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Noir Fan

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All of P's #womenfortrump friends were clutching their pearls when Asa mentioned Trumps tweets...And Mommy...??? know she's never liked little liberal blue collar Asa LOL. P had a bad night. Alienated viewers and pissed off conservatives. Too late to appease anyone P. Good thing you've got your waterproof eyeliner!!
I wish I was clever like all my friends on this forum! Waterproof eyeliner! 👍😎
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I’m sure her ancestors had slaves. Also just looking at the house they live in, its clear to me that summers room was once a slave quarters. They have no clue about oppression at all... its such a hot topic right now that if they did, they would have said something about it. I actually don’t care to hear their foolish opinions ...just saying. But they have no problems always wanting to appropriate black culture in their speech and TikToks ... which is quite offensive. I was going to put up some examples but ...If you know, you know.
I think the back living room was an add-on. And Summer’s room was always a pool house/storage. I once lived in a maid’s quarters in an upstairs old New England home. They even had a separate staircase that wasn’t used anymore that the maid used to access. I can’t say slave, as I don’t know, but possibly.
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Pink Marshmallow

VIP Member
That’s so true. In London a one bedroom flat will cost anything from £250000 upwards where I live you could buy a 3-4 bedroom detached house for that. I live in Manchester . It’s definitely about the location in the U.K.
Yeah, it's like that here in Canada as well. I'm in the province of Ontario and in the city of Toronto, they'll charge obscene amounts of money for a tiny apartment if it's close to the downtown area.
I haven't looked into the area where the Maasives live currently but I'm guessing it's more on the posh side of things.
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Rita tek

Speaking of their neighborhood, isn’t it a little rude to have a parade in what seems like a quiet neighborhood?
Yes from what I have read it seems like a quiet neighborhood with young professionals living there. I think that the mom is all worked up on “living through the Rona times” and making sure that they experience every bit of it (other than social distancing)... I can see this from the fact that the grandparents were in the “parade” even though they’ve been around them several times. Why did they have to go through the parade?? Lol it makes no sense
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Just checked out their FB post and found these. None of that video they posted after the fact seemed genuine. Neither 🐷 or ASS could just focus on looking into the camera and speak. With all the shifting glances, Their words felt empty, and they missed the mark completely.

They do watch the news, as I have seen Fox News frequently in the background of their vlogs. But how much of it they absorb is questionable in light of their choices during this pandemic.


I still see there IG
The only IG I could find was for this:
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Noir Fan

VIP Member
Apologies if this has already been responded to, but a year or two ago there was a vlog where they had a conversation about this and Asa confirmed that they do not vote for the same people and disagree on some key issues. I couldn't possibly begin to find the vlog, unfortunately, it was one of those thousands of moments where they're just in the car with P driving and A filming them. But from that I took it that he leans more liberal and she's diehard Trumpster conservative.
I remember that as well. It may have been November 2018 after they voted in the midterms,
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They called out Trump in the vlog tonight. They were accused of being voting for him, they never said that.
They probably voted for Trump, like many did who support our country, but what he said (& I agree) is that Trump’s tweets are stupid. I think everyone can agree on that. But he’s one heck of a tough businessman!
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OK first off, how many of y'all have been in an RV bathroom? How is her fat a*s gonna fit? And those septic tanks only hold a certain amount of sh!t and these folks know how to spew some shi+... The RV will be tick tockin down the highway just a rockin and spewing all along the way.
how are they gonna help abbie in one of those rv bathrooms? even for an average sized person there is barely any room for moving around.
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Chatty Member
Why the heck is an elderly man selling Slimelife? (I won’t give him a view). Won’t this turn away prospective female sellers? It better be for men’s products only! Is this an attempt to go viral? He’s always up in P’s shit, wanting what she has, etc. Anyone ever notice that?

And I don’t think he had bariatric surgery. I’m guessing it was a knee or hip replacement & he had complications. Hence, the weight loss from being ill. Could’ve been something abdominal removed or resected too. He had (still has?) a huge abdomen, so could’ve even been a tumor. But doubtful it was cancerous, since he’s wanting to sell LL products now.
He talked a bit about breaking his vertebrae and tailbone in a fall.
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Pink Marshmallow

VIP Member
Watched the water park vlog. P looked exactly like Blueberry Girl on Willy Wonka. Asa forced Abbie to go on the water ride and it terrified her, I find that just mean as hell. She was having a lot of fun with the rest of it so leave her be. No wonder she had a tantrum when she got home. They had been at the water park, then the pool and were waiting for dinner. She was tired, hungry and over stimulated. What does a toddler do when they feel that way? They asked for it and they got it.
They do things like that as well as forcing her into the pool at home by both of them grabbing her arms and legs and pulling into the pool. Then, they have the audacity to sit there and wonder out loud why does she resist and fuss when they try to get her to do things?? Summer even questioned it in one vlog saying something like they've never put her in danger (Asa chimes in to Abbie: We've never hurt you.) so why is she freaking out??

