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Haven’t caught up on the thread because I simply get too angry.

Grace is a disgusting human. I am sorry but there’s no other way of saying it. Her inability to acknowledge her privilege shows her lack of intelligence.Your parents bought your grades and your entry to Oxford, other people build your businesses and you’re their pawn - does that feel good? I’d be so ashamed to own such shitty companies.
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View attachment 406869

I rewatched the empty house tour video and this is how she responded to someone simply stating that she's had a privileged upbringing, like someone said all she says is "I'm lucky" and that's it, if anything she's so defensive and makes it sound like she was borderline homeless and that this house is such a huge turnaround lmao. If she comes out with this to established book critics who are curious about her background whew it's gonna be a disaster.

I watch another youtuber who's been going for way longer than Grace and has more subs, and she says the reason she is still renting and can't buy despite having enough for a big deposit is because lenders are reluctant to loan to youtuber's/influencers unless they're huge as they don't see it as secure. There's no way Grace managed to get a mortgage for over a million AND get a loan/managed to start two businesses with huge upfront costs within the same year (starting from a HQ in central London mind, not like Gymshark from their garage), with the revenue from some elastic bands. Either the trust fund cashed out or she had help from parents as to me it sounds impossible.
That's just another example of her not being able to tell the difference between "my family made me work to teach me a lesson" and the family not actually being able to help out. Massive difference.
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came here to post the exact same thing! this seems like a time to rest and recover, not push yourself through many meetings. what a hypocrite!
Nothing like getting a cancer scare, leaving your biopsy op, and going straight to sitting in meetings with people for the next few hours...maybe this is just the way she deals with things, to distract herself, but...

Ofc it’s great that she does check, and I wouldn’t think “it’s your own fault” if she got skin cancer. But I think it’s pretty irresponsible to give the skin cancer talk to her followers without talking about sun safety. It’s like a smoker getting a lung lump and not talking about smoking as a risk factor and instead just saying “get checked”, as if that should be your skin cancer safety routine - do whatever you want to your poor skin, and if you get what looks like a melanoma, no biggie! Just get checked

Molly Mae did the same thing. It just beggars belief that they’d continue to bake themselves in the sun despite being at risk for skin cancer, and brag about getting a “real tan” like it requires any skill. Fake tan effectively replaces real tan, and without any of the superficial or dangerous side effects. Real tan is not chemically addictive like smoking is either. Just fake tan and call it a day
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I think her answer is a cop-out, like she’s looking for an excuse to avoid beefing her own sister, which I get.

If she really wanted to engage with this stuff about TALA, all she needs is to be equipped with the means to research and understand the issue at heart, which she is. Really, she doesn’t need anybody to prompt her - it’s not required that someone else play ball with her for her to look into this and talk about or acknowledge issues with TALA. At that point, the anonymity of the account doesn’t matter.

I get that she might not want to engage in a debate with someone that’s coming into it in bad faith, and the account in question is pretty empty, so she can’t judge their character or intent. However, if Sarah got involved, I wouldn’t be surprised if Flora told her that she’s suspiciously fixated on Grace

Again, ultimately, Flora doesn’t need this conversational prompt with other brands, and if anything, the “small brand” argument for her not engaging in discourse on TALA is much outweighed by the argument that as she is so close to the brand and is an environmental activist, she should comment on it.

Flora is either squirming away from messing up her family dynamic, or is not really bothered about ethics if she holds TALA to a different standard (exploitation is not made OK by it coming as a part of “growth”).

