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I used to be a fan of Mia's until I realised how disconnected she is from my teenager experiences and her new video just makes her look a little deluded... I'm sure she's creative and able to write something worthwhile but it's hard not to think that the only reason for her books being a success is because she has a family with prior, large, following. As someone who has been interested in literature and writing novels and being the same age as her, it feels a bit dishonest for her to give tips. I've joined and applied for countless writing comptetitions hopping to gain some sort of recognition, and Mia just needs to write whatever gibberish she wants and gets praised by her young audience. This may just be spite, but I do believe she has had way too big of a head start to be giving out tips and explaining how she did it all "on her own".
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Mia's recent video where she gives her family "bad" gifts is quite sad actually. They did a throwback to when she got a nail kit as her only present for christmas in Gran Canaria then she gave sienna a nail kit as a "bad gift". I wish they would go back to when they were minimalists and they were living in Gran Canaria- the kids were so grateful for their one present and the family were focussed on so much more than brands and money like they are now
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Literally came here to say did anyone else wonder what the hell at those presents? Her grandparents of all people got her a present she actually asked for and all her bloody parents (sounds like mostly Georgie as Darren asked her if the wooden pets were too young for her but Georgie got them anyway) could get her we’re wooden toys that were too young for her so she could share with her sister!!
No Karma should not be allowed to open Sienna’s presents it is not about Sienna getting used to having younger siblings Karma needs to be taught now that that behaviour isn’t appropriate and it’s not her birthday!
Georgie could you maybe put the baby down for a second to give your crying daughter proper hug!! I know she was happy but I can’t stop thinking about her little face when she sat on the bed by herself and broke down!

Sorry for the long rant but they are just ridiculous!!
I agree. When I was 9 ( I’m 14 now) I kind of grew out of toys and childish activity books, I I got mostly clothes and toys that aren’t babyish ( like slime, fidget spinners etc.) And 9 year olds are more mature nowadays, the 9 year olds in my school want iPhones and LED lights for their room but Sienna just got childish wooden toys for 5 year olds. I like how she is being herself but I don’t think georgie and Darren keep track of how other 9 year olds are like today. I she went to a regular school, she would want more mature presents than this because she would be influenced by friend. I think Karma is a brat and she should get proper discipline.
sorry for the essa, I just have a lot of ideas!
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im afraid i feel i worded that quite badly , i meant in the case of the girls. their not around people their own ages nor are they in a stable enough situation to develop etc.
i didnt mean that about the schools i do apologise, i understand home learning works alot for parents and kids alike and it was not my intention to bad mouth that sorry :(
No need to apologise.

most children that are home educated will go to many different home Ed meet ups (ones for socialising and ones for education) as well as being part of things like brownies, beavers, scouts, swimming lessons, swimming club, football teams, gymnastics class, church,kids church activities during the week, friendships and play dates, and so on.

Sadly, the fizz sisters don’t have any of that. They don’t get the chance to make any friends or socialise, they don’t get to join clubs, it’s actually heartbreaking.
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Anyone else find it really unfair how when Georgie and Darren were talking about why they moved to where they are now they talked a lot about how Mia has always wanted to go and they wanted her to be here for her birthday, but Sienna had hers a few weeks ago and they didn’t even put a video up about it. It just seems that this channel went from a family of 4 filming their day to day life being mostly based in the uk, now they’re uprooting their family every few months and only focusing on their cute babies and their eldest who, seems to be another pair of hands to help look after the little ones, and it seems Sienna has become a background character. I don’t think Sienna is neglected or anything, but I definitely think in terms of when producing content she often blends into the background with Mia’s overly animated character taking over. I’ve looked at some of their fizz sisters content and Mia does put me off quite a bit, just acts so over the top and overly excited about things most teenagers would find childish, all their content is because they’re promoting brands which are typically aimed at kids Sienna’s age but Mia is usually the one who takes over a bit. I have a feeling Mia realises she has no education to fall back on and that none will take her very seriously if she did ever want to get an actual job with no real qualifications, so she’s really trying to make YouTube work.
Also, they must be very desperate for views dragging this new country reveal out for over a week.
Totally agree and honestly I'd rather see Sienna on screen than Mia. Sienna is adorable... Mia is kind of obnoxious and tries too hard.
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God, this stuff about Mia’s dad is awful. If there truly is some *~*terribly unspeakable*~* secret then Georgia and Darren have been exploiting Mia’s trauma for years... I wouldn’t put it past them but I don’t buy it. Either way what they are doing is disgusting.

