Fashion Mumblr #42 Rinse, repeat with feature-length vlogs so lady Aga can flog, flog, flog!

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Relationships marriages civil partnerships situationships whatever word you define it comes with work. I’ve been married to my husband for 20 years and we both had a side eye look at each other the other day when somebody said “looking at you two it’s like you’ve had such a happy easy marriage” we both looked and smiled then laughed. It’s been like any normal relationship good days, bad days, a lot of giving and duck loads of patience. Men have moods like women my dear man is a man of very few words as Latvian men culturally are the providers and opening up about feelings isn’t a concept embraced. It’s a lot of guesswork and patience but I’ve been lucky he’s sweet, kind, incredibly respectful to me and other women (in a decent way and I’m secure enough for him to communicate with others) which is a huge green flag with a man. Seeing my husband hold doors, giving up his seat. Helping a lady on the train with a pram that’s too heavy kind of thing. Never familiar but respectful made me love him more. The way Charlie treats other women is at times very concerning. Objectifying and creepy about women he has demonstrated countless times on social media. If my husband ever did that I wouldn’t be with him and Josie like it or not has a responsibility as a woman a collective responsibility to protect other women, support us and have a honest viewpoint on the really tit things her husband has done and said over the years. I think she enables him to behave that entitled way to others. Objectifications and the interrupting. Blindly accepting your spouse for himself is not enough sometimes if it involves inappropriate behaviour towards others. Not right her values are skewered if she has any. There’s being a hot blooded man and then there’s being a dirty, inappropriate, entitled piece of tit and she acting as if it’s ok is even worse. Toxic
Your husband sounds like a good man 👍 .

Chav is creepy. He definitely fancies the pants and more off Freddy. He loved giving her a piggy back.
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Your husband sounds like a good man
He is and I’ve been lucky. I was 18 he was 20. He’s very shy and I do the talking for both of us as I’m sure you can imagine! I don’t hold back either as you can tell. Also he has a better body than Charlie. Charlie’s is all for show than actual longevity. There’s big differences. Those two are all show no go. I don’t normally like commenting on others relationships but his behaviour stinks as hers does for being so bleeping permissive. She can do better. Maybe if she met a man with values worth shouting about she could improve herself with her attitudes nobody is above self-improvement
He definitely fancies the pants and more off Freddy. He loved giving her a piggy back.
Freddy should never have accepted the piggy back. It’s breaking boundaries with another woman’s spouse and your own. It’s a form of intimacy that shouldn’t be ventured. Since when has Freddy ever behaved like a lady?! Cosplaying and reality are two different things
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Ugh so sick of her shilling unwanted nutrition advice/books etc to make a buck... she literally knows nothing about anything 🥴

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and then drinking a sugary matcha latte right after ...

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and lets not forget to flog some very cheap looking freebie jewellery as well 🥴