Then there was P and Summer holding Abbie down forcefully while trying to put skincare and other Limelife crap on her.

I wonder why Abbie fusses when you try to get her to do things???!!

#27 Lies, fake tears & flaunting. Look both ways and keep honking.
I love this one!! 😆😆🤣🤣
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The point I was trying to make was that Abbie was happily drinking water, and recently seemed to be getting artificial flavoured sugar drops put in. Surely this would lead to problems with her teeth, and digestive system ( artificial sugar causes anal leakage 😜). Are there any health benefits from drinking mio flavoured water? People were pointing out, that Abbie had not seen a dentist ( vlog wise) and brushing her teeth properly seems to be infrequent, and eating all the crap P cooks, and take outs, I just don’t see the point in adding more sugar.
She is in the age group now for getting wisdom teeth, and with her jaw/ ‘bite’ problems, and lack of effective communication, having those new erupting teeth constantly bathed in sugar is only going to lead to pain.
Sorry for the rant, healthy teeth and digestion have always been my focus when I was working with children, as my leukaemia is destroying the enamel on my teeth, leaving just bone and fillings, resulting in 12 removals, 4-5 more to go, and no replacement dentures as I have a latex allergy!
There’s absolutely no reason to put flavored sugary drops in Abbies water. To me it just shows the ignorance of A&P. They don’t care what goes in their mouth so why should they care what goes in Abbies mouth! With all the sweet crap Ps mom would give Abbie to take home when they use to visit them and all the sweet crap she eats at home I would bet her teeth are terrible. All of them should go to the dentist every 6 months for cleaning and a check up or at least every year but we all know that doesn’t happen. As well as having Abbiescetes checked every year. All that squinting she did in speech therapy even Assa and Jill couldn’t figure out what was going on. And she was holding her head as well. I wonder if she has or is getting bad headaches. She was a mess in that therapy session and A should have stopped the session and try and figure out if she was hurting but nope. IMO I think Abbie should be checked out more than once a year. They’re to damn busy(haha) to take her and they don’t want to deal with the struggle it takes to sit in a waiting room and in the doctors office while she’s running around tearing up things.
Honestly and obviously health is not a priority for them. When my kids went off to college they had to have a Hepatitis B shot and a Tetanus booster before entering college. Wonder if Isa
will see a doctor and get his shots. Pretty sure it’s a requirement.
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VIP Member
And having the laundry downstairs, that in itself sucks! Old house stuff I guess.

Wouldn't you love to go through their garage? So full of all the things they cannot be bothered to use...or even open.
I live in the U.K. what do you mean by laundry downstairs ? Also your houses tend to be a lot bigger than ours and most of ours are two storey.
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Chatty Member
That one will NOT do.
🐖 can't be seen in something like that nor would she fit. Even riding in the cab of that would not work for her size.
The cost is not an issue.
Whatever the cost, they will write it off as a business expense on their taxes.
They will get one of those $100,000+ ones. Those are the only kind that would suit 🐖's hillbilly bougie tastes and her big fat ass. 😁
Yes but those do require a Class A license... She would need to be hitting the books hard, studying to get her license, to be able to get one..
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I'm sorry, but I don't agree at all. I have personal experience...I already lived as the child with the absent father. Didnt really want to share that, but I had to go through a TON of issues as a child, teen and adult. Exact same circumstance. I was very angry at my mother when I found out and very hurt and angry by my father for not trying. You have no idea what that feels like. The rejection, pain and feelings of not being wanted. I'm not just playing arm chair quarterback...It's my life. If it's TRUE the mother didnt want him around...then shes garbage and if he didn't want to even try, then he's garbage too! No child deserves that and no parent should keep a child from knowing who their bio father is.
I don't think this is fair to the mother - weren't documents dug up that said Asa had open access to his daughter whenever he wanted? (Forgive me if I imagined that!) And even if she hid the baby for 5 years or whatever, once Asa found out about her he should have been actively pursuing joint custody if he was genuinely interested in having a relationship with his oldest daughter.

Also, while I respect your experience and the pain you've had to suffer, it's not going to be the truth for everyone with an absent parent. I never knew my bio dad and while I did, of course, have issues with abandonment and identity, I was way better off not having him in my life.

And when I found out I was pregnant with my oldest bio daughter it was right when I started to realize that the man I was with was a manipulative narcissist (gee, I wonder why I dislike Asa so much?) that I did not want in her life at all. He had no interest in being a father either. Parent A (primary caregiver) has every right if they believe Parent B will be a negative influence in their kid's life to not want that person involved. If Parent B has an issue with that, they can take it to court.
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