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Does anyone know what other European countries provide to these men. Accommodation, food, spending money, access to medical treatment - like we do???? Do we know if say Germany, Spain, France, etc process their applications faster than the UK, or allow them to work?

We hear from Suella and Rishi that refugees arriving here from "safe" countries are being deported back to their homeland, there are thousands of them, but only small numbers have actually left. I don't understand this. Why aren't we just getting on with it?
I suspect a lot of Countries just round them up and quietly shove them on a plane. Not refugees but years ago I live in Miami (legally) There was a bar there with about 6 Brits working in it. One day the immigration van showed up, piled them in and in less than 24 hours they were on a plane back to the UK. No lawyers no nothing, you're gone, bye.
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Happy Lady

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Answering my own question here. So Germany pay asylum seekers €410 a month - £356.

My angst with all this is that whilst genuine people flee their own country from war, why do they leave women and children behind? But those who enter here from Albania, etc not at war, drive me crazy with all their demands, and take tax payers money, millions every week. Millions that could be spent on what this country needs, including paying more benefits to those who need it, increasing nurses pay, etc.
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Carrying on from Part 2

Today's story is that they're not happy about their central London hotel rooms that they're having to share. Apparently the toilets are not being cleaned. That could be easily fixed with the provision of some bleach, cloths, and a couple of toilet brushes, no? Or a ferry ticket back to France?

It’s hard to believe that if they don’t even want to clean their own toilets then what’s the likelihood of them wanting to get full time jobs.
Wish we could just means test immigration
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I'm fed up to the back teeth with all these do-gooders labelling people as racists because we're concerned about the sorts of people coming to live here amongst us. I thought the whole point of a government was to look after the welfare of its citizens, not put them in actual danger, nor having us worry about whether our daughters would be safe going about their everyday business. What are any of the governments doing to address these concerns? F all. That's what. And I'd like to know the real reason why. As someone else on here said; we already have enough of our own headcases to deal with without the burden of extra headcases being introduced day and daily.

Certain countries have varying degrees of civility. Certain countries have varying degrees regarding the treatment of woman. Certain countries have varying degrees of archaic laws as to how other humans (and animals) should be treated. Did nobody in power ever think about all these things and what exactly would happen if a - supposedly civilized nation, such as we're supposed to be - was flooded with other cultures/religions/faiths, etc, whose way of life obviously didn't align with ours? Not at all - just waved them all in regardless without a second thought.

Nobody with an ounce of compassion objects to desperate refugees fleeing war-torn countries being rescued and looked after. But a fair amount of these desperate refugees seem to be mighty ungrateful, to the point one could be forgiven for thinking they're taking the piss. Others are simply downright dangerous.

Apart from the danger/cultural differences, etc, where the hell are these people to be housed? We already have thousands upon thousands of workers and families of our own paying into the system who can't even get onto the council list.

And when even Ireland - one of the most accepting and compassionate of countries - is now up in arms, it says a lot.
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This awful murder has really affected me, probably because I have a son the same age who walks about late after a night out.
I'm going to be honest but I've felt for along time we are heading the same way as France and Sweden because of unregulated migration. Letting young men who come here and have nothing to do whilst they wait is an accident waiting to happen.
But what angers me is we pay taxes for nhs, roads, etc.. but who asked me if the government could spend our hard earned money on mostly young men being kept in hotel rooms! I don't want my money to go towards it, sorry if that makes me far right, racist but right now I'm actually past caring!
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Also tried to claim asylum in Italy and Switzerland.
He’s an asylum cheat, a parasite, and an attempted child murderer. A real asset to any national community. I guess he’s not supporting the child he abandoned in Sweden either.

How many more like him are arriving in the UK by small boats everyday?
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Why is it mostly young men we see crossing
Carrying on from Part 2

Today's story is that they're not happy about their central London hotel rooms that they're having to share. Apparently the toilets are not being cleaned. That could be easily fixed with the provision of some bleach, cloths, and a couple of toilet brushes, no? Or a ferry ticket back to France?

Well send them back home, if they where so desperate for asylum would the really care. Why aren't they cleaning there own toilets we all have to do it. This country is a joke. They have no respect for us or our culture, yet we say we will give you the best. I do think we should always support genuine Asylum as he always did in the UK. How many of them are genuine though
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Happy Lady

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Does anyone know what other European countries provide to these men. Accommodation, food, spending money, access to medical treatment - like we do???? Do we know if say Germany, Spain, France, etc process their applications faster than the UK, or allow them to work?

We hear from Suella and Rishi that refugees arriving here from "safe" countries are being deported back to their homeland, there are thousands of them, but only small numbers have actually left. I don't understand this. Why aren't we just getting on with it?
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Piff paff puff

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This is a new one

I often don’t engage with questions when I realise that the conversation isn’t going to go anywhere and it’s not going to achieve anything. I have engaged with you but I realised that there is not much point to continue as you’re clearly set on painting the man in a black light. I very much recognised that I was doing so in a white light and that the grey is probably more likely

I also noted that it’s interesting that no one engaged with the fact that as a refugee he appears to be able to move countries legally. I imagine that’s because the bottom line is that he should not have been granted asylum to begin with - however realistic or unrealistic that may be as an idea

It seems as though you cannot have mental health problems if there is no known record too. Appears to be a very silly take imo
You sound like a terrorist sympathyser.
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Chatty Member
I honestly just want to thank everyone for contributing to this discussion... I don't have anywhere I can talk about this without people thinking I'm racist. I literally don't care about the colour of their skin - anyone born here or from another country. I'm just worried that boatloads of men are coming to this small and overpopulated island, and so many of them are dangerous. Of COURSE there are dangerous British men, as people like to retort, but that doesn't mean we should be letting more dangerous men in!

