Five Two Love Scott Family Quintuplets

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Me too on the account front. I was shocked, but not surprised as I always felt the vlogs were just too over the top happy go lucky - especially Skyler, he just seemed fake happy, fake nice to me. May be totally wrong, but there was always something about him and his older kids reactions that made me feel like they weren't feeling the same level of happiness.
I really, really feel for the older boys, they didn't ask to get taken on this ride that exposed so much of their childhood to the world - for what seems like the ability to have the absolute best of everything - very expensive houses, etc. Is the money and stuff really worth selling out for??
And the babies, every second, every milestone, every private detail shared with the public - I very rarely watched their vlogs after the initial few because it just felt wrong to me to use your children for profit.
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The children, the babies had no ability to consent. They have their every childhood moment played out on social media, their potty training, bathtime, everything. How is that not exploitation?
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I followed them for along time. It was about a year ago I drifted away. When they took the whole family to Florida during the height of the Pandemic. With them having fans all of the world it rubbed me the wrong way. I would check in every now and then but never watched every video and did notice they hadn't made any videos for awhile. There are a lot of You tube families that I started drifting away from because they are using their kids to make money and especially large families within religion. When you film them being potty trained it's too much. Not necessary this family but filming punishments, going to the bathroom meltdown ect it's too much. I have three teenagers born between 2003 and 2007 who have asked me to not share random photos anymore and for various reasons. We had long conversations about it together and it changed my perspective. I think back to would i have wanted my parents to tell the neighbors about me going to the bathroom, or a meltdown or getting grounded that would have been a no at any age. Telling the whole world absolutely not. It's a total invasion of their personal space. Want to take video of them at the park playing or doing a craft, having a birthday party ect ok but that is where it should end. As far as why they are separated I don't get the gay vibe from him. Others do. I actually see a porn addiction or maybe extra marital affair. Though that would be hard with 5 toddlers.

Just because you yourself doesn't see it exploitative doesn't make it not. Others clearly do and when your 3/4 years old and adults are deciding for you that's not right. At least 1 of those 5 kids isn't going to appreciate it later on down the road won't like it. My guess their older son already doesn't and never did that is why you rarely see him.
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The Florida trip! Yes. I was stunned. Not just that they made the decision to fly across the country with their older parents and 5 once-premie NICU toddlers in tow, but their defensiveness afterwards. If I remember correctly they made some excuse like “we were supporting local businesses” — really, at Disneyworld?!
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Did anyone else notice how the lady from the church who was constantly at their house helping with the kids (she used to do sing and sign with the kids) suddenly disappeared and was never mentioned again? Wonder if something happened with her and Skylar?
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Hmm...good point. I get the vibe that Jamie is fine with how things are now . She doesn’t seem upset or depressed. No wedding ring in sight yet Skyler is still wearing his. My bet is that she wanted out and that could have been because of his unfaithfulness or his desire to never go back to a real job.
I find it so fascinating that all their videos portrayed a couple in a strong marriage and very much in love when behind the scenes it was all a bunch of b.s. And those poor kids , especially the older sons, being on camera and forced to act like everything was perfect when in reality it was anything but.
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Yes I stopped watching after the Florida trip,unbelievable at the time.
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I would not be surprised if the vlogs stop or at least a name change as they still have a lovey dovey profile pic.

Am sure there have been tears but there has been approx six months of them getting used to to the separation and only now we are just seeing them.

Never watched any potty training vlogs as it wouldn’t interest me but i do remember people asking how they are going to potty training five at the same time so that’s probably why they did it. I can’t imagine them actually filming them on the loo though. Surely not.

I just did not see them as exploited as they don’t film them constantly like some families i won’t name but I see people’s point about them making money off the kids no matter how much or little they are filmed. I personally think it’s crazy how you can get paid more from making videos than from a proper job
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I personally thought the big news that everyone was suspicious about was going to be that Skylar and Whitney had found love, all the time they spend together! Maybe I am twisted like that, yep I get they’re related, but that does not stop people, especially in weird red neck land where they live.

