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Which is why I think they will hire someone cheap and for longer than the normal school day precisely because the 'teacher' will keep Abbie out of their hair for longer than JSA would. Plus they don't have to do the hour's round trip twice a day to and from school. It also wouldn't surprise me if they managed to include the getting dressed, breakfasted, and washed in the morning as part of 'life skills lessons' so that they don't even have to do that. They will have it all worked out to do the least amount of work possible. I do hope though for Abbie's sake that she is taken to different places that are of interest to her... special needs music sessions or sensory room type places, that sort of thing, I doubt it though.
Asshole did say they have a "whole team" of professionals on Abbies team, lol. Why not,? I am sure he will squeeze every nickel out of the ststem to jeep Abs out of their hair. But will stiil complain endlessly about how hard it is to raise a severly IDD person with mild autism.
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She acts like she is still in highschool or something? Is she still in highschool in her head, only she is popular? :ROFLMAO:
I mean any adult that has a fit when they don't get an Easter basket is definitely mentally still in high school, or actully preschool......
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I have no doubt that the Maasholes are trying to pull some kind of scam in pulling Abbie out of school, the use of the scholarship, etc. I hope they get in a HUGE amount of trouble and that karma catches up with them at least a little bit!
I'm leaning towards they are wracking their fat brains on how to pull some shit.
Scammers gotta scam.
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I see what they're doing now - they're focusing on the individual and not the MLM. "The Priscilla Collection" with all her "professional" photos like she's the creator of this product. MLMs have such a bad wrap right now, take them out of the equation - don't even mention their name. This is what the MLM is telling them to do - remember Asa said they could take more pictures later because she wouldn't be using them all at once. They have a schedule and tell them when to do new things, use new photos/ideas for each product. Slimy, sleezey - right on "brand" for Big P.
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Oh yes, home can be stressful for my son too. Even though we basically live by routine, there are some instances when life just happens. Like when the hubby decides he wants something else for dinner and we have to shift gears and possibly get new ingredients. Our son gets very anxious and stressed out at even the most ordinary things, like if we are shopping and the cashier has to call for a price check or something. That extra wait time can send him into a panic. Or if our oldest son stops by for a visit unexpectedly, it can throw him for a loop. Our kiddo would be highly stressed in that house because they have so many people coming and going, no real routine, and they pick up and go at the drop of a hat. I was extremely hesitant (and anxious myself) when hubby had his heart attack in January and suddenly our house was filled with various family members almost overnight. I had no idea how our son would react at his whole world being turned upside down. He handled it very well for the duration they were here with us, but kind of fell apart for a couple of days after everyone was gone. Not to mention, my boy doesn't care to be on camera. He's not too thrilled even when I take short clips on my phone of him using his AAC, so an entire huge ass camera fixed on him all the time would stress him out too.
I love hearing your stories. You could teach a course - and I know who your first students should be!!!

Y’all. She is flat out drunk and cackling the first seconds of this vid. And what 20 year old man does his drunk mother’s make up on camera?? He’s under her chair and literally slapping her makeup on blind. This is SOOOOO cringey! Home one day and they are really putting him to work. This is an all time low. If you can’t stand to watch the whole thing FF and stop every once in a while. Drunk drunk drunk.
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Aarrgh!!!! I foolishly watched the live from yesterday and because of my odd habit, I began to count “uhm” s again. Remember last time was 52, this time was 48!!! OMG! Each time it hits me like a brick being thrown. Uhm, uhm, uhm. And the rolling of her eyes when applying lotion junk seemed especially bad. No joke I bet she rolled her eyes back in her head 6 times in the first 2 minutes. I think I need an intervention to make me stop watching and listening for those 2 gross things. And I saw her scratching under her nose at least 20 times!!! Should I schedule an intervention for myself?
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What the ....

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🎶It's getting hot in here...we don't want mod control.🎶
Shake our fat rolls?
Squeeze our toes?
Talk shit like an asshole?
Put bacon on our cinnamon rolls? :m
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I know Priscilla was on a council with Duval. But I never remember hearing of Asshat being on one…

I am working on a deep dive of the new program and how it compares to ours in NC. So far, I keep running into the same answers on how ours run here. Of course, it seems like their is progression on them starting it up and setting rules but NC had the same bumps.
In NC, our respite is the same way and it has been so laid back more due to Covid. But, ESA was remaining strong on no relatives, that included licensed therapists…

