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The majority of cars on UK roads are manual, even if she had her test in an automatic she still would have failed, the only thing that wouldn’t have happened was rolling back at the junction. Doesn’t sound like she’s had enough driving hours, why hasn’t Mr money bags bought her a little run around car and taken her out driving, they’ve made millions pimping Mia out for years they could have supported her more by giving her more time on the road.
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I find it super strange that you're all so comfortable slagging off a freshly 18 year old girl, who clearly has issues that are from her mother and step father. She's been borderline abused by them socially her entire life, her childhood being used for views, etc. And half of you are fully grown adults, it's weird.
Insulting her clothes, looks, personality, it's disgusting. Imagine if she came across all of this. She's already mentally damaged, she's a teenage girl with daddy issues and terrible (step) parents. If she ended up doing something bad to herself, ya'll would backtrack and go on about how sad it is.
I guarantee you, when Sienna grows up like Mia has, you people will do the exact same thing to her. As soon as she does something that ya'll don't like, you'll turn to bully her too. Because that's how hateful people behave.
Mia has been made to think her real father is terrible, she's been bullied for her looks, she's been sexualised by grown men on the internet and by her own parents, she's been socially isolated to the point she struggles to communicate with people her own age.
Instead of bullying teenage girls, why not focus your attention to the obvious problem in this whole scenario: THE PARENTS. This grown man and woman who have pimped their kids out online for money. Darren quite literally has put Mia's body on display in thumbnails. And you don't see her as a victim in all of this????
Mia and Sienna bicker and make fun of each other because that's what sisters do. It doesn't make either of them bullies. They're both poor young girls who have been used by their parents, same for Karma and Koa. It's pathetic the way ya'll have bullied her for almost a year. If anyone is a bully, it every single person on these threads that have put time and energy into bringing down a teenage girl.
Think about what you say about people, especially impressionable young girls who could easily come across the things you've all been saying. You should be ashamed.
I think if you actually read the comments majority of people agree with you. A lot of comments I’ve read on here saying they don’t blame her they blame d&g for the way they’ve brought her up. People myself included have also said how vile it is that d thinks it’s ok to use m in a sexualised way eg in a bikini in order to bring in more views. I think you’ll find that most people on this thread aren’t bullies and genuinely agree with everything you said. This is all the doing of d&g and their unschooling that’s led to m not knowing how to socialise and being a vulnerable young adult who doesn’t know how to act in most situations due to being so sheltered her whole life
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Why was she learning how to drive in a manual in the first place? Like yeah yeah experience whatever, but there’s literally no point in learning to drive a manual if you’re never going to be a truck/van driver. 90%+ of cars are automatic anyways
I disagree, it’s a great skill to have and you never know if you’ll end up with a hire car in places in the world that don’t have a high level of automatics, it’s also helpful to understand how to control the speed of the car. I defo think everyone should learn in manual
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Chatty Member
Let’s leave sienna out again!!! Mia got georgie some gucci earring for Mother’s Day, saying they were from mia, Koa and karma. What harm would it have done including sienna in that??
This made me SO uncomfortable! Mia knows Sienna couldn’t afford anything designer for Georgie so she should have said it was from all of them. Although, it says a lot about character how Sienna clearly put thought into a gift whereas Mia just bought those earrings for the sake of the label. She could have bought a gorgeous pair of good quality earrings from a jeweler but of course she needed to be tacky and get from Gucci
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Isn’t it ironic that they blurred out all the other kids at the gymnastics competition. It’s like they realise kids deserve privacy and can’t consent to being filmed and posted online…
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made me sad when sienna said she USED to enjoy science. I know children's interests change but G and D definitely never really encouraged her to keep that interest.
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Hey. I’ve never posted before, but have been reading everyone’s posts. I used to watch family fizz a few years back and really liked them. I’ve liked them less and less as time has gone on, and now all respect has gone completely having seen their recent video where Mia pretended to be pregnant for an April fool’s joke. I know everyone has different views on this, but it took me over 5 years to have our baby. I appreciate that not everyone will understand why some people find it offensive, but to me, it’s just something that should not be joked about…
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It is sad. Everything that is happening to these kids is sad. They are absolutely the victims. That’s the primary topic of discussion on these threads. It’s weird how quickly these children are forced to grow up, and weird how much the ‘babies’ are just straight up infantilized. If you actually read through the majority of these threads, you’ll see that a common thread (ha) amongst them is the poor parenting styles of Georgie and Darren, and how much fame/youtube/etc has changed the entire family. We’re not here to make fun of how Mia looks—if we dislike her style choices, people are welcome to comment on that. It’s style, and it’s subjective. Her skin looks painful—most people here are sympathetic to that and question why she hasn’t been given proper medical treatment. Sienna is shown to be disregarded and downtrodden in the vlogs whilst Koa and Karma are elevated to a royal status.

If you don’t want to read the threads, don’t.
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Agreed. No doubt her "friends" will be wanting lifts all the time and being a designated driver when they go clubbing.....if she passes
I can already see videos like “eating pink food in the car for 24 hours” coming our way lol
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We’ve got Darren thinking he’s the height of an nba player , Georgie thinking she’s still 17 and Mia thinking she’s in a relationship with every guy she doesn’t even know. What is going on in this family!
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Can't seem to upload but on family fizz insta stories, they've done a "funny" video saying they're in Oxford looking for karma and Koas future university.....koa replies "I'm not koa, I'm the king" they all laugh and georgie says "yes you are". That child is so damaged already, he'll be much much worse as he gets older. Just hoping he doesn't turn out to be a narcissist
Ugh they really need to stop with the “King Koa”.

Also I know they’re just joking and obvs not looking at sending any of their kids to uni because they don’t even send them to school… but why can’t it be Sienna’s future university?

She used to be such a smart kid with a genuine interest in learning, and if they kept her in school she deffo could’ve gone to university (probs not Oxford but another!). It’s such a shame they gave up on both Mia and Sienna’s education, but especially Sienna’s.
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Mia eating the most famous korean brand of ramen (nongshim) whilst raving about japanese food really sums up her education lol. (google is free girl)
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Chatty Member
Why does Mia get a special day when Sienna is away, but Sienna never gets a special day when Mia is away with her friends? The favouritism isn’t even hidden at this point!
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