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I was just watching Josh's video and he really didn't put us in a favorable light. I almost thought he was supportive at one time. It was his JessFam Calls me out video, please if someone else views it tell me what you think. He did seem to lump together several gossip sites. But still doesn't seem like he's our friend.
Of course he'd sling shit at us. He isn't a good person for one. He also knows the majority here don't care for him. There is also a lot less people openingly feeding him everything from here.

He is trying to make it seem like he is above this site (even though he gets all his content from us.) He is just a toddler, taking his toys and going home in a fit. His whole "stop exploitation" is just a thin excuse to run his mouth, get attention from females, and get paid for it. He has no moral high ground.

His FA videos were pretty shit. Only redeeming quality is the Maasholes were upset by it. It is hilarious watching them when they can't bully someone or send their cult after them. Oh and let us not forget Ass was a fan of dcp and watched him. Mere mention of josh doing a video on him and Ass showed his... well... ass. I guarantee if Ass reacted better, or Josh was smarter in his approach, the two would have been buds. Josh would have done a video or two with him. But because Ass decided to just be himself and be a dick, and essentially start the whose dick is bigger fight, we ended up with DCP videos going after them.
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Ok Cilla, “goimg ”?! Your “girls” is asleep?!
PROOFREAD, it’s a thing. 🙄

And no, your daughter is not “deep in thought”. Just accept her and love her for who she is. 😡View attachment 705624
Poor Abbie. Look at how big she is getting. So unfair for her physical health.,

Oh look! Three big asses!
This is NOT a travel vlog. The entire thing was them parking a camper, and Asa being a dick. I seriously think they spent more time in the car than they did actually doing anything. I would love for Abbie to use her communication tools (we never see this, but Asa claims she communicates) to find out what Abbie liked best, what history she learned, and if she would like to travel again since A and P said this was all for Abbie. The END!
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So we see CrysTal at the family dinner, but no Emily and girls. Could Crystal be taking care of Abby while the shit show travels to Boone?
I was just going to say the same thing. How bizarre. They may be family, but Abbie has known them for roughly 1 month. I wouldnt have left my kids with anyone after one month, including family.

Im wondering if Isaiah is planning to turn that truck bed into a camper. He said he didnt like sleeping in tents on his trip this summer, and had mentioned doing the van thing many times. Maybe he's going to try it out with the truck and see if its feasible.

No 16 yr. old needs to wear a "Here Comes Trouble" shirt. Thats something written on baby onesies and bibs.
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Spending is their only source of happiness. Wow did you hit the nail on the head - you are exactly right. And isn't that sad?

And they spend spend spend, but they don't take care of their "stuff". They paid over $100,000 more than the appraisal value of the both the moldy manor and Isaiah's condo. But they let the house just fester in mold, they do these cheap things like the tiki hut and the fish pond, but let the pond sit for a month while they were gone, killing whatever was living in there. They tore up the RV on their honking across America tour. They have to have expensive stuff but then just let it go to shit. Priscilla spends God knows how much on groceries then, they eat out most of the time. It's all about "acquiring". Blech.
And did you notice how the opening scene from last night’s vlog was a scan of the pond now filled with “new” fish? Good luck trying to pass those off as the original fish Ass-a. We know what happened to them 😢
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Let me say this. My in laws set up a trust for our children. We receive a monthly “allowance “, and anything above that we have to ask and it has to be approved AND PAID BACK!. The trust is in place for our children’s education, they have no student loans; but they have to submit their grades and maintain a gpa of 3.0 or above to have the trust continue to pay tuition/books/housing. They do not get any extra funds and when they submit any requests for money my husband has to approve it along with the trust officers.
We invest and when you invest, especially in a trust, you just do not have direct access to funds… unless they have something else set aside. Also, depending on how much they have in Abbies trust, they pay taxes ( they receive a K1 because it is considered income, it would be interesting to see that form). They sprinkle their lies with a teeny bit of truth.
And if they are losing money from “savings”… I would think that their run in with writing bad checks puts a damper on a decent banking relationship.
I have a feeling they haven't set up anything they can't touch which translate into no trust for Abbie. The minute Assa heard they can't touch the funds, he most likely said no way, he's worked hard for that moola. Since ASSa is covering up for not paying what he should in child support, I have no doubt they're doing other things with their income to avoid possible taxes owed.
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Whoopie. Was given crappy bags with the company logo, so she can waddle around giving the company free advertising (not that anyone will actually notice). That’s a reward? 🙄
I just was saying that! These bags are just advertisements for SmileLife. They are not designer whatsoever! Once she is done with SL, they will be donated or in the trash..
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P's not gonna beg anyone to join her team...said after 19 minutes of begging more dumb schmucks to join her team 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
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"she definitely looks like a high schooler with that haircut"
Abbie just cares about the candy in Cilla's hand.

