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She is vile for posting nude photos of her son. I’ve reported too. How would anybody think that’s an appropriate picture to post on the internet?! She’s done this multiple times as well. There’s something so wrong with this woman,
I'm sure she would feel differently if she held her son up naked in front of 22.5k people and allowed them all to take a photo on their mobiles, because that's essentially what she's doing. Makes me feel ill she's plastered it out there for who knows how many sickos
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Tonight both kids are asleep by 6pm…. She is still strsssed. None of my kids were ever asleep by this time. It’s so early ! And she then expects them to sleep 12 hours straight and nap in the day.

Yep so much privilege … if crystal isn’t there then her Dad is… but you can see Lu is so much happier and calmer w her Pop and Crystal.

Now Erin wanting that neurologist app she misses and rescheduled brought forward…
I think the sleeping thing has nothing up so w epilepsy and just that she is getting older and not needing more than 10 hours sleep a day.
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This is disgusting, I have a severely disabled autistic child who attends a specialist school in Victoria and I couldn’t be happier or more at ease! My 3 other neurotypical children beg to go there because it’s so amazing!!
Yup, our kid is attending special kinder next year cos mainstream has been a total bust this year. She just picks and chooses what she wants to hear! Plenty of horror stories in mainstream settings, Erin 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Whatever made Chrystal leave like that must have been bad because she absolutely adored Lu more than her own mother. They say there's two sides to every story and my guess is Erin has some idea of why Chrystal left.
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I honestly think something went down after the hospital visit or even just before then..
If I was to put money on it, something Erin has posted may have triggered Jade (understandably) and I suspect Rach and Millie are protecting her
I would also put money on her rants about SCH and bad mouthing the hospital REALLY repulsing Rach. The hospital where Mackenzie spent her life and passed away. If that was all said publicly can you imagine what was said behind closed doors?

She wouldn't have even considered anyone else's feelings either, its all about the Erin show.
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I don’t understand this absolute refusal to believe that sometimes things go wrong. We are so lucky to have the science and medicine we have and to have a great many answers to why things go wrong with our health. But also, sometimes things just go wrong and we never have an answer - and the majority of us just are able to make a kind of peace with that. Her anger and casting of blame on little everyone and everything she can is just so exhausting and hostile and not helpful to her or her family.
Yep sometimes life fucking sucks and things happen for absolutely no reason. I know as humans we try to find a why. But sometimes, there is no fucking why. It’s bad luck. It’s genetics, having a “healthy” baby I’ve found is really the luck of the draw sometimes.

even then, you can have a healthy baby and something horrible happens like cancer or they get hit by a bus.

its shit, it’s life.
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That Q&A was brutal. Lu’s epilepsy is never going to go away. She needs to deal with that cold hard fact and get on with life. Lu should be at REGULAR speech and OT. Of course Lu can learn to communicate - there are so many AAC devices out there even ones that use eye gaze if Lu doesn’t have the fine motor to use her fingers. Can’t keep her home for ever - if she isn’t getting home schooled she will absolutely have to attend school.

Erin deal with the anger and then move on making Lu’s life as happy and full of joy.
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Things always seem to deteriorate when she is having to wait for an appointment for something.. over Christmas it was the MRI.
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I would so love to be privy to all the conversations that have taken place! And so interesting that the things we have speculated about certainly appear to be accurate, even if we don’t know exactly what went down, I think we have a good idea.

Quite sad really, Jade and Rachel would give anything to have their first born daughters still alive but with Erin… I get the opposite vibe. Maybe that’s part of her jealousy.
This is really hard for me to actually type but I honestly believe Erin wishes Lu was not here anymore. Then she could actually be a grieving mother (not just a ‘grieving for the life I wanted’ mother) and her life would be infinitely easier (in her eyes) and I’m sure it played into this relationship. Honestly I think Rachel should have ditched her when the whole go fund me shit show happened. That was basically fraud. Erin and Dave are incredibly wealthy and also receive NDIS. Erin is a greedy, self obsessed narcissist and I’m not the slightest bit surprised she has next to no one in her life. Poor Lu.
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Also if it’s two story they surely need a stair lift/chair lift. My relatives had one installed for when their elderly mother moved in.
Or a residential elevator.
How do you sleep at night knowing that you took tens of thousands of dollars of donations from hard working people under the guise of paying for a surgery you never intended to get your daughter but then turn around and start building a million dollar custom home? (I’m guessing as to property values in that area.)

The two of them are pretty sinister. He’s just as bad as her for conspiring and enabling her filth.
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Do you think she’s aware she has a thread here? I feel like she doesn’t because if she did it would probably derail her.
I found her answers a bit disturbing - I am pretty sure she can access psychology as part of Lus NDIS plan. The fact that she’s talking about imagining a life without epilepsy means she really is quite dilusional and needs professionals to help her deal with the fact that this will probably be life going forward for the foreseeable future.
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How has she made that whole post about herself and blamed every other person?! Stop blaming the Medical PROFESSIONALS. Stop the cheap digs at them. Enough.

So, now that surgery is off the table?! Where will The GFM money go that was for The Surgery?!
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View attachment 2194579
She didn’t want to spend $80 on the sleeping suit for Lu, but happy to spend that on a dress she’ll probably wear once (by Erin’s own admission she rarely puts Lu in a dress)
Oh I screenshot this too, will dress her in CR on the daily and a $90 dress for one day but whinges about a sleep suit she will wear every night. Btw, she got what she was after. I saw ergo were 'keen to assist with some night time warmth for gorgeous Lu' in the comments.
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Kick up enough of a fuss in the media and you too can have enough funding for a full time support worker whilst you stay at home and build your new Eastern suburbs house 🤪
Poor them they are living on one consultant level income where they can afford overseas holidays and build a new house in the eastern suburbs while renting a very fancy looking house also in the eastern suburbs. They are So hard done by financially.
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It’s like hmm, maybe you need to, I don’t know, take her TO THE DOCTOR. & I don’t mean the ED at SCH, I mean your GP. Has her UTI returned? Not uncommon for that to happen. Could she be getting sick because you take her out in crowded places unvaccinated, when she is still recovering from COVID et al?

Stop being a numpty and don’t source medical advice from randoms on the internet.
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I just don’t know how you can claim $85 is too much to spend to give your daughter some relief and desperately needed rest and in the next breath brag about picking finishes for the luxury home you’re building??? She is too much.
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