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I’m in quite a lot of pain again today and worrying about dry sockets.
I think girl cat is trying to make me feel better but this face is pure Mean Girl 😂😂😂
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The Ginger Monster has been cross with me all week and showed his anger by weeing up my leg.
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Mr F tried using Skyscanner once and ended up with a subscription to a travel agent called eDreams, which I was highly suspicious was something else entirely when it popped up on the bank statement!! Which reminds me, I must try and cancel it before it autorenews in about 10 months' time.

I've had to remove TinyPony from the long grass three times today and I suspect, given I can't see him out of the kitchen window, I'm going to have to do it a fourth time before we all turn in for the night. Not quite sure how he's getting through three strands of electric fence tape (admittedly not with the zap turned on), but I've identified a possible spot where the ground dips a bit and filled the gap with the mucking out rake and hopper, so hopefully that might have done the trick.
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the only thing tying me to it is a false sense of loyalty/my own unhealthy people pleasing tendencies (*)/the fact if I walk, I might leave someone I care for in the lurch.

(*) not helped by the fact senior people have been piling on the compliments and one has even said "we really don't want it to get to the point where you feel you have to look elsewhere", which was what triggered a heckin' great trauma response the other day, because it felt like low-key emotional manipulation (whether it was intended nicely or not)

and there was me thinking the public sector provided something of a shield against unhealthy working dynamics and loopiness
Yeah, the job you once had and liked disappeared some time ago and it’s not coming back. Best thing you can do is save yourself. I honestly think it’s comparable to a toxic relationship (he said he won’t do it again, and he still loves me)

@zetta buttons I’d taken to eating giant buttons in a hole to psychically lure you back. Currently on Cadbury with mint.
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he has one week to free himself from old boys and heart monitors or I'll be having the saddest 40th in history! /jk ofc

I took him to paris for his 40th, he could have some consideration and at least come home to cook my tea! 🥲
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I’m so envious. We watched the recent Alan Yentob Pet Shop Boys thing tonight on the iplayer and I said to Mr Laz they’re one band I’ve always wanted to see live but never have. Looked up to see if they were on tour and noticed they were playing the Hydro tonight. Hope it was amazing x
It was extraordinary. It's less a gig and more of an event, because so much work has gone into planning the visuals. Neil Tennant's voice has lost that sharp edge it had in the '80s, it's less distinctive than it used to be, but he hit every note and actually seemed to be enjoying himself on stage. But I've wanted to see them live for nearly 40 years and now I can tick that one off the bucket list :)
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I loved vic and bob. Used to go see them up new cross and then big night out tour in Hammersmith Apollo, they were on TV then .
Is it a bit tragic that I'm 50 and six year later, and my kids long giving up I'm still playing Pokémon go on my phone?

ETA err asking for a friend obvs
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Glad he (and you) are able to heal with chips.

Only one question remains, mayo, gravy or ketchup?

(personally it’s cheese with mayo all day every day but having lived here now marginally longer than the other side of the Pennines I know never to admit that).
You're back, I've missed you, my friend. I have some sad news, Pooh crossed the Rainbow Bridge while you were gone. As you can imagine I was and still am heartbroken. The ninnies rallied and many a donation was made in his memory plus a special perfume called Pooh Bear, organised by Griftalo. I know how much you loved Pooh. I'm so happy to see your name pop up, dear Tunnel Buttons.
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Anyway, fridge raid dinner tonight topped with ‘This’ vegetarian lamb koftas which I think are delicious.
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Breathlessly running here
@MaineCoonMama i saw this and it’s sort of a death metal song about pandas with a video of pandas
I think one panda is demonstrating the Mediterranean arse saving you from falling as well
Omfg, just typing this from the floor where I'm dying of laughter.
(That's not death metal though.)
How long was his Mediterranean stuck in that play thing?

PS ninnies, it's the anniversary of the night Harold and I went on our second-ever date and decided we really liked one another. It was kind of a shitshow as we ended up meeting some mutual friends and getting kicked out of Bridie O'Reilly's. We were just laughing about it and marvelling at the fact that we are now a middle aged couple with two cats and various health issues who definitely go out less than the bins do.
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Funny coincidence of topic. Tonight at Watermelon Retreat we served 40, with a vegan risotto made piquant by my preserved lemons and really looked after some intense weekend guests. In addition there was a new retreat host/yoga teacher/meditation facilitator - thrown in with probably inadequate training and certainly no info as to the rainy Friday night things that can occur.

So as I was leaving, with my KH colleague, I was confronted by two guests with room issues. The word "sewage" may have been mentioned.

