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will her dumbass stop being oblivious to the fact that everyone and their moms knows it's a scrub
she’s saying she’s innovating the game but I’m sure she just stealing ideas from other companies, was in boots last week and saw the exact same brush to her original brush before she made them black, wouldnt be surprised if she does it again
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I don’t buy that the Snapchat is Erim’s. Anyone could pretend to be her on there and I imagine it would have been easy to choose the name Erim Kaur as it’s not very common. She does a lot of questionable things but I doubt she’d be as dumb as to post that
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Lol no not an autobiography 😂 she says in that video it’s a children’s book about grief or something like that
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fr she has gone through a dozen assistants, all sick of working for her, and not once has she tried to take her content to another level with the help of her "team". she's only willing to pay them £2 because she knows her content isn't even worth that much. i see so many influencers who expand their team and put out quality content not just thirst trap tik toks and shooting outfits on sundays, but quality stories, curated posts for the feed and well thought out tik toks and reels. the only time she had a decent tik tok/reel was when the whole team at that shoot helped her shoot it. otherwise it's just pointless stories full of mistakes and her rubbing her body up and down on her balcony in skimpy dresses in front of her phone and she calls it content. such a pointless "influencer" her work ethic shoes why she got fired from 3 jobs, even this job she doesn't care about
Her team aren’t her employees they are just freelancers who are probably very good efficient people trying to get a brake in like. It’s clear that she extorts These people and takes advantage of them. She probably bleeds them dry while paying them as little as possible. Their goodness and kindness and willingness to please is what she will pray on but I bet they just cannot go on with her bs and lies any longer. That will be why she’s always having to replace them. When they are sick of her crap they move on.

Also we all know she copies other influencers for content. So, today & last week her friend Yasmin Karimi went into her lab where her products are made & formulated & has been posting about the hard work and love for her brand and how she worked so hard and she used to have a home lab and she would do everything herself. All of it sounds genuine and it matches up to Yasmin Karimi’s brand/energy etc. she was videoing herself in the lab making her products etc. which is cool to see. So what does Miss Crabby Erim do yesterday?! Lol post the fulfilment centre pretending it’s her warehouse with captions of how she did it ALL herself. Ffs Erim you’re not Yasmin Karmini who actually has genuinely worked hard for her brand & has most likely made a success of it. But this crab Erim makes out she’s done it all by herself from ground up & showed us a video of someone’s else shoeboxes & then posted boxes of her oils. This girl, this narcissist brings it all on herself everyday. She can’t stop because it’s who she naturally is. I was gonna say she needs to humble herself - but she’d neverrrrrr. She’d post it though talking about how humble she is because she gives away her free pr & records herself at The Gurdwara oh & reposts Jay Shetty - so all of that makes her humble 😂😂 but this crab will never know the meaning of true humility. And oh wait, I was thinking why doesn’t she show us her hair oil being made in the lab like Yasmin Karimi does & she can’t do that cos it comes imported from China or wherever & she just sticks her label & makes out her grandma came up with it. If her grandma really came up with the formula then she’d be showing us at every opportunity the lab it’s made in in the UK - but she can’t do any of that do she walks into the fulfilment centre pretending it’s all her stock. This girl is just beyond any help - she’s too fat gone & she’s only gonna get worse & more desperate 🤦‍♀️😂🤣🤡🤡

She posted her “uni friend” on Monday with the 🧿 emoji. Oh ffs so mysterious her higher self isn’t it 🤦‍♀️🤣🤡
She didn’t do it all herself really though did she. There was a massive loan to do it and that buys time stock and people. They did the work. She’s just the ‘pretty’ face playing at being miss boss babe ceo who crumbles when the shit hits the fan

This will be interesting to see if this law is passed. Her trust pilot will look a lot more genuine and balanced and it's always interesting to see 10 good reviews after a negative one
Doubt she pays for these things though. She don’t pay for nothing she’s cheap

OMG this is hysterical!! She is hardly one to talk - Little Miss 'I-Hide-Negative-Reviews-On-Trust-Pilot" and lie about every single facet about who she is, her sewer product, has super low engagement, tons of fake followers (like most verified accounts). Pot. Kettle. Black. What a dummy!
You said it!! Literally she lies like Russia