If she wanted to express criticism without controversy, she could literally just say that she is aware of the issue and that she’d rather keep it between herself and her sister, and then not do any promotional work for TALA.
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New member
Can someone plz do a ‘how it started — how it’s going’
Of grace saying she won’t accept food boxes to her adgifted story today plz
Will gladly RT x
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I think she’s genuinely written a novel that could quite easily be replaced by “stop looking at your phone so much”.
^ this! 👏🏻

To be genuinely helpful to her young fanbase, she could've written "if social media is making you feel shit and burnt out, unfollow the people that make you feel that way" and called it a day
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That is...horrendous. I don't know about y'all, but I would never shout at my friends like that even for a doesn't come across as "banter" to me, why would you voluntarily share yourself sounding so horrible publicly?!
I’d say fuck off you cunt, but not screaming and shouting, it was very loud tbh. She is clearly so entitled she thinks that sort of thing is acceptable, and considering she’s in a position of power over them as their landlord, they probably don’t feel comfortable saying man shut up grace
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Who called it about Grez not representing disabled people recently and said soon she will be having disabled people advertise for Tala/Shreddy??
You called it right!!

Edit: I think somebody left a comment on Tala saying they aren't inclusive of people with disabilities. Somebody shared a screenshot of the comment in here. Maybe in the last thread. Grez is soo predictable.


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Coincidental she decided to do some ‘charity’ work around the time of her PR book launch
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Brooke Davis

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i swear this HAS to be a direct piss take of grease " maybe you don't read as much as me" 😂
ahahaha yes definitely grease! One thing I never understand when she does these recent videos and is like hahaha oh I feel so awkward and can’t speak. SHE DID YOUTUBE FOR AT LEAST 2 YEARS! That literally is just talking to a camera. She could do a YouTube or igtv but then it has to stay and means accountability.
I’ve started to realise she is a slimy person and the reason she does the videos as stories is so they’re only up for 24hrs and no accountability 😡
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Chatty Member
Grace should learn the meaning of this word and take note:

Sesquipedalian can also be used to describe someone or something that overuses big words, like a philosophy professor or a chemistry textbook. If someone gives a sesquipedalian speech, people often assume it was smart, even if they don't really know what it was about because they can't understand the words.
Exactly, the smartest people are actually those that can break down the most complex ideas into simple sentences accessible to everyone. At work our marketing team literally have a tool that assesses the reading age of content and the aim is to get it as low as possible due to literacy rates in UK and wanting everyone to understand.
grace has very aged ideas on intelligence and success. She thinks excluding people puts her on a pedastal and the irony is the intelligent people see right through her shit 😂
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the fact that the mention "are you rferring to grace's post" makes it seem they have had lots of complaints imo
I’ve already complained on 3 of my accounts! This is from the final one I have that isn’t blocked by grace, so if she blocks me after this, I’ll know they’ve sent my messages to her
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2 things about this:
- Her hair literally isn’t moving? It looks stuck like her forehead?? How is that smooth?!
- Wasn’t she advertising the “function” shampoo and conditioner a few months ago that you personalise for your hair type/goal? Surprise surprise a new discount code comes her way and off she hops saying they’re the BEST products she’s ever used 🥱


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She did explicitly talk about going to therapy before, in a youtube video. She's in control of her own image and I imagine she wouldn't be that keen to keep in clips that show any trauma responses she might have. I can also find case studies in the literature of stress-induced anaphylaxis, so I think PTSD causing an anaphylactic reaction seems feasible if rare. Is it convenient to bring up mental health struggles when criticised? Yes. Is it kind of a dick move to assume she's lying/exaggerating and nitpicking her trauma responses? I think so :/

(Edit: spelling)
Listen mate, if a patient with severe food allergies presents with anaphylaxis, there is no way in hell that as a medical professional you are then going to tell your patient ‘your body reacted this way due to the PTSD’. It just doesn’t happen because
1. It’s by far the least likely cause
2. Telling your patient that is just going to cause them undue stress

I’m literally just telling you this from a medical perspective. The most she would’ve been told is that PTSD worsened the anaphylaxis
Like I feel like either I’m not explaining myself or people aren’t understanding me, I’m not saying shes lied about having anaphylaxis? I’m saying she had the anaphylaxis but the chances of it being caused by PTSD, and the chances of a doctor telling her that, are slim to none.
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