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Hi long time lurker here and not an obsessive Lando fan (but very long time F1 and McLaren fan, I’m very old!) although think he’s got a lot of natural ability and potential, but feel he’s got the a lot of flak for several things that have been misunderstood …

I listened to all the McLaren team radio messages in full straight after the Sochi incident, not just the conversation that was transmitted on the TV coverage - his engineer clearly told him the amount of rain that was due was not going to change, that the light drizzle they first experienced was all they were expecting. From that point on Lando based all his decisions on that piece of information until it was overwhelming clear to him that the rain was tipping down, and not just light drizzle. At no point did his strategist update him on the amount of rain expected (as Mercedes did with Lewis when they overode his decision to stay out), nor did his engineer ever ‘tell’ him to box, but only ever asked Lando his opinion. So Lando never ignored nor dismissed team orders.
Daniel also confirmed after his Monza win the extent of the help that Lando gave him in the first half of the season, even swooping his own chassis for Daniels in the hope that it would further Daniels results and help the team. Lando has also helped Daniel massively in the simulator, a tool that Daniel has been hugely dismissive of before, earlier in his career.
Finally Lando has been very vocal in his regret of not taking his education further or more seriously, and has stated his embarrassment over his lack of general knowledge. However, when it comes to the mechanics of an F1 car, Lando is extremely knowledgeable and used to help with the set up of the cars as well as the garage during his time as McLaren’s test and reserve driver. In Daniel’s interview at MTC last week he stated he has zero understanding of how a F1 car works, he just does the driving.
This is in no way a DR bashing, he is also obviously an exceptional driver, just in a very different way to Lando. They are also very different people off track, both things of which are great for the sport as there’s broader appeal for us fans and ‘something for everyone’. I feel it’s rather unfair to call anyone stupid or thick, just because they have different interests and knowledge than the majority of the developed worlds population. Any expertise in any area should be applauded, and Lando’s (and Daniel’s) expertise have got them to the very pinnacle of their sport, a huge achievement based purely on their talent (and not because of Daddy’s money unlike some others).
Saying all of this, I do think Lando should definitely be held accountable for his somewhat shady dealings with the girls on the yacht, and to realise how some of his comments about females on his streams come across as misogynistic - his age is absolutely not an excuse for any of that nonsense!
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Oooh, Tinder, the bane of my existence. I am off it now, but boy.......... The stories I could tell.....
I'm single since 7 years now and don't regret a day. Choosing what to watch on TV, having dinner that consists of a Nutella bowl and a spoon, eating cookies in bed and just rolling over to the other side to avoid crumbs in my buttcrack, not shaving my legs during the wintertime... I'm telling you, there has to be someone REALLY REALLY SPECIAL for me to give up this heaven-on-earth-kind of life
(I can literally see all of your faces now in my minds eye...)


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Gentle reminder:

Let's keep this thread WAGS (wives and girlfriends) of Formula 1 drivers focused... otherwise it just turns into another drivers thread.

We already have a Formula 1 Drivers discussion thread here:

✨ ✨
No disrespect but why are you policing? We decided like 10 threads ago that this was where we live out our nosey bitch best lives and chat about off track nonsense, wags and whatever comes along with it. We’ve all become pretty familiar with each other for the most part here, so I for one, am not gonna carry on into another forum about race days and standings and podiums with my rundown of which driver I’d bang and which I wouldn’t let come within a city block of my bits.
It’s a gossip site, there really are loose interpretations of the rules here...
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Chatty Member
Hmmm, all very interesting.

I agree Lando came across as moody and bolshy whenever he was asked about Daniel and a bit standoffish. I think at that point what he was trying to say was "there's not much I can do to help, he's got to figure the car out on his own" but what actually came out was "he's more experienced than me and on more money so it's not in my interests to help, I'm doing better than he is for the team so his problems aren't my problems". It was critical. It was unprofessional. I hate it when people give age as an excuse. He's 21, he's not a child. By all means fuck up as we all do but let's not make excuses for him and let's hold him to account when he's rude or bad mannered...which Mclaren seem to be doing in fairness while backing their man. Lando did have to shut his mouth when DR won though. I get it was a tough swallow as he wanted to be the one to bring it home so 2nd sucked a bit for him...

