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VIP Member
I’ve had to unfollow this cunt. Excuse my language but that’s what she is. Shaming her disabled child for behaviour she can’t control. If I saw her in public (which I won’t because different states) I would give her an absolute mouthful.
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Just to clarify, I didn’t mean Riley ended up in a wheelchair because Grecian ignored her health issues, I meant her issues were so glaringly obvious as an infant. She didn’t walk until over 3 years old… I meant it’s deplorable that her issues were so obvious and ignored. The wheelchair being approved for her signifies how serious a diagnosis this poor kid has. I would never judge a parent of child in a wheelchair on their parenting- just Grecian!
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Seems she has been alerted to comments here so has posted that she forget the snack boxes for girls, yeah sure Grecian we have seen the lunches previously.
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Firstly, it speaks volumes that this dimwit watches children’s cartoons by herself.
Secondly, stop using your child’s medical trauma for content. Learn that hospitals don’t “follow up”, private specialists do, public hospitals expect you to make contact if there’s an issue. Any ‘medical mama’ would know that by now…
Thirdly, your day one and day 21 pics look exactly same. Maybe try some fake tan to look healthier next time.
Lastly, a tat of your dead dog is bogan as fuck.
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Why did this absolute flog have so many kids? She truly thought it was going to be some type of fantasy Instagram life. Just like Brittany Moanin Noonan. It’s like they’ve never been around children before and said “I’ll have four” and now their life is a total shitshow.
The worst part of it is they were all ivf babies, thus timed and planned for…lord knows why she had a 4th when Riley has “high medical needs”
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Yuck. The post listing all of Riley’s diagnoses is revolting. We’ve said it once, we’ve said it 50 times, give the girl some freakin privacy!
Then follows up with a single post for Hannah, stating only “then we have Hannah”. Clearly no content from that one 🙄
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VIP Member
Why the fuck is she preparing her poor child’s feeds on the floor in a public place and right beside her sister sitting on the potty? Also why is the healing baby eating while on the potty?

I bet she wouldn’t make her own food like that, what a shit of a mother.
She is obviously not in her GeRmApHoBe ErA anymore.
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I can’t get over how she’s putting all the blame on the poor man that doesn’t want to retire just yet and wants to keep working. Maybe he needs the extra money for when he does retire considering the cost of living is ridiculous right now. Surely she should have some compassion for him!
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I’m always left scratching my head at why she doesn’t just get these issues looked at privately if she’s so sure that there’s something going on rather than relying on the public system and then crying that they’ve fallen through the cracks?
One of my kids was having seizure type episodes a few years ago. Took them to our paed, showed her some videos, she referred us to a paediatric neurologist who organised an EEG which we had done within a week or two of seeing her and then had the results from that pretty quickly.

I understand some people genuinely cannot afford it but if you can afford to use your “spending money” on tattoos then I’m pretty sure you can pay for a couple of private consults.
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I don’t know why this annoys me so much but teachers shouldn’t need to know this because Riley shouldn’t be in mainstream school. I don’t understand why she can’t see or understand that and I can’t understand why main stream schools aren’t pushing more strongly for her to be in a more appropriate and supportive schooling environment that is suited to her higher needs?

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As a deputy principal, I’m big on inclusive education. I don’t know what the Ed support school near her currently has student wise but the principal is swimming bevause the EA doesn’t feel comfortable. I think that’s a huge waste of resources, especially at end of year. And her what she wants teachers to know is nothing academic which is a mainstream bread and butter. If she is concerned about them understanding the complex health needs, that is an Ed support setting.
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Chatty Member
I don’t know why this annoys me so much but teachers shouldn’t need to know this because Riley shouldn’t be in mainstream school. I don’t understand why she can’t see or understand that and I can’t understand why main stream schools aren’t pushing more strongly for her to be in a more appropriate and supportive schooling environment that is suited to her higher needs?

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VIP Member
He’s allowed to change his mind! It’s his life, finances, well-being and career we are talking about.
I was shocked to see her publicly slam him - what a cow!
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The silly witch needs to quit with whinging about HER ptsd because the kid is in hospital & calling every procedure a medical trauma. Visiting a hospital regularly is likely to be a lifelong thing for little R.
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Enough with the “healing” baby content!
How awful to be the kid she needed “healing” from and then #4 only exists to make mummy feel better. Yuck.
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All the crazy truth coming out tonight. I wouldn’t even think about even telling my kids, quitting my job, selling my house, looking for a rental etc until a contract was fully in place. She’s nuts
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