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Well that’s another way how to justify your unhealthy relationship with the food 😕
I never have this problem but all pregnancies are different.
Anyway, that doesn't mean you have to always stuff yourself with shitty snacks. There is also good food out there.
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Is it 'patient autonomy' you're thinking about? To be honest, whatever a patient ends up picking the NHS is always there to pick up the pieces (which can be a bit annoying). Yeah exactly, the only time that we intervene properly and overrule autonomy is when we think a serious risk to the patient or the baby. i.e. when a patient wants a water birth but the baby is at extreme risk of death and requires a section, then an option is not really given.
yes, thank you! So I’m imagining she can decline her referrals to consultants & for further treatment and then come to insta and tell us she didn’t need it 🥴

Those pictures are ridiculous for 3 months, I don’t want to doxx myself but tempted to post my bloated 3/4 month belly, certainly nothing worth cradling in a spontaneous maternity shot 😂
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Chatty Member
Didn't her and Alfie have a bit of a disagreement way back.
Yeah, I think she called out an event for not being diverse and he tried to shut her down maybe? I might have totally imagined that, so someone please correct me, but there was definite beef.

She was totally out of order QT-ing that girl. It was harmless p*ss-taking that I doubt Alfie would've batted an eyelid at and Grace herself has said and done much worse in the past
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I honestly think her saying she "signed off work" just means SHE HAS decided to do NOTHING with her day and to turn down any work that might come in, not respond to emails. That's it. That's just the freedom you have as a freelancer (which sometimes results in a loss of income but that's up for the freelancer to choose whether they need a break more than they need the money). Probably not about her taking an official sick leave or whatever.
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She's really just flogging any products for a bit of cash before the baby arrives - Head & Shoulders 3 days ago and now another conditioner / hair products today :rolleyes:

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That’s exactly when I followed her first. Was obsessed with the outfits she’d put together as a plus size girl. She’s the reason I used to get jeans with 2% elastane
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I’m confused. That latest picture she looks smaller than in years yet she’s ‘pregnant AF’ ?!!
And are we ever going to see the gifted maternity clothes?!
This Isn’t meant to sound nasty or fat shaming and it really isn’t, but I can’t imagine she’ll require maternity clothing in the traditional sense and mat clothing brands likely don’t cater to her/therefore would gift? Like most women struggle with clothing as your tummy is disproportionately sized to the rest of you, hence needing jeans with elastic but not huge on the legs etc.

She’s proportionately sized and likely will be for the majority of her pregnancy, tbh if anything I imagine she’ll lose body mass as she’ll be put on an eating plan by her consultant (although whether she chooses to listen is another thing).
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I completely agree. I don't know how any of those three would be friends with her again. But especially Lek, she's a better person than me. No "friend" would be forgiven for publicly calling me a thief to thousands of people.
It would have been nice to see Grace apologise publicly, considering she slagged off/tried to ruin her former friends lives publicly.

Pretty sure she hinted at Mary being “against” BLM and that’s why they no longer spoke. (She mentioned falling out with a close friend and that being the reason behind it in a video — at that point in time it was only Mary who was the most recent entry in her bad books.) Funny how she’s gotten over that rather major flaw of Mary’s pretty quickly, it’s almost as if she lied.
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VIP Member
Yes you can be thin and unhealthy but you can also be fat and unhealthy? You arent making any good points lol. We are allowed to discuss what Grace is putting out there and that is pictures of her extremely over weight body and therefor we are having a discussion about it? Are you the fatphobia police?
I think the thing is just because someone isn’t thin it doesn’t mean their unhealthy
Fat doesn’t necessarily mean unhealthy
She could be healthy

I would reccomend you take a look at drjoshuawolrich

So I do agree it can come across as fatphobic what you look like isn’t a good enough indicator of if you’re healthy or unhealthy
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Grace has not changed from the days of dumping a friend because they lost weight - her recent comment about the Mykonos resort being “fatphobic” simply because people are thin there proves that 😂
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I think it's really odd too! Miscarriage or not, it's so touch and go it's not something you'd want to tease.

She just posted she'd be doing an Instagram live with merky books tomorrow at 6pm so probably related to that. Maybe she'll announce her new book earlier in the day then be on the live in the evening.
Yeah I reckon you’re right. It’s a book. I’ve thought this all along - all the references to working on something she can’t talk about.

The pregnancy-related Instagram follows are because she’s trying to “manifest” a pregnancy. That’s exactly the type of attention-seeking thing she’d do. It’s the same with all the engagement hints. She’s such a narcissist, she loves it.
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oooh guys done a bit of digging to find receipts and surprisingly some of it is still there! If you follow the tweet thread, there’s a bit of their interaction.

I’m sure people will remember this far better than I can, so if you have anything to add - please share! Both were actively blogging at the same time years ago, however Grace was far more popular and a lot more mainstream.

Grace was a lot smaller at the time and Steph felt like she was a ‘small fat’ basically hogging the PS limelight - lots of indirects back and forward too for a long time. Pretty sure that Steph also felt that this was a result of colourism too - because Grace is mixed race and also more ‘conventionally attractive’. I think there was a lot of resentment there imo (Steph was working full time and she couldn’t afford to freelance, she was constantly pitching to brands and not having a lot of work come through). Grace claims Steph actively told brands not to work with her?

When Grace also fell out with other PS bloggers, this cemented this divide and I’m not sure if you guys saw that recent-ish ASOS press trip where Grace and Steph were both there but basically acted like the other was non-existent in their posts.

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omg thank you for this! How has Grace managed to fall out with every single plus girl going 😂🥴 Tbh good on her for calling out the manifesting bollocks, it’s a real problem in ~wellness~ bloggers.

and agreed @HarderFaster it’s why I unfollowed her as it was a major downer having to constantly read depressing threads about how shit dating is, like it’s bad enough navigating your own personal hell without being privy to someone else’s set of trash men too. Tbh she is very pretty, obviously quite a happy and smart woman too so it’s a shame she feels that way. It’s like she’s swallowed the reverse of what ever delusion inducing pill Grace is on.
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She is massive so no doubt hight risk even if she has no other health issues. Her weight is a big issue.

Itll be difficult for her to feel baby move or even look pregnant

She is glorifying this huge weight being okay for pregnancy when its not.
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The pregnancy photos I've seen of her so far are beautiful imo
I’m sorry but they literally look like any other photos she’s posted recently. She clearly doesn’t look pregnant.

It’s been mentioned before that it can have a horrible effect on pregnant women when they just look obese so I hope she’s stable enough to deal with that.

All big guys pose like this 😂 with their head practically grazing their spine
Lol he looks like Grace when she poses with wide legs! Probably trying to look slimmer though he just looks ridiculous 🙄
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I looked at Liam’s tagged photos because someone mentioned his weight gain. He’s got loads of tagged pictures with friends from before meeting Grace and barely any since she’s been in the picture. I feel bad for them, their life looks so insular and isolated even pre-pandemic.
I bet she is a controlling bitch to him! Prob doesnt let him leave the flat to see mates...
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