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How about they do a podcast on how Christian women should dress, homeschooling & should husband's help around the home 😂
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So baby Halo is getting weaned from the beast feeding 😳 this baby has been on a bottle and she need feeding her rice cereal. All of a sudden there’s a video today like all this just happened. We’ve all seen this baby get kicked to the curb the day she was born. Stop the madness!!! Claims it’s due to her milk not coming in and she’s breast feed the others until they we’re one years old.
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I have noticed Hosanna has alot of Tim's mannerisms the clapping of her hands together every five minutes is very annoying & loud. The attitude she has developed in the vlogs the rolling her eyes & the squaring up to the camera & moaning about every little thing. It isn't her fault she only has two narcissists to look up too.
Although she’s only 10 they treat her like a teenager by dumping a lot of responsibilities on her, I bet they leave her with the newborn baby while they are out on the town. The stupid dad always talks about how ‘grownup’ she is perhaps because she takes on more than he does. That child needs to be in school learning something but they way they treat her it looks like they’re grooming her to be a young mom. The truth is those children are not in school because no one wants to take on the responsibility to get them up and out that house, the wife knows the lazy husband who spends his time looking at himself in the mirror and spending money he hasn’t earned won’t help with the kids at all, but just think the 4 older kids can get themselves up and ready. They parents are just lazy and self centered, it honestly should be criminal withholding an education from your children.
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I knew something was up when they went to a furniture store and was looking at couches but never said anything else about it
However they can’t afford a couch. They want one free. If they could afford one their whole house would be done up when they moved it like all people. Especially as tbh they have all the time in the world due to no jobs and no school runs at all or nursery
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Chatty Member
I know, haven't even reached 300,000 subscribers...they have nothing to offer...their channel is shit & boring
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Now there walking In a parking lot Tim pants won’t even stay up as he walks like he pooped on himself. They walk up to this BMW they’ve rented showing that off. I tell you they are really showing they have never had much of nothing growing up and act like they just made it in life. This is really getting funnier by the day.

Lol the friend said she didn't know they were going to be there. She also didn't seem that excited to see them. Of course Ella was putting on for the camera though and making weird clearly fake faces.

I cannot believe anyone still believes her story about why they were weaning halo. The real reason is so obvious.
Halo had be given up at brith. I missed that part of the friend, but I do remember seeing the look on her face when she introduced her to Tim, and everyone looked like what’s going on. No wonder we didn’t see anything else of them showing off at the wedding. So they just crashed this wedding? Omg!!!!

Why would you walk into a private affair and recording before asking the people if it was okay. The walk away was so awkward. She looked at Tim like what are you doing. Lol the guy gave Tim a stare also he tried to keep the conversation going and he walked off. Ella’s wearing her LV bag like that made her the social best. They rented a BMW for the week does that mean they’re gone for another week without the kids?
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I think that ella will be pregnant with baby number 8 before 2023. I hope that for the both of them baby #8 is a boy and that will be the end of baby making further grimwade's

Yup, I thought the same thing. Ella clearly wants to get rid of halo as quickly as possible. She's what? Three months old? I've heard the earliest is four months and that's only if the baby is developmentally ready.

Geez, halo is only three months old! Ella has left her tons already! For whole weekends! It's crazy the more I think about it.

She's trying to keep up with her husband I think. She can't do that if she can't dump her breastfed child off for long.
poor Halo was only an afterthought maybe just a burst of the moment baby that was a thrill for daddy, to make to the subservient Ella, they are a freak show... the whole family a freak show... they need to be stopped he will breed her until she dies! Ella is in danger to her health all measures need to be taken in order to stop what is going on with this horrendous family
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The friend didn’t seem excited or that interested in seeing Ella and Tim. It was a very awkward reunion. Tim recording made it more awkward. I’m assuming not only have they not seen the friend in 15 years but probably also haven’t kept in touch much or not at all. They probably got an invite to the wedding but the friend probably thought there’s no way they will come cause we aren’t close like that anymore but Ella and Tim saw this as another opportunity to get away from the kids and have a holiday to themselves cause that’s all they care about is not having to be parents responsible for their children.
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I originally started watching them 4 years ago because they seemed genuine and the kids are super cute and Tim seemed like an involved dad. I’m from the US and it’s always nice to see a mixed race family, just my opinion. We have so much racial baggage.

I do find many things problematic: the homeschooling, the lack of activities, the lack of mattresses to sleep on even though they spent money on designer items recently. Even an air mattress will be okay. I don’t see the Christianity as much. Let’s not forget the doctor’s Appt when they brought all the kids and weren’t humble when they were told the rules. Oh I didn’t like Ella having to clean the house just after giving birth. They could have hired cleaners. I know moving is expensive; however, they bought very little furniture, so I think they could have afforded a cleaner.

