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dont you know that reposting 1 ig story means that erim has reached her activism quota for the week? how dare you expect her to speak up about stuff affecting her community?
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Another thing I checked with my lawyer cousin,

he said that no one can get into any legal trouble by gossiping about an influencer or anyone in that matter, it will be dismissed if even taken to court if it even gets that far, and regarding former employees sharing their experiences at a former workplace regardless of an NDA can not be taken to court because ndas are there to protect confidential information so in erims case since she most of the time has employees in her house it could be conversations taking place in the household and plans regarding the company so in erims case would be her oil “recipe” lmao,NDAs don’t provide protection against employees sharing their experience working at a place and their opinions on a former boss,

there’s way bigger influencers being exposed like the ACE family ppl make tiktoks that are literally viral so many girls tweeting about austins cheatingand like erim they always threaten with legal action and consulting their lawyer but nothing ever happens, instead they pay the person tweeting to remove the tweets and then claim it was “legal action” lol

edit: like literally even if she included in her nda agreement “don’t gossip about me or my brand after leaving this company” still nothing can be done Cus if this nda agreement even gets presented in court, the courts would be after Erim as she violated human rights of an individual to form an opinion and express it LOL I don’t see erim doing shit without landing herself in mess too
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So I was thinking about that crypto thing she went to and then it just all of a sudden clicked. She won the giveaway, she posted she found the ticket but why would they do a legit giveaway if the whole thing was a scam. So it started making me think she could’ve been in on this more than we think she is because she’ll just be grouped with the other “influencers” in the we just promoted it and didn’t know
she for sureeeee is more in on this, her and her daddy's dirty money
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she really dug her own grave by pretending to be someone on the complete other spectrum of who she's always been. also the fact that she cant even remember the web of lies she's woven about herself, her family and her life. she thinks she's so great and special, but i can bet that all of us here combined are doing more with our lives than her, so who's the real nobody now?

btw erim, your hair looks shite xx maybe try using a decent hair oil babes.

Sorry but im so done with her shit :rolleyes: cant believe she has the audacity to waffle on about LOYALTY rn


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yo she literally made rongi and called it "shawl-ay" what lmao

Bless her. Says it with conviction as well. 😂 I honestly believe those meals were ordered on Deliveroo by Erim and not cooked…
100% she ordered it off deliveroo and prob didn't even eat any of it
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Anyone else expecting erim to start posting pics of her laptop now with the 3am-4am timestamp on it just to prove that she does work that late...although we all know she's probably only on Netflix anyway.

LOL at her dad buying her a star, ngl thats the shit I considered buying around the age of 18 for jokes. She's acting like it costs so much. You're technically only paying for a bit of paper. Its only £15 😂😂😂


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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 living for these funny ass tweets

Thanks updated:

1. Still claiming that her trolls are being arrested/prosecuted
2. Lying about irrelevant things and begging for free shit on IG stories
3. She's a shitty person. Evidenced by twitter users (who signed NDAs with her) coming forward to talk about what a horrible person/employer she is.
4. fat shaming employees cos they wouldn’t take tiktoks with her
5. Demands her female employees not wear make up at PR events as they are beautiful and upstage her
6. Claims she is genetically born hair-less but promoted laser hair removal in the past
7. Still wearing Casper make up,4 shades lighter, promoting unrealistic beauty standards and editing TF out of her pics
8. Pays employees £2 ph/hand me down gifts
9. Police still monitoring all activity on the www. to arrest anyone exposing erim’s psycho behaviour
10. Continues to delete genuine trust pilot reviews that prove byerim £40 hair oil caused hair loss
11. Evidently pays employees to be her friend as she has none
12. Byerim 7 figure biz dodgy “source of funds” allegations
She also had a very dodgy WhatsApp text from her lawyer which doesn’t seem legit and might be a scare tactic because she’s psycho lmao
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Well-known member
Anyone noticed her try to do advice or preachy videos on tiktok now lol

When she said it’s false that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people, clearly since you are a bad person and still have a platform
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VIP Member
That isn’t sadness, that’s rage in those eyes 👁 cos she’s been exposed.

there is too much to say about these tiktoks since she’s been exposed. Just go offline already and see a psychiatrist! No one has asked her post this… Erim stop playing victim, stop telling your employees to stage these tiktoks, and publically apologise for your awful crazy entitled behaviour, dehumanisingyour staff. Before I actually take all this to trading standards.(for unregulated oils that cause hair loss, deleting trust pilot reviews, not paying staff, over working, bullying abusing & manipulating staff, over inflating byerim, and money laundering investigations). Honestly at this point I just want to take the bitch down.

