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Chatty Member
Evening Frauen!

I’ve been in hospital for a couple of days, home now and grunkalingthe current thread plus still doing my gr the beginning (I’m upto thread 18) - I’m doing this through a codeine and ibuprofen haze. Goddamn am I confused as to what is going on 😂

alas, no dinner for me this evening - I’m too tired and swollen and have no appetite. I’ve managed a solitary piece of toast today 😔

I hope you’re all having a lovely weekend x
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I've spent the afternoon making tarte tatin from this recipe. I used shop bought pastry as I always have hot hands, and my mum always said her cold hands were good for making pastry (plus, I'm lazy).

What I really DO need is a much bigger plate to flip it out onto, I lost a lot of the juice and a little pastry onto the kitchen worktop that was soaked up with kitchen towels. RIP delicious apple wee.

I did of course eat all the pastry and fallen apple to make sure it was all edible...


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I dont know why its so difficult to understand.

Tattle is like gossiping with friends. Its the purpose of this place. Actively hounding a person on THEIR platforms is bullying. This is part of the rules of tattle. It stays on tattle, otherwise youre just a troll.

Thanks to the people that explained the situation with Saturn. I have no idea about the posts that were deemed problematic on here. However the person that is being accused of this over on Twitter, I have followed for a couple of years, originally because she was the only person I had ever come across at that time who saw through Jack. Just because some of you have taken a bit longer, it is a bit rich to accuse this person of bullying Jack for years. As I said I didn't see the allegedly racist comments on here, however I have never seen them be racist on Twitter otherwise I would not be following them there.
However calling them out as a bully because they have always seen through Jack, when you come from somewhere with over 50 threads calling her a cunt is laughable.

Theres considerable proof that your pal did it 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Silver Linings

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I’ve been a member for ages and a lurker for longer and i’ve just twigged you can ignore people! Would’ve made catching up quicker as sometimes I almost liked rogue posts.

Had a monster headache today so only now appearing from the mouth of a cave like a little fawn or something JM and flowery like that. I’m glad I missed it for, once, felt all sicky and nervous last time.

For triangulation purposes, had a bagel for tea and i’m hungry but knackered so may stagger to the kitchen for a lolly later.

Feel better @JoyceDivision and happiest of happy bdays @Ellabella
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Toffee finger

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I don’t see much on twitter except what’s posted here. I did however see the comments the person in question posted here in real time which were odd/racist, she was politely called out on it, then her comments turned rude and then really weird!
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I’m not veggie but not really a huge meat eater either, I need to eat more veg really but because I don’t cook I buy basic salad then watch it go off.

Like mention of veggie lasagne did just set my appetite off that sounds awesome but I make all these excuses not to cook like I live alone (part time kid here who eats her own favourites so don’t have to consider her).

I think working from home means I could potentially try a bit more cookery, but I’ve stuck to grabbing a bacon butty. I finally feel I might have a bit of a grip on the binge eating I was doing but I’m a bit ‘scared’ of enjoying food now I think? I’ve eaten freezer gravel today and feel shitty for it. left to my own devices I just eat toast and various other easy to grab beige carbs
Ah... well that all sounds familiar. I do love to cook, but I've had/have issues with food and I always worry I am going to get into those binge eating/massive meal habits again. Also ditto with the toast. Though it's a place to start too.

I've banged on about this before, but marinading good cherry tomatoes in salt, good olive oil, pepper and a tiny bit of sugar (and if you want sharpness a bit of sherry vinegar) elevates them to something else entirely. I also like this, because it means I can prep something really simple early on in the day and have little to do to turn it into a meal later. So, do that, then when you're hungry, you can..

Toast a couple of slices of bread, rub with cut end of a garlic clove, top with tomatoes (and basil if you feel fancy) and eat.
Add mozzarella and basil for traditional caprese salad, or avocado for something bit more substantial.
Cook some pasta, toss the tomatoes through it let it warm a bit in the saucepan and shave in some parmesan.
Make an omelette, either plain, with a few herbs (parsley and chives say, stirred into the egg) and serve tomato salad alongside.

More things to go on toast - mushrooms, cooked in butter and a little oil to stop the butter burning, at a highish heat so the juice evaporates and they are a bit toasty. Bit of thyme through them, and/or a little garlic (chuck that in near the end so it doesn't burn). Smashed avocado (know it's now basic bitch territory, but there's a reason, it's good, smash it up with lemon, salt and pepper, with a drizzle of chilli oil on it, if you like heat.

My daughter's favourite wrap - cooked salmon, spinach leaves, yoghurt chive mayo (half and half yoghurt and mayo mixed, with some scissored chives in there) and avocado (leave out the avocado and add more salad if you prefer.