Hello, I had an account ages ago and commented on here more towards the beginning of Erim’s threads then deleted it. A few months ago I messaged erim as she kept banging on about Sikhi and Kes but she didn’t block me 🤔 she’s hidden her stories from me lmao weirdo.
This is probably the most weirdest, self absorbed, egotistical influencer I have come across in my whole life. And yet she isn’t all that, absolutely deluded. I’m glad people are realising her charade. I got such a weird feeling from her years ago when all she posted were clubbing outfits and I was baffled as to how that’s ‘doing it for the girls without mums’ but I’m glad others are seeing it too. Was lowkey convinced she had a sugar daddy in Dubai lmao. I saw a post about her style being very bham girl asian OMG IKR!!! 😂😂😂😂
Same!!! Blocked from stories but kept me as a follower cause she needs actual accounts. Sis don’t realise we all have other accounts?! She will block us all one by one
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Maybe it was meant to for a certain selection of people and ended up posting it publicly/to everyone 👀

Ekam seem’s hella shady herself. Ngl the way she talks is off putting in itself 😬

The 2 in Ekam’s story just giving the ick 😭
Also, it’s so so sad and low the fact erim does anything and everything that’s mentioned in the tattle threads. E.g. her teeth!!
She never goes twice a week with. Now she’s been called out on it oh look a post. Twice in a week.
man’s my comment on the post was deleted. There isn’t any visible physical improvement, especially as the photo of the ‘now’ is a year old and if there are mental improvements for her, then great. Fair play. But I call bullshit on them both.

Ekam is so dumb 🤣🤣 lost credibility working with Erim. They are both trying to do damage control but failed. This whole bullshit about mental health and no physical goal, yet post a fake 1 year edited ‘transformation’. This trainer bodybyekam seems dodgy AF!

Reputation tarnished, and for what? Crabby Erim.
View attachment 1211680

Also Ekam turned off the comments on Erims food post, as she got called out for encouraging underrating (though now she’s put a disclaimer).
View attachment 1211689
Also we only see her working on the smiths machine. Cause it’s easier to lift heavier weights on there. Where’s the hip flexors or flute exercises? Squats aren’t the best way to getting a peach. Believe me I know. They are great as a compound lift, great for your quads and glutes. And also help burn calories!

Has anyone kept up with her depop? I wonder what's on sale now 🤣😪
Didn’t she change the account name from jas_smiles?
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she deleted this story, she very evidently posted this for the creeps. miss modesty got her feet out and her non existent ass out desperate for the engagement

PS. tons of south asians are celebrating Ranavat being in Sephora the past few weeks and now being in Harrod's as well this weekend. Crab Queen Erim is crying in dubai shooting thirst traps to try to get the attention back on her. Still laughing at how much she's been trying to "manifest" being in selfridges or harrods ever since the launch of byerim, even begging for someone to reach out to her on her youtube channels. tik tok, twitter, and instagram. and yet nothing :ROFLMAO: nobody wants that nasty ass cooking oil. she will cry about the entire punjabi community's "crab mentality" just because people are seeing through her bullshit, but when it comes to other south asians and kaurs succeeding, she is the Crab Queen.

Personally very proud to see Ranavat in Sephora and Harrod's 👏


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But at this point I’m not really sure what people expect basics of sikhi to do 🤦‍♀️ they’re not going to comment and engage with an “influencer” to correct them and do a back and forth, their purpose is to educate not be involved with things like this. Hopefully moving forward them and other organisations won’t work with her or endorse her. She included links or tried to direct people to an actual credible source because she thought she would do her little bit for sikhi and go back to posting with her arse out.

Most comments of people say that anyone calling her out should educate everyone too are from people who don’t know the depths of her narcissism, they’re right we should all be educating but she uses sikhi for clout and then deletes comments on her video correcting her. At this point just delete the video across all platforms 🤷‍♀️
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Half Muslim isn’t a thing. You can’t be half a religion. We don’t know for definite what faith her mum practiced or if crabs was brought up with the faith either. If her parents were separated and she’s been brought up by her dads side ever since then it’s likely she’s been brought up with sikhi only. I’ve seen her post Eid Mubarak in the past which she may very well do but it doesn’t really make sense for her to post happy Ramadan. I mean, it may have been a good idea for her to recognise it given that a lot of her followers belong to that faith but It’s like her posting happy lent 🤷‍♀️
The way she makes things sound, it’s as if she lived with her mum and then had to end up living with her dad after her passing with how she brings up custody etc
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Sorry but I cannot look at her trotters without feeling an overwhelming sense of nausea - she could probably catch dinner with them!
Lol @Leroy.81 and force him to use her cr*p hair oil, then post how they are a 'power couple' and 'couple goals' 😂 😂
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I actually considered working with Ekam years ago before erim did, as she's local to me. But there was something about her that I couldn't put my finger on and decided not too and didn't bother to follow her on insta either. But now it's all making sense. She will do anything for a following, even make false claims
Same here! I came across her a few years ago but the way she talks is quite off putting and I feel
She’s the kind of person who would judge you for eating roti.
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Omg, look at me eating a banana hahahahah so funny hahaha omg so candid haha. It must be crack at this point.
This guys is the face of a sociopath who is super chuffed they had a whole day filming thirst traps - sorry-“content” whilst they had no business being in Dubai in the first place. She is just an absolute waste man. Legitimate influencers don’t plan their candid “content” they just roll with it and see what happens on travels. This psycho been planning these shoots in Dubai for months
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I remember something(but I'm not entirely sure so don't quote me) in her stories where she said that for safety/privacy she posts her stories later on, after she's left the place or had the appointment. So could this mean she's not eating breakfast at 11am,or waking up then? What app would you even use to delay all your stories?