Oh and I have absolutely no doubt that they are going to try and financially gain from this. They are either planning to sue or they think they found a loophole. I can only hope that they try to use a loophole and get charged with fraud. ESA funds are very specific and have very strict rules. We were warned over and over of repercussions of trying to use the funds for something non-intended and some within the state were itching to charge parents because they didn’t like the grants whatsoever..
You know more about these programs so definitely keep us posted on what you find but I will say, if they were to try and sue, what would they sue for? JSA has to have mountains of documentation of Abbie's progress or lack there of and the Maassives have filmed Abbie for years with little to no progress. Assa thinks he is a litigator since they won the other lawsuit but they have five or six years now where JSA could show the court what they've done/provided for Abbie. I am just thinking out loud but bringing a lawsuit would be a huge mistake. I would love to see Assa show the court how he teaches Abbie new sign language like...wrestling. He went on and on about that topic in the last vlog as if Abbie's pinching has anything to do with her wanting to wrestle. The guy has lived with this child for almost 17 years and he selling this BS to the humpers so he appears to be "teaching" her. How many times have we seen Abbie want to wrestle? Abbie is pinching because these dumbfucks have limited her ability to communicate in the most tragic way possible.

I think the more probably scenario is Assa is lying about the checks coming directly to them but, he is definitely thinking of ways to get his hands on that money and provide the cheapest possible care for Abbie and the ability to film as much of whatever the fuck they plan on doing during this "homeschooling" for content.
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I find it so creepy so many of my the humpers love her fish bubbles sound. I just can't imagine commenting on a Facebook video about how much l love the noises a severely delayed teenager makes.
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Not just because they're stressed,
but because they disagree on a couple of things (about Abbie's schooling).

That little comment let on a whole lot more than either of them are admitting.
First off, they need to get her seen for her neck. She was literally holding it sideways the whole time she was at the sink. He seemed to make light of it by mimicking her. She is only going to be 17 and this seems as if this is going to become very painful as time goes on. He keeps going on about her behavior worsening. I’m sure it is much worse than they allow us to see. We only see 8-10 min of what he chooses us to view. I’m assuming the seatbelt in the truck does not go around P because she wasn’t wearing one then acted like she was starting to bring around her but never did. No offense, but it was one thing when Abbie was little and they could control her more, but now she is pretty much a full grown adult and growing everyday by what her diet consists of. I think they are just realizing they are screwed for sure..they need to keep her in a consistent environment like a daycare for adult type facility in my opinion.
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I find Wayne curiously interesting. He is patently looked after by a feeder. We all know who.....Why in hells name doesn't she look after him? Guide him in his food choices? He won't live much more than another two years, three tops....So, serious issues in that household and she probably encourages mama hog to pile it on, to look even "cuter". She's a messed up woman.

If my husband had his way, he'd exist on all the foods that are now horrible for him. He will ask me for things like taco bell, pizza, and everything else. I say "ok" and then get online to show him the salt content in all the foods he asks me for. He then rarely goes through with it and we figure out what to make at home instead. I am not slim myself, but I swear to God that heart attack scared the shit out of both of us. I don't understand how they have escaped a major medical issue with how big everyone is in their family. There's no way I can let myself lose mobility and just be a lump on the couch.
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What made me the most upset in tonight's vlog was when he was asking Abbie to put a box of cereal in the cart and then she reached for her iPad and Asa said, "No, we're not going to talk right now...pick up the cereal." WHY ON EARTH?! She's completely confused by everything and they just laugh at her or get frustrated with her.
They won't let her do anything else until she does what she is commanded to do. They should not be limiting any form communication from her. If she doesn't do what you want after repeatedly asking her to do it then they should do it for it. I think they want her to appear independent in the videos as it makes them look better. They are basically trying to make a 2 year old act like a teenager which will never happen and they need to accept that.
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Hope they really enjoy these last few days of school for Abbie. I honestly cannot wait to see how next year goes with her being home. How much you wanna bet we start hearing more about her "behaviors", and more crying from Cilla.
I give it 2 weeks and every vlog will be dedicated to "behaviors".. After 3 weeks, Cilla will be looking up schools or group placements. By a month, they will have her with someone, no matter who it is. They will hire someone and then blast them when Abbie gets hurt, they cannot locate her at all times, etc. (like the last caregiver video they did)...

Let’s be honest. Abbie never loved surfing. Abbie never actually surfed. It took 3 people to get her to sit on a surfboard and walk her in to shore from about knee high level. She won’t even get in the pool willingly now and Abbie is too big to manhandle onto a surfboard for a photo op. And I will
Bet you the people that attended that event aren’t fans of Fathering Autism anymore. They don’t have friends anyway and between Abbie’s behaviors and having no one to help them with her in the water (Ass has to film and no way Big P is going to lift a finger)
I agree. They wanted to make a reason why Abbie couldn't go. I think they know that Abbie hates water anymore. After being thrown into the pool over and over last summer, she is fed up and is showing that. They know that the beach and ocean will probably be the same and Surfers for Autism (or whatever it is called), is to work with kids. The volunteers aren't going to press Abbie to get into the water and Asa would be told off for demanding Abbie go into the water or chase her into the water (big no-no at events, pressing individuals to do things that they don't want to do)... Instead of using this as a "Abbie enjoyed it for a few years but we seen her interests waning away from surfing," A&P want to continue the dialogue to "the new people changed the event and now we cannot take Abbie because people farther away cannot attend and we would need 2 weekends to do it..." Heck, how many weekends does Priscilla spend on the road? Asa vlogs their family.. Priscilla is suppose to be able to work from anywhere, no issue... So, why can they not dedicate 2 weekends for Abbie?
Yeah, their story doesn't pass the sniff test... It is all bull crap!

