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VIP Member
I wonder whether today's silence is:
Because they're preparing a new statement addressing the situation
Because they're waiting for a new press release to rewrite
Because they've hired a consultant to sort out the mess they're in
Because they're considering whether to continue the site
Because they think another 24 hours will mean things blow over
Because they are working out how to update the social media buttons which still direct to Hannah's defunct accounts
Because she just cba.
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Active member
Her bestie desperate deb is not following Hannah's private account or leapord one. This is desperate Debbie who posted on her story last week promoting the launch
i just had a look and I think she is. Think Debs owes Hannah her meagre fame!
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VIP Member
I think the self employed grant is still in place, I am not sure if it is the same across all sectors but I have friends that work in theatre who are still on 70% of their income. I guess anyway if her partner is working he probably has a decent salary, also didn't she do the mortgage holiday thing?
yep she did the mortgage holiday as soon as it was announced, think she was only in the house a month

its infuriating that the lazy influencers who got everything for free got the grant but so many were unable to get it, who actually needed it.
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Didn’t she put something on Facebook ages ago about her ‘new project?’ Like way before they launched? Are we supposed to believe they took that long planning everything?!
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VIP Member
I knew I’d heard the name Ziggy somewhere recently that wasn’t connected to the big well known ones, it’s a character on home and away 😂 maybe that’s what she was doing to “educate” herself, binging on aldi chocolate and watching day time telly lads
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Active member
How did Piers read their post out? Did anyone see it?
How old is Gemma does anyone know, seems alot older than Hannah, late 30s early 40s?
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When you boil it down these are the actions she claims she's taken:
1. a blog post written by Gemma, with a vague claim to have 'immersed' herself in its contents. Riiiiight.
2. following a couple of new-to-her insta accounts.
3. calling others out (hilarious because throughout this whole situation she has repeatedly accused all her real life friends and actual family of being racist)
4. is 'seeing colour'.

And come to think of it, she put that weird Facebook post up in summer thanking for 'all the supportive, kind, heart warming messages, across FB, insta and email' so what's this bollocks in the new post saying she didn't read anything after flounce 1?!?
"I de-activated everything and stepped, or you could say, ran, away from it all.
"I didn’t read the Twitter threads about me; I didn’t open up my Instagram inbox or read the comments posted by both friends and strangers underneath my latest posts."

Brilliant, tattle never forgets 🕵🏻
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Gemma has also basically just paraphrased the Girl vs Cancer article in her own piece 🙃
I imagine the press release was a bit better written though. That list of campaigners and their superpowers was an absolute state. But compared to Hubba Gale's feeble effort at least she gets to be the best writer.

They are due some token diversity content by now surely? Just off to review their not being openly actively racist any more pledges
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Chatty Member
They'll leave the account as it is, public and unrestricted but won't respond or react to any of the comments and messages.

She will spend the next month or so educating herself. Not because she wants to but because she has to if she wants to make a living again from publicly blogging. A normal job isn't going to work for Hannah let's be real. So she has to try again.

January will roll around and she will return with an in depth blog post which will show the receipts of the work she's been doing, she'll start off strong with diverse content and it'll seem like she's really trying but once the dust has settled her blog will return to being the vapid drivel it was before.
The whole truth and nothing but the truth lol! This girl will not change.
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Came here to post about the bracelet 😂😂. I can’t think of ziggy without thinging of that guy out of big brother 😂
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VIP Member
The thing about how many years you've not had to think about racism... And for them two it's a combined 65... Does that make Gemma 34?! Never!!!
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