More cooking. Chicken thighs are your friends. Individual portions and you can reheat ok, or use leftovers in sandwiches.

Marinade in olive oil, thyme, 2 red onions sliced into 8ths (half, then quarter the halves), juice of two lemons, then cut the lemon halves into quarters and chuck them in the marinade too, salt and pepper. Do this in the morning or the night before, then whack into oven for about an hour on 180-200. Turn after 30 mins, check after 45, let them go as caramelized as you like. Nice with microwaved rice, or mash. (Can add sausages to this traybake)

Leftovers nice in sandwiches, or tossed through pasta for another dinner.

Or marinade in za'tar and olive oil, does all the work for you, then just bake for 45 mins for middle-eastern flavour. In a wrap with salad and hummus and chilli sauce. Or with rice and yoghurt and salad.

Bake salmon fillets. Sheet of baking paper (or foil). Add salmon, mix thinly sliced spring onion, sesame oil, soy sauce, little bits of sliced ginger, sliced garlic, rice vinegar and honey and pour over. Make a parcel and bake for 20 mins for one supermarket slice of salmon or 30 or so for two. Sort of asian flavours. Again with rice, or noodles tossed with sesame seeds, sesame oil, soy and more spring onions.

Or med version: same parcel principle, but salmon, thinly sliced courgettes, thinly sliced red pepper, or any veg you fancy, it will all steam. Green beans are nice. Add a little butter, thyme, lemon and salt and pepper and some garlic (if you like). Bake until the salmon is flakey and veg are tender. This is very forgiving in terms of cooking time, as it steams in the paper. Not much clearing up either.

I'll have a think about more if they are on the right lines.
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This is off topic and sorry - but yesterday I actually stood up for myself with everything that’s been going on with work and just wanted to share 😬

It’s been horrific, it’s been so bad I’ve ended up in CBT for self esteem and I have never struggled with that in my entire life?! it’s a long story but clear mat discrimination, they’ve hired a permanent person they call “my replacement” on a 30% higher salary. I logged into work yesterday and whilst I knew he had less experience and lacked the technical skills I was surprised he wasn’t even managing to fake it til he made it?

The business still has heavy involvement from the founding family and weirdly I really get on with one of them, husband was saying how I needed to tell him but I was like what’s the point I don’t even want this job anymore. Yesterday after logging in and seeing no work had been done by my replacement in 6 fucking weeks & this senior stakeholder was like wtf? I decided fuck it I literally have nothing left to lose and wrote a brief summary and asked him to call me if he wanted to discuss it. I also put all my handover onto our project management board cos I’m not being mugged off or blamed for diddly!

He was SO nice? Like... he opened with I knew this had happened / how good my work is / baby is priority but this’ll be sorted over coming weeks, genuinely really lovely and I had to not cry. He’s looking into it all, I mean I’m super untrusting and I still see work as the anti christ and no job cares about you beyond your productivity but I just feel like... this is at least fair now? My boss was happy to run me over with a bus and leave me there dying roadside so I’m glad that at the very least I’ve gotten to tell my side of things to someone who will know what he’s done?! And not only being believed but having this man tell me what he’s seen my boss do to others in the ruthless game of self promotion, omg it was like therapy!

I woke up feeling a bit lighter so I must have been carrying some sort of burden around that’s now gone so I’m relieved.
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VIP Member
Morning fraus! Breakfast was just toast and coffee but je suis off to Paris on the eurostar this morning and I'm very excited. I will manger beaucoup des croissants!
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Probably the same one that complains about printer ink gifs

Hope you're having a FABULOUS DAY :)
Honestly if it was because they’re conscious of threads moving fast and being spammed why do they allow the same troll user to comment every other fucking comment with boring af two word comments? I’ve been reporting those ones for time like a crazy woman, and nothing got done, so I muted. I’d rather read HBDs x 50 than some moron boasting about a bread winner husband as if it’s 1953 and struggling to figure out how a CCJ works all the while she’s on twitter saying poor people should just work more.

Massive happy birthday @Ellabella ! ❤

What other fraus are getting takeaways tonight? Let me live through you please, I’m trying to hold off until Monday after my maternity stuff as a luxury treat day. I’m thinking chips in pitta (a classique!)?
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Ahhhh, there's nothing like the feeling of closing a million tabs you don't need anymore because you've completed your work for the day and sent it in! Now I'm finally off to the supermarket to get gin fresh vegetables.
Get cucumber infused gin. Ticks all the boxes.

