I am raging

. Why the
duck is she sitting there filming eating her burger right in front of Henry and not giving him any. Selfish
witch. Seriously grates on my tits. I’m a dog mum and if I can’t share (not that she couldn’t, Henry would love a bit of burger meat and he would enjoy it) then I sit at the table away from my dog. Which brings me to my next point .... you NEVER see her sitting at her kitchen table which then makes me question why she needs a high chair for the baby to join them at the table. If I didn’t have here to vent on I think I would explode. Also (sorry) it just confirms the type of person she is when she only replies to messages of people that are useful to her and ignores everyone else. Zero respect
I have to disagree I'm afraid. Just because you have food does not mean you have to share it with your dog. Just because you sit on the sofa instead of the table does not mean your dog is entitled to that food, even if it is a juicy burger.
I say that because Monday to Thursday we eat as a family at the table. The dog bed is right next to the table and shes been trained to go to her bed. She actually goes to sleep despite her laying directly behind me where her bed is.
Friday, Saturday and some Sundays we have dinner on our laps. We have just literally finished eating beef burgers. The dog went straight to her bed as it was bought in. She hasn't moved despite us finishing because she trained.
Dogs should be invited to share food regardless of where you eat, it is not their automatic right and therefore should not be begging in anticipation they might get something.
That's not me being mean, that's coming from someone who loves their dog more than words can say.
My dog knows her boundaries. Henry doesn't and that's where issues may start to appear