In todays Vlog where Skylar had the girls shopping for dance outfits it was nice to see them with messy hair, kinda more relatable than everything all prim and proper all the time.
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Isn't Whitney his niece? Wouldn't that be illegal, although as you say red-neck land and all that lol.
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I never thought they fitted together as a couple anyway. She’s very prim and proper and is very strict with the kids routines and looks and is calm and quiet (not saying that’s a bad thing, I actually admire they way she bought up 5 babies) but slyer is hyper and loud and less into routines and more laid back. I think the difference in personality just tore them apart in the end
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I still cant get over how these two constantly need someone with them helping with the little ones.
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I think it says a lot that the split must be pretty acrimonious if they need to have separate birthday parties for the quints. Must be bad vibes.

Even when my ex and I split, there was some not great times but despite this we still had one birthday party for each kid and we both came and were adults who got along and made a special occasion for our kid with both of us there.

I still cant get over how these two constantly need someone with them helping with the little ones.
the older the quints get the more it stands out. If anything I think it’s good for kids to learn to wait there turn and just have patience if mum or dad is busy doing something else.
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I think that even if Skylar is gay, I don't think that would be what broke up the family. They are incredibly 'good' mormons, I remember back in the day seeing Shayden and Skylar going to church for choir at 5am, so they were at the temple 7 days a week, or at least it seemed so. That is deep commitment(/indoctrination, but that's another issue). Now, if one of them has left the mormon church... that's a possibility. That's a tried and tested method of breaking up a relationship.

I always thought they were in over their heads, having 5 babies at once...?! It's insane. It utterly destroyed Jamies body, she had to have a hysterectomy! I can't imagine she doesn't have any irritation over that. Especially given the mormon church puts so much weight on a womans ability to conceive. - which could have been why they kept all 5 in the first place, in spite of how dangerous it was for her and her babies.

Now, this may be controversial, but I think they may well still be together had they aborted one or two in pregnancy. After the emotional rollercoaster of infertility, and then an incredibly high risk pregnancy, that would break a lot of couples. I think perhaps the whole package, the guilt of not being able to focus on their older boys, having to have help to just function, and their natural differences in personality... as much as it is a shock for a lot of people, I really wasn't all that shocked about their separation. I always thought Jamie was dragged along with the youtubing, she never seemed the 'type'. Skylar is an exhibitionist and an entertainer, through and through. However Jamie did her vlog... so obviously she is okay with it enough to continue...
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My perspective is quite different. I feel sure Skyler is gay, I have several friends who are gay. It is a difficult journey, but it can be done with love, respect, and understanding. Perhaps he thought he could suppress those feelings, but when he realized he wanted to be true to himself, he may have agreed to stay til the quints were somewhat independent and in preschool so that there was “ daytime “ relief. The kids will still grow up knowing both parents love them, albeit in different houses. When you think about the arrangement, it gives the one who does not have them for a time, a well deserved respite! Religion would play a big part in family acceptance and that may be why you don’t see some participating, ….and that is the children’s loss. I also do not think this was sudden, but perhaps has been a somewhat long term plan in transition. Love comes in many shapes and sizes! One thing that can’t be argued is how much these two parents love and enjoy their children, older ones, of course, included!

Exploiting the children is a whole other belief that many seem to have.
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Interesting @lokencrepis there are a lot of ex Mormons over on tick-tock, quite fascinating (to a point!) to hear their stories. I did wonder if it was a religious difference.
They do seem to be seeing a lot more of Skylars family now.
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Interesting @lokencrepis there are a lot of ex Mormons over on tick-tock, quite fascinating (to a point!) to hear their stories. I did wonder if it was a religious difference.
They do seem to be seeing a lot more of Skylars family now.
The Mormon church and the mass exodus of said church absolutely fascinating to me, coming from the Church of England, where faith is very low key and private... mormons blow my mind.

I think that's a very distinct possibility. If Skylar is gay, and has left the church... that's a nail in the coffin. From what I could tell, it seems like his family is 'less' mormon that Jamies'. Jamie's grandma is younger than mine by over a decade, and I'm only 23. So evidently their family has done the 'get married early, have babies - repeat cycle', or her grandmother would not be in her 80s. That's a very mormon thing to do, from what I can tell. It's just a theory... but I think it makes sense.
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@lokencrepis I too am fascinated by Mormons, it is interesting how the religion invades every area of their lives right down to the kind of underwear they are allowed to wear! (Thanks TikTok for that!).
I also agree about Skylars family. Seeing them appear in more recent vlogs they do appear to be the more relaxed side of the family, and he seems to be seeing them more.
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