I used to volunteer for an organisation that helped recent migrants to the UK, by trying to help them get a British driving license, or help them with their English on various forms. But I was disillusioned with how entitled and argumentative they were. They would not turn up for their appointments, then they would casually turn up the next day like we now had to drop everything and help them. They asked all the time why I wasn't married (like I literally would get asked that 10+ times a day). Some of them were planning to get a house, then bring over their family from the old country to live with them. Yet if you tell most people that this is what they do, you will get told you're falling for Daily Mail crap.

I'm not at all saying that all people from other countries are like this - I approve of people with good skills coming here and doing important jobs, particularly for the NHS.

I just worry that as a small overpopulated island, we are welcoming in people who so often are a negative to our society. Dangerous sexist men. Men whose criminal backgrounds are not checked. People from societies where sexism, homophobia and racism are the norm. Britain is statistically one of the most generous countries to unprocessed immigrants, with the most positive view towards immigration... WHY? I think it's perfectly morally ok to say "We're a crowded country, many people living here don't have adequate housing or enough money to live on. These people from another country aren't our problem."

If someone comes to my door saying they've left their house because it's horrible, it's not a reasonable request to ask to come and permanently live in my house.
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There are lots of European countries that treat migrants like shit with no repercussions yet the UK is called out for helping with a Polish fence 🤷🏼‍♀️
My brother lived in Thailand for 4 years for a work posting. The Thai system openly favours Thai people over any foreigner, only certain jobs may be carried out by foreigners, others are only for Thai nationals, ever. Secondly, they have dual pricing. When visiting places there will very often be one price for Thais one price for foreigners, which is often much, much higher. Now he lives and works in the UAE and once again, different rules for him as a foreigner. Both he and his husband contribute a lot to the economy in the UAE, and did the same in Thailand, as they are very well off. You commit a crime in either of those countries and the law will be down on you very hard, no excuses that you didn’t understand their laws or culture, no legal aid or human rights lawyers. In many instances they’re treated differently because they’re foreign, which is absolutely fine because those are the rules, those countries are putting their own citizens first, as it should be.
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I don’t know if you’re being obtuse for the sake of it or what. Accessing psychological help isn’t as easy as being pregnant and going to the doctors. Plus, it requires for one to have a certain outlook on mental health to begin with

Worth pointing out that without a criminal or psychological record, he could have still travelled if there are no restrictions on those with refugee passport/status (assuming they’re even allowed to have their original passports)

Everyone has human rights (shocking, I know)
You are desperately thrashing around trying to justify the unjustifiable. You have presented him as a victim of vicious government policy. Which particular Swedish policy has lead you to draw that conclusion? You have implied that he was mentally ill, despite the French authorities stating categorically there is no known history. You have implied that the second asylum claim was made because somehow he didn't know. You have also implied that he was left without any support in Sweden, which therefore calls into question the efficacy of the Swedish social security system, often so beloved on the left in the UK.

You also have a tendancy to edit quotes to remove questions you don't like. EG What are the "shades of gray" to take into account when stabbing a 22 month old baby?

On this issue I fear you are on the wrong side of history. Do better
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Chatty Member

coming to a city near us soon 🛶 Imperative we welcome with open arms though, no matter the cost ☝
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Hoping the children and old man attacked in France today pull through.
Link if anyone wants.
this Isn’t Paris, these are small towns.. it’s frightening.
Why are we allowing this unvetted immigration. I just don’t get it
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Chatty Member

So apparently running away from a terrible life to come here and straight away causing harm to another human in the country hosting you, how many more times does this sick shit have to happen before action is taken it takes the absolute piss! Let me guess, cultural differences? Either thinking it’s acceptable as women are second class citizens or not realising it was against the law to act like a monster? Assume he’ll get away with it on some bullshit story
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VIP Member
Carrying on from Part 2

Today's story is that they're not happy about their central London hotel rooms that they're having to share. Apparently the toilets are not being cleaned. That could be easily fixed with the provision of some bleach, cloths, and a couple of toilet brushes, no? Or a ferry ticket back to France?

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Will these guys be free to travel and claim asylum once they complete their sentence 🤢then claim human rights infringement if they try to deport them 👍🏻
I meaning not saying that all British citizens are perfect and we don’t have rapists etc.
But we got our own shit to sort we can’t take on immigrant rapists as well
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OMG ! The actual attack is on Twitter, he’s insane ,went back a second time to stab those kids whilst their mother tried to fight him off.
I saw it. Jesus, talk about the stuff of nightmares. That mother desperately trying to protect her child in the pushchair and couldn't find an escape was like something from a horror film - where the evil bastard kept going back to stab the little one again - will probably never get over this. There really are no words bad enough to describe someone who sets out to do this - there can be NO excuses. Who tf goes out with the intention of stabbing babies and toddlers?! I just wish the cops had shot him dead.
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I think he was homeless maybe he stayed there at times? Like you say he could’ve killed anyone inside they still haven’t got a motive for it.
Another unknown wandering about communities while awaiting deportation

Slum landlords are nothing new this crisis has them rubbing their hands with glee.They call the shots not the government, unless the the government can manufacture 170,000+ social houses overnight that won’t change.
What’s that at his feet 😬View attachment 2239602
He was never a resident there in answer to my own question earlier
This just happened very similar clothing 🤔

View attachment 2239647
I don’t know exactly what that is at his feet but it looks very stabby. Call me Far Right if you wish but in my experience a person with his face covered and sharp metal objects at his feet who is trying to climb in a window is probably not on a mission to #BeKind. Particularly given that he had already killed the two students at this point and was about to murder the caretaker.
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