DR didn't help relations either by constantly joking, teasing him about his age when he was performing better, pretending to nick his watch when Lando was upset about it and didn't want to talk...DR gets it wrong too. Gentle teasing about have you got your pubes yet between drivers is totally different when that person is your teammate. The dynamic changed and they've both had to adjust. DR needs to not turn everything into a gag or a crack on Lando and Lando needs to not pull the moody teenager shit if he wants respect. They've been more upfront with each other- in the clips where they interviewed each other Lando was honest about how he felt coming 2nd in Monza and DR seemed to get that it wasn't about him as much as Lando himself. They're big boys, they'll figure it out. Both need to grow up.

Onto the let's fuck ring... sorry a massive turn off to have that on a 32 year old man. Someone said oh it's a laid back Aussie alpha guy thing which makes sense because frankly I've net very few aussie guys who aren't immature dickheads. Must be a cultural thing but I find DR blurs the line between happy/joky/funny and oh god, grow up. Agree that of he was my man he wouldn't be wearing that ring to work or in public without a serious eye roll.
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and im new so not 100% sure of how the threads work and the rules. But seems the groups are pretty split with the type of vibe and convo going. If the people that participate dont mind that the convo goes off topic, then i think it should be okay 🤷‍♀️
You’re more than fine babe...we literally are just here for some mindless banter about 19 of the best drivers in the world and one Humpty dumpy lookin muhfker who doesn’t deserve to step foot on a grid. Welcome to the madness, love! I for one am glad you’re here 🖤
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Not to take care of the kid, because other people can do that.....
Poor Penelope....
I get what you mean but in a way Kelly is doing what most mums do, working, P might be with her there on the shoot with nanny or K's mum or even somewhere else with Daddy Danii, who knows. Kelly now has people offering work as in modelling shoots advertising this and that I am sure she wants to have her own money and let's be honest I would take these jobs, if I was photogenic and thinner, like a model but hey sadly I am not and just do my shite job, on the look out for another, hahah. If she sat home just looking after P how many would say she is living off Max? People are offering here these jobs yes mainly to do with MV and take it while she can I guess.
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Well-known member
He was very antagonistic and downright hostile towards DR at the beginning of the year.... And it was genuine. That snack video was so cringe to watch, you could tell Lando's standoffishness.... Not to mention the things he said to the media.... 🤦🏻‍♀️

That is why I take the latest apparent demeanor improvement towards DR with a grain of salt. It might just be a front to repair some of the PR damage....

I doubt he would've changed his mind in such a short time.....

I used to like Lando so much in 2019, but I think fame and success have gone to his head, hence the attitude.... Started to remind me a bit of teenager Max Verstappen.... I hope Lando won't go all the way down that path... I hope.....
See I saw it totally differently
I think Lando was being defensive and covering up the fact that he was feeling 1. Hurt Carlos left 2. Irritated McLaren brought in DR as what everyone saw as the number one driver and basically ignored his growth and ability to lead a team he has invested so much in 3. Insecure in his abilities - much like me he overthinks everything and you create self doubt based on small actions you overblow in your head all of this caused him to build a wall that came out as a bratty, self centered jerk. Not saying he wasn’t wrong or didn’t act like an ass but I think you have to understand why he reacted that way and because of that I that he gets a bit of a pass. And I believe DR saw the same thing and he changed his approach to the relationship which is why they seem a bit more relaxed.
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If any of you pay £80+ for quadrant merch tonight then….. I don’t know what to tell you lol only god can save you now 🙏🏼 I hope you get the help you need
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VIP Member
Apparently a dutch website has said that the whole situation regarding MV’s 🍌 was real and is being settled in court. 😬
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VIP Member
With all this BDE talk I feel this picture of Lewis from his ig stories a few years back needs a mention 😳
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