Oh and just looked, it is coming up very soon, May 14 and 21... That is like super quick! Isn't the Honk Across America tour suppose to already be started by then? Plus, like someone else said, they have 2 big festivals that are coming up, dates and times unknown right now, that Abbie could go surfing with AND there are other organizations that do this same thing! Surfer's Healing is a huge organization that does this same program but at a much higher capacity, all through the US coastal states (including Florida, actually they have several locations for Florida, where most states only get 1-2 areas) and in other countries. Anyone can register for the events and a lot of people fly in and out or drive hours to go to them.
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I dont know what this obsession with forcing kids to give you a hug and a kiss.

In Lauren's VLOG P was sitting with Abbie repeatedly kissing her...ugh... I couldn't stand that ..I dont like watching it either. I guess the HUMPERS like it??
I absolutely hate it. I still hate being hugged by family members that just assume it’s ok to hug everyone. I was forced as a child to hug and kiss family. My dad still tries to do it. And the forced saying of “I love you”. Let people have their own damn feelings and body autonomy. Like I cringe at the thought of hugging people now. Forced affection is definitely not on my list of ok things. The forced affection that pig does and demands from Abby makes my skin crawl, and makes me want to punch her at the same time. If she did that to me, she would get hit.
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I honestly couldn’t stop laughing when he was talking about the fish. He’s never talked about anything with such emotion, it sounded sarcastic like a spoof documentary. It has David Brent ‘The Office’ vibes. And what a surprise cilla feeding the fish is ‘her thing’ is there anything she wouldn’t feed?

Poor Abbie looked in pain with her head tilted to one side and squinting as if she was wincing. Of course Asa just laughed. How long will it take you to get it into your thick head that her ‘behaviours’ aren’t just a phase, it isn’t her age, she’s bored and needs her needs met, regularly, not just when she’s ‘super stimmy’

This home school is going to be a shitshow. No teacher, one of her respite is leaving, Asa and pricilla are fighting (his words) because they are stressed. They are facing the very real realisation that they will have Abbie full time from next month with very little time away from her.
And for the rest of their life unless they place her somewhere. It's a really bleak situation but mainly for Abbie.
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Its the beginning of the month so it was time to take a look at the stats on social blade......

once again there has been a suspicious subs increase. 7000 new followers in the last 7 days of the month after nearly 2 months of zero new subscribers. In the end though buying subs isn't going to get them anywhere at all.
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I personally don't think Isaiah is on anything. He may be taking prescribed Adderall, but that's about it. In Isaiah's vlog, he goes to the student gym and lifts. Even when Isaiah was younger he would blow up when not playing football and slim down again when playing. Isaiah is a food addict just like his parents. I believe he has been taught so poorly about nutrition that he will have this weight issue of going up and down his young adult life, and become obese in his 40s. P is a liar. The END
I don't think he's on opioids. I think he is troubled/anxious/stressed/possibly depressed and may be trying things to self-medicate or escape (booze, pot, etc. - like many many other college students and non-college students). I think he may be on Adderal as well (hopefully prescribed and hopefully taking as prescribed). I just think his life is not his own and is trying to cope with an overbearing and demanding mother telling him what to do and a father that is so insecure that he takes great pleasure in humiliating Isaiah whenever possible. I have mixed feelings about Isaiah. He is entitled and cocky mainly because his parents are entitled and cocky. None of us choose the family we end up in and this kid did not win the parent lottery. He's been used for respite since he was a young teen and that is very sad and been coddled by a pathetic mother. Nothing would please me more than for him to pull away and make a life for himself and tell his family that he loves them but he's not playing along with this charade any more. But I don't have high hopes. He has poor adulting skills, appears to have a hard time making and keeping friends and they have literally convinced him he can't survive without them. Summer has the benefit of not being their actual child and seems to have pulled away some. I hope to see her continue to have her own life without obligation to the Massives. But Isaiah will really have to man up in order to forge a life of his own. As far as his weight, it is obvious by just looking at him and Summer that when you move out of Moldy Manor and aren't eating 24/7 and going on multiple sugary coffee runs a day, you trim way down. It sounds like he has concern about moving back home because he's making plans for the gym - good for him. At least, break the unhealthy lifestyle cycle.
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