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how do I watch this podcast please ?
I listened on Spotify hun just search Lauryn Goodman and it’s the Nappy Days podcast.

Finished it off in the car today, so much shit just lies on lies and the way Mia was fawning over her also Chloe on the phone call at the end “Aw bless her doing it all alone” Yes but you failed to mention Kyle Walker had a partner (at the time) and children who she was hell bent on destroying at the same time! It’s her own problem that she’s doing it alone.
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Even Chloe doesn’t have a pool and grunt is still earning 4/5m a year !

Says something doesn’t it ! It’s well beyond her means … wouldn’t be the first time she’s behaved like someone who’s won the pools 🤔
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Quiet today…

Hope everyone’s alright?
Anyway… grief tourist with her baby’s sperm donors best mate (coz we know her and Kyle were besties for 10 years)
We know you won’t accept bare minimum, hence trying to take baby daddy back to court (this is obvs a guess)
Imagine putting on a pic of a man who went on a couple of nights out with her. Didn’t follow or mention her and she was such a close friend she didn’t get invited to his funeral 🤣
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I have read that article again she said his infidelity became acceptable during their relationship? We all assumed there have been more than Laura brown and Lauren but Annie knew there were more and turned a blind eye?
Cmon Annie ur better than this, I think i could get my head around the 2 perhaps they were going through a rough patch? But constant cheating all the way through with 3 kids involved nah
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Pool fucking maintenance. Get to fuck

A house that your baby daddy has bought and you will be kicked out when Cairo turns 18

Fucking CCTV. Queen of Sheba, or some ‘girl called Lauren’

High insured removals? Babes, the rancid carpet doesn’t need to be insured, or your bed or your rotten cream leather sofas x
She hasn’t got fook all to move it’s just for effect and to wind Mrs K up.. she may have a pool but won’t be able afford to heat it…. So it will remain as empty as her head 😂 Her cash won’t cover that for sure
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Told ye… back out from under her rock 🪨 She will have seen the pics of Annie upset and have a new found confidence. Pumping and fertility bracelets 🤣 away to fuck 😂😩
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Lizzy 93

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Yup and then she has a video on her highlights saying “ so much I can’t post/share”
Everyone’s interpretation of this will be different but all I have ever thought of was maybe Kyle is in some videos ?
Or she wants Annie to think that ?
Proper twisted Sick Fuck
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Whoever said money can’t by class was spot fucking on…

She’s at Christmas marketing with her children with hooker boots and short skirt on. She looks like she’s working the fucking streets !
Where are blankets for the kids, and at least some socks on Hudson!
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Daily Fail article with Chloe talking about that awful Stephen Bear man. Why do they all use the narrative of being a string woman? She needs to be now - the last pic in the article is of Lauryn but captioned as Chloe. I'd sue tbh.
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She will probably remain single on everything so none of her handouts will be touched

This is why it gets her back up every time someone says to her she's used Giro as a paycheck because deep down she knows its true. Why fire abuse at someone if you no within yourself its not true. Its a sore subject for her by the looks of it. She must see how Hated by many she is
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So, Kairo was born during the first lockdown and the rules were relaxed in relation to registration (from the GRO you can see that he was registered in the third quarter of 2020 despite being born in April). She posted on her story that she originally called him one name but had changed her mind and asked if that was okay. She said something like she had videos calling him one name and it's weird hearing herself call him that name now.

However, in true Lozza batshit style. She posted a screenshot of his baby leaps app and left the "baby's name" in the corner - Kyle Walker Jr - this was after she revealed to a magazine that she had called him "Junior" which turned out to be a lie. She clarified this when she got the tacky KW collar saying that his real initials were KW and she refers to him as Junior, heavily implying he was Kyle Walker Junior.

The reason this is all so batshit is because she'd already registered him as Kairo by this point and it was further mind games for Annie/Kyle.

Someone who knows Annie came on and said Annie had sat RRR down and explained everything including that she'd named his fourth son Kyle Walker Junior (yep, she's that deluded) and then had to explain that was a lie.

In short he was never registered as Kyle but she did initially call him that.

And from Kyle Walker Junior he's now Kairo Goodman. The woman is a mess and she's going to destroy that poor little baby.
Thanks for the explanation! She’s a psycho 😳 not sure if it makes it better or worse that he was never officially Kyle junior - how messed up to tell Annie etc that was his name and her to have to tell the other boys that! No wonder they don’t want anything to do with her.
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Let’s put it into perspective … 1.3m house to run and maintain plus heating a fucking swimming pool 🤪 Me and my partner do ok and have a joint income around 4 and we have to really watch our money! We have a normal 3 bed semi NOT a mansion to run, I don’t have a cleaner or a nanny or a pool man 😂 I don’t think it’s going to be shits and giggles for lozza Esp with the previous personal debts & a swimming pool to heat on the daily lol she isn’t going to be swimming in money that’s for sure.
Will the 8k even stretch Far enough for the greedy fucker, anyone loaded on here can fill us in on how much a Mil pound house with pool costs to run ???😅

She’s lived in her mams box room for 2 years and only got the cement in her face & a Maldives holiday with her whore ‘mate’ to show for it. She still owes her grandparents & grunt 100k🤔

She’s not gunna be able to cope with the runnings of the house! She will be back in court begging for more money 100% debted up to her eye balls

How can she fucking DARE start with the insta home interior design shit. She was moaning coz giro didn’t have a bed …. That cream fucking carpet with with stains 🤢 what high value items is she on about … She’s a lying fucker

Actually worried for giros welfare. The poor fucker has unknowingly instigated all this. He’s now got to live with her, with his nan or previous Spanish au pair gone that basically took care of him and lozza will be too busy boomeranging for the gram to take proper care of him 🥵 she is so lazy she’s incapable of parenting alone.

This slag isn’t fooling anyone !
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Chatty Member
She is definitely the type to be rude to waiter's and act like she's a multi million air on the handouts she gets. These poor waiter's probably think how the F does she have money 😩😅
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I dont think it's funny that lauryn decided to jangle her bangles and decide to get pregnant to a rich man without his knowledge, she knew what she was doing. No one laughs or takes the mick out of that wee lad, that 'mother' does a good enough job on her own at making an utter fool of her son. I've said before, ma dad walked out on me when and my siblings were young, he couldn't have given a fuck, he was too busy getting his head turned by the local minging bike. I'm no bothered, ma dad wanted nothing to do with us and made it quite clear, only when she died a couple of years ago he tried to get back in with us. I wasn't bothered my family were like off you fuck, I wouldn't take anything to do with that man ever. We had a great upbringing without him and shame on Lauryn for not bringing up her son with the same attitude and constantly using the media to make them look like clowns
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Lizzy 93

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If Kyle was sooooo upset at not knowing his 4th child’s been born why has he not been in his life ?
Oh yeh Annie’s fault
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Meanwhile Annie is looking stunning. Absolutely love her jumpsuit on her stories. 😍😍 effortlessly beaut
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I swear in the last one it said if she brings it back to court she has to pay for her own fees and pay him back a certain % of whats he's already paid.

If I were them, I'd stall and quibble technicalities so she either has to go back to court and pay the costs or, if she won't do that, she has to accept things on their terms. That would be the smart thing and it will drive her insane. Petty revenge.
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Imagine having a stalker obsessed with your life and your children like lauryn is with annie . No wonder she has seen her arse over it and the fact they have just said she has sent legal letters to them and been ignored .

Feel sorry for annie 😞
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