Obviously these kids love their parents and hopefully they’ll be able to be involved in school and activities, if it it’s going to be a tough house of teenagers in like 4 years. I have hope for the kids. I hope they are able to be independent and pursue what they want.
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I can't believe they've left the baby with Ella's mum, are they a family or not? family includes EVERYONE...probably didn't want to fork out on a extra ticket.....that's very sad, a baby that young needs their mum.😞
Now it makes more sense why she’s force feeding her food and not breastfeeding her, it was the plan all along to not get too close to the baby because she’ll be leaving her behind a lot.
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Tim shows off all his shopping bags where he’s gone to LV store. You have got to be kidding me!!!! And then day spa massages. Ella with braids down to her butt. WTH!!! Is wrong with them?
We all know Ella would never get Tim anything he didn't want or without checking with him for approval first (since she seems obsessed with him) He prob requested luxury items for his gifts... The reason we call him out on it - is because of all his preaching to the kids about "designer brands don't matter, living simply and closely with family matters MOST, but he's obsessed with designer brands. Then he's so damn LAZY to help with caretaking of his kids on regular basis - 7 kids! Ella mows the lawn few weeks after giving birth, cleans house...He prob never or rarely changes nappies nor helps potty train any of his kids, we've seen plenty of proof & they have clearly told us that's how they run their household. Ella does all the work and "menial tasks" with plenty of help from 10 yr old Hosanna (she's growing up so fast sadly) AND their kids still don' t have beds nor proper home schooling table set up Etc - while parents continue living it up with nights on the town to get away. Also doubt if they are considerate & generous enough to provide nice dinners & gifts of THANK YOU to grand mum Brown especially & Tim's mum for all the baby sitting and ongoing help - seriously doubt.
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Ella really seems to be having some sort of identity crises since the birth of Halo. Between the massive fake eyelashes, changing hair colors, the fake hair, the fasting to loose weight, and now Ella is getting LIP FILLERS. (Note: Ella getting Lip Fillers is like a gateway into the world of Body Modification... what will be next, Lipo suction, a But Lift, maybe she will wake up one day and feel she wants a breast reduction, who knows she really seems to be struggling with body image.)

Ella is mother of 5 girls, she preaches "accept yourself as you are", while she clearly has issues with self acceptance.
Those girls constantly receive conflicting messages about self acceptance from Ella. Yet it seems Ella thinks the girls won't notice the difference in the way she dresses and carries herself while she requires them to be modest... unless they are dancing for views on Tik Tok...wriggling and showing their stomachs to songs with sexual lyrics. The message Ella & Tim are sending by allowing them to dance that way is its okay NOT to be modest if it can make you some money. Again, more conflicting messages for those girls

Since the birth of Halo Ella has moved to EXPOSING her body as often as she can, she is always in attention seeking mode, in the way she dresses and her need to be always in makeup. (It seems she sleeps with those eyelashes on.) As it is ALL the kids, are heavy attention seekers, and Ella and Tim just reinforce this behavior by their own displays of narcissism, with their posing/styling photos on Instagram.
Ella has a standard of beauty and dress for herself, that does not include modesty. Yet in early videos she talked about making sure the girls dress modest, so not to attract attention from boys, when they get older. But Ella does not model modesty for the girls.
And now with the Lip Fillers....
My point is Ella can't preach "Do as I say, but not as I do" and expect the that it won't have a psychological impact when the 5 Girls get older.
Fuck me! She didn’t even need it, like seriously. She HAS full lips 🤦🏾‍♀️

But she can’t even adequately educate her children! 😡 but got time for unnecessary procedures. What type of example is she showing her children??

I'm always a softie when it comes to the kids, but some of the ways they're described on this thread makes me wince a bit. At best, they are the product of an extremely isolating upbringing with questionable parenting. At worst, they're the product of emotional abuse. They don't seem to have a single positive influence in their lives.
Agree, they are a product of their environment. All the children are naturally sweet natured and just eager to please the dumb parents.
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They’ve gone back to the gym or place they seem to go everyday. Tim has purchased an expensive tennis racket with matching bag. Ella was on a treadmill and after working out on an empty stomach was about to pass out. She’s also mentioned in her IG post something about starting to fast and was talking about her many hours she would go with food. What is the rush to lose weight and how far is she trying to go, and isn’t she still attempting to breastfeed Halo? Every week she’s on to something else. What else is funny to be she’ll rock Houston to sleep but Halo is always in the rocker. She’s constantly picking Houston up and packing her around but doesn’t do the same with Halo. Big difference made.
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That poor baby. What kind of parents would feels comfortable leaving their 4 month old baby again and asking grandparents or anyone else to look after their 7 children?

They just get worse by the day. I think people will start seeing through them now, having money will be there downfall.
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Why are they treating Halo like this? They wanted a boy but they didn’t treat Houston this bad did they?
Did they want a boy to solve problems in their marriage?
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