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I can't stand him, cheat.

I emailed my local Tory MP with my concerns about everything that's going on and how I feel politically homeless. He sent such a well thought out response and clearly agrees with us all.

Are you ladies letting the gender debate have an impact on your vote? I feel stuck.
Absolutely. We have the Scottish parliament elections in a week, and the candidates who aren't on board with this utter nonsense have my vote. I loathe the SNP anyway but Nicola Sturgeon has sold us down the river, she's even using pronouns now and the Scottish Greens simply hate women.

I'm torn between feeling sorry for EP because EP seems so unwell but I'm also furious that there will undoubtedly be young impressionable girls who will look up to EP and then think they need to put themselves on a similar path to unhappiness

Also, it is a bit icky that EP's stunning and brave announcement eclipsed that of Keira Bell's trial. A white, rich actor eclipsing a young black woman who had been to hell and back
Agreed. It's quite disgusting.

Also...I think EP is ill and deeply troubled.
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I agree that it’s a marketing ploy to get lots of attention from the big bad ‘transphobs’.
I remember a few months ago that Jeffrey non binary bloke (of all people) was given sanitary towels to give away to someone. Ridiculous
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I’m sure Dr ‘Yeetus Teetus’ Gallagher will be subjected to lawsuits in the future from some of the young women she has mutilated. Her attitude is utterly abhorrent, as are the grinning photos of her with these mentally damaged young women.
She seems so gleeful at doing this to young people. I agree, I think lawsuits will come for her one day.
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I'm happy to watch/read things from most people on either side of the spectrum. I can see the place for the more Dawkins-y style people (Posie Parker and Lineham) and I also see the place for the more 'polite' people (Stock, Singal etc) and I can see why there's politics about how and if they mix. I don't actually think there's much difference between what PP and Lineham say and what Stock and Singal, Herzog etc say - I think it's more about how overtly they say it.

I've read/watched some Lineham stuff - his stuff on Challenor was really good. But that said, if I go to his substack or watch his YT show I'm not actually there to hear about his personal dramas with other people. Same if I were to go and watch content on the other side of the fence. Rather watch Jammidodger's opinions on trans healthcare rather than if they had a falling out with another trans youtuber.

On Twitter, I don't think Twitter brings out the best in anyone tbh.
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‘December’s cruel High Court ruling in the Keira Bell v Tavistock case effectively banned puberty blockers for trans under 16s in England and Wales, unless they got permission from the court. But on 26 March, that ruling was effectively reversed.’ - wow, I didn’t know about this!
It’s not been overruled in full, the judgment on whether children themselves can consent if Gillick competent stands, the latest judgment applies only to the issue of whether parents can consent or not (so has effectively overturned that aspect of Bell)
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It's a different topic to the ones we've been discussing but still very much in the gender rights debate - reading the tweet about the ACLU earlier reminded me of this short documentary about the fight to outlaw child marriage in the US and the ACLU opposing the ban. It's a very interesting watch but (as a warning) it does go into some detail about CSA that the victims suffered.

I've watched some features on american child marriage and have found it really shocking. And I think it does fly under the radar because a lot of people don't expect it from a modern, meant-to-be secular country. It's like if the UK still had some laws that allowed you to send your kid down the mine and so a group of people were continuing to do that while the majority just assumed it's a thing consigned to the Victorian past.

What I didn't know though was that the ACLU or left-wing organisations were trying to block the campaigners on these issues. That's really bad.

The teenager who was meant to be the more socially acceptable version...does she not realize that she's merely switched being bound to her mother to being bound to a man?
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I’m really looking forward to Kathleen Stock’s new book, Material Girls. She’s doing an online talk tonight I’m hoping to drop into!
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I think this is what most, if not all of us here think. I'm so sorry to hear that you're struggling with anorexia. I've mentioned before that I do some work in the NHS and I was once in a meeting where a young woman with an eating disorder mentioned that she didn't feel comfortable in her own body and then said "oh, but I don't mean in a trans way or whatever, I just don't feel comfortable in my own skin". I remember feeling really angry that someone felt compelled to add this into their own consultation either for fear of being misdiagnosed or not seen as woke. This shit is absolutely insidious in my opinion.
Thank you.
I'm 33 now, I try everyday not go back to it, but I relapse occasionally, but the mindset of that never really goes away. It's an ongoing fight.
That is so horrible though, someone who is already struggling having to add a 'disclaimer'. When they are trying to get help. It's all going backwards imo.

I've lurked this thread and previous ones.
I have mixed feelings I guess. I do think genuine trans people have the right to live their lives as they wish to, to be their true self. I have no problem with that, and I support that.
However I hate the slow eradication of the word woman, Also all biological things relating to being a woman sounding like we are just these 'things'. Terms such as "chest feeding", "uterus havers", "bleeders", and so on...
Also, I really disagree with kids/teenagers being given hormone blockers. That's not right. Being a kid/teenager is a confusing time in every aspect. Yes, there are some kids that are 100% and will never change their thoughts/feelings, but the majority will.
Anyway, the thing that promoted me to post on this thread for the first time, and go on this long ramble was, someone I follow on twitter tweeted "oh cis and comfortable in my own body". It pissed me off.
And I know I'm over reacting, but I'm cis (I hate that word), and I'm not comfortable in my body, because since the age of 13 I've struggled on and off with anorexia. The reason it pissed me off is because most of them just can't see past themselves, they think a 'cis' person couldn't possibly have any problems or struggles with their appearance.
I don't aim this at all trans people. I'm sure most are just out there trying to live their lives and be happy. and don't go into all the bullshit social media propaganda.
End of rant!
Ohh no. Just seen a dumb autocorrct. I meant prompted not promoted 🙊
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Chatty Member
The trial is happening at the moment and the perpetrator is indeed a TiM and definitely not female. He has recently plead guilty to murdering poor Phoenix Netts.
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Really glad to see this! I rewatch old Mitchell and Webb Look sketches on YouTube all the time. Super clever and funny. Hint of the Python sensibilities too.
Ha ha I love their sketches. Sir Digby Chicken Caeser ones are my favourite.

Good to see some celebs will say something. We just need a few more to help peak people.
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