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My brother lived in Thailand for 4 years for a work posting. The Thai system openly favours Thai people over any foreigner, only certain jobs may be carried out by foreigners, others are only for Thai nationals, ever. Secondly, they have dual pricing. When visiting places there will very often be one price for Thais one price for foreigners, which is often much, much higher. Now he lives and works in the UAE and once again, different rules for him as a foreigner. Both he and his husband contribute a lot to the economy in the UAE, and did the same in Thailand, as they are very well off. You commit a crime in either of those countries and the law will be down on you very hard, no excuses that you didn’t understand their laws or culture, no legal aid or human rights lawyers. In many instances they’re treated differently because they’re foreign, which is absolutely fine because those are the rules, those countries are putting their own citizens first, as it should be.
Yep. “When in Rome” is a pretty simple concept. But my understanding of the counter argument is that we should alter our culture somehow to accommodate incomers rather than vice versa. The British taste for curry is than, rather bizarrely, introduced as if it’s some sort of slam dunk argument to prove this as a process. It’s weird. A lot of Britons enjoy hamburgers as well and it sometimes seems like there’s a McDonalds on any street corner, does that mean therefore we should offer open borders to Americans and accept their cultural norms of the Right to Bear Arms?
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Apparently they’ll also face a code of conduct on the barges ,if they fail to uphold it they’ll be kicked off and support withdrawn…So leaving them on the streets unmonitored and more likely to commit crimes to survive ,instead of deportation 🙄
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Ah yes, because the local people know everyone's criminal record better than the police or the government

And now I fully expect you to come to me with 3 articles, some of which may not even be relevant, of current criminal behaviour, completely ignoring that literally anyone on the street that you pass or even your neighbours could also be criminals and we can have a million variations of this discussion that goes no where

At the end of the day, the problem is that the government has a broken asylum system which they intend to break even further and frustrate the public with their concerns even more
I could post so many, does that mean we should take on every other countries criminal’s along the way 😂 like I keep saying you’re living in cloud cuckoo land so it won’t affect you.
Fake fire drills the only way to evict antisocial asylum seekers, these men left on the streets without supervision.
Living amongst other asylum seekers in the Red Cow, Dublin I believe…

EU have their own returns policies I don’t think they’ll be too worried about the UK
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I don’t understand how some don’t see the threat these people pose but quick to label others far right, It puzzles me why thousands of young fighting age men are being brought here.
One of the most lucrative crimes anyone get involved with is identity theft. Your identity is simply your most precious thing. If your house is ever broken into a professional criminal won’t take your valuables, but will ransack your drawers looking for your passport, driving licence, cards, pins and passwords. They will then target your bank account. Then every aspect of your life they can by pass security on. No one, and I repeat no one, lies about their identity for benevolent purposes. You lie about your identity to obtain advantage, hide your past, or commit fraud. Anyone arriving in the UK without documentation should be an automatic refusal. You want asylum first prove who you are then we can consider it. If this any doubt as to an applicants ID at all, how can we be confident a sound decision has been made?
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I work with children who are asylum seekers. Little kids not those who are older pretending to be children. I have babies and then children up to the age of 10ish. When they come into the service they don't know very much English and I'm always amazed how quickly they pick it up.

I'm also based at a hotel they are currently staying in. This hotel has gone from families, mainly Muslim, to single very black men. I have no idea about the men as I don't come into contact with them, but I can tell you they are rude, they give no fucks at all. The children are so thankful and grateful to be here, but the African ( I presume that's they're continent) men and women, wow, just wow.
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What country wants to import hundreds of thousands of uneducated people that even if they were granted asylum couldn’t earn enough to pay their way 🤔
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I heard colston was a share holder and didn't own any slaves. Bristol has seriously been taken over by woke #bekind
This self hate is really an anathema to me.
People saying it’s ironic they’ve replaced a slave owner with people traffickers 😬
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So wait a minute this guy in France already had refugee status. In Sweden. So he was already given protection and the chance to rebuild his life in safety? However it appears he didn't fancy that so he went to France. Is France considered safer than Sweden? Anyway I digress. So after receiving asylum in a safe European country my understanding based on opinions introduced on this thread is that he went on a stabbing rampage because some people were a bit mean to him. I'm confused because isn't the perceived wisdom on this thread also that when given status he should have immediately become a valuable tax paying member of Swedish Society. Possibly even trained up as an ambulance paramedic?

I wonder where he was going to head to after France?
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When you’re granted refugee status it doesn’t appear that you’re stopped from travelling assuming you have documentation (if needed) and a visa (if needed). Both Sweden and France are in the Schengen Area

Being granted refugee status doesn’t fix all the other associated issues with how you came to get that status or the otherwise hostile rhetoric. At the moment there doesn’t seem to be anything on whether he had a criminal past
Oh I see. So what does an asylum seeker need more than the safe haven he was already granted? What were those "associated issues"? And why haven't they been dealt with in the ten years he has been a recognised refugee? Are we talking guaranteed employment, guaranteed income, guaranteed healthcare, (wouldn't we all love that). Because if so it doesn't half sound like benefit shopping to me. Or at very least a search for a utopia that doesn't, and never has, existed. Anyhow here is the live feed.

Facts we know so far.