That doesn't seem plausible, but please correct me if she does indeed post her stories later rather than at the time she's doing the activity/meeting someone.
I think she may take photos somewhere eg out to dinner & post it when she’s left? That’s what I do when I go out in general, only because I don’t want the off chance of someone I know being in the area I hate awkwardly seeing someone :ROFLMAO:
It is a small chance but especially when you go out locally it’s a life saver!
so I do get why she does especially with all those guys commenting on her page but I don’t think she would for her home posts??
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I cannot believe she has either rented or asked one of her friends to use THEIR Gucci handbag for a picture ??? What on earth ??? She talks about how classy she is, that #notmyown hashtag is the LEAST classy thing I could ever think of !!!! That’s so embarrassing!!!!
that is a really old picture. funny that she posted it right after we talked about how she's looking like a board lately. you can see the facetune pixels all around her body in that pic
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Not at all and your trainer sounds like a good one! No trainer would encourage their clients to do restrictive eating *and* such strenuous exercise. I hope you feel more energised and re-balanced soon.

Without derailing the thread, Jay is an odd one. His wife is very genuine and I will have lots of time for her, and the talk Jay turned down was at the UN for a refugee agency in New York - which is huge exposure for influencers of any kind - but he turned it down because they couldn't pay his speaker fee (which on one hand I understand because working for free doesn't pay the bills, however at that point he'd just massively taken off and was financially sound - he's from Accenture, is from one of the Home Counties outside of London and his one is overall very affluent - especially Asians who live there. He's also highly proficient in NLP so it's not like he was a destitute creative).

@sunroxgirl there was an American influencer who originally exposed him for major plagiarism - he'd attribute quotes said by other people (often very well-known) and put his name under the quote instead of theirs. His insights may have profoundly helped and comforted a lot of people - I can understand that completely - however everything he says isn't new and it's usually a mixture of repackaged thoughts from a range of religions and their respective esoteric schools of thought. Again there's nothing wrong with this - faith and the more spiritual side of it can hold people in a way that nothing else can, it's just quite sad that he is passing off it off as his own wisdom and from his time as a monk - it can definitely be seen as being misleading from that sense. I'm not one to ever bash someone for their beliefs or what brings them spiritual comfort (particularly if it's related to faith etc.), however it's important to be aware of figures like Jay because when you distil the things he says, it doesn't really make much sense - I recall one video he did where he describes love as being an action and not a noun, presented it as if he came up with this concept until people realised that he had rehashed a very well-known American therapist called Susan Forward, who had written about that years ago. There's an element of dishonesty to a lot of the concepts he talks about and makes out as though it's all come from him and his monk days, when it's very much not the case. I also remember some of my Hindu friends being very wary of the guru he and his wife follow - I'm not sure on details as I'm not a Hindu nor am I familiar with the liturgy and practises within Hinduism, so I'm unable to give my view on it.
When I think of Jay, I very much associate him as being someone who stands on the shoulders of giants, and he may not have a thread on here, but so have other influencers who are a bit shady (Diva Patang is one - she's an Afghan wannabe influencer and the stuff she does is on a par with the likes of Erim etc.)

@classytikkamasala how are your exams going?
can someone do a thread on him - jay - he is a complete fraud.
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Yeah maybe I worded that wrong. I meant her mum was Muslim.
Half Muslim isn’t a thing. You can’t be half a religion. We don’t know for definite what faith her mum practiced or if crabs was brought up with the faith either. If her parents were separated and she’s been brought up by her dads side ever since then it’s likely she’s been brought up with sikhi only. I’ve seen her post Eid Mubarak in the past which she may very well do but it doesn’t really make sense for her to post happy Ramadan. I mean, it may have been a good idea for her to recognise it given that a lot of her followers belong to that faith but It’s like her posting happy lent 🤷‍♀️
also she’s being mentioned a lot on twitter right now
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