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This is why I love PonyPiez so much on TikTok, she constantly has to explain to people why she doesn’t ride her heavy weight cob and honestly the amount of times I’ve seen people telling her she’s fine to get on him is worrying. Luckily she seems to have her head fairly screwed on and focuses on Ally and his ponies. I’m not sure they count as influencers as she only has about 20k on tiktok but their content is fun and wholesome.
Another horsey tiktok account I love is Silly Prune - she doesn’t take herself at all seriously and seems like so much fun. I really enjoy her content and she’s one person that I’d love to go out for a drink with!

Cannot abide Harlow or any of these other silver spoon little kids.
I feel sorry for Harlow to be honest. Yes she has everything handed to her but she’s also being massively exploited by her mother. I think kids should be allowed to be kids without a camera shoved in their face
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Honestly between ASA and Spillers, I've never seen such terrible influencer relations and marketing haha. Genuinely wondering if I should send my CV across at this point. The spillers stories hitting out at Muddy have been SO unprofessional!!

Can't stand this faking depression thing going around the last week or so either. LOTB is really starting to grate on me - at least Tina will sit there and quietly work through what's going on, making it clear as she goes.
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I really don’t like myself for commenting on this, however having seen snippets of Affie’s behaviours, to me she is trying to tell everyone she’s not okay.

To add to what Queerequestrian has above, horses aren’t able to “be naughty” and their reactions are always a response to a situation.

The horse is 4 and is already having special shoes which to me is a major red flag. Remedial shoeing is a plaster to a lameness problem. If your horse isn’t sound without a special shoe fit, then your horse isn’t sound. Hooves give you the answer to everything so for her hooves to be showing a problem at such a young age worries me.

Then there is that she keeps going “sticky” as Han puts it or she’s growing too fast or whatever you want to call it. To me again that means that horse is not ready to have a saddle on its back. Some horses take a long time to mature both mentally and physically.

She is also on a calmer, which again to me at 4 years old that horse is trying to tell you that it finds life too overwhelming.

Everyone has their own way of dealing with things and I like Han but I think deep down she wants to be out doing, not waiting for her horse to grow up.
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New to the forum so thought first post could be some thoughts 👋

Ashley Harrison is defo my fave, seems like a proper horsewoman, down to earth and vlogs are packed with action

I really like footluce eventing too- bit controversial but she spent a lot of time trying to get Lara consistent when it’s clear the horse isn’t. She’swith the FF guy isn’t she why not buy a nice horse that wants to go xc And sj

megs great would like to see her stretch above 100 she’s def skilled enough

LOTLR - banksy is a mega little horse 🤩 Tina does come across as lazy though sorry, he’s her pride and joy but she never cools him off after a lesson? It’s not hard to trot him down nicely and walk him off but she always leaps off and hand walks so you know he’s not getting a proper cool down
Actually disagree with the bottom part of your statement. A horse can adequately be cooled down in hand. I believe her reason for doing so is that he shouldn't have to carry the weight of a rider when not necessary. Plus, you don't know what isn't shown on camera.
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I wonder if Meg has ever discussed another human being online or with other people? It’s a perfectly healthy thing to do and most of us aren’t being nasty about her.
I'm sure the VE girls bitch about others in their little group.
I do agree some stuff is nasty but I wouldn't want to align with that and that is entirely different to holding public figures (which as much as I hate to say that, that's what they are in the equestrian social media world) to account because they have impressionable young followers and they also represent horse people as a whole.
Things like RTG and her obese horse. LOTB hammering her horse to lameness, stuff like that needs to be talked about and needs to be held to account for. Not declaring ads which is illegal. Or even just completely selling out and advertising things they don't believe in or things that can promote a bad image. Like AirUp and YFood for body image and calories etc.
If they just run rampant it wouldn't be good. These sites dohave a good influence on holding these people accountable and make sure they are on the right path. But of course I will admit some people are just cruel and let the side down (like with the comments about Meg's weight, completely wrong) and that's a shame because it ruins the actual constructive criticism these people do need.
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Looks like we are going to be treated to Rockingham part 2 this weekend every influencer been invited to the game fair by F&F because they are bringing out that new wellie. I can hardly wait to watch the thousands of reels set to Lizzo showing close up of F&F boots & people twirling in there joules dresses 🙄
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I remember seeing all this about how she’ll never sell him, he’s her horse of a lifetime blah blah. Now that he can’t jump it’s a different story. She’s already tried to lease him but obviously nobody wanted to pay a monthly fee for a horse with issues.

And why does she always do these story questions but then either act like every question asked is a stupid one and the person asking it is an idiot or get super defensive
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Can't stand Kizzy and Ettie's ponies, mean the account/mum not the kids.

Far too gushy, plead poverty yet lived in a nice equestrian property and have now moved to another. All the buying and selling of horses, just say you're buying and selling and be done with it.

