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Quick intermission- @griftalo Pooh-fume arrived! Omg it's lovely. Started off with a sugary-sweet-bakery smell but now the maple and pecan has come through. I'm absolutely delighted with it and Harold reckons it smells a bit like Pooh Bear did. I also got some samples to play with when I'm not smelling like a Poohbert.
Thank you once again, Tenderlo. So very kind of you and you've perked up a below-average day. Much love from the MCM household.
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I come from a hiatus bearing Sideboard Cat and a me-rail, pls skip if you're here for beautiful cats only. Sideboard Cat is Hideboard Cat at the moment as she's with my parents and thinks I'm terrifying. She got given a chicken wing the other night. Life is good for her.

hideboard cat.jpg

Lads things are not going well. I have been struggling for the last three weeks and it has been completely impossible to get hold of the community mental health team. My mum and friends have called up, the mental health nurse from the GP surgery has called and written multiple emails and had no reply whatsoever. When I have spoken to them they've given me conflicting information. I'm still waiting for a letter for a medication review that I've been asking for since over two weeks ago. I was discharged from the crisis team last week after they put my antipsychotic up on the understanding that the CMHT would take over my care which they have not. The crisis team are coming tomorrow to do an assessment after my friend rang 111 so I'll see what they say. I am just so sick of feeling like this. If I didn't have my friend handling it I don't know what I'd do. Just wanted to give a smol update and apologise for reading and running.
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Sideboard Bob

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I’ve spoken about my long distance relationship here, and I feel so touched that anyone is encouraging and interested.

So I just want to say it’s still great! We kind of have to take it slow because of the distance, but both really want to make a go of it. As soon as I can I’m going to visit her, and if it keeps going well 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 I really want to go and live there (she knows this 😆).

So now it’s just like normal being girlfriends, and until we see each other again I won’t have anything exiting to add.

If for some evil reason it doesn’t work out, you know I’ll come crying to you ninnies straight away!

But right now we’re happy and content (as much as possible being far apart). And omg she’s so great. I really wish you could all meet her, and that I could say more. I love her so much and every day I’m thankful I know her.

So it’s like, you know when people post all over social media, about how great their relationship is ? And you know it’s all talk?
My (very long-winded 🤣) point is, me not talking much about my lovely girl here doesn’t mean anything bad, we’re just happy.
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Hey, I don't expect anyone to remember a post ages ago of WoohSoloCat and his best friend the concrete mouse next door, BUT I do want to share this photo. We (as in, me and him) arrived home last night after a week away. This morning I found him updating Concrete Mouse on his adventures, and my heart melted a bit

Then I asked him how CM is and he was all, "What? I wasn't talking to him, I don't even know him."


I love him
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Thanks for the well wishes the other day frauen, I actually have good news.

I finally saw my psychiatrist yesterday (only took three weeks of constant asking) and he has increased my mood stabiliser. He also got someone allocated as my key worker until I get a new care co in July (previous care co left a few weeks ago after seeing me a grand total of once this entire year) who I'm meeting her on Monday. I'm obviously still struggling as it's not an instant fix but everything is coming up Milhouse.

ALSO (so aye) after years of an undercut, I got my hair cut short and I am loving fully entering my gay era. It doesn't look remotely like a capybara, I'm buzzing.
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It's been a while since I've talked about it but we got our first set of notes back recently on the Netflix show I'm working on. Lads, I was bricking it if I'm honest but the notes were good. Like some of the best notes I've ever had.

They called the opening to our film 'haunting, powerful and compelling' and I'm just so so fizzy atm. I'm critical of myself and my abilities to the point its actually kind of a downer sometimes so this has honestly made my week 😁

Just wanted to share some good news and give a little update on how it's all going. I've got another couple of months on the show then it's off into the wilderness hoping I stumble into another job 🤞🏼
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Well, Kestrelcat is settling in nicely and demanded to explore the house shortly after coming out from under the chest of drawers (we obliged) and is now marching round upstairs like he owns the place, although still a little skittish and unsure of downstairs, but I'm sure he'll come round.

