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If they were that stressed about him losing his job I’m 99.9% sure those kids wouldn’t be in Creche day in day out. Creche is like a second mortgage so perhaps they should have minded their own kids and used the money to pay their mortgage.

She’s just a sympathy whore and thinks this is relatable 🙄
Absolutely agree. Also if you were really struggling financially would you be going on weekend breaks, spa days, buying incense, buying a rake of nepresso pods, buying a ton of books about gin, coffee and another one of which she admitted she only bought cos the lad from pea-ay-ha house had. I don't believe it for a minute
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Thinking of that poor soul in the launderette who has to sift through weeks and weeks worth of Grace’s thrushy discharged knickers and Kip’s jocks.
I will never understand how people can make it to their 30s and still haven’t figured out how to organise a washing load. It’s a big a sign as any that they have been mollycoddled and spoiled all their lives.
She can’t be all there.
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Chatty Member
Just saw Grace’s new story there asking people to message in to her. Anyone who messages Grace and thinks that Grace is offering a safe place to discuss mental health is a fucking dope! Grace just wants to get an inside view into what her vulnerable followers are feeling so she can manipulate the masses over the coming weeks with her “personal” experiences which are in fact other people’s experiences.
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Chatty Member
Thread suggestion

Faces by Grace #15 Rest, Relax, Roam, stick the kids in creche instead of having them at home
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Gonna quote you grace..

What is wrong with the world where YOU think it's ok to take 3 coffee machines?
What is wrong with the world where you have been gifted hundreds of euros of skincare and perfume over the lockdown while the country is on its fucking knees?
What is wrong with this world that when the government have specially told us to reduce our contacts that you up your contacts and beauty treatments and days out and spa days?
What is wrong with the world that you try get fucking sympathy for chris losing his job but plough ahead with your expensive wedding plans? Hypocritical!!!
What is wrong with the world that you think you are helping businesses by take take taking off them...?
What is wrong with this world that you obviously alter your images but call us trolls when it's so god dam obvious you do alter them?
What is wrong with this poxy world that someone needs that much me time..?

I mean this with all my heart Grace when I say....
Go and ask my bollox !!!!

Happy bleedin Monday guys xoxo


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Lads her getting a drive thru coffee and she has the 3 coffee machines at home!!!! Its like she is intellectually fucked or something. Does she not stop and think before she posts? I'm just.... I can't!!!
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She also had a very tough time with her ex bf. Shes done a couple of podcasts. Really like her
Jen is so relatable. She’s a single mom, works full time, gyms full time and still manages to be upbeat and positive. You can see how much she adores her son and she always makes sure she puts him to bed, reads to him, takes him out etc. She’s an inspiration. Grace thinks people are just begrudgers and troll her cause of that but she fails to see how she comes across - lazy, entitled and greedy. She’s the most selfish person on Instagram. I personally wouldn’t begrudge Jen a thing, any ads and SP content because you can see she works hard and she’s just trying to make a better life for herself and her child. Grace is in it to get everything for free and be validated constantly and told she’s amazing and if it doesn’t happen everyone is a troll and she takes to the bed for a nap! I remember last year Jen even took sienna one Saturday to give grace alone time! Like the woman works full time and has her own child and even she took graces child to give grace a break! You can’t make it up!
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Imagine tagging your friend in the comments section of a cement looking scrambled eggs pic and saying 😻

Like what is actually wrong with some people?

I fear for the world on the daily

These are the simpletons making up the 170k
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You know I really do not understand this whole influencer with anxiety get up at all, surely be to god, if you do suffer from anxiety, you wouldn't be placing yourself in the line of fire for all sorts of negative comments? Like honestly, it's not brave to go on social media, hawk a bunch of shite and then claim bullying when someone calls you out on your shit - the internet is not, never has been, and never will be a kind and forgiving place - this is a fact, that EVERYONE with more than two brain cells knows - if you are "working" in an area that requires you to be in the public eye, you are not going to walk into that willy nilly if you have anxiety - Grace, you are a fucking liar - you don't have anxiety, you have a constant case of the fear as you know you are playing the gobshite and people are calling you on it.

Had to get that off my chest.
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She is the type of person who lashes out when confronted with their own bad behaviour. Instead of looking inward and thinking “Jesus look at all these comments. Wtf was I thinking? Maybe I am a selfish pig” and being mortified for yourself, she lashes out, plays the victim and then throws in something for sympathy like “Chris lost his job!!”. Of course we all knew Chris lost his job but what has that got to do with accepting a third coffee machine? Sure the man who lost his job was even telling you it’s too many to have. Was she planning on paying the mortgage in coffee machines? Just admit you’re a greedy pig who can’t say no and doesn’t think of other people. If she was truly struggling, she would have kept those kids off crèche and saved a few bob.

She has also been doing ads consistently since March so she is full of shit. She is one of those people who cannot look inward. She is always on the defence and her ego is there to be massaged, not criticised. She was cute too showing only fake accounts and their comments. There was plenty of people who commented in their real names with honest opinions that she conveniently didn’t share. She’s a master manipulator this one.