I suspect Mia sees her lifestyle with Georgie and Darren as far more glamorous and exciting than anything her dad can offer her. My guess would be she doesn’t want to see her dad maybe because of an original rift over the veganism and a second rift over the travelling, even though the constant travelling may be appealing it is really not in her best interests.

It’s just so upsetting to see her being pimped out on YouTube with Georgia and Darren offering nothing that concretely supports her fanciful aspirations. At 16 she should really be forming more realistic ideas about her future.
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I used to love this family back in 2017. I feel like since Karma has arrived they’ve changed a lot (not blaming Karma of course, just that timeframe!). I feel for poor little Sienna so much. She is such a bright, beautiful, full of life and switched on little girl who really could go so far in life if she was given the opportunity to thrive, instead of being dragged around countries, forced to play with Karma and Koa and being told to make videos for ADs. I really hope the money that SIENNA makes gets put into a trust fund for her so she can go on to achieve anything she wants in the future without having to worry about the costs. I truly believe she could be a future scientist or have a really high profile job role if she was given the chance.
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Anyone find it weird how Mia just stared at the camera most of the time smiling when others were talking, don’t you usually look at whoever’s talking? Perhaps another social skill she’s missed out from going to school and having friends. I found it quite sad how Mia and Sienna’s only stories about friends were from when they were much younger, it seems they won’t have any funny friend memories from their teen years. I’m glad they seem to have invested their money so the girls have something to live off when they realise they’re lack of education really hinders their ability to get a job, I have a feeling they haven’t considered the qualifications Sienna will actually need to become a scientist since Mia’s only interests are drawing and writing which don’t always need so many qualifications. It seems Mia’s the only one they’ really thought of and poor Sienna’s going to be stuck when she actually wants to pursue her dreams. I found it quite strange how they thought Mia wouldn’t have been able to do YouTube and GCSEs at the same time. There’s loads of teenagers who run successful channels and get their qualifications, plus ones who get part time jobs to perhaps save for uni or work experience. I used to do homework and revision whilst baby sitting and on the way to cleaning jobs. Most kids in school have some other things going on outside of it, whether that’s a job or club they’re going to they’ll still be able to do that and school to the best of their ability. I know there’s many celebrities and millionaires who dropped out, but there’s also many, like Mark Zukerburg, who stayed in school and made the most of education. They were basically trying to say school limits you because you have to learn trigonometry (which might not help you if you become a lawyer, but you wouldn’t know unless you tried) instead of drawing for your crappy colouring book.
What people fail to mention is that these Billionaires dropped out of Harvard, Yale, Oxford. Not PRIMARY SCHOOL

To be fair, the hairdresser didn’t speak English or Spanish, and butchered their hair.

I always feel so conflicted about Family Fizz. While I agree with the concern for Mias lack of typical teenage experiences, I also have never heard another teenager quote Robert Kiyosaki and talk about financial freedom. She has the right idea in a lot of areas. She’s a smart girl and at least the good thing about being sheltered is you’re not out there getting into trouble.

