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Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
Really pleased to hear that this worked out for you.

Perhaps i was too harsh about those books. I think in some way I take them personally - as if it was my fault birth turned out the way it did because i didn't think positively enough.
It's noones fault and no books or people should make you feel that way. If they do theyre bullshit or horrible people. No amount of preperation or research can prevent a medical issue regardless of where the birth is. Unfortunately. There are things that can be apparent to medical professionals pre birth that can show there may be a riskier birth but a lot of time there are no indicators.

My first birth was honestly traumatic. I had to get a debrief with the hospital afterwards and almost 10 years later I still blame myself a lot and I still discuss it with my therapist. Prior to having my first child I had absolutely no issues with my mental health and now Im medicated and struggle to cope most days despite having a positive 2nd birth. I was so scarred from my 1st birth I really struggled to even attend my scans in the hospital with my 2nd.

So Im absolutely not a manifest the birth you want type of person. It doesnt work like that. An element of luck gave me the 2nd birth I had.

I just feel the need to point out its a complex decision and noone wants to die or have there baby die in labour. Any decision made by a pregnant woman is usually the right one for her circumstances in her opinion. Y'know. Id imagine Gemma has discussed it in depth with her care provider.
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Sorry to be the pedant, but with the Oxford comma you can use a comma before “and” to signify it’s the last of something in a list. Not sure which part of their work you were referring to though!

I do find it bonkers that with two of them writing they still can’t proof read their work. None of what they’re doing is original content (apart from those woeful joys of lockdown 🤢). Think this is the danger that so many “influencers” and “bloggers” are facing now- they’ve left the world of publishing / salaried work where they would have bosses and editors, and regular appraisals of their work- to freelance and the only feedback they get is from adoring fans. No one can critique them or pull up mistakes without being called a troll or they do as Hannah and flounce! Without the endless promotional events and paid trips to go on by big brands, most of them are finding they have no real voice and nothing of note to say...
exactly! not as if they have no free time to do so! They are giving such a bad advertisement for themselves if they ever want to go back into another job, if I was an employer and looked at the poor, unchecked writing I would not be impressed
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Active member
what do you really enjoy about it!? (genuine question, I cannot understand it at all) I don't follow them anymore and haven't since the racism issue I just follow here and look from time to time
I like that they post a bit of everything and as a 30 something mum of 2, a lot of their content appeals to me. I enjoy that they post a bit of everything - fashion, tv recs, mum stuff, food, supermarket shops, home stuff and I enjoy the guest posts too. Perhaps there are other accounts where do they do it better as people are saying here that they are a good few weeks behind but I haven't found these accounts so yes, their content does appeal!
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Have they done a grid post today? I will if they were deleting comments or whether the commenters deleted them - that woman who wrote the long critical covent was getting quite a lot of rude responses and may have just deleted it to get people off her case?
I saw her comment that she couldn't reply to individual or something so maybe they restricted her? If they blocked her would her comments still show up? I'm on Instagram but I'm not great with it but I know you can restrict people from commenting on your stuff?

Also, there was 120 odd comments at one point and now there's 70 or something. Did she comment 50 times?! 😂 Someone was seriously sick of The Leopard.
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Because going near a hospital caused me to have panic attacks.

I was treated absolutely abhorrently in hospital. I wouldnt treat an animal the way I was treated. As Ive said previously its caused me so many mental health issues throughout my life since having my eldest. Both of my kids were born completely fine and no issues with my babies so that wasnt ever really on my mind, all research I read and discussions I had with midwives supported tbe train of thought that there was no higher risk to my second child to be born at home than in hospital. I had all my pre natal appointments at home, I found that aspect of it very relaxing, no medical buildings or smells which was a trigger for me. I had the same midwife through all of my pre natal care. When my waters broke at home very late at night she text me continually to check on me and when she knew which midwives would be attending my birth she text them for updates.

The continuity of care made such a difference to me and I got a lot of support from my midwife. In my health trust all routine pre natal appointments are not carried out by community midwives unless you are having a home birth.

I can fully appreciate if youve had a sick baby in the past why you wouldnt want to home birth and had that happened to me I may well have chosen a different path. I was happy and confident with the facts given to me by my midwife. FWIW you are required to sign a document with all of this on it or you were when I had my youngest. So you do get the facts. AIMS is also a very good source for facts.

I would never judge anyone for choosing a hospital birth as Id assume (maybe wrongly) that they were making the correct choice for themselves and as said previously its a completely valid choice and for the majority of women where they do give birth.

Therefore I think its respectful to respect the choice of those women who want to home birth. Noone wants there baby to die or have complications but maternal health physical and mental is so important and for some for whatever reason hospital would be a last resort.
No, that's what I meant, if you'd had issues with birth/s in the past. Not if you'd had perfectly healthy babies but terrible standards of care. As others stated, Gemma had a traumatic birth first time around and has been advised against a home birth (I think I read that) so I meant to ask women who'd had traumatic births that weren't down to standards of care from medical professionals, why they choose a potentially risky home birth against advice?
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Soooo much more engagement/likes on her latest post than TL has had the whole time it's been on instagram. Loads clearly haven't realised she's on TL too. Wonder if she'll use it as a shameless plug?
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Only gross because I imagine she wears the same pjs for a week!
I don't wear anything under my pjs I find it comfier, but I do change them every day. So I have SO many pairs cos they're always going in the wash. If you're clean I don't see it as weird - I didn't realise it was considered gross. 😂
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Is it actually a thing to not wear knickers under pj’s?! Surely that means you should change your pj bottoms everyday if you don’t wear knickers. She’s honestly fucking minging
I’ve heard of this before but mainly from like my mum’s generation! I don’t know anyone who does this now though?
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And good to see that her lacklustre advertising efforts haven’t got any better! 🙄 “no idea if these work” is that all she’s got to say?! Not even a thank you? Honestly why do these companies bother!!
god that is unbelievable! wtf do companies keep giving her stuff?!
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