.
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What version did the family bring out? I am genuinely curious as maybe I missed something, it was a long time ago. I was totally on Diana's side at the time and I can only ever recall her story being told. The BRF have never responded to the claims made, other than Charles' interview with Dimbleby, and even then he said very little other than admission of infidelity. According to Burrell it was because of Charles' interview Diana wanted to retaliate, presumably because he said Camilla was a great friend and he had only cheated once his marriage had broken down. Was he not allowed to have his say at all? The Morton book went out before the interview, I remember buying it at the time, it was pretty damning and her words, along with the Bashir interview, have been used again and again as a battering ram against the BRF over the years. Like I said, maybe I missed something but that's my memory of it. Burrell has said she was going to speak out, no matter what, that is true. Although he says she was planning on speaking to Nicholas Witchell but Bashir got to her first and influenced her decision because of the forged documents, etc. We can only speculate as to what Diana may have said had she done an alternative interview and what the tone may have been. We do know that Diana was already in a fragile state and the methods they used to obtain the interview was unethical, so it's only right to publicly condemn what they did.

I know what you mean, however her words are still out there in the form of the Morton book and 'Diana in her own words' and have been for many years without censorship, people can research for themselves and draw their own conclusions. She has not been silenced. Harry's had his say a few times now, he's also not silent. William is the one who has said very little and when he does, on a rare ocasion such as this, certain people are attacking him for speaking out about his own mother and gaslighting her. He was slightly older when Diana died and he was often described as Diana's 'confidante', he witnessed the arguments, the breakdown of his parents relationship, having to push tissues under the bathrom door and then knowing that his mother was fragile in terms of her metal health. Yet is not allowed to tell the truth of a situation that he witnessed first hand. I think it's shocking.

Its hard to remember accurately....and my timeline is a bit skewed!... But my memory is of the RF trying to ignore Diana and to downplay her visits to places like the Aids patients. She was to be kept in the background and to just look decorative. Things like her lack of exam success were mentioned and emphasised in contrast to the well educated and well spoken Prince Charles.

I got the impression at the time, that the RF/Establishment wanted her to keep quiet and keep in her place. The RF weren't that interested in a divorce, and would have preferred Charles and Diana to remain married, and keep up the facade of it being a happy and stable marriage.
They might have been ok with an official separation... just about! but werent at all happy with the idea of an official divorce.
I think the Queen did eventually after Diana's solo trip to India, and sitting looking sad at the Taj Mahal, insist on an offical divorce, but i felt her hand was forced by events.!

Accuracy isnt helped by the facts that I do think the version of the events in 'The Crown' fit my memories of the period. Diana was a minor member of the British royal family, and not perceived as much more than the mother of Charles's sons.

I'm a similar age to Diana, and I must admit at the time of her Panorama interview, I thought Diana was a fool. I thought she must have known what she was getting herself into by marrying Charles. So why get so fussed about him having a mistress? ( I do think we live in different times now! )
I did actually think the squidgygate phone calls were actually released from somewhere like the palace to discredit her. (OK so we now know these came from illegally taped conversations by was it the News of the World?) So maybe I can understand where some of her paranoia might have come from?

The Morton book wasn't allowed to be published in the UK to begin with,, so it was initially censored, ...and when you read it, you really wonder says virtually nothing unexpected. But it did make me feel a lot more sympathetic towards Diana as a woman.
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