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I love James blunt sense of humour
Did anyone see what the Israel commentary team was saying. There’s been TikTok’s on it.
I was forced to go to a James Blunt concert once (it was a quid pro quo deal). He was quite honestly the funniest person I've ever seen in concert, it made me a fan even though I wasn't particularly beforehand.
So he can cry you a river because death threats were effecting him but he didn't "do the right thing" and pull out.....just like all the other singers didn't? Top tier BeKind stuff in action. Bravo.
Sorry in that article I didn't see mentions of death threats?

"In the documentary, titled Olly Alexander’s Road To Eurovision ‘24, the singer says: “A lot of the contestants and myself have been having a lot of comments that are like ‘You are complicit in a genocide by taking part in Eurovision’ which is quite extreme. It’s very extreme.

"I understand where that sentiment is coming from but I think it’s not correct. It’s an incredibly complicated political situation, one that I’m not qualified to speak on."


Chatty Member
Perhaps that’s part of the problem? I must admit I have absolutely no idea who she is, but can we really send someone whose music career didn’t take off to a music competition and expect them to be successful?
Not necessarily, neither Måns Zelmerlöw or Loreen did great in Idol and their careers did not take off afterwards but they came back years later and won the ESC.
I think you’re minimising some of the comments the Israelis made and doing Graham a bit of a disservice there. I don’t believe for a second he’d make a comment like that about Ukraine.
You don’t, I do 🤷‍♀️ He references political voting all the time, why would Ukraine be any different?


Chatty Member
Did anyone catch what happened between Malin and her mother in law last night.

I've scrolled through the threads and can't find if it was mentioned.

Malin interviewee her and then at the end it looked like they were going to have a peak on the cheek before the MIL sat down. Then Malin said you know we are on love TV and then the MIL looked all startled...

Or was this a joke? And above my head?!


VIP Member
I think some of you are misunderstanding my point about the public knowing the song before hand. I’m not talking about whether it’s an established act or not, or being able to vote for it. Just saying that if we don’t know/like the song we send, how can we expect the rest of Europe to?

I’m thinking of the scandi countries that have weeks of the Melodien Gran Prix (I think that’s what it’s called) - the winning song will have had weeks of air time before even being chosen. People will be listening to it. It goes on youtube so people in other countries have a listen. It gives it time for people to like it before Eurovision week. That’s what then gets votes.

we basically debut a mediocre song on the Saturday and wonder why the European public doesn’t vote for it.
You know Olly's song was played quite often on Radio 1, right?


VIP Member
People say this but a lot of successful ballads from Italy and France don’t have expansive staging and focus a lot on camera work setting the vibes instead. Even the successful ballads from other countries have fairly simple staging

Sam’s staging and outfit honestly felt cheap to me and the reason he did well was because of his vocals. The song was okay but got a bit repetitive after a bit

I think we’re sort of past the times where you need impressive never before seen staging to make your song standout 🤷🏼‍♀️
Sorry, when I say expensive I mean slick and polished lol. When France’s rehearsal clip came out this year many said ‘wow this looks expensive’. it was classy, well thought out, one of the most beautiful. Compare that to Michael Rice’s or Surie’s which just looked so meh.

Plonking a good vocalist in the middle of the stage without a well thought out concept isn’t going to give you a top 5. You need to create some sort of an atmosphere. Whether that’s romantic, mystical, scary etc etc


Chatty Member
Has it occurred to you even for a second that perhaps people voted for Ukraine because they liked the song? ( Yes, I know that’s a really radical idea)
You’re reaching like crazy because you want it to be true. If they didn’t mean it why say it? Do you honestly think that all these reports about the Israeli delegation’s behaviour have been invented?
If you have to imagine Graham Norton saying something that he didn’t say to help your argument then perhaps your argument isn’t as strong as you think. 🤷‍♀️
I want sure about the wing but if you listen to it again and again. She’s got amazing vocals, both of them 🫶
I want sure about the wing but if you listen to it again and again. She’s got amazing vocals, both of them 🫶
song * ffs fat fingers. Sorry guys ☺


VIP Member
and for The Ukraine.
Is just ‘Ukraine’. Hasn’t been ‘The Ukraine’ for over 30 years.
Both Israel and Azerbijan should have been banned this year.
If I remember correct Belarus was banned because they were going to use a propaganda song so I’m not sure why Israel was allowed to compete because their original song was highly political? Unless it’s because Israel changed their song?


VIP Member
Ugh don
Hes been receiving death threats at home, as in posted to his actual home, his mum has been as well, he has been regularly followed and harrassed when out and about. He loves eurovision, but he has hated it for the last few months.
Ugh don’t make me cry


VIP Member
I agree with you, although my concern is that many countries send beautiful, very talented singers each year. What makes a winner appears to be their personality both inside and outside their performance. I would worry that Louisa has yet to show that.
I think she’s very likeable and ‘real’. All depends on the song though.