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Whats with the yellow obsession this week? definitely not her color...she is so bland... i I would also avoid anything too low cut as it makes her chest look concave and bony.

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I’ll take yellow over putrid sage green any day
It's all a bit bo peep / miss muffett
That’s putting it politely. I would have said tarty and common
Does Chav's sister have a job? She seems to spend her whole time partying from what I can see!
Or clubbing, or going to festivals or laying on her front topless with her boobs spilling out on the side as you can see on her Instagram page. There’s being sexy (she is not at least in my opinion but beauty is in the eye of the beholder) and body confident but best to have a healthy dose of modesty and self respect too but there you go. Wouldn’t shock me if she was on Only Fans judging by the tone of some of her photos. She really fancies herself it looks at times
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LOL you made me burst out laughing! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

and there's the children issue....that could be a major source of tension if one of them wants a family and the other doesn't.
I’m sure they’d find ways around it. There is adoption and fostering. I doubt those two would because of their snobbery but it’s possible I’m sure they are the brown nosing type Social services are God type of folk (nevermind the corruption) they’d throw their money at anything if it ensures it feeds their ego or power you could apply that to the SS or to those two but I doubt his alcohol history will help or would get them approved.
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He’s not going to walk into a job selling luxury real estate!.

He has no experience in the property field , hence at very best he would be given some sort of junior role with a small estate agency who deal with low value terraced houses and flats probably in the Witney /Banbury area. His wage would be basic.

Should he work? Absolutely.

Anything would be better than nothing . But we must be realistic as to his starting point .
😂 can you imagine the conversations they must have when Josie reads here “darling, they think you should become an estate agent” 😂

Internal panic must set in with chav at that point. He must also worry about what if her income slows/stops for whatever reason. The world is fast changing so who knows what the future of influencing will bring .
You have to start somewhere. He would be trained. Whether he would accept it is another issue. I doubt it because his vanity is above everybody else. It would do him the world of good having a fresh perspective and purpose that doesn’t revolve around her. The world does not revolve around Josie, their semi or the business. Sorry it’s not that serious of a business in the realistic sense and also plenty of others have multiple responsibilities as well as real jobs. Josie is basically a glorified saleswoman which is nothing wrong in that but her delusions of grandeur is what is wrong. I’m a professional I don’t want to say what industry but I worked hard for my career. Husband has a good job but we aren’t millionaires dropping casually money on Porsches. Add on the mortgage, children, expenses, a cat and a tortoise and two properties we invested in as rentals to young professionals it’s a balancing act and that is with good health thank God for all. If you factor in all that most people have to contend with on a daily basis who might be ill, disabled or going through problems those two embarrass themselves with their lack of modesty, reality and at times total disregard for decency. Such as inappropriate filming which I can bet she has not asked the poor people filmed for their permissions. He has it so easy and good for him nobody wants people to do badly in life but acting like some pseudo Lird of the Manor living off his wife and mother-in-laws money is pathetic and goes against what a real man should be like which should be independent, an equal partner and just less hobby same applies to her they are both motormouths, watch how it goes when the Interest rates shoot up to a level that even they can’t handle. Recessions are very real things and given the fact that there is an Election in 3 days I would if I were them seriously consider a few contingency plans if life swerves them into unknown financial territory. Likely by her spending habits and the enormous amount of outgoings they must have without the freebies or bookings in their rentals. YouTube won’t last forever either.
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Aston martins? I can’t stand them and have never mentioned them. I haven’t mentioned exclusive postcodes either .

I find “in fighting” amongst fellow tattlers when it happens disappointing. In fairness you have gone out of your way to call me naive when I’ve got absolutely the same right as you have to an opinion I believe is correct . I am in a position to be unbiased being as I live in both. I haven’t attacked you back at all or called you unpleasant names.
In terms of helipads - someone had actually asked how she would manage the travel and if it’s possible from a more remote location . I am experienced with the subject of travel and could give a very broad explanation to someone who doesn’t seem to live here . I didn’t bring up helipads ! I just answered someone’s question.

Have a good day.
Like I’ve said before. Read your post back. Money talks but wealth whispers. Goodnight.
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I think they do both want children. Chav is untested in that department and Josie seems to have some complaints there . She’s young enough to have a good go at ivf and probably fall pregnant eventually with help if she wants to.

I don’t think she realises the changes a child would bring about . It’s hard to realise sometimes until a person does it . Or maybe she assumes she can continue almost the same as she is and chav can do the lion share of the work. I bet they haven’t had this conversation about who is expected to do what if a child comes .
a badly planned trip to formentera . The best restaurant is juan y Andrea ….
I doubt she would be as bitter about motherhood as Amy Neville has sadly become
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I find lots of London clean - but I live here, so probably don't frequent the parts where people would be going on a day trip or for a visit. I go into town pretty regularly for shows, concerts etc, and never really notice it being dirty.
I only use a couple of tube stations, so can't comment on the entire network, but I'd not be putting my bag down on the floor on any form of public transport in any city. I don't think the tube is any dirtier than the metro in NY or the trams in Manchester. And it's a million percent cleaner than Paris - even without the rubbish strike Paris is always grubby. (I used to live there and never loved it.)

