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Re: science, we are entering a time of reverse enlightenment I think.

I've not had a coffee yet this morning so this may come out garbled...I was listening to an audio book the other day about the Battle of Troy and in the afterword section they said how fact and myth of these stories are hard to determine because of the stories being passed on by oral tradition over many centuries, and how there was a period of literacy and then a chunk of time where civilization then seemed to go dark in terms of literacy and then here we are today with a period of enlightenment again. It made me think of the possibility that we have advanced a lot in the past 100 years but that we are sort of falling back with this rampant misogyny and homophobia and gender woo. Perhaps we are turning backs on science and truth and headed for idiocy. It just made me think really.

Hopefully the masses will peak and this will be quashed because if kids in school now are being gaslit and lied to on mass then this will become more difficult to challenge.
I think in every age - even in the 'dark ages', there are those who want to pursue and protect knowledge and those who fall prey to superstition and inflexible beliefs.

I highly recommend Sagan's 'demon haunted world' on this. Or, if you don't have time, look up his 'dragon in my garage' and baloney detector kit.
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A man who continues to just do his thing in that regard is Grayson Perry. He did a great documentary a few years ago on what it means to be a man/masculinity. Might still be on iPlayer?
I've just looked at his Twitter and he's followed by quite a few of the GC people I follow, that's a good sign! I'll definitely seek out his documentary!
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Just been reading a thread on reddit about deadnames and came across three interesting points of view (separate posters):

- the middle deadname is their mother's maiden name and they know it will hurt them when they've changed it but that's too bad and the mother will have to just deal with it
I think this is a really difficult one. On one hand, it's understandable for parents to feel hurt, betrayed, or grieving by a child coming out as transgender - even if they agree with it / are otherwise supportive. It must be very painful when a child doesn't understand this even though teenagers, in particular, can't always be expected to. (Aren't surnames, when used as first names, usually considered gender-neutral anyway?) On the other, I've been on support forums and blogs for parents of trans-identified teenagers and some of them come across as being angry that their child doesn't want to live the way the parent thinks they should. If transgenderism didn't cause this reaction, it would be something else - the child wanting to dress as a Goth or date someone mum / dad doesn't approve of, for instance. I was once on a site where a regular poster was convinced that if her daughter identified as trans, that must mean her daughter was a lesbian, even though her daughter had a boyfriend (i.e. an actual boy) and was happy with him. She seemed fixated on the idea that if she could encourage her daughter to sleep with another girl, that would make her be happy as a lesbian instead of identifying as trans. Which seems quite harmful if it wasn't something the daughter wanted to do. There seems to be potential for a lot of harm to be done on both sides from parents and children both feeling hurt but not able to communicate why
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California is all kinds of messed up, I used to want to live there but now I'd pick a red state any day. They made misgendering a crime, they did the above, and there were talks about lowering the age of consent as a supposedly "pro-lgbt" thing. No !kids can't consent to sex with adults.

There's also an exodus happening in Cali, I wonder if this is part of it.

out of california*

I feel the same way about Canada. I almost moved there as a kid and always wished I had done but I think I'd go spare living there now.
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A public art museum near me now has all gender loos, but as well as and disabled loos and women and men’s loos. I think they changed some single stall men’s and women’s bathrooms over, but left the main ones alone. Anyway, I don’t mind that arrangement. Did roll my eyes when I saw it on my first visit after lockdown, but it’s inevitable in public institutions like that which want to be seen to be inclusive.
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There's a good little non-man, finally putting in the effort to know your place *pats head*. Seriously I think you need to be drunk to read that, are you or are you not allowed to only be attracted to females? Because OP contradicts themselves
I thought it was me. I read that and then decided I was too stupid to really grasp what was going on.
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It has previously been reported that the perpetrator is a male who is originally from Jamaica. Gareeca Conchita Gordon is not a woman.
From my understanding that was one news article that could possibly be a spelling mistake?

Have we seen Sam Smith's new tattoo? A cross dressing child tattooed on a grown man's body, totally normal
The fact the line on the shoe doesn’t join up properly annoys me so much!
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I never knew there were bars that existed just for lesbians...there are none in my city, they are all catered to gay men and I've had some great nights out in them, but only met 2 other women who weren't straight...I do feel sometimes lesbians are being forgotten about, it's ironic since its the first letter in LGBT.

And by no means do I mean certain focus should be made based on the position of the letters correlating to each group.
It used to be all about the G and now it’s all about the T
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I'm actually very surprised how many young guys, straight or gay, jump to pimping themselves out on social media....or elsewhere online too. When did this happen? When did young men start becoming hookers ?😐
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I think Hawkins genuinely tried to engage people using critical thinking, but I hope that will show him how mistaken his "republican bigots" comment was. Since according to public opinion he's now part of that crew.
I wonder if this will just make him go 'fuck it, might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.'
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I'm confused. I don't want sex but I want a sexual relationship? Isn't that like saying, I'm not into guys but I want a relationship with a guy?

I also notice that the Green Party identity collector is in the comments.

ETA: there are some asexuals who are willing and able to have sex, it's just it doesn't generally occur to them to instigate. But that doesn't have the weird contradiction that this 'definition has.
maybe it's like when you're gay but wish you were straight
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I'm confused. I don't want sex but I want a sexual relationship? Isn't that like saying, I'm not into guys but I want a relationship with a guy?

I also notice that the Green Party identity collector is in the comments.

ETA: there are some asexuals who are willing and able to have sex, it's just it doesn't generally occur to them to instigate. But that doesn't have the weird contradiction that this 'definition has.
My mind is boggling.
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I’m sure justice will prevail, but we can’t have a murder being attributed to a woman when a man did it. We can’t have the press failing to mention that it’s a transgender woman. We can’t accept the media not publishing a photo that would blow the lid off the whole story.

Oh, and let’s not forget which prison this person is likely to be in.
Indeed. I hope someone high profile digs into this and talks about it so people can take notice.
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The exact same with PhilosophyTube too (who has gone from mediocre breadtube wokebro to the “most famous transwoman in Britain” 🙄 overnight).

All those awful entitled menopausal cis women and their easily accessible HRT /s

He’s still banging on about “healthcare” today. It’s pathetic how much that man seeks attention. Such real entitlement that he doesn’t get “proper healthcare” or “equal rights” (what?!) Always the victim and he loves playing the part and the attention that comes with it.

View attachment 529389
Proper fucking health care!!! There’s steam coming out of my ears now
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Caitlin Jenner is exactly right when they say California has bigger problems than pronouns. However, as a republican and a trumpist, I do question their ability to solve things like: drought, forest fires, insanely high property/rent prices, homelessnes and homeless ghettos like skid row, guns and gun crime, trigger happy police.

So I've been seeing some content online from trans sources going 'gender is a social construct' or 'gender is performance' which I do completely agree with. However, I assume because of who is posting this stuff that they think there is only gender and not sex.
I don't know CJ's political ideas or how they would run California, but California has been a democrat strong hold for decades, and it seems like a hot mess. Maybe they have some good ideas that we don't know about.
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Give it 5 years and people will start to say, where have all the women gone in sport??!?! The answer will be because they didn't win scholarships or time trials because some male bodied narcissist has trounced them in qualifiying heats so women are physically out of the running and don't make it that far.

Sorry to quote myself but also, in America I can see sports scholarships being taken up by TW in place of W in order to get free rides at college when they ordinarily wouldn't win a scholarship as a male. I'm from UK but I understand some students get tuition paid because they've qualified for scholarship owing to sporting prowess, is that right? If so I can see males taking advantage of self Id for financial reasons like this.

That article says a lot about the current state of high school athletics in the US
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