I’ve seen a lot of people mention that she’s not prepared for further education and how it will hinder her with finding jobs. Being an employee isn’t for everyone, and some of the most successful entrepreneurs don’t have any further education. You can build someone else’s empire or build your own.
Building an empire isnt easy you know, you need a plethora of skills that you begin to develop in a school environment. How on earth do you expect Mia to be a good manager or network when she has literally no social skills? Do you really think she has strong enough mathematical skills to manage a businesses finances? Working for yourself is so much harder than being employed by someone else. Without even a basic education its pretty much impossible
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I notice Koa’s first birthday video has less than 200k views, when usually their daft challenges etc get way more than that and birthdays usually get way more again. I wonder if viewers have been staying away after the Mia’s Dad drama?
Honestly I wasn't tempted to watch because I knew it would be a lavish, ridiculous amount of gifts which Koa wouldn't care about. Mia would be ALL OVER the entire situation as if she's a third parent which is so unnecessary and Sienna would sit on the side and act happy when in fact I feel like she's treated as some kind of 3rd wheel in her own family. The babies get a ton of attention so she has to go to Mia for attention and I just don't think Sienna needs to grow up with all of Mia's anti-educational views (nor do I want her to think that starting to dress inappropriately like Mia and get piercings and talk about her periods to everyone - is normal. Sienna is different than that and I hope she doesn't end up like that) :(. As a kid, Sienna spent so much quality time with her parents… And now we never see it.
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The way they treat Sienna really breaks my heart. She’s such a sweet little girl yet yer parents dont give a shit because she’s too old to be cute clickbait and too young to be free babysitting like Mia is. I really wish they would send her to a proper school, or at least enrol her in a structured online school. As others have said she’s so bright and she would absolutely thrive in an academic environment. School probably was useless for Darren because he’s a braindead narcissist so has absolutely no interest in anything that does not directly involve him but Sienna is such a clever little girl and theyre robbing her of her future. I really worry about what kind of effect this lifestyle is going to have on her in the next few years as she enters her teens and becomes more aware on what she’s missing out on. They’re sending her down such a bad path, and she’ll be so vunerable with almost no knowledge of what is socially normal or acceptable (Also FYI Darren and Georgie really should know that parentification is a recognised form of child abuse as it robs the older child of their teen years and neglects the younger child).
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I think they mostly stay in AirBnBs and therefore have to constantly find something new once their rented time is up.
They clearly couldnt care less about others, otherwise theyd be wearing masks, way to teach your children :sick:
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But remember Mia won’t need to work in a team according to them because why would you want to work for someone else? That’s not successful at all 🤦‍♀️
someone really needs to explain to her that very few people who own businesses do everything themselves and do infact need to work as part of a a team 😂😂 how is a kid who hasnt had a maths lesson since she was like 10 going to balence books? Does she know how to code? If not she’ll have to work with a webdesigner. What about when it comes to putting the business on the stockmarket, does she think shareholders who have invested thousands into a business arent going to want a say? Does she have any idea how many man hours go into running a business profitable enough to live off? Eventually she’s going to have tk hire staff to share the load? You need very good teamwork skills to be a good manager. You probaby have to have more interpersonal skills to run a business than you do to “work for someone else”. Darren is robbing these children of the chance to make anything of themselves and Georgie lets it happened because she was raised with the cult mentality to be submissive
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Cockleshell Bay

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that is a very good question @bethljohnston, I have been asking myself why I’ve been portrayed the way I have for a while now and I am now at a point where I can finally address this.
Thank you for posting this, hindsight is a wonderful thing. The fact they managed to cut contact with her biological Dad has given them free reign to travel the world without any courts prohibiting Mia from going. Georgie and especially Darren are not stupid they have taken sure the children have as little contact as possible with ANY family or friends. I think as the children grow they will experience massive attachment issues as they have never learnt to build bonds and with no formal education the children have very limited prospects. They live life in a gilded cage, they may think they are ‘free’ but really they are prisoners in a lonely, friendship less, family less existence. They never have a home, school, or friends. They never live anywhere long enough to create stability and security. It is all quite sad that even the last two births Georgie had she had no support apart from Darren, it is actually quite a controlled and lonely existence.....
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I find it sad that when Sienna is scared at night she goes to Mia's room... I never went to my siblings when I had nightmares and I was never worried about waking up my parents because they didn't make me feel bad about it. Makes me wonder why she doesn't go see her parents...

I also found it sad that she didn't once talk to Darren when she was celebrating her new room. She hugged her mom and then only talked to her... camera or not you'd think she'd want to thank Darren, talk to him, etc... idk. It was weird
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Wtf could they be anymore irresponsible? Moving halfway across the world during a pandemic. I can't with this family, they surprise me with their stupidity every time they post a new video. I just feel so bad for the kids, they might be happy now but all these decisions will affect them in the long run - Mia is already so behind in education regardless of her 'book writing skills.'
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Getting an education is so much more than just earning a living later in life. They obviously only think about the money. 🤑
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Mia said on a recent video that if youtube doesnt exist for a long time she can write books and do art... I'm sorry but she thinks too highly of her art. Judging from her art instagram page, if she was doing GCSE Art like she should be doing if she was in the UK, she would probably be at a Level 5 or 6 (C/B) standard maximum. Of course, she doesn't realise that her art isn't very good for her age because she's not around people her age. I'm all for people having hobbies and doing what they enjoy, but to think you'll be able to make a living by selling art at the standard she is is just ridiculous. My dad is an artist and it takes a lot more than just drawing pictures on your iPad and putting them on ebay
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