I'm probably defensive, as I adore London. It's a great city, but like anywhere it's what you make it. I won't stay here forever I don't think - but work ties me here as this is where my training contract is.
Lived in London as I said, South Kensington and Barons Court for a total of 13 years due to studying then my career, my children were born there. Maybe it’s changed since I left but that wasn’t long ago. Which parts do you think is good?
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Are those friggin NIGHTGOWNS? And the lemon bag is ugly. Poster who said she thought they were "corn" omg! I almost spit my Diet Pepsi all over the keyboard laughing! That bag is stupid looking and Leo gushes over it in HER flower show video.
My mistake, I thought Josie had the drone first and Leo copied shortly after. During the wedding video, Charlie's Dad during his speech even said something along the lines of "even as a little boy we couldn't shut him up" (Don't quote me word for word) but it was something along those lines and "yeah we KNOW he runs his mouth and is a PITA but that's our boy Charlie and we love him" I may look it up if I have time.
I did want to mention I watched Josie's "Chelsea in Bloom" earlier and I did enjoy it. She was very informative and I liked seeing all the different displays at the shops and throughout the flower show. I did not like her fingering up the flowers and wanted to smack her hand away when she did it. But I did learn a lot. I live in Philadelphia PA and do enjoy the driving and drone videos of the country roads and villages, London etc because I get to see everything I'd otherwise never get to see. It is a dream to one day visit the UK and I will admit to being an American who is anything British-obsessed. I did notice how when Josie was speaking with the one younger flower guy she became animated, kind of dropped the fake accent and was even likable. She was NORMAL and I was wondering why she is not like that all the time. Did anyone else notice she was using three different umbrellas throughout the video? Started out with black, then had a blue floral and ended up with a pinkish floral that I noticed was broken, One of the thin rods that hold the umbrella open poked thru the material so it sagged in that spot. I don't get it. Did she have several in that oversized bag she was hauling around? And it was not edited together from different days, she is wearing that floral dress in all the shots of her w/the different umbrellas. I may have the order of the blue and pink mixed up.
Josie, I know you faithfully pour over these threads so here is a pro tip...lose that hideous 80's headband. It does NOTHING for you. What were you thinking? It looks like a plastic headband with gym socks twisty-tied all around. IT. IS. STUPID!
Pink umbrella was from the next day, my error.
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Do we know where Charlie's parents live exactly? They keep hinting towards them living near the park in Windsor. But where??
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Chatty Member
The bit that you’ve pointed at with the red arrow looks like an old chimney stack to me, not a fire escape?
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I did find it interesting that she was sent items from Tropic Skincare. I didn't think they used influencers as they are an MLM company and I do wonder if Josie would promote them if she knew they were an MLM. I know a few people who sell the products and they are always just trying to sell you something so they can earn money but ultimately it's their customers paying for them to go on holiday which I absolutely detest.
What’s MLM?
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He’s not going to walk into a job selling luxury real estate!.

He has no experience in the property field , hence at very best he would be given some sort of junior role with a small estate agency who deal with low value terraced houses and flats probably in the Witney /Banbury area. His wage would be basic.

Should he work? Absolutely.

Anything would be better than nothing . But we must be realistic as to his starting point .
😂 can you imagine the conversations they must have when Josie reads here “darling, they think you should become an estate agent” 😂

Internal panic must set in with chav at that point. He must also worry about what if her income slows/stops for whatever reason. The world is fast changing so who knows what the future of influencing will bring .
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For as much as she pushes her lady of the countryside, it seems like she has been missing her old lifestyle in London. I think everything is starting to wear off for her and she’s bored.
I agree that luxury real estate would be wonderful for Charlie! The earning potential is huge in that industry and you are working with movers and shakers. If he turned his nose up at a career like that, which I believe would suit him perfectly, he isn’t very wise.
I think he likes Josie and loves the lifestyle she provides for him. They seem more like friends or coworkers than they do madly in love. Neither seem overtly physically attracted to the other for their age and stage of life. His eye for other women, particularly friends of Josie’s is a major red flag. He seems like the type who would have a porn addiction…maybe even prostitutes.
Did she say Vincent Van Goff? I can never tell if her pronunciations are unique to her dialect or just her stupidity. She seems to mispronounce a lotttt of words.
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Correct if I’m compl
Who takes advice from someone who cannot even spell properly (LOOSING)? 🥴 she needs to go back to her fashion and beauty content from before and forget all this nutrition BS, that she has no idea what she's flogging...

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Correct me if I’m completely wrong Brits, but I’ve seen this spelling a lot in place of the American English “losing”. Do y’all do this?
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