I am so surprised at how chilled out he is, although he does seem to be always half looking over his shoulder, I expect given where he was before with big scary animals sneaking up on him. His new favourite spot (and where he spent the night happily asleep, I was half expecting mischief and shenanigans or some emotion, but no. I got woken up by one quiet miaow and I think that was him dreaming) is under the bed with his two small soft toy mice gathered about him. Well if he feels safe there he's welcome to it, and considering he's only been here just over 24 hours, excellent progress.
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Going through a bad patch, ninnies. Constant nausea is almost bringing me to tears and this headache is sending me cross-eyed. It just won't fuck off no matter what I do. This is when I'm really missing my boy, he'd be in bed with me cuddling up with his super Pooh-powers. I did get a good cuddle from Thor last night but he took off after 10 minutes. Just feeling really sore and sorry for myself this past week.
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now, in things can only get worse, the gp wanted to see mr kcc in person this am and has promptly packed him off to a+e with suspected heart failure!

I can't go cos I can hardly move. I'm going out of my mind
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I don’t think she’s in the mood for the Jack mask
I actually snort laughed!

So I've been away on a work trip, I upgraded to premium economy as a treat on the way home cos there was a good deal and I was v excited for it. When I got to the airport the nice check in lady upgraded me to premium on the way out too and I was so happy cos that has never happened to me! After checking in to go home tomorrow, turns out she upgraded me on the way back too so now I'm in business 🥹🥹🥹 I really struggle with feeling sore and achy on long flights, so this is really wonderful!
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he's still waiting for a bed on a ward, I've burst into tears when my elderly neighbour brought up my amazon packages that the driver left in the hallway and I've had my stepmum offering to drive down from Northumberland to look after me 🥲

I'm not used to kindness! I just need him back home and better so I can get back to my regular content of bitching and nightsnacks
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Interview went well, I think! Didn't come out of it wanting to cry, so that's a plus. Will see how it goes, if the hiring manager wants something I'm not, well there's nowt I can do .
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Hope everyone feeling rotten feels better soon!

Bertie sends solidarity, he’s on day three of the cone of shame after being bitten on the bum.
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Junior Dog rolled in not one but TWO fresh piles of horse poo this morning. Normally he gets warm water in a washing up bowl when it's just a bit to clean off, but since the coverage was so extensive and we currently have no shower as half our new bathroom delivery accidentally got sent over to Orkney, he had to be hosed instead. Currently not speaking to me, but at least smelling of baby shampoo rather than horse poo!

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the patient has been in touch

Tired, full of drugs but doesn't know what and has been told off for taking his oxygen off cos it was annoying him! I'm taking this as a good sign

no idea when he's getting out, but we all know what getting out of hospital's like at the best of times, never mind weekends
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he's been moved to another ward, still cardiology, and I really don't like to think it, but I believe it's where his dad was treated years ago, so it's not gonna have good memories for him 😬

I mean, after his dad was admitted for the last time, mr kcc always said he didn't want to even go to a+e ever, and here we are

I'm still in pain, feeling sick and have slept for 13 hours today

then I have the great joy of calling into work tomorrow 🙃. thankfully, my own manager isn't in, so here's hoping for someone more sympathetic

oh, and, as we've mentioned the mask... It's its 3 year anniversary a week on tuesday 🥲 he'd better be home by then, I at least need a good birthday dinner cooking for me!
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Just submitted my application for the Big Job that I'm very nervous about. Will hear in a week or two if I have an interview, it's internal and in my team so I'm hoping so but you never know. Wish me luck!!
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Cold and drizzly today, the cats are generously allowing me a smol area just at the edge of the bed so I'm staying here for a while.
Caturday Bonus, she's Batman.
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