Ps. Read the comments and her feet look disgusting 🤢
So staged, this is just like all her other videos where she pretends she doesn't know she's being filmed...

DO IT - Report her!! 🙌
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she's irrelevant as hell but her narcississtic self probably thinks everyone worships her & that she's too good for them since she owns a hair oil brand lmao
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You know how erim says she only shows 10% of her life and we don’t see the 90% of it, that’s the only truth she’s ever said, the 90% of her life that we don’t see is her being a total bitch 😂😂
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I love how she always says her haters are jealous, more like she’s the jealous one because quite frankly I have nothing to be jealous of about erim I do not find this girl pretty at all and this is just her face wise she has a huge damn head for that tiny little body 😂 and just her features aren’t anything “wow” to me and I would never wish to be that skinny anyway, and I wouldn’t want my full time job to be selling a stupid hair oil, sorry boo someone has to say it you ain’t making it onto Forbes!

That must have been a different cousin, im quite far distance related but i get info from my other cousins lol... shes got plenty of females around her

Her mum was Pakistani muslim, but Erim chose the path of Sikhism, her dads Sikh Punjabi. Nothing wrong with mixed heritage but don't go preaching sikhism and sisterhood when you are mean to other girls and stuck up etc lol
Cousin takedown, ready for it!
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“My godmother thought I needed a social media detox and I’m DHEEessssiii so I don’t know what that entails”


1. She’s been on a social media detox since she was called out on Twitter the other week
2. She was literally on social media posting all weekend while on this “detox”

“She was wearing these shoes, idk what they were” lol imagine dragging your own godmother for wearing hiking boots on a hike 😂 😂 someone confiscate her phone from her I swear to god she’s going to start losing followers/engagement without people reading these threads.

Also why she does talk like a small child “I thought I would get her a pwessent” 😂 no doubt trying to satisfy the thirsty men in her DMs and portraying herself as innocent and childlike 🤢 also what present is this 😂 you mean free PR that you were sent and deemed unworthy so you’ve regifted it 😂 😂 🤢
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Guys the girl just wants to LIE ONLINE IN PEACE! We’re not letting her. 💀 She is trying to threaten us that she can trace us, read the caption focused on tattle: for what reason Erim? cos you have been exposed as a serial fraud, manipulator, abuser, bullying so called staff/ friends? I’m sure we’re gonna get to the “police” before you do regarding your scammy ways 🤣🤣🤣🤣 try tracing if you can (it’s illegal) but you gotta catch me if you can since I actually travel the globe for work and btw my company is my own, and we give zero fucks about your complaint against a tabloid forum 🥴
This is article is a year old

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VIP Member
she's not lost followers on ig but she's losing twitter followers 💀 with how much is coming out about her, it's only a matter of time before instagram and tik tok follow. looks like she's got an even bigger exposé coming her way if what has been exposed about her so far is only the tip of the iceberg

she also removed four tweets when she started getting dragged to filth, always trying to cover her tracks


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When is she going to shut up about giving presents to people, it's just gifted tat she doesn't want! She really thinks she's santa kaur 😂 girl is delusional. Funny how she never actually shows what she gifts people because even she knows it's her unwanted crap shown gifted in her stories the day before. Listen sis presents are things you've actually paid for out of your own pocket, what you're doing is treating your 'friends' like charity cases...and don't know who she's giving all these presents to when she has like 2 friends.

Charity and acts of good aren’t supposed to be things to brag about (e.g. her donation to the gurdwara). If you boast about it then you aren’t giving to charity for the people, you are giving to charity to boost yourself and your appeal to other people -which is erim in a nutshell
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