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Idk what the book is about in details, but it’s got Doritos in the name and cover. Is there a person on earth thinking Doritos are healthy? Most people know that ultra processed foods are unhealthy, but sometimes you have no choice. When parents are giving a frozen pizza to their kids they’re doing it because it’s cheap, will be done in 10 minutes and keeps them quiet on what could be a stressful day for parents. To just discuss food from a purely nutritional standpoint like they do and ignore the socio economic factors that have changed in Britain across the past 50 years is naive at best and plain snobbery at worst.
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Idk what the book is about in details, but it’s got Doritos in the name and cover. Is there a person on earth thinking Doritos are healthy? Most people know that ultra processed foods are unhealthy, but sometimes you have no choice. When parents are giving a frozen pizza to their kids they’re doing it because it’s cheap, will be done in 10 minutes and keeps them quiet on what could be a stressful day for parents. To just discuss food from a purely nutritional standpoint like they do and ignore the socio economic factors that have changed in Britain across the past 50 years is naive at best and plain snobbery at worst.
You’re right. It’s a head scratcher that healthier foods are more expensive than less healthier food. Parents are overstretched especially if they lack skills in cooking. Some children weren’t raised to have those skills. Schools have decided to teach anything but actual life skills. In the past Home economics sorted that out and generally you learned from your mother. I learnt from my mother and we were as skint as you could get. Living in Poole on a council estate, no car and really struggling. My mum was Latvian on tit pay and a shift worker (despite having a Masters degree in Mathematics from the University of Riga) when she came to England she had to take any job going over skilled as most immigrants do sadly for a criminally low wage packet. However Mum always had food in the fridge made for when my brother, sister and I got home from school and our activities. If she wasn’t working she was cooking, cleaning and got about 4 hours sleep if she was lucky and my Dad although British born was Belarusian who absolutely refused to ever help or learn to cook. Women’s work he called it. He was a total tit. My brother of course never learnt to cook until he was much older fortunately he was enthusiastic and is a really nice guy and good to his wife and children. But they’re not affluent and both working with 3 kids. He’s a fork lift driver she’s a cleaner on shifts. Who has time to cook gourmet food? If they have friends over that’s more work. So it’s easier to do the convenience route. Josie has a lot to learn about the real world and its inhabitants. duck reading idiotic books that are designed to make you think that you’re an expert and actually learn how to cook Josie because your food is more cordon blurgh than blueu judging by the vomit colours your dishes yield. Before pretending your a health guru learn how to cook dishes of all varieties instead of cheese and herbs vomit inducing looking as always
Side note, apologies if I seem a bit of a broken record quoting my ethnic heritage I mention it because I’ve been watching this channel for a while and reading the comments. Re the racist tweets etc and it strikes me that Josie has a very particular viewpoint on Immigrants in this country and their abilities compared to hers. Comments she’s made really do show her up. That’s why I mention my parents situation, because while they were considered no doubt beneath Josie and her mother of course, living in poverty mum was highly educated as are many many migrants that chose a better life in Great Britain and other countries. Josie seems to think there’s only a certain type that can or should it comes across and anybody that can’t speak English as high as she expects are lacking. I watched her moving vlog and her outrageously prejudicial comments on the men. Disgusting but that’s why apologies if it’s grindingly boring but Josie reads this and maybe she might learn something but oh no she’s an expert dontcha know!
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Chav is creepy. He definitely fancies the pants and more off Freddy. He loved giving her a piggy back.
those vids and pics where Chav and Freddy are touching is so disgusting...just brings on the ick..I feel like they crossed a boundary .. it felt wrong. Remember when he was touching her at Em's birthday dinner..just eeew. :sick:
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I didn’t see those pics and vids but his behavior toward Freddy at Em’s birthday was vile. Not only was it rude to the birthday girl/hostess to put so much attention on a guest but the type of attention was inappropriate toward his wife. He seems bisexual to me. Deviant. Josie seems more into Freddy than Charlie. Maybe I have her wrong as asexual and they are really a throuple behind closed doors. Who knows.

But IG accounts like that Kimberly woman’s really make it impossible for other women. Men will be men. I suppose in modern times they’ve always had their magazines and pornography. Not all men are like this but perhaps it is their nature to look at pretty things. The internet and social media has just made it all the more easy for men to be less than upstanding. I find it borderline unfaithful. How women can have pages like that disgusts me. They know that married men are looking at them— no better than prostitution. The married men who publicly follow and like these accounts are abhorrent. How is the average woman supposed to live with this? It can be really damaging to our self-esteem as women. Our mothers and grandmothers didn’t have to navigate these waters. It’s unchartered territory.
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If I had to bet I’d say she’s Asexual and he’s straight but only lusts after a certain specific type (and grandma , stick up her @ss Josie isn’t it !). To me Freddy and Kimberley gardener are like two peas in a pod in terms of looks
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I’m surprised he didn’t encourage her to get micro implants. The kind that gives her a fuller bust but not enough that their elitist friends would scoff over or even be able to decipher. Rumors that celebrities like Kendall Jenner have this.

Whenever I see them working out in tandem on a quick holiday, it gives American Psycho vibes. Maybe someone can write a British Psycho version featuring a modern day influencer couple. lol! She complained about being annoyed and how “silly” it was that she got a sunburn on her back. That should have been Charlie looking out for her. As someone with very fair skin, you can’t reach this area with sunblock and need other people to literally watch your back if you start to burn. Way to go, SK.
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This is how I know SK and Teefers haven’t paid for a meal in years. She was so emphatic about the cost of that Calvin Harris restaurant. Ok it’s not McDonald’s but it’s no different than any nicer hotel restaurant. She literally said it’s her most expensive meal ever. Probably because her “voucher” didn’t cover it. That was so embarrassing btw. A subscriber is so SWF obsessed with you they buy you dinner. Or maybe it was an undisclosed ad and the sponsoring restaurant just didn’t want to pay for their pig trough dinner bill.

