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Bella's mummy

VIP Member
ohh shes using the c**t word again. She's going to block anyone whos going to make comments about her kitchen
Dont worry Fayke we'll talk about you on here so you dont have to waste your energy blocking us from your comments.

God she must reek of garlic.
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Bella's mummy

VIP Member
No, she never speaks about anyone in a positive way unless it's a subscriber, she's very immature, she seems incapable of having normal adult relationships, whether it's a family member, a friendship, her kids teachers, other parents.
Faye is deeply unhappy with herself, inside and out, and she's too immature to know or take steps to changing her mindset, at the moment she's stuck in ten year old mode of blaming everyone else for her problems.
That's why she's so obsessed with tattlers and "dickheads" if our opinions don't matter and we "don't get her down", why would she feel the need to mention us in every vlog and post she makes on social media, it's actually quite sad, she is so negative even though she proclaims to be this positive inspirational queen, I have so much pity for her lovely boys
I've yet to meet someone who wants to inspire people to be positive but goes around calling people knobheads,swearing like god knows who whilst living in a filthy house,wearing clothes that are too small and is unable to form a actual physical friendship with another adult. She's no role model to anyone whether it's her kids or so called friends,ie subscribers. She needs to grow up and live in the real world as an adult not a wannabe teenager.
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Bella's mummy

VIP Member
I'm sorry but if you're doing a try on, at least have some common decency to put on underwear or correctly dress so you're not standing in your manky kitchen covering your tits. Just screams repulsive. Her boys have to see that back 💔 Her language is pure filth also, such a shame. Steve's there cos he's trapped that's clear!
It amazes me that she'll stand in the kitchen, which by the looks of it, doesnt have any curtains trying on clothes but she wont stand and talk to the camera while the neighbours are mowing the lawn by her fence. Also if they've got a lawn mower going they're not going to hear her.
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Judging by his insta he is the Halloween fan. I'm really shocked that she'll happily pay £60-80 on tickets, fuel for a 130 mile round trip, new clothes for him to wear there etc etc. When has she ever spent anywhere near that on an activity for the boys? How sad 😔

I kinda felt sorry for her before, she clearly has little money, i think i said I'm sure if she had money to spend on the boys she would. Well i was wrong! This has put me completely off her. Her chidren get nothing whilst she panders to her doley slob of a boyfriend.
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Bella's mummy

VIP Member
I really dont need a delusional you Tuber to tell me there are "Lots of c**ts in the world". To be honest the any c**ts Ive experienced are the pathetic ones with You Tube channels and the ones that are continously posting friendly reminders about people being c**ts.

i honestly think she is jealous of seeing other people having fun because shes got such a boring life. I thought she was going to get a visit from that Sian woman or she was going to go to see Kerri the whore (Oops sorry I mean Kerri Hoare)

As for that mark on her chest Im pretty certain she said in a video a few weeks ago that one of the animals scratched her. Shes probably trying to get sympathy from her subbies by saying its something else.

You can tell how immature Steve is playing around a shop like a kid smoozing in her ear because she's the one with the money ....he won't get a proper job and work for they boys and her and he won't commit to her he really is just sponging from her can't Faye see this ? why isn't she questioning him about not having a job ? and not marrying her ?
Hes not a real man just an overgrown schoolkid thats why they are compatible. Their just a couple of immature schoolkids living in a fantasy world.
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Telly Fanatic

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How longs this weight loss farce going to last ? I have lost more weight going for a shit than what she has in fkn 6 month I can guarantee you if she really wanted to do it and was eating healthy and exercising as much as she says she is she would be under 10 stone by now

Sorry. But you can't put a price on your kids safety. Mine are now 27 and 22 and I worry terribly....let alone if they was younger and i knowingly put them on the internet for the world to see. But hey. She's been sent an air fryer. And a double one at that. So its obviously worth the risk🙄🙄
My son and daughter are 25 and 22
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I feel sorry for they boys i'm not a mothering person myself which is why id never bring kids in to my life I have a border collie and there demanding enough but what fucking mother waits till the last minute for school supplies and uniforms they are the most important thing in a childs life stop waiting to go to car boot sales for your childs clothing and be a proper mum, feed them proper food not your stale bread snacks I had to wash my a thrid time this week after watching her my hair is not thanking me at the minute :oops:
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VIP Member
We live rent free in her head. Love it!

Not even able to give the boys the bracelets MINE MINE MINE 🤢

Why does she act so naive with stuff, she knows exact where stuffs from etc?! Very childish!

It's not shite because ppl have been brainwashed and went bought stuff specifically for the lazy moron! Where r these ppl from... they need help!

The greed oozes from her
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Bella's mummy

VIP Member
When my kids was little I used to speak to other mums, I actually found my best friend at the school gates many moons ago. Even going to the park you'd strike up a little conversation. You do all have something in common after all. She just either gives off bad vibes, or she's happy just being alone. That may well be the case. But to have all these online "friends" strikes me as someone who has a low worth of herself. Not exactly practising what she preaches.
I wonder if she speaks to any of her neighbours. I know not all neighbours get along but at least one or two must talk to her. From the way she talks about she'd love to meet up with subbies for a coffee etc she sounds lonely. But then again is she giving off bad vibes and putting people off talking to her.
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Bella's mummy

VIP Member
I'd love the kids schools to be shown these videos, a school can't control a parents "job" choice, but if a parent is doing something that is bound to cause bullying, they would want to speak to her, and maybe find a solution that won't leave her kids wide open to it! I'm sure they could enrol her in a parenting course, she doesn't seem to understand what boundaries are and how kids can be targeted because of a parents actions, she has zero respect for anybody, not herself and definitely not her kids, I really feel for them
I wish someone at the kids school would see these videos,whether it's a teacher or parent and confront her about it and how it could affect her kids.
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Beverley macca

VIP Member
I don't get why people show everyone what food they have bought. I know it's horses for courses and some people might enjoy it🤪 but I grew up when if we was out playing and asked my mum what was for dinner she used to say "shit & sugar" and that she didn't want everyone knowing. Times have changed I know...God I ain't even that old🤣🤣😉
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Bella's mummy

VIP Member
So she gave up a carers job to do You Tube full time as a job but begrudge paying out for camera equipment etc. If you're a You Tuber they are the most vital pieces of equipment.
It's like someone setting up a cleaning company and moaning about buying cleaning stuff or a hoover.
I can't believe she's not making any effort to get her credit score up. If she's got money to spare why don't she set up a payment plan with the debt collectors.

All that crap about panicking because she missed a vlog. She doesn't upload everyday some weeks, so what was the panic?
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