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VIP Member
The end of their new vlog of them in cable car was so nice. Sienna had the biggest grin on her face and they were all laughing. How it should be
That was a really nice thing to see them all laughing and Sienna excited and happy. It was probably the best part of the vlog to be honest . The vlog from not too long ago when Georgie , Darren and Sienna went to IKEA to eat the food for 24 hours was also a nice chilled out vlog. When it’s just the three of them it’s usually more enjoyable to watch and has lovely moments which just like you said is exactly how it should be and maybe cause it gives Sienna her moment to shine and have attention cause the rest of the time the vlogs are filled with Mia attention seeking , giving Sienna a hard time and shouting over everyone , Karma shouting and not letting Sienna enjoy anything to herself and Georgie acting weird and attention seeking to try impress Mia.
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Don’t even feel sorry for James, if you go on his insta jamesholt.ig and the first pic where he’s in all black clothes there’s a comment that says “I think you have a little something going on with mia” and then look at the likes on the comment, he liked the comment. If he’s liking comments like that on ig then obviously people are gonna think its him, so he can’t really complain about it. The girl who commented then freaked out that he liked the comment so that’s literally misleading people. He loves the attention so i wouldn’t be feeling sorry for him or saying he needs to stop being friends with Mia, that comment was left on his pic a week ago so he liked it just recently.
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Yessss @hayley appreciate the reference to what I said haha 🤝 and I agree with you I’ve thought that to too why does a 23 year old want to be friends with a minor? both of them having a following on tiktok isn’t a good enough reason or excuse in my opinion for them to be spending time together when there’s many more people an appropriate age for Mia to be around. It’s crazy cause if it was a 23 year male everyone would be going mad but cause it’s a 23 year old female it’s not a big deal? it’s strange how a 17 year old is allowed stay at this adults house for a few days who isn’t family or a close friend of the family cause I know for a fact when I was 17 if I told my parents I’m meeting up with a 23 year old woman they would be wondering why this adult wants to spend time with a child and there’s no way my parents would want me staying at her house.
It just feels wrong but it’s all about gaining followers and that 23 year old knows how big family fizz and Mia are with their fan base so she knows the attention and followers she can gain from befriending Mia.
Yes mia is nearly 18 but she still has a mindset of someone much younger which makes it even more weird. Exactly, if this was a 23yr old male then more people would be sayimg something. The family do not know this girl, theyve only hung out a few times, this does not warrant it ok to be staying over at an adults house. Yes where this women lives is not too far out from london (i grew up in the same area as her) but it is still quite far away for a minor to be from their parents staying at an adults place. I also woild never been allowed to stay at someones house who was 23 when i was only 17, nor would i want my child to be doing the same regardless of sex.
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Chatty Member
It wouldn’t surprise me if she just whipped out the phone without telling any of them what was being filmed. It’s easy to go along with what your “friends” do, it doesn’t mean you like doing it.
True, but when you’re in a closed environment, like a taxi, with your friends it’s hard to say no to something like that.
I guess I’m just struggling to imagine the development of the situation. I get that he couldn’t do anything about it in the moment but it wasn’t just that tiktok. Mia has been dropping clues for weeks and he’s continually featured in her content.

If I had a friend with a public following who suggested publicly we were dating I would simply ask them to stop, and if they didn’t, we would no longer be friends. I certainly wouldn’t appear in their content across several platforms, over several weeks making jokes about potentially dating and talk about buying them underwear. If their family made a video with ‘clues’ about me and discuss our wedding/children I would immediately want it removed. I wouldn’t allow the joke to continue. The taxi Tiktok was just the tip of the iceberg of him playing along.

Why the sudden public freak out? Hes entitled to change his mind about it but couldn’t he privately ask for the content to be removed?

I’m not defending Mia, we all know she’s a fucking idiot. I feel bad for James and the situation is unfortunate but I think the whole thing was a lapse of his judgement too, and the situation is definitely more complicated than what were seeing.
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Chatty Member
anyone else think the new video is hinting at another pregnancy
Wouldn’t surprise me. They did say recently, I think in the video where Georgie thought she could be pregnant, that they’re not actively trying, but not preventing either. I don’t think she is now, or if she is, way too early to be hinting online. But I’m predicting a 2023 baby for sure.
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They don’t cook a lot of food so they

With Mia turning 18 next month there’s nothing georgie can do, she’ll be an adult and won’t have to ask georgie’s permission for most things so georgie can’t just say “no”. You think Mia is bad now well just wait until shes 18 she will think she can do whatever she wants. Mia definitely will get worse after her birthday and will think she’s an actual adult who can’t be told off by her parents, I can’t just imagine her saying “I’m 18 now I’m not a little girl anymore I can do what I want”.
Hopefully they’ll eventually see how Mia’s behaviour is an issue and maybe adapt their parenting for the others. There’s still time for them to make sure the rest of them don’t turn out the same. They just need to open their eyes and see that their almost 18 year old daughter shouldn’t be behaving this way.
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For those of you who just missed Mias tiktok live...