Kizzy is the favorite, could be wrong but comes across that way, because she fits into the theme they seem to want to have.
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I’ve lost it with the Instagram bullshit recently. I totally understand if you love a brand / you’ve used it/ trust it/ bought from them before the ‘free items’ yes please talk about it . I’m all for things which actually work. But see these people who are gifted things ‘ oh I love xxz’ / only thing I’ll use. Yet they never used it before they were gifted the item/ do 1 post about it and then you never hear about it again! It’s all just fake. I get this is peoples jobs and the pros stand out like Meg/Tina etc but it’s the only wannabees , it’s so boring now
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I've read the HHO thread and people are talking more about Blog of A Cob and how her weight actually makes her horses look lame. A lot of them missed that RTG's weight has made Pepper look lame too.
RTG didn't want to actually share on her stories what the comments were, the context or where they originated because she wanted all the asspats. She knew that if she actually said what it was about (Ethics on weight in riding and not personal attacks for how much she weighs) that she would be opening her followers eyes to her weight on Pepper and Pepper's weight too. She knew that would send some of them in guns ablaze and she would then be sending them to be educated as they read the discussion and possibly onto realisation that the comments on her weight in the context to that of her riding Pepper actually having a basis and are not always a personal attack on her weight in general. She just wants her followers to tell her she's amazing and doesn't want them to realise what she already knows deep down.
RTG, if you're reading this. Your weight as it is, is totally fine. Power to you and as long as you're happy in your body that's all that matters when it comes down to the numbers on the scale and how you look when standing on your own two feet.
But when it comes to riding Pepper, you are not within 20% of her (IDEAL, not overweight) weight INCLUDING clothing, riding boots and helmet, and her tack. The consensus from that post is that 20% is okay but actually 15% is optimal as a lot of people wouldn't let their 20% partners ride their horse! You don't have to change yourself if you don't want to. But if you aren't going to then you need to change your horse. Find a part loan or someone who needs help exercising abigger horse if you can't afford to run another alongside Pepper. You can enjoy her as a pet.
If you do want to change yourself to be the best rider that you can be for Pepper, I will be genuinely cheering you on.
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VIP Member
So some people said the Spillers promotion was over saturating their feeds and that no one cares what colour a bag was, also that it was too cookie cutter and didn’t allow for the influencer to be creative? How has this now become a mental health crusade? Because people have an opinion that is not positive they are now being lectured about depression, suicide and “be kind”. I’m honestly disgusted that Spillers think this is either professional or acceptable. It’s about a bag of feed, they got good and bad feedback, take both and learn from it, but honestly I’d say whoever was running the campaign may not be in the right place mentally to deal with a job that brings such strong opinions and that’s absolutely okay.
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Oh my, Tina in her new stories, argh she is such a lier! I hope those stories have sent a whole load of people over here so they can see the truth….

brought my saddles in 2012…
Banksy has never had something new…

what’s wrong with us….what’s wrong with you!?


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Good grief, I don’t think we can deduce that Emily has a drinking problem because she’s had a tipple on a couple of vlogs!
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You forgot her thing that the current saddle got completely ruined in the rain. A bit of rain that means a good clean & oil wouldn’t save a £3k saddle so its lasted all these years & then just before she gets the chance to try a new Albion it gets ruined in rain how unlucky is that.
In an economic climate where some people are having to choose between feeding themselves and feeding their horses and it only set to get worse, this made me angry. Ok, she’s wealthy - but have some common decency not to flaunt it in others’ faces. As you said - maybe just clean the expensive tack you already have and look after it a bit better.


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I hear she has signed and agreed contractually so they can’t drop her. She is very big headed about it at comps and other places
I’ve defended her on here in the past but hearing how she has been at competitions including laughing about bullying a girl so she had to leave there livery yard & being horrible about other influencers who she appeared all friendly with at Rockingham she can fuck off. I dont know why she thinks shes the big I am just because shes going to be on H&C it’s hardly like she’s got a starring role in the next big Netflix series. H&C is just Jenny Rudall putting together programmes on her laptop.
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What’s the craic with every other story being a Spillers ad for a new feed they are launching??
Sick to death of seeing it, just launch it already so I can add it to a very long list of shite I wouldn’t feed my horse!! 😂
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Inside scoop on ASA .
Jess dropped due to opening her mouth. She needs a break apparently now.

People who are in as follows.
Rowena day
Wonky spotty
Andrew equine
Joanne state
Megumi ashida
Christoph klinger
Charli kavanah
Kelly smith.

Interesting and should be a good selection of people with not a massive following.
I have this on good authority from someone with insights into H&C 😉

If it’s wrong I have been fed a load of shit 😂😂 but hey will create a discussion

Karla has been back for a few episodes now and it’s like it used to be. Christa was just constantly moaning about her life and horses, but it just didn’t come across in the amusing way that I think she intended.
I will say that I don’t particularly like the guest episodes when they get someone in to join them. I just prefer the two of them chatting and talking about relevant horsey stuff.
Love that Karla is back. Christa was such doom and gloom !
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