This is such a pleasant thread. Reminds me of the heydays of Judy Blume novels and horsespunk and what to do with courgettes...
I know. I miss those days. I don't want to bitch about the mother thread, and I'm obviously still on there, but it's a lot of the same questions now (despite the amazing recaps). And just stupid speculation (who cares about her siblings or what her dad might have said in a newsletter?).

I want to laugh at Celery. Edinburgh.

She gives us enough without going into her family, partner and son. (apart from right now. Quite relieved she's taking a break).
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The pasta will taste amazing tomorrow - the veg will be infusing nicely. :)

Thank you 🤗🤗

Also, cheesy chips YES!

some people up here put gravy on their cheesy chips, or even worse, curry sauce! The sacrilege!!!
😔 Sorry you're having a bad night. I don't want to be out of line here, or to come across as preachy but I have been having a bit of a revelation lately in realising that it's ok to say no, thank you. You don't even have to give an excuse! If something is causing you to feel anxious and shit, is it worth it? I hope I'm not overstepping here because I genuinely mean well. Be kind to yourself.
Not overstepping at all!!!

The thing is I feel guilty because I officially left at the start of lockdown.... although was off and on for months before. Work normally does a send-off but obviously things were very different this year.

Maybe, as you suggest, a simple no is best. This will avoid the inevitable anxiety leading up to it. It is reassuring to know I am not alone feeling this way about social meet-ups.

thank you. This place really has been my salvation (both to read and post) in recent weeks 🤗🤗
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I’ve just ordered a Ferrero Rocher waffle and a vanilla milkshake. Should be here by 11.

Got an early baby scan tomorrow and feeling extremely anxious so I’m eating my feelings

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Fraus I’ve finally made it over here and feel like I have so much to catch up on, I don’t really get to comment much as I’m not often in real time so this probably sounds daft, but I do think this cabal is lovely

I’m wondering if this will get me in trouble but I’m feeling a bit feisty so I’m going to post it anyway. It’s horrible when you don’t know what everyone else is talking about.

A while back, a user made some problematic comments about race. Nothing horrendous but enough to set alarm bells ringing. A discussion then ensued on the thread about why their viewpoint was at best ignorant and ill informed and at worst racist.

The user flounced off. Then came back later that evening and claimed they weren’t racist as their husband was a POC. Then they made some strange posts and left. The general consensus was that someone else had made the later posts on their behalf.

A few days later, they reappeared and didn’t reference the incident at all. It was odd.

Move forward to a couple of weeks down the line, some other posters noticed one of JM’s online twitter trolls had similarities to the poster in question. Think same B&W profile pic. This troll was a far right menace from what I can make out.

Saturn unmasked the person in suitably dramatic fashion and they disappeared again.

ONLY TO RETURN around the time the kitten died.

I assume they’ve done something else today but I don’t know what as I’ve had them muted since they came back. I hope I’ve represented all of this correctly but I might have missed bits.

I don’t know what miserable bastard complained about birthday wishes 🤷🏼‍♀️
thanks very Matt much for this! I’ve had that user muted since their bizarre outburst about BLM and then the mods delete all the drama stuff before I get a chance to catch up so its good to have some clarity. Also thanks to lovely other members who have also filled in the blanks 😘 (not gonna tag names in case it’s not allowed)
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I don't see how mods can discourage these things but not try to stop people from joining at thread 40-odd, not bothering to read the previous threads or even the summaries, and asking frankly idiotic questions.
I noticed Jack hasnt mentioned Louisa for a while...have they split up?

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Well-known member
Thanks to the people that explained the situation with Saturn. I have no idea about the posts that were deemed problematic on here. However the person that is being accused of this over on Twitter, I have followed for a couple of years, originally because she was the only person I had ever come across at that time who saw through Jack. Just because some of you have taken a bit longer, it is a bit rich to accuse this person of bullying Jack for years. As I said I didn't see the allegedly racist comments on here, however I have never seen them be racist on Twitter otherwise I would not be following them there.
However calling them out as a bully because they have always seen through Jack, when you come from somewhere with over 50 threads calling her a cunt is laughable.
I don’t know what her twitter feed looks like as she made it private as soon as she was rumbled. What I can tell you is that this person denied even having a twitter account so they weren’t exactly being up front.

I think discussing someone who has a public platform on a forum is a very different kettle of fish from contacting them directly. From what I can make out she has been trolling her online for years.

Thanks for the explanation about the other thread. I had checked Saturn's Twitter which fills in the blanks but the person in question's Twitter account is now locked.
I now understand why there wasn't more pushback on some of that person's posts (muting function!).

I'm obsessed with MBTI a bit but also depending what day I take the test and what test it is I can be INTJ, ISFJ or INFJ...
Interesting we’re all introverts it seems :giggle:
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