No criminal record.
No psychiatric record.
Granted asylum 10 years ago in Sweden. Made another claim in France. Why? Is Sweden a war torn country where he rights are violated daily? Is he facing arbitrary arrest and extra judicial torture in Stockholm? Or did he fancy a more attractive package?
Original refugee grant now being "looked at". Hmmm. Ya think he might have told a few little porkies?
Not quite sure how a 22 month old baby in a pushchair is an acceptable stand in for the "Far Right" which has been apparently been plaguing him. Was it a Fascist Baby?
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If they can build like that for Ukrainians why not for Irish homeless or ones struggling to get rental properties?
That’s what’s really getting people’s backs up, they feel the government are putting strangers before citizens plus the fact towns are being changed overnight once bus loads of young men are brought into small villages…Rural Ireland
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What makes them unsavoury? Have there been criminal incidents caused by them?
I walk with my baby in a pram, 80% give weird smirks/stares (I don’t mean friendly smiles) which is unsettling. Another man (part of group of two) approached me. I hadn’t put two and two together until a month after knowing there is two hotels close by & one very close by. Safe to say I haven’t walked that way since. I’m not sure about crime, but I know petty crime doesn’t even get reported in local papers. And I’m sure they will give it hush hush, as it will only cause residents to be up in arms.
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Does anyone know what other European countries provide to these men. Accommodation, food, spending money, access to medical treatment - like we do???? Do we know if say Germany, Spain, France, etc process their applications faster than the UK, or allow them to work?

We hear from Suella and Rishi that refugees arriving here from "safe" countries are being deported back to their homeland, there are thousands of them, but only small numbers have actually left. I don't understand this. Why aren't we just getting on with it?

Does anyone know exactly what they get in the UK? For example what amount of money/vouchers is provided when someone is housed in a hotel? How quickly someone gets a house? I feel whatever side of the debate you fall, knowing this information is rather important.
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A couple of things about that annoy me. Firstly the hostel IS providing free food for her and her daughters, but her complaint is iit’s “not what she’s used to”, and served at an earlier time than she would like. I’m sorry but it may be your culture back in Sierra Leone, but you are no longer in Sierra Leone, you were forced to flee Sierra Leone because it’s culture encouraged FGM. I can’t see how It’s not preferable to eat for free at 17:30 rather than spend a limited income to eat at 20:00 because “culture“. Changing your habits to accommodate your new circumstances is not that challenging.

Also she wants to work as a nurse, all very laudable, but is she seriously suggesting that the Irish government should let her work in a hospital with vulnerable patients without proof of correct qualifications? They wouldn’t let an Irish nurse do that. I see no reason to make an exception for her. Talk about a malpractice suit waiting to happen.

She has been given protection, her children are safe from FGM. She has been given accommodation, food and social security. Not nouvelle cuisine at the Ritz I would assume, but what the hell did she expect? Sorry, but I’m afraid she is coming across as a choosing beggar.
That’s it! I don’t know what they’re expecting, there’s Irish kids getting their dinner handed to them on the street from the back of van I’m sure they’d be glad of a hot meal and warm bed no matter what time it’s served .
I also thought it was illegal to fly into a country with the intention of claiming asylum! Maybe she didn’t have any documentation and said she was trafficked there by the “ friend “ so could hardly start work in a healthcare setting until vetted.
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Government need to be held accountable , that’s an innocent man doing a day’s work and two 19yr olds dead because they’ve failed in their duty of care to the public.
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Piff paff puff

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Does anyone know what other European countries provide to these men. Accommodation, food, spending money, access to medical treatment - like we do???? Do we know if say Germany, Spain, France, etc process their applications faster than the UK, or allow them to work?

We hear from Suella and Rishi that refugees arriving here from "safe" countries are being deported back to their homeland, there are thousands of them, but only small numbers have actually left. I don't understand this. Why aren't we just getting on with it?
There is obviously no official answer to why gov doesn't stop them. My own conclusion is the home office civil servants employed to process claims work at a snails pace as they are Extreme left and want official open borders and to welcome anyone who rocks up. Gov (and most prominent MPs) are career politicians who just want paid for doing the least amount of work possible and mostly also left wing who don't suffer the problems of over crowding and infrastructure that the public do who live in mostly the deprived areas where they house the immigrants so they ignore the issue.
I also believe that whomever gets voted into the next gov won't want to or be able to stop the immigrants as they will be thwarted by high courts and human rights lawyers. Basically any one with the power to change things for the better for the majority of the British public won't, as they are all of the same opinion and political beliefs (left, Extreme left, socialist)
Suella, like her predecessor pritti patel is not a real Tory. However they must fulfill the role of their job to an extent that basically only extends to saying controversial things that are never backed up by actions.
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How do you think these people should be dealt with? Obviously their asylum application should still be at least partially considered (to get the reason for their asylum claim) and then what?

Do you not think that any system will have people claiming stuff that will be unsuccessful in general?

I think I've said before but I'd be perfectly satisfied with an asylum system which doesn't require people to reach the UK to claim asylum but likely requires them to reach a 'safe' country (likely to be the likes of Italy)... and it actually working
Italy has declared a state of emergency over irregular migration why should any country take in people that they can’t/ won’t support to the detriment of their own citizens.
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That money is sometimes crowd funded and more often than not the people fleeing these places would not be able to start a business or invest that money somehow - hence families depend on the man to reach a safe place and try to get them to Europe
Economic freeloaders 👍🏻
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