Usually I'd throw myself in to fix and smooth, to remedy and make good something completely out of my jurisdiction and for which I'd receive no thanks. So tonight, all rugged up in scarf and jacket, well ready after seven hours to head home, I simply smiled sympathetically and professionally, guided guests to new host and said SEE YOU LATER.

I liked it. Should've done it years ago, really.
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‘If Not Friend, Why Friend-Shaped?’ A Beary Scientific Investigation

Fabulous article, thank you Sarge. Basically, bears and dogs share a common ancestor which means that in a just and fair world we could keep bears as loving and loyal pets if they hadn't split off so far all those years ago.
In that world, my job would be a bear groomer. I'd have a mobile bear grooming business travelling the Eastern suburbs attending to the good bears of Melbourne.
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Send warm-os down here, pls. It's freezing. Almost literally as we've a low of zero tonight. I just spoke to my brother who was whinging that they had a low of 14, we haven't even had that as a high lately. It's currently 25 degrees where he lives so he's put socks and a jumper on.
PS we are already in bed at 7:44 pm with the cats, too cold to sit in the kitchen.
View attachment 3001362
Brrrrrr. Snuggle in.

For our UK friends, Australian homes are officially known to be woefully and purposely inadequately insulated.

We suffer in winter as you do in your increasingly hot summers.

We who RENT (that remains a mockery against Jack, yes?) really struggle in winter. You can't efficiently run a heater/aircon in an abode designed to let heat out as soon as the temperature drops!

And I say this as a human with gratefully acknowledged good health who is or can be rugged up and run around all day.

MCM, I so don't want to sound condescending, but YES GOD IT'S COLD. LOOK AFTER YOUR NOSE AND TOES
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@CarmenGhia I used to be great at keeping on top of it all but my executive function declined massively at the start of perimenopause and my OH has been really good at picking up the slack. As it should be. I try not to give myself too much of a hard time about it. Or get too grumpy when things are done his way rather than my way. I'd find the funds to outsource if I had to, but he quite enjoys it so I let him crack on, like I'm doing him a favour.
Hopefully you have someone to help you, but if not, it only gets dirty again once you've cleaned it, so who cares how frequently things are done. Just go at your own pace.
Back when I was more mobile I took very little interest in the domestic arts other than cookery, which I've always taken very seriously because I enjoy eating. My mum was very fond of the Quentin Crisp advice: 'There is no need to do any housework at all. After the first four years the dirt doesn't get any worse.' Now that I can't get out as much, I find myself taking more of an interest, but am also quite limited in what I can do (and I still can't make myself care about the state of my skirting boards or anyone else's!) but I do recognise the importance of feeling in control / safe in your own space. Like so much else in life, I think there's no "one right way" - not even for folding fitted sheets. You have to work out what works for you, and accept that you'll change and will need to find new solutions along the way.
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can I just scream for a second??

i mean, my dad and stepmum will both right now be sitting in the same room

and yet... they're both texting me, asking the same fucking questions!!! they've been doing this for weeks! ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!
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I went back to work today. Faceache is a bit better but I’m kackered. Hope everyone has had a decent Monday x
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they're funny old things, aren't they. My childhood cat (well, she arrived as a kitten when I was three, then finally shuffled off this mortal coil when I was twenty-three) was an absolute fiend for tinned tuna (to the point where she almost had a psychic intuition and all you had to do was reach for the tin cupboard and she would appear). She also only ate fish flavoured Whiskas, but refused to eat the salmon sachets.
I don’t understand those videos you see on social media of people waking up their sleeping cats by waving a prawn in front of them. I only have nudge a cat treat of any sort and hear the THUD of boy cat jumping off the bed.
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My grandad was 20 when he joined the commandos. Said he did it because the pay was better and they were trained better
He was never a fan of talking about war. Hed tell you fun stories about the lads. As he and i got older he said a bit more, only where he went, people he met. I took him to the royal tournament in earls court in 2004 and the young marines saluted him, was his jacket pin. Thanks to all the people who gave there lives for freedom.
My grandad had no issues with anyone, they were just youngsters being told what to do. He hated hate
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Assuming you’ve been checked over for infection; I had one that became cellulitis very quickly as spread up my face. So please do get checked and keep an eye out for that.

Warm compress or cold compress might help. Belladonna homeopathic might help too.
I have TMJ as part of my EDS issues.
Go and get that looked at - it could be an infection that's spread. I had a really dodgy wisdom tooth years ago that ended up giving me an infected jaw muscle (and jaw bone) that hurt like that. It responded well to antibiotics though.
Thanks both. I spoke to the hospital twice last week and they went through the symptoms with me then after checking the notes from the surgery basically said “yep that’s gonna hurt! Call back if it gets worse.” It hasn’t got worse, and is gradually getting better but I think I’ll try and get an appointment on Monday after work to get it checked.
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