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Chatty Member
😂😂😂😂 fucking readers housewives

Cringeeeeee, look at the beggy old tart doing all these shite ads, bet molemans rubbing his mucky wee paws together that chlojob is getting all these ads lately off the back of her whore sister.

What a fucking mess that family is
Moleman 🤣
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Chatty Member
How degrading is that - advertising butt plugs on the same page you share pics of your kids. Only other creature I've known to do that is Talia Oatway
Chelsea Ferguson is another rotter who does this. Makes “content” wearing a necklace with her sons name around her neck 🤮
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He's just said what's wrong with your bracket has Lauryn kicked off I says no pet they're talking about butt plugs.....his face eeeee 🤣
I swear if I get no wine on Saturday because of #buttpluggate
I'm going to stop that butt plug so hard off Lauryn's face it will knock all 3 sisters out 👊🏻
Aww well a wine bottle like matteus rose would be an equivalent substitute to a butt plug 😂😂😂
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Lizzy 93

VIP Member
Any outfit she wore would be hideous cause it's her. She can't pull anything off, her former prozza chav style, the trying to copy Annie anything and the Austin Powers prostitute turned madame velvet look either. All she does is ooze insincerity and whoredom.
Do we think vyles down as next of kin ?
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VIP Member
How degrading is that - advertising butt plugs on the same page you share pics of your kids. Only other creature I've known to do that is Talia Oatway
Goodger advertises her sex work after showing pics of her kid too
There’s a couple of dispute resolute appointments tomorrow morning in the Central Family Court - wonder if Kyle’s legal team are getting the ball rolling already?
Are their names showing that they're at court?
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This is called omission by admission. Liars do it all the time especially in criminal investigations (my old job). They will admit something smaller than the truth and take the hit for that, or refer to something that nobody asked them which seems out of context when you watch it back and know the truth. Based on his interview I’d bet my house on the guess him and Lauryn did it a few times. He said they’d been friends for years, and openly admitted to 2 incidents while not mentioning there definitely wasn’t more, which an honest person who knew it was just the 2 times would easily do. Nobody asked him how long he’d known her for or was friends with her, but notice how he brought it up hot off the tail of mentioning their incident. People who lie tend to babble and omit the truth with other strange or lesser admissions. Like one guy who was told he was seen on CCTV in the direction of a very serious crime gave a full account of what he purchased at a shop in that town earlier that day. Just an example but you get the point. He’s lying. Also how dare he not tell Annie when he first found out Annie was pregnant. Who is able to just go on with their lives knowing your mistress is heavily pregnant with your 2nd child to her and knowing it’s a daughter like Annie wanted. He’s sick
Does anyone on here have access to Lauryns blog?
I agree with all of this , what do you think was the motivation for doing this interview , when it’s clear he’s lying? If it’s PR related or trying to get ahead of future stories was it a good move? What do people think?
surely they know Princess would retaliate or is that what they wanted ?
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I think that’s why it took Annie so long to leave him. He does come across as the good guy to be felt sorry for.
Surely she must have known, else why else pose for a picture with him if it was so secretive?
i want to know why there was rumours if a split in august (?) could that be when she found out he was seeing kairo?
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