View attachment 702533
Yeah my friend is a hairstylist and she says you hear a lot of high schoolers coming in and saying "Give me mid-length layers that make me look like the 50-year-old secretary at the local elementary school" these days
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Big P did something very similar once while recruiting. She didnt show the exact numbers, but she asked people to "throw up emojis" in her comments for certain amounts, like: A heart for 1k a month, etc. Of course she was the only one who was in the 15k a months emoji range LOL
Even with all the leghumpers, some of them buying monthly, it's difficult for me to believe that she's actually selling that much.
It would be interesting to discover that she's renting a storage unit and it's packed with slimelife that she's purchased.
There's got to be a tax advantage for this sort of fukery or it wouldn't be such a common occurrence in MLMs.
Besides that, she lies everytime she opens her mouth so there's that.
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Priscilla is overreaching on IG today..
Here comes the claw!!!View attachment 696635

Priscilla, nice humans don’t share their child’s personal details to the whole public, put their child in danger, exploit their child for sales and money, and actually parent (the verb, not just the noun)..
View attachment 696638

Right here is the prime example of how your are not a good human…View attachment 696642

OMG! You seriously think those are designer bags? You are delusional. Designer bags do not put another companies brand on their bags. Once SmileLife is up, you wouldn’t want to be caught dead with these. If your company actually give good incentives for you’ll to make sales, make it real designer bags..
Lastly, gotta put Selfish World in the back I see.. You literally didn’t get the “I do this MLM on my time, so I don’t have a work a job or be responsible for a regular job,” you know, all that stuff they spout you to say. Here you are showing that you need another line of income because SmileLife isn’t cutting it..View attachment 696645
How can this moronic woman not see the typos? Drunk or blind?
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I think Abbie bonds with her more than with others I've seen. From what I've seen and heard, so far, from Crystal, she seems calm, in control, level-headed, and doesn't seem to let a lot shake her. I think she will be good for Abbie to be around. I also think she does not tolerate disobedience, bad behaviors or time will tell how she really does interact with Abbie and how she takes control of certain situations. I think she is very protective of their two girls and is very watchful when Abbie is around them. Time will tell.
I think Abbie does well with Crystal for the same reason she does well with Brandi, and with Asa's stepdad...all three let Abbie take the lead in their interactions, and they all speak to her in a calm, level tone...instead of getting in her face and screaming "ARE YOU SO EXTHITED?!?!?" about everything so that she's all amped up. Abbie is like a completely different kid when she's not being grabbed, screamed at, posed like a doll, etc. I wonder what she's like at school, and how the teachers interact with her...she did seem more calm in the footage of her with Miss Shaniqua back in the day. Also it makes me sad because Isaiah used to interact with her in a more calm manner when he did those "Brothering Autism" clips, and Abbie seemed fairly peaceful (for Abbie) when they spent time together...but he and Summer both started copying the way Ass and Cilla talk to her as the vlogs got bigger.
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Thank you, Tattle Family for your thoughtfulness. Having worked in oncology, trauma, and medical rehabilitation, my eyes are wide open to the realities we’re facing right now. Grateful for those years to be a strong advocate for my family and myself now. I enjoy our tattle time together. ❤ 😊
And thank YOU for all those years working in oncology. My dad survived one cancer with flying colors, but ultimately was diagnosed with an extremely aggressive terminal cancer ten years both those situations, the nurses were such big supports for him and my mom. Especially the infusion nurses as he spent the most time with him. (Watching the nurses he had in the hospital before he went home on hospice was actually what made me decide to look into becoming a nurse...and ten years later, here I am about to start my first nursing job!) I hope your dad is as comfortable as possible, and knows he has a loving family around him...and I hope you are able to enjoy whatever time you have with him. I remember when my dad was dying, it was the worst time of my life but I would also wake up every day just happy that I was able to be there with him.
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Whatever happened to Abbie's autism VANS shoes? Piggy had to buy them for Abbie, but I never see them on her. Also, whatever happened to that chore thing they bought? I know it feels where Asa hooked it, but didn't they find a new place for it so Abbie can have a chat too? I wonder if Abbie drove her bike to school?
The only reason she has those Van's shoes is because they plugged them hard hoping for sponsorship. The chore chart was just desperate content. Abbie didnt understand and never will. Gone is the hoovering, the bike, removing those gruesome fake table settings, emptying the dishwasher, basically all the usual crap that was churned out ad infinitum. Arsewipe is really stuck for content now. He must be bored screaming. Sweet girl is not going to surprise anyone with new skills as she has, sadly, reached a peak unless these oafs get their act together and work in alignment with that school to improve matters.
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Yes P... you are preying on poor people!
She's on FB selling makeup in what appears to be her pajamas drinking wine and once again whining about the haters. No wonder she feeds her empty soul with food.
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Here is tonight's vlog --

Did Big P really just clean up a spill on the kitchen floor with a paper towel, then use that same dirty paper towel to wipe the island off???
Is that what I just really saw?:unsure:

Around 8:36 Big P looks down at the floor and realizes something has spilled

Around 8:44 she grabs a paper towel

Around 8:43 in she takes the paper towel and bends down and drops it to the floor below her. No screenshot as she was sort of hidden behind Isaiah at the time.

At 8:47 she stands back up and we can’t see her foot, but her motions indicate she is using her foot to wipe up the spill.


At 8:52 she bends down and picks up the now dirty paper towel

At 8:54 with the now dirty paper towel in her hand, she immediately turns towards the island

At 8:55 she begins wiping the island off with the same paper towel she wiped the floor off with moments before. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤢🤮

She looked and seemed frazzled after wiping the island with the dirty paper towel, as if she realized what she had just done.

A few seconds later Abbie bumped into her and Big P started to shake her head and looked so annoyed at that moment.

What a bitch man, her reaction to Abbie bumping into her was ridiculous.

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Its a damn shame actually. I am a bag snob. We all have our "things", bags are mine. Those clutches alone run from $200-$300. The totes can go as high as $600. Anyway, wasting a good bag by adding that damn Slimelife logo just makes me sick as hell LOL
I use to be a bag snob but now a days I just throw shit in a little tote my hairdresser gave me and away I go!!! I'm tired of lugging around a ton of shit. The bigger the purse the more I put in it. Besides, nobody gives two shits what kind of purse your carrying and if they do, fuck em! 🙃
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