It is the measure of the type of person that she is that not one of those comments gave her pause for thought. Nope. All they do is push her into retreating into victim mode because she thinks she is the only one who knows what hard times are like.
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I’m gonna say this and I don’t even care if it sounds mean, but I always think it’s a gauge of someone’s intelligence if they have their child plastered all over social media. People who keep their children off and don’t plaster their every snotty sleeve all over their page for strangers to see are usually sensible, intelligent, educated and well informed about the world.
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Whoever said that she was keeping the comments about the coffee machines up on her home page so that she could throw up the “poor me” posts , fair play .... That’s exactly what she’s done now . Makes no sense at all, it is greed taking 3 coffee machines , she’s actually trying to justify such greed ?! She’s definitely on another planet
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Grace preaching about taking responsibility for our own actions.... Yet off she goes to get the hair done and off to Balbriggan now for am essential reflexology I'm sure.... Makes my blood boil Jesus Christ
I'm so angry today... then that dope says we all need to take responsibility for our own actions... when shes upped her contacts over the last few weeks... and she said they struggled .. bollox no you didnt grace... you wouldnt know struggle if it bit you on your fanny .. jesus she angers me so much... horrible selfish person 😡🖕

Sunday: whole family fed for free

Monday: goes to the woods for a healing and Indian head massage.
Gives 7 bags of washing off out to be washed and dried

Tuesday: gets hair done and is off for reflexology

Yeah you are really struggling grace you poor fucking sap.
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Cupcake queenie

Well-known member
Shes just seen the posts on her fbg home page! Saying we know "fucking nothing about her life" well yes Grace we do, because you show us..... and all anyone comments on is what you show us! You were disgusting to accept a third coffee machine for free, why cant you see that? People are genuinely worried about keeping their jobs, their homes, putting food on the table for their kids, people are literally dying, and you get yet another free coffee machine gleefully screeching "yay, ive always wanted one of these" 😤 heres a thought, go and fucking buy one then, and start thinking of others for a change.... cue the "trolls are bullying me, tears, taking a break, more me time, #be kind" well #FUCKRIGHTOFF, you greedy, grabby, self indulgent, self centered, horrible human🙄
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So, I’m absolutely not condoning Grace or any other influencers for that matter, because I find the majority of them hard to take. BUT, having worked in Hospitality throughout this pandemic, sadly these hotels are turning to influencers out of sheer desperation, particularly in Dublin. The reality is that occupancy has been so low for them all, they’re all desperately trying to find any low cost marketing tool that might work, because marketing budgets have been pretty much stripped to zero, with huge pressure on the remaining hotel staff that have held on to jobs.
I understand myself how poxy annoying it is seeing these influencers swanning in for their free stays and lunches (have dealt with enough of them over the years and they’re nightmares) but if we all boycott these hotels because they’ve had an influencer in, that’s only punishing the hotel staff..and punishing them after an influencer has got their freebie!
And by the way, I don’t work for the Alex in case anyone suggests!! 😂 anyway, bit off topic but just wanted to throw my two cents in on this one!
This is what I don’t understand about influencers, these businesses are clearly struggling but they are still happy to come along and get their freebie and they genuinely believe this is them helping small Irish businesses? What about saying “yeah no problem we will come along but I’ll pay for my lunch” or “thanks for the offer but can we give a free lunch to a follower instead” or do something other than order the most expensive thing on the menu, take one or two pictures on their story that disappears after a day. literally anything other than rock up, get the freebie and fuck off. Grace genuinely believes she is helping struggling Irish businesses, all she’s doing is kicking them while they are down and making she gets her freebie out of them before they go under. It’s disgusting. All the sympathy in the world for the Alex and the staff there but I genuinely will not support a business that gives hand outs to these free loaders. I appreciate the business is struggling but giving handouts to influencers that get everything for free is not the way to go and people are getting sick of it. Why not randomly comp a lunch for a table that turns up, send over free drinks, kids eat free etc be genuine and say “this is on the house, tell your friends, come back to us, times are tough”. I would go out of my way to support a business like that and I am trying to support businesses like that in my local are even without freebies. But I will not spend my hard earned money somewhere that does hand outs for influencers, absolutely no way and a lot of people feel that way. People are waking up to Influencers and how disgraceful it is that they take take take under the guise of helping a business. They will be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of Irish businesses.
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I never ever post here (you scare me) but enough is enough, when was she out of work?

I couldn't sleep last night because of worrying about a sick family member so I scrolled through her feed since march and leaving aside all of the free food and free makeup, she has done 30 posts marked AD or SP since March. I don't know how much she is paid for an ad but I do know that she charges almost €2,000 for a two hour makeup demo in a chemist because my sister booked her.

€2,000 x 30 = 60k
Even half that is 30k so when was she out of work?


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