She spent a lot time talking about young adult male youtubers (like Dolan twins, Sturniolo triplets) she liked but not in a "they're really funny, they're content is good way" but a "they're so leng, so fit, how can you not love them, they're cute", etc. way. Mature

Then at the end she has the camera on the floor propped against the wall, and is kneeling in baggy shorts with her legs apart. Needless to say, she flashed the stream at one point (luckily it was brief and believed to be only underwear) even after people had told her to move the camera plenty of times. She tried to brush it off when she saw the comments saying she had flashed in an "oh well sense" but seriously! She then stopped the live about 2 minutes later saying it was because she needed to finish editing tomorrow's video!
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I’m not for them not having an education, but the least they can do is teaching their kid show to read, write and spell. Learning shape and colours are not enough for the world. What if one day, they really need a job and they can’t even make a cv or resume or something like that because their parents didn’t teach them anything.

At least the business school I went to, they taught us to make a good cv, resume and such.
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Chatty Member
I used to watch family fizz many many moons ago when it was just Mia and sienna and sienna was maybe 3?! Are they still home schooled? Do G&D actually do home schooling with them?

sienna is so adorable and Seemed very grateful for the guitar and the £10 of that other boys money. It’s sad to see on here that she doesn’t seem to have many friends. In that video posted of go ape that other dad said “or I think one of them is trying to sabotage it for the other”*cough cough* mia. Just bloody do the go ape and let sienna have her day rather than just fucking around. Oops I slipped, and Georgie underneath like tehehe 🙃
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VIP Member
Haven’t watched this family in 4 years. Has she kissed anyone or done anything with anyone or clickbait? Her obsession with guys is so weird, had a friend like her when I was in school, constantly talking about guys..
Im also wondering if its been actual full on kiss or just a peck, or as you said, has she actually kissed anyone at all. She's probably trying to fit in with the norm of girls her age but its all so immature.
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James is 11 months older which I'd class as more than a little but she probably wouldn't 🤷🏻
Yeah I know what you mean cause 11 months basically is a year and that can make a big difference especially when Mia is very mentally stunted unfortunately so that makes the gap even bigger. I wasn’t sure when he turned 18 so when she said he’s a little older I assumed maybe he turned 18 within the last few months but now you’ve said that I know he’s 11 months older. In one way it’s better her wanting a guy who’s a year older rather than a 14 year old but at the same Mias very immature so I hope Georgie and Darren help her mature cause when she’s in her 20’s still acting how she does in public and speaking to Sienna horribly and being a bully people won’t be able to make excuses for her saying she’s only a child etc cause when you’re an adult she’ll have to start taking responsibility and for her sake I want her to mature and realise there’s so much more to life then chasing after boys all the time.
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That’s the height of an average 8/9 year old. I was 4 foot 8 at 9 years old and I’m only 5’4” now. So yes that does seem very small
I think shoe size is usually a good indicator of height. They are always harping on about Sienna having big feet 🙄 (theyre not even big), but if they are big for her frame then im sure she will have a big growth spurt at some point. I was the smallest in my class right until year 8 and ended up being the tallest of my friend group by the time we left school
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New member
It seems the only reason Mia will spend quality time with Sienna is if Mia needs to film a video she can use Sienna in.
I don’t think Mia willingly would bring Sienna out with her when she’s meeting a friend/friends cause she’s seem irritated by Siennas presence in videos and doesn’t seem to like when Sienna speaks or gets attention and you seeing them in public and being able to confirm a lot of what’s been spoke on here shows how Sienna really isn’t treated well by Mia sometimes.

Either Sienna is so bored at home and begs Mia to take her out with her and maybe Georgie or Darren ask Mia to take her out or Mia feels she has to so decides to make a video out of it which is quite sad that she has to get content out of the day out together in order for her to be fully interested in spending time with her sister.
It sometimes feels like Mia is fed up and annoyed with having to be around Sienna but the thing is Sienna has no friends so the poor child is probably so eager to go out and do anything so it’s not Siennas fault that she wants to tag along. Mia gives Sienna a hard time for no reason. It should be a lovely bonding time when an older sister spends time with her little sister but I don’t think their sister relationship is that healthy at times.

Georgie has said before Sienna is tiny for her age and when we see Mia with friends you can really see how short she is too so it’s just their genetics I guess.
From what I could tell from the convo they were having Mia was planning some sort of video of them going round different shops for some reason (don’t know if it was some sort of challenge type thing or something along those lines) and had asked sienna what shops she wanted to go to. When sienna didn’t really reply, Mia started to get aggy and rude with her. I wouldn’t be surprised if sienna did suggest some shops to go to, that Mia just over rode that and just went to the shops her and the friend that was with them wanted to go to.

Also does anyone know what the situation is with the skin/acne type problems that Mia has on her face? I vaguely remember a while back she went to some sort of doctor/skin care treatment thing in a video she posted but don’t know what the outcome was and whether she continued to try and get it sorted
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Isnt there or wasn’t there definitely a video of sienna being upset that she couldn’t go to school because she was sick ?
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