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They are such snobs...what a boring trip..all they did was eat , read BS nutrition books and ...nothing....two boring idiots.. and he is shaped so odd... 🥴


the black socks are a nice touch...

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I didn’t see those pics and vids but his behavior toward Freddy at Em’s birthday was vile. Not only was it rude to the birthday girl/hostess to put so much attention on a guest but the type of attention was inappropriate toward his wife. He seems bisexual to me. Deviant. Josie seems more into Freddy than Charlie. Maybe I have her wrong as asexual and they are really a throuple behind closed doors. Who knows.

But IG accounts like that Kimberly woman’s really make it impossible for other women. Men will be men. I suppose in modern times they’ve always had their magazines and pornography. Not all men are like this but perhaps it is their nature to look at pretty things. The internet and social media has just made it all the more easy for men to be less than upstanding. I find it borderline unfaithful. How women can have pages like that disgusts me. They know that married men are looking at them— no better than prostitution. The married men who publicly follow and like these accounts are abhorrent. How is the average woman supposed to live with this? It can be really damaging to our self-esteem as women. Our mothers and grandmothers didn’t have to navigate these waters. It’s uncharted territory.
To answer why some women do it and how can normal women keep self esteem

1. Women that face duck cameras for TikTok are doing it for a few reasons. They need self esteem, money and validation. Mostly money. Not just men look at it and get horny. Women look at it too. It’s a form of prostitution given how some posts look like. I don’t get it personally but some do. Some make a huge living off of it.

2. A secure woman won’t let it bother her. I know that sounds glib but it’s true. There are many beautiful, sexy and stunning individuals out there that don’t need that kind of high octane validation. They have other reasons for living. Pity those who need it and if there are people like Charlie that pit women against each other then he’s or any man like that not the man for that woman or man/person depending.

What it boils down to is money with a small dose of self gratification. Social media is manipulative to a fault and there are a lot of people frankly that don’t get out much. They spend hours tarting themselves up to face duck a camera for 30 seconds bounce their bust around thinking they are the cat’s bananas and then swipe up. Thats not reality. It’s sad but people need to keep that in mind. Secure people don’t exhibit themselves for all and sundry. Social media makes it feel like it’s deeply personal and only that person can see yet remember about 6 billion others can see at the same time too. Perspective is a powerful thing as well as self respect which many people these days forget about when they are chasing money, adulation and infamy
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I agree with what you said. I just feel for the younger girls who don’t have this maturity and for married women who have husbands publicly following and liking these accounts. Beauty is a dime a dozen and fleeting. Most of these IG models or Only Fans workers offer nothing of substance in real life but that’s beside the point. It isn’t necessarily about feeling less than or insecure as it is respect within relationships and a values problem within our culture. Even the best men are only human. This sort of content is everywhere. It’s one thing to look but to do so publicly and openly liking images when women’s friends, coworkers and family can see this behavior happening? You can’t even go on Twitter or YouTube without seeing porn bots all over the place. It’s a shame.
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My friend in Holland 20 yrs ago had a chest like josies and apparently in Holland the government will fund small boob jobs for girls whose chest hasn’t developed. Whether that’s changed or not now idk. It has a name when the chest doesn’t develop at all . I’m no expert and maybe Josie doesn’t have this but I’ve always wondered!.

It’s a topic I’ve always wondered about with Josie but didn’t want to offend anyone . There are huge pluses and minuses with implants and I’d personally say wait until you have children. Also we don’t k ow is she happy like she is or not .

Visually she would benefit from very small implants . I feel it’s a relatively safe thing to do using the right ones . Although i totally get not everyone want surgery and some are happy being flat .
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Oh look it’s the “nutrition” student telling us to put kefir in coffee again…. 😂😂🤮
Absolutely dying that it’s a “wonderful holiday” yet it’s just all of the same gym, flogging, dinners etc just in another country 😂😂😂😂😂


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Hi darling, I imagine the dinner was the “most expensive meal you’ve ever had” because it was the only meal you’ve ever had to pay for.
Join us in the real world why don’t you! 👋🏼
So spends ages rabbiting on about her favourite hotel that she goes to every year, but then doesn’t link to it in the description! Which she could do. But clearly wouldn’t benefit from. So hasn’t.
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I was on my way home from shopping in Manchester today and did a double take when I saw this sage green defender! Had to check it wasn't Josie 😂 but alas it wasn't. I removed the plate for privacy.

Bet she